I don't like the odds of a third Bush winning the election. Even though Jeb would be miles better than Hillary, I just don't see that happening.
I don't like the odds of a third Bush winning the election. Even though Jeb would be miles better than Hillary, I just don't see that happening.
I like Walker, I don't think he's got the funds to make it serious. Hope I'm wrong as we don't need another Bush candidate.
Walker will never be elected President. He could sneak on as VP and someone dies.
He is the male version of Sarah Palin. Or Quail 2.0. He couldn't even finish college and has
never really held a real job. His life has been spent in Wisconsin state politics. He was on This Week
Sunday and stated someone with Big Ideas could get elected and then proved thru the rest of the
interview, he didn't have any ideas, big or little. Some candidates look good and then they start
answering questions and then it's Oops.
Romney had a high negative rating too, but won the nomination once the Republican base learned he was their best chance to win the presidency. IMO Romney was a C+ type of nominee. He was out of politics for a while.
In a similar fashion I think Bush or Paul is the Republicans best chance. Bush's ability to attract the Latino vote, and win Florida means the most. He also has a royalty name, and the deepest pockets. I'm backing him. The damage Obama has done to the nation has been great. Winning in 2016 is the most important thing before the nation hits the tipping point on debt, and hand outs. I do like Paul, but feel his 100% pro life stance will be an easy target for the Democrats to fire upon.
This is Iowa only! It favors the most conservative, and a person who was in the race the longest. I think Walker offer intrigue, but also feel geography has a lot to due with his early poll lead.
Remember Bill Clinton had 3% of the vote in Iowa in 1992
Santorum won Iowa in 2012, then Huckabee in 2008. Neither were long term factors for Republicans.
Gephardt won Iowa in 1988!
Check the below link.
My preference is
1 ) Bush
2 ) Paul
3 ) Walker
I want Rubio, Perry, and Cruz to go away soon.
If the GOP puts up another moderate, the base will stay home more than they did with Romney.
I think the GOP appeal to moderate isn't that strong because when the choice comes down to the party above or the party of Gimme Free ****, they will mostly vote for the party of Gimme Free ****. the GOP's best move is to nominate Conservative candidates to get the base to turn out. If Romney had only managed to get as many votes as McCain did in '08, he would have won.Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!
We have a winner!
The Neo-Socialists have to tone down their leftwing rhetoric when they run in national elections. Hell in most local contests they have to pretend to be conservative on some issues. The GOP has lost many TRUE conservatives out of its base because they have listened to the MSM about putting up candidates that are DNC-Lite. Moderates are electable according to the MSM, well guess what, THEY ARENT! When the DNC learns that they are being hornswoggled by the MSM who are shills for the Neo-Socialists they will be much better off. The USA is still a very conservative leaning liberty loving country, and if the GOP wants to get its base back and win it needs to go conservative. They will never win by trying to out Democrat the DNC. They can win as they have done in the past by being conservative, and I don't mean conserving things like big government and perpetual war though. I mean real conservatism.
Peace and abandoning empire.
Fiscal responsibility.
Free markets.
Small government.
Personal Liberty.
If they do that (the Reagan Formula) they win in a landslide. If they actually implement it the whole country will be better off and may actually prosper.
I think the GOP appeal to moderate isn't that strong because when the choice comes down to the party above or the party of Gimme Free ****, they will mostly vote for the party of Gimme Free ****. the GOP's best move is to nominate Conservative candidates to get the base to turn out. If Romney had only managed to get as many votes as McCain did in '08, he would have won.
People will embrace real true conservative values. It leads to greater happiness overall. Just leave the right to baby murder and homosexual wedded bliss out of it. You just can't legislate morality. That has to start in the family unit and through faith. I think folks are tired of being fooled and lied to over and over and over again. No more frauds.
and has never really held a real job.
I have no idea what you wrote all that for me pointing out that Paul was right behind Walk and that Bush has high negatives. I never said that Iowa meant anything. I was responding to the latest polls from Iowa. At this time Clinton was leading Obama by a huge margin.
Bush is a RINO and that's being kind. He loves common core. He won't do anything about immigration. He loves more government like his brother before him. Bush is the last person I want in the WH outside of a democrat. I want him to go away soon. Rubio, Perry and Cruz are 100X better than another ******* Bush. Why would a conservative vote for Bush? He hates them. I work in local politics and know many people that won't vote if Bush is the nominee. I'm not sure I'll vote for him. What is he going to do that I want? Seal the borders? Nope. Stop government over reach? Nope. Hell he is Clinton II.
Which president sealed the boarder and prevent amnesty? I think Reagan was the best president the USA has had in decades. But he gave amnesty too. My take is this. Illegals stay illegals and fill the cheap labor jobs. They do not get citizenship. This is what many companies want. If the cheap labor jobs become full, the its time to deport / crack down.
With all this drone technology, I don't see why the USA can't watch over the Mexican boarder.
The U.S. can do it. There just isn't the political will to do it. I loved Reagan but his amnesty program was a shame. The Dems lied to his face. They got a ton of liberal voters and never touched the border. My plan is simple. Nobody gets citizenship. The border has the military on it instead of defending every other countries border. Then I start punishing businesses that hire illegals... not this slap on the wrists. After a company has been caught twice hiring illegals then I start locking people up. I don't give a damn what companies want. There are MILLIONS of Americans that have dropped out of the labor market. Time to start deporting and forcing self deporting. I'd also change the law so that having a baby in the U.S. doesn't make them an American citizen. I'm sick of paying for other people's babies.
Which one of those words describes Hilldawg in any way?
If your going to get the debt on a payment plan and give the middle class a tax cut, then we are either disbanding the military or going back
to pre-Reagan tax rates on the well off.
She'll agree with nearly everything Obama said, and she can be the first woman President.
I agree. Dems want illegals to help them win elections. But the majority of USA citizens would be for a better boarder patrol.
IMO the nations biggest challenges in 2016 are thus:
1 ) National Debt and the interest being paid/ financed by nations like China. A solution is needed. Pass a budget and put in a clause to pay the debt down...or the next generation is bankrupt.
2 ) ISIS, Iran, and terrorist groups trying to topple governments, and acquiring nuclear weapons. You could argue this is #1
3 ) The Economy. More commercial jobs are needed.
4 ) Giving the middle class a tax break. They are falling behind.
5 ) Re-building ties with older allies that Obama has tarnished such as Germany, and Israel and blocking Putin.
Immigration might be the easiest to fix if its enforced, but is it more important than the above topics?