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More Evidence JFK was Assassinated (by the CIA likely)

Conspiracy and Cover ups are basic human nature…
When you catch a toddler doing something bad and ask them if they did it, most of the time they deny it… even if you caught them in the act… when a group of kids or teens realize they are going to get in trouble for something, they immediately start plotting a common lie to get out of it.

Governments are no different… they lie, cheat and manipulate things all the time. Our government has admitted to so many heinous things long after no one cares anymore… i put absolutely nothing past their love of power and money.
Yeah, I know....it's hard to read a ******* book these days. I have been digging into the JFK assassination since 1978. There is a fact based novel by Don Delillo (one of the greatest novelists of the last 30 years) named "Libra". It is, basically, a novelized version of Oswald's life...******* great read.
I got nothin'.
I always thought, if it was a conspiracy, as people responsible died off it would come out, then started thinking maybe as the Kennedy kids died off things would come out. know days I don't have a thought to as why
I always thought, if it was a conspiracy, as people responsible died off it would come out, then started thinking maybe as the Kennedy kids died off things would come out. know days I don't have a thought to as why
same reason the soulless ginger Roger burned the ********* tapes. Its just better for business not to know....
same reason the soulless ginger Roger burned the ********* tapes. Its just better for business not to know....

As if the pats**** didn't have backups and other means. I think was the very next year after they got fined and lost draft picks that they went on their undefeated season run. This was a team that was drafting very late or near last. They not only put out an unstoppable offense,but a defense that was just as good as the offense if not better. That part gets overlooked. A lot of officiating that looked the other way and wouldn't call **** on them.

I think the pats*** are bullshit. A lot of the younger fans think it was just a few deflated footballs later on. So they got the job done minimizing and burying what was going on for a very long time.

That ruined the game for me and I'll never forgive them for it.
As if the pats**** didn't have backups and other means. I think was the very next year after they got fined and lost draft picks that they went on their undefeated season run. This was a team that was drafting very late or near last. They not only put out an unstoppable offense,but a defense that was just as good as the offense if not better. That part gets overlooked. A lot of officiating that looked the other way and wouldn't call **** on them.

I think the pats*** are bullshit. A lot of the younger fans think it was just a few deflated footballs later on. So they got the job done minimizing and burying what was going on for a very long time.

That ruined the game for me and I'll never forgive them for it.
They ruined the integrity of the NFL, imo. When all the other teams shut the **** up, including the Steelers, because.....money, my entire view on football changed. It went from the sport of men to the money of a packaged experience.

I know that I was naive, but it still sucks. **** Roger and all the ******** that bonuses him over and over. Including The Deuce.
I think Oswald was tagged as a patsy long before the assassination.
I believe he was an FBI asset who was essentially a "double-agent". He worked with the CIA and likely had a handler, David Atlee Phillips and a local coordinator in George de Morenschildt.

There is evidence that Oswald may have been visiting CIA sponsored Cuban training camps. Then within weeks after his visit, FBI agents were raiding those camps and shutting them down per Kennedy's orders.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure out Oswald was a mole, and subsequently, ask him to investigate a possible mob/Cuban plot to assassinate Kennedy.

I suspect (but yes, can't prove,) that Oswald "uncovered" a plot that was meant to take place either in Fort Worth or at the Airport. He provided intelligence to that extent. When the assassination attempt didn't occur, he likely believed he'd prevented an assassination.

Then, shots fired out RIGHT in front of the building he was working at as a cover.
One of the key issues that NOBODY ever takes in to account is the fact that Oswald would have HAD TO go by two women on the stairwell on his way from the shooter's nest to the lunchroom.

It was a narrow staircase, and the three people would have had to accommodate in order to pass by each other and both women testified they never encountered Oswald.

So how did he get to the Lunchroom? (The staircase was the only route. There were no alternatives.)

And that's just ONE of the issues with Oswald being in the Shooter's nest at the time of the assassination.
It wouldn't take a genius to figure out Oswald was a mole ...

Oh come on, Wig, you'd need some evidence of that. For example, Oswald - a former Marine - was a double agent whom the Soviets never trusted and that is why they gave him some anonymous, menial job in Minsk when he defected and never had him appear, not even once, in a publicity photo or public appearance to trumpet the fact a former U.S. Marine had defected.

Uhh, I mean, evidence like the fact a defector was WELCOMED BACK TO AMERICA after supposedly defecting to the Soviet Union.

Never mind.
So... Trump essentially implicates himself in a cover-up.
It was the CIA, the Mob and LBJ.

The CIA wanted to implicate the Russians, but LBJ was smart enough to know that THAT was insanity.

So he called for an investigation to hide not only 3 letter involvement, but ALSO any hints of Cuban or Russian blame.

And he told Earl Warren exactly what he was going to report in their first meeting. The one Watten exited with tears in his eyes.
It was the CIA, the Mob and LBJ.

The CIA wanted to implicate the Russians, but LBJ was smart enough to know that THAT was insanity.

So he called for an investigation to hide not only 3 letter involvement, but ALSO any hints of Cuban or Russian blame.

And he told Earl Warren exactly what he was going to report in their first meeting. The one Watten exited with tears in his eyes.
How do you know that for sure?
At this point, unless significant de-classification takes place, we'll likely never have proof.

But as with any tragedy, on-the-scene & early reporting are often the best sources for truth.

Oswald look-alikes were spotted at foreign embassies, at gun ranges, making wildly implicating statements.

Numerous witnesses came forward saying Ruby & Oswald knew each other. There are documents and photographs indicating that Oswald knew David Ferry. Those are pro-Cuban contacts, along with Guy Bannister, the former FBI guy who shared adjacent offices with Oswald while he was handing out political flyers. Guy Bannister was, at face value, extremely anti-cuban.

There are records of "George Bush" meeting with Hoover immediately after the assassination. Bush (later President) was a high level operative in the CIA. (The CIA tried to pretend that it was ANOTHER george bush who met Hoover. but that george bush was literally a lowest level paper pusher. he never would have gone and met with the director of the FBI.)

JFK was determined to shut down the CIA. If he'd won a second term, he wouldn't have to pander to anybody and could do anything you wanted. His plan was to significantly limit the power of the growing military industrial complex. For that he needed to be killed.

Can I "Prove it"? No But nobody has ever been able to prove some nerdy book stock-boy killed him either. And they've been trying to do THAT for nearly 60 years.
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It certainly introduces another (heretofore unknown) person into the conspiracy and reveals another layer.
Conspiracy theories or "theorists" are looked at negatively. But that's not to say conspiracies never happen. Some conspiracy theories are true, some are false.
If conspiracies never happened, then the word "conspiracy" would have never been invented.

I just don't happen to believe in the JFK conspiracy theory.
I do however believe that Osama bin Laden had died years earlier before Obama took credit for killing him. That entire thing was a farce.
Bin Ladens "killing" helped to revive the Obama administration that was becoming a disappointment. And boy did it!

I'm not going to highjack this thread with my reasons.
Resume with your regularly scheduled conspiracy theory. lol
I am just going to sit back, keep reading this thread and wait for yall to solve it.
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