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More Evidence JFK was Assassinated (by the CIA likely)

Conspiracy theories or "theorists" are looked at negatively. But that's not to say conspiracies never happen. Some conspiracy theories are true, some are false.
If conspiracies never happened, then the word "conspiracy" would have never been invented.

I just don't happen to believe in the JFK conspiracy theory.
I do however believe that Osama bin Laden had died years earlier before Obama took credit for killing him. That entire thing was a farce.
Bin Ladens "killing" helped to revive the Obama administration that was becoming a disappointment. And boy did it!

I'm not going to highjack this thread with my reasons.
Resume with your regularly scheduled conspiracy theory. lol

I don't think the DEVGRU guys would lie about it or the woman who spent all of those years looking for him.
I don't think the DEVGRU guys would lie about it or the woman who spent all of those years looking for him.

Ok, you made me hijack the thread. lol
DEVGUU didn't lie if they believe that the man they killed was bin Laden.

The one damning video I was looking for had been taken down.
It was of Pakistani citizens being interviewed who resided in the area. They refuted the idea that bin Laden was killed. They were familiar with the man who lived there, and it was not bin Laden. It was a man who resembled bin Laden. They even gave the name of the man and showed his picture.

The majority of Pakistani citizens polled say the US did not kill bin Laden.

Remember that 20-25 members of Seal Team 6 that were responsible for offing Osama were killed when their chopper went down due to a "mishap".
The one not dead, Robert O'Neil the Seal said to be responsible for killing bin Laden had several speaking engagements in which he spoke of how he killed bin Laden.
Another former Seal Team member, Mark Owen, vehemently refutes O'Neill's story. He authored a book.

Bin Laden died of a lung ailment related to kidney disease in back 2001.

There is no picture of a killed bin Laden. The story about the US not releasing his death photos because it may strike a nerve in the Arab world was total bs., simply because there have been many photos released of terrorists killed prior and since. Saddam and sons come to mind. Osama buried at sea. OK sure.

Only this one.

Back in 2001 were news stories form the NY Times, FOX, ABC , and around the world confirming bin Laden had either died, or presumed dead.Aand the speculation that bin Laden had kidney disease.
His bodyguards were arrested but where was bin Laden? Weren't they supposed to be guarding him?
I suppose they can't guard anyone who is already dead.
The links to all those stories.

By examining mainstream news reports from the era, many of which have been scrubbed from the internet and are now only available in archives, we can gain a more accurate view of bin Laden’s real death.

Anon News reports:

2000 to September 2001: Reports emerge of bin Laden dying from kidney disease.

In March 2000 the Chicago Tribune reports that an Afghan witness and “Western intelligence official” say bin Laden is suffering from severe kidney and liver failure.

Link: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/…

This story was also picked up by CBS News in 2000, who outright lead with the title that “Bin Laden Reported to be Dying” from “kidney disease.”

Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20010212010328/..

In July 2001, the South Asia Analysis Group reports: “Bin Laden, who suffers from renal deficiency, has been periodically undergoing dialysis in a Peshawar military hospital with the knowledge and approval of the Inter-Services Intelligence, (ISI) if not of Gen.Pervez Musharraf himself.”

Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20011007021426/…

September to November 2001: bin Laden is Trapped in Afghanistan, Unable to Receive Kidney Treatments

In September 2001, PBS’ Frontline interviews the former general counsel for the CIA, mentioning reports from 1998 that the DEA found out Osama bin Laden was undergoing kidney dialysis with a doctor in Peshwar. They mention further that the DEA wanted to poison bin Laden through his dialysis machine, but the CIA allegedly rejected this due to the ban on assassinations.

Link: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/…

In November 2001, The Guardian is reporting that French intelligence officials say bin Laden was flown to Dubai for kidney treatment in July of 2001, where he also met with several CIA agents and the head of Saudi intelligence. This story is also picked up by several French newspapers.

Link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/…

In his first interview since 9/11, in November 2001 bin Laden talks to a Pakistani newspaper and claims that his “kidneys are all right” and denies visiting a hospital in Dubai the previous year (note that he may have visited one in Pakistan). In the same interview he also asserts, clearly lying, that he has “nuclear weapons.”

Link: http://dawn.com/news/5647/…

December 2001: bin Laden is Dead, Buried in Afghanistan In December of 2001, the New York Times reports on “high-level murmurings that bin Laden is dead.”

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/…

That same day, citing a Taliban source, Fox News reports that bin Laden has died due to an “untreated lung complication” from kidney disease. About 30 “close associates” reportedly attended bin Laden’s funeral in the Tora Bora region of Afghanistan. A source concludes that the U.S. government and other forces are in a “mad search operation” but will never be able to locate the now-dead bin Laden, buried in an unmarked location.

Link: http://www.foxnews.com/story/2001/…

Late December 2001 to March 2002: bin Laden’s “Death Video” is Released In late December of 2001, after reports of bin Laden’s funeral, a new video appears of a gaunt, sickly Osama bin Laden. The London Telegraph reports, verbatim: “The recording was dismissed by the Bush administration yesterday as sick propaganda possibly designed to mask the fact the al-Qa’eda leader was already dead.” One aid further concludes that the video was created earlier in the event bin Laden is dead, who by December of 2001 was so heavily surrounded he would have been unable to escape to obtain kidney dialysis.
Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/…

At this time CBS news also runs a story on bin Laden receiving kidney disease treatments in Pakistan the week before 9/11. Link:Osama bin Laden Near Death in 2002 (from Dan Rather CBS); US Government bin Laden LIE In January of 2002, The Guardian reports that the president of Pakistan speculates that bin Laden is now dead of untreated kidney disease based on video and photographs of a gaunt-looking bin Laden.

Link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/jan/19/…

In January of 2002, based on his analysis of video and photographs of bin Laden from December 2001, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta says that bin Laden seems to be having renal failure. He notes kidney dialysis is expensive, and suggests bin Laden would need help in obtaining medical treatment.

Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/…

In March 2002, the BBC reports on an interview with bin Laden’s wife, who speaks of bin Laden in the past tense, notes his failing kidney and frequent use of pills and other medicines. She says she has not seen her husband since September 2001, but holds out hope that he is still alive: “I feel deep inside me that he is still alive.” She also notes that bin Laden’s wish was to die in Afghanistan and nowhere else: “He never spoke to me about his intention to leave Afghanistan and always wished to die there. He told me once that if he ever left Afghanistan, it would be to meet his Creator.” She also says that bin Laden “always suffered from kidney and stomach pains and that he “told me once that he was going to Pakistan for treatment.”

Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/monitoring/…

In March and April of 2002, U.S. officials downplay the threat of bin Laden, with Rumsfeld even saying the bin Laden threat has been “neutralized.” Even Bush, called out for rarely mentioning bin Laden in 2002, admits: “We haven’t heard from him [bin Laden] in a long time… I don’t know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you.” Link: Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) In May 2002, ABC News reports on a new spliced-together tape from unknown time periods in which bin Laden appears “about the same” (that is, sickly-looking) as in the tape from December 2011. ABC News also says they have “learned intelligence reports indicate bin Laden had received a kidney transplant in Pakistan,” but do not know when.

Link: http://abcnews.go.com/International/…

July 2002: FBI Chief Says bin Laden is Most Likely Dead; Nothing from bin Laden Since December 2001 In July 2002, the BBC reveals a bombshell: the FBI’s counter-terrorism chief Dale Watson says bin Laden is ‘”probably dead.” Conveniently, bin Laden’s followers’ claim that bin Laden will “not make more video statements until his group launches another attack on the United States.”

Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/…

In July 2002, CNN reports that bin Laden’s close bodyguards were captured in February of 2002, but not bin Laden. The article also quotes mentions some high-level officials: “Some high-level U.S. officials are already convinced by such evidence that bin Laden, who has not been seen or heard from in months, is dead.”

Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20021204040117/…

In July 2002, Time Magazine reports that “intelligence officials are not certain whether Osama bin Laden is alive or dead” but that “they have found a tantalizing document that suggests he was living at least as recently as the last days of December [of 2001].”

Link: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/…

In July 2002, The New York Times runs another article on how Osama bin Laden is likely dead. The author notes how unusual it would be for bin Laden, known for his constant desire for media attention, would be silent for over half a year.

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/…

October 2002: Intelligence Officials Confirm bin Laden is Dead; bin Laden’s Will is Released Also in October 2002 the D.C.-based news service The World Tribune, citing Israeli intelligence sources, reports that the United States and Israel have concluded that bin Laden died in Afghanistan in December 2001. They note that additional bin Laden messages are “probably fabrications,” and that bin Laden’s heir has been chosen.

Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20021205223313/…

The president of Afghanistan also concludes that bin Laden is probably dead: “The more we don’t hear of him, and the more time passes, there is the likelihood that he probably is either dead or seriously wounded somewhere.”

Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/…

In October 2002 CNN reports that U.S. intelligence officials have obtained Osama bin Laden’s will, which is dated December 14, 2001 (approximately the same date as has been reported bin Laden’s funeral in Tora Bora by Fox News and other outlets). CNN also reports that there has been no evidence of bin Laden since December of 2001.

Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/…

2002 Onwards: Efforts to Target bin Laden are Closed Down; bin Laden = “Elvis” In 2004, the LA Times quotes Donald Rumsfeld (who mixes up Hussein with bin Laden) as admitting: “We’ve not seen him [bin Laden] on a video since 2001.”

Link: http://newsmine.org/content.php?ol=9-11/binladen/…

In 2006 the New York Times reports the CIA had officially closed down the unit focused on capturing bin Laden the previous year.

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/04/washington/…

In 2006, U.S. and Pakistani officials say they have not received any information about bin Laden in years: “no tips from informants, no snippets from electronic intercepts, no points on any satellite image.” The article rehashes the December 2001 video of bin Laden as the most recent evidence (other than a second-hand claim from 2003) of bin Laden’s existence. Some commandos are now giving Osama bin Laden the codename “Elvis.”

Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/…

The available reports overwhelmingly supports the view that bin Laden died of kidney failure in December of 2001. We have mainstream news reports from a variety of sources, and zero credible evidence since then, as admitted by top level officials. Even if you believe the official story, the evidence very strongly suggests some entity (either the CIA, Saudi Royal Family, the Pakistani government, or all the above) helped bin Laden survive long enough via medical treatments to be killed at a later point in time. This very well could be the “one big lie” Seymour Hersh has mentioned in The Guardian recently.
Did you see the way Nixon stepped up with a big smile and an earnest handshake? Politicians just had more class and humanity back then.
The entire speech was poetic, now we get "you've never seen anything like it, greatest ever" or "this is the honest truth, no joke man".
This dude has a story. I watched about half. His recall and knowledge of things is pretty difficult to dismiss.

I think Jesus Jesus Angleton is key to unraveling what likely happened. He was major CIA player at the time. If I'm not mistaken, he was the inspiration for Matt Damon's character in The Good Shepherd. Read the book Final Judgment: the missing link in the JFK assassination by Michael Collins Piper. There's a statue of Jesus Angleton in Israel, but have to first look at what may surprise you: JFK and David Ben-Gurion were at odds over the Israeli nuclear program and UN inspections at Dimona (seems crazy to think about now when it's reserved for the Iranians). JFK felt it/Samson option would destabilize the Middle East and there was such a bitter impasse over the Israeli nuclear program that Ben-Gurion resigned in frustration as PM in October 1963. Both the CIA and the Mossad had ample reason to want Kennedy gone as he basically threatened to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces" and curtail Israeli nuclear ambitions. They weren't having it. Then the book goes into Meyer Lansky and his heavy influence over the mob at the time when we have only heard of the Italians. And of course Jack Rubinstein.

I believe this also comes full circle in 2001 because once again these 2 intelligence services were the only 2 entities in the world capable of pulling off the "catalyzing event" to use the prophetic Project for a New American Century verbiage. Unless you believe the cave dweller outwitted the most sophisticated intelligence apparatus in the history of the world and there really was a hijacker passport found at GZ

Back to the JFK assassination, another thing you can verify for yourselves in Arnon Milchan. He was an Israeli arms dealer/Mossad agent and Hollywood producer. Look it up he produced Oliver Stone's JFK. Why would he want to reopen public interest/fascination on the JFK assassination and get you looking at the Cubans, the CIA, the Italians and basically everybody but..again he's a Mossad agent and Israeli arms dealer. It's basically controlled opposition and in effect controlling the narrative on the conspiracy theories.

Once Dallas happened, the CIA got a blank check for Vietnam and Israel became the 51st state as far as blank check for military aid and the nuclear program resumed on schedule with the LBJ administration.

There's been a myopic focus on the "how" which is immaterial compared to the "why?"
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Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/…

At this time CBS news also runs a story on bin Laden receiving kidney disease treatments in Pakistan the week before 9/11. Link:Osama bin Laden Near Death in 2002 (from Dan Rather CBS); US Government bin Laden LIE In January of 2002, The Guardian reports that the president of Pakistan speculates that bin Laden is now dead of untreated kidney disease based on video and photographs of a gaunt-looking bin Laden.

Link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/jan/19/…

In January of 2002, based on his analysis of video and photographs of bin Laden from December 2001, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta says that bin Laden seems to be having renal failure. He notes kidney dialysis is expensive, and suggests bin Laden would need help in obtaining medical treatment.

Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/…

In March 2002, the BBC reports on an interview with bin Laden’s wife, who speaks of bin Laden in the past tense, notes his failing kidney and frequent use of pills and other medicines. She says she has not seen her husband since September 2001, but holds out hope that he is still alive: “I feel deep inside me that he is still alive.” She also notes that bin Laden’s wish was to die in Afghanistan and nowhere else: “He never spoke to me about his intention to leave Afghanistan and always wished to die there. He told me once that if he ever left Afghanistan, it would be to meet his Creator.” She also says that bin Laden “always suffered from kidney and stomach pains and that he “told me once that he was going to Pakistan for treatment.”

Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/monitoring/…

In March and April of 2002, U.S. officials downplay the threat of bin Laden, with Rumsfeld even saying the bin Laden threat has been “neutralized.” Even Bush, called out for rarely mentioning bin Laden in 2002, admits: “We haven’t heard from him [bin Laden] in a long time… I don’t know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you.” Link: Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) In May 2002, ABC News reports on a new spliced-together tape from unknown time periods in which bin Laden appears “about the same” (that is, sickly-looking) as in the tape from December 2011. ABC News also says they have “learned intelligence reports indicate bin Laden had received a kidney transplant in Pakistan,” but do not know when.

Link: http://abcnews.go.com/International/…

July 2002: FBI Chief Says bin Laden is Most Likely Dead; Nothing from bin Laden Since December 2001 In July 2002, the BBC reveals a bombshell: the FBI’s counter-terrorism chief Dale Watson says bin Laden is ‘”probably dead.” Conveniently, bin Laden’s followers’ claim that bin Laden will “not make more video statements until his group launches another attack on the United States.”

Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/…

In July 2002, CNN reports that bin Laden’s close bodyguards were captured in February of 2002, but not bin Laden. The article also quotes mentions some high-level officials: “Some high-level U.S. officials are already convinced by such evidence that bin Laden, who has not been seen or heard from in months, is dead.”

Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20021204040117/…

In July 2002, Time Magazine reports that “intelligence officials are not certain whether Osama bin Laden is alive or dead” but that “they have found a tantalizing document that suggests he was living at least as recently as the last days of December [of 2001].”

Link: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/…

In July 2002, The New York Times runs another article on how Osama bin Laden is likely dead. The author notes how unusual it would be for bin Laden, known for his constant desire for media attention, would be silent for over half a year.

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/…

October 2002: Intelligence Officials Confirm bin Laden is Dead; bin Laden’s Will is Released Also in October 2002 the D.C.-based news service The World Tribune, citing Israeli intelligence sources, reports that the United States and Israel have concluded that bin Laden died in Afghanistan in December 2001. They note that additional bin Laden messages are “probably fabrications,” and that bin Laden’s heir has been chosen.

Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20021205223313/…

The president of Afghanistan also concludes that bin Laden is probably dead: “The more we don’t hear of him, and the more time passes, there is the likelihood that he probably is either dead or seriously wounded somewhere.”

Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/…

In October 2002 CNN reports that U.S. intelligence officials have obtained Osama bin Laden’s will, which is dated December 14, 2001 (approximately the same date as has been reported bin Laden’s funeral in Tora Bora by Fox News and other outlets). CNN also reports that there has been no evidence of bin Laden since December of 2001.

Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/…

2002 Onwards: Efforts to Target bin Laden are Closed Down; bin Laden = “Elvis” In 2004, the LA Times quotes Donald Rumsfeld (who mixes up Hussein with bin Laden) as admitting: “We’ve not seen him [bin Laden] on a video since 2001.”

Link: http://newsmine.org/content.php?ol=9-11/binladen/…

In 2006 the New York Times reports the CIA had officially closed down the unit focused on capturing bin Laden the previous year.

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/04/washington/…

In 2006, U.S. and Pakistani officials say they have not received any information about bin Laden in years: “no tips from informants, no snippets from electronic intercepts, no points on any satellite image.” The article rehashes the December 2001 video of bin Laden as the most recent evidence (other than a second-hand claim from 2003) of bin Laden’s existence. Some commandos are now giving Osama bin Laden the codename “Elvis.”

Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/…

The available reports overwhelmingly supports the view that bin Laden died of kidney failure in December of 2001. We have mainstream news reports from a variety of sources, and zero credible evidence since then, as admitted by top level officials. Even if you believe the official story, the evidence very strongly suggests some entity (either the CIA, Saudi Royal Family, the Pakistani government, or all the above) helped bin Laden survive long enough via medical treatments to be killed at a later point in time. This very well could be the “one big lie” Seymour Hersh has mentioned in The Guardian recently.
I thank you for all the leg work here, but I knew it wasn't OBL as soon as it was reported that the most wanted man in the world had been captured and was coming back to America to answer for his crimes.
But, the highly undisciplined Navy Seals who captured him instead decided to utterly destroy him by shooting him dozens of times. (On the deck of their transport shop, no less. It seems the Seals are a bunch of renegade hot-headed morons who are incapable of following orders. Maybe we shouldn't have Navy Seals...)
And THEN they decided to throw his body overboard. Cause again, we need to disband the Seals.

That story was BS from the get go and ANYONE dumb enough to have believed it probably voted for J'Biden 81 million times.
This dude has a story. I watched about half. His recall and knowledge of things is pretty difficult to dismiss.

James File's story is intriguing, but he really doesn't produce any evidence that a person couldn't have learned through diligent research.

The bullet casing is interesting, but anyone could have planted that there at File's behest.

I was interested in Files, just as I was briefly interested in the theory that a Secret Service team member actually fired the kill shot from the trailing support car. (That author tried to suggest it was an ACCIDENT. Ya, you betcha.). That guy at least explained the magic bullet and it actually does make at least some sense.
At the end of the day, ALL those theories, (including the grassy knoll guy) don"t work because THAT shooter was to JFK's right and was not at a sharp angle at the time of the shooting.

That means that a miss or a "pass through" would have hit Jackie. Also, all the wound evidence, including the Zapruder film clearly show the exit to the rear right of the skull. And a knoll gunman at best would have exited the rear left.

(Many folks refer to the fact that JFK's head was at an angle at the time of the shoot and thus helps with the exit wound. Unfortunately, JFK's head WAS tilted and turned at the time of the shooting. But it was angle down and turned toward Jackie, who testified she was trying to look at his face to see what was wrong with him.

+This makes a knoll shooter even LESS credible as it exaggerates the problem with a guy shooting at a very shallow angle from JFK's right side and producing a wound that "allegedly" enters the forehead and exits the lower right side of the skull.

That means it took a 90° hard right turn and added in a good 10 or 15° downward drift in order to exit where it did.

Nope. It was from the OTHER knoll in JFK's left, or from a more direct angle from the triple overpass.

I've asked long-time researchers about this and not one has ever explained trajectory and exit wound alignment in reference to a grassy knoll shooter, but I tell you, it doesn't make sense.
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Honest, I can talk about this 5#!+ all day!
Bertrand Russell published "16 Questions on the assassination" in 1964 I believe it was called and was incredulous at the lack of curiosity in the American media and said it would fall to the public to ever find out the truth. One of his questions was about the motorcade route changing somewhat last minute to come through Dealey Plaza and the obvious question of how would Oswald know. To me when LHO says right away "I'm just a patsy" is incredible. He had to know he had been set up to be in the wrong place at the right time or that there were layers of intrigue and dead man walking.
I thank you for all the leg work here, but I knew it wasn't OBL as soon as it was reported that the most wanted man in the world had been captured and was coming back to America to answer for his crimes.
But, the highly undisciplined Navy Seals who captured him instead decided to utterly destroy him by shooting him dozens of times. (On the deck of their transport shop, no less. It seems the Seals are a bunch of renegade hot-headed morons who are incapable of following orders. Maybe we shouldn't have Navy Seals...)
And THEN they decided to throw his body overboard. Cause again, we need to disband the Seals.

That story was BS from the get go and ANYONE dumb enough to have believed it probably voted for J'Biden 81 million times.

With many conspiracy theories, no matter how convincing there lingers within me some level of doubt, but with this one I fully believe that it was not OBM that the SEALS killed.
He was already dead.
He required dialysis treatment to stay alive.

It should have been a piece of cake to track him down.
As interesting as this could be, I just have a feeling this will be another nothing burger. It always is.
Yeah...agreed, Sarge. Just hoping.
Well I'm not surprised at that. Because It's my suspicion that much of the classified information is going to extensively implicate or even prove that federal agencies were involved, at least in the cover-up, if not the assassination.

And I'm kind of feeling like Trump is mighty pissed off at the FBI and CIA right now and not willing to do anything to cover their *** or protect their image in the public's eye.