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Muslim Brotherhood Flees Londonistan

Ron Burgundy

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Apr 7, 2014
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Rochester, PA
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Watch website notes: "The choice of Graz as the location for a Muslim Brotherhood headquarters may seem odd to some but...

... as it turns out, they hate Jews there almost as much as we do.
... as it turns out, they hate Jews there almost as much as we do.

Police arrest 'raging anti-Semite' in Kansas Jewish center shootings

A Missouri man with a long history of spouting anti-Semitic rhetoric is suspected of shooting to death a boy and his grandfather outside a Jewish community center in Kansas City and a woman at a Jewish assisted living facility nearby.
While police in Overland Park, Kansas, said they would have to investigate further to label Sunday's violence a hate crime, they said Frazier Glenn Miller is the founder and former leader of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Patriot Party.
Both organizations operated as paramilitary groups in the 1980s, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups.
Video from CNN affiliate KMBC showed the suspect sitting in the back of a patrol car and shouting, "Heil Hitler" after the shootings.
Obama: No one should fear when they pray Mom shocks at vigil for slain family Deadly shooting rattles Jewish community
Miller, 73, who also goes by Frazier Glenn Cross, faces charges of premeditated first-degree murder. He is expected to appear in court Monday.
If the suspected shooter is charged with a hate crime and convicted, under federal law, the death penalty could be on the table. That would apply if the charge is that the defendant was motivated by the victims' "race, color, religion or national origin."
The shootings took place at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City in Overland Park and at the Village Shalom Retirement Community in Leawood -- a day before the start of Passover, the major Jewish spring festival.
"The timing is terrible. The timing is awful," said Rabbi Herbert Mandl, a chaplain for the Overland Park police.
In all, the gunman shot at five people, none of whom he's believed to have known, said Overland Park Police Chief John Douglass.
Three people died; the other two were not injured.
Authorities arrested the suspect at a nearby elementary school.
Police were investigating statements the man made after his arrest but declined to provide additional details, Douglass said.
The Anti-Defamation League said it warned last week of the increased possibility of violent attacks against community centers in the coming weeks, "which coincide both with the Passover holiday and Hitler's birthday on April 20, a day around which in the United States has historically been marked by extremist acts of violence and terrorism."
On Monday, the ADL reissued a security bulletin to synagogues and Jewish communal institutions across the country, urging them to review their security plans for the Passover holiday, which begins at sundown Monday.
'This has left us all breathless'
The shooting began just after 1 p.m. Sunday in the Jewish community center's parking lot.
Inside, the center was a hive of activity. A performance of "To Kill a Mockingbird" was about to begin, and auditions were under way for "KC Superstar," an "American Idol"-style contest for the best high school singer in the Kansas City area.
Outside, the gunman opened fire. Police said he was armed with a shotgun and may have been carrying other weapons.
Reat Griffin Underwood, 14, was coming to audition for the singing competition. His grandfather, William Lewis Corporon, was driving him. The bullets struck them in their car. Both died.
Jewish center: Victims were great people Cop: Elderly shooting suspect in custody Is shooting a hate crime against Jews?
Corporon was a doctor who practiced family medicine in Oklahoma for many years before moving to Kansas City to be closer to his grandchildren.
"He cherished his family," the family said in a statement.
Reat was a high school freshman who was active in debate, theater and had "a beautiful voice," his family said.
Two victims were Methodists
The grandfather and grandson were Methodists, their pastor, the Rev. Adam Hamilton, told CNN on Monday.
Since the shooting, he has tried to comfort Mindy Corporon, who is William Lewis Corporon's daughter and Reat's mother.
"They are devastated but they have a real deep faith and strength of conviction," Hamilton said. "They are overwhelmed with grief. They don't believe that this was God's will. This person was doing something evil and not keeping with God's will. They do believe that their loved ones are safe in the arms of God."
He noted that this week, many Christians celebrate Jesus' resurrection after his crucifixion. "It is not just life after death," Hamilton said, "it's a promise that the worst thing is never the last thing, that evil and hate and violence do not have the last word."
At a vigil Sunday night at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, Mindy Corporon walked up to the podium and introduced herself as the mother and daughter of the community center victims. The gathered gasped.
"I know that they're in heaven together," she said.
Jacob Schreiber, president of the community center, remembered the family fondly.
"This is one of the nicest, kindest, most supportive families that we have here," he said. "This has left us all breathless."
Hamilton said services for the grandfather and grandson will be Friday.
From community center to retirement home
After the shooting started, the center went into lockdown.
"Some of these kids were taken into locker rooms and told to lay on the floor as the shots rang out," CNN affiliate KSHB reporter Lisa Benson told CNN.
Jeff Nessel, a parent, told The Kansas City Star he had just dropped his 10-year-old son off at the community center when a staff member told him to get back inside because there had been a shooting.
"We'll keep you on lockdown. You're safe here," Nessel said a staff member told him.
The gunman then drove to the retirement home, where he shot the third victim in the parking lot. She has not been identified.
Amy Rasmussen was helping with her grandmother's laundry when residents were warned by a staff member.
People "were told by one of the staff that it was a tornado warning ... and stay away from the windows," Rasmussen told the newspaper.
'A raging anti-Semite'
Miller, the suspected shooter, is a "raging anti-Semite" who has posted extensively in online forums that advocate exterminating Jews, the Southern Poverty Law Center said.
He has called Jews "swarthy, hairy, bow-legged, beady-eyed, parasitic midgets."
According to the SPLC, Miller founded and ran the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1980s. He was forced to shut down after the SPLC sued him for operating an illegal paramilitary organization and intimidating African-Americans.
He then formed another group, the White Patriot Party.
In the late 1980s, Miller spent three years in prison on weapons charges and for plotting the assassination of SPLC founder Morris Dees. The short sentence was a result of a plea bargain he struck with federal prosecutors. In exchange, he testified against 14 white supremacists in a sedition trial in Arkansas in 1988.
"He was reviled in white supremacist circles as a 'race traitor,' and, for a while, kept a low profile," according to an SPLC profile of him. "Now he's making a comeback with The Aryan Alternative, a racist tabloid he's been printing since 2005."
Suspect 'entrenched in the hate movement'
'I know they're in heaven together,' says woman who lost son, dad

So how does a lone nut who goes on a murder spree compare to a world wide terror organization that provides material support to legions of terrorists? There is no equivalence between the two.

So how does a lone nut who goes on a murder spree compare to a world wide terror organization that provides material support to legions of terrorists? There is no equivalence between the two.

Was I talking about a lone nut somewhere?

Oh, I see.

The post about Kansas was in response to Jupiter's bad joke (I hope it was a joke) and not equating Cross to extreme Islam. Although, hatred of the Jews comes from religion too.
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Was I talking about a lone nut somewhere?

Oh, I see.

The post about Kansas was in response to Jupiter's bad joke (I hope it was a joke) and not equating Cross to extreme Islam. Although, hatred of the Jews comes from religion too.

No, you misunderstood my joke. My joke was about the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood chose Graz, Austria as their new headquarters, and that Austria is historically not far behind Germany when it comes to anti-Semitism. I have no idea what you think my post had to do with "Cross," or even what your reference to "Cross" is.
Hey Vis. I wonder whether this sick man got even sicker after reading the Koran....which states that Jews are descended from apes and pigs. Regardless, this man needs to be tried, and then hung, just like his Nazi predecessors..

As far as the Muslim Brotherhood is concerned, England finally grew some balls, and abandoned their PC policies.The Brotherhood scurried away like the vermin that they are.
No, you misunderstood my joke. My joke was about the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood chose Graz, Austria as their new headquarters, and that Austria is historically not far behind Germany when it comes to anti-Semitism. I have no idea what you think my post had to do with "Cross," or even what your reference to "Cross" is.

Ok. I had just read that article when I saw it. Sorry.
Hey Vis. I wonder whether this sick man got even sicker after reading the Koran....which states that Jews are descended from apes and pigs. Regardless, this man needs to be tried, and then hung, just like his Nazi predecessors..

As far as the Muslim Brotherhood is concerned, England finally grew some balls, and abandoned their PC policies.The Brotherhood scurried away like the vermin that they are.

Could be. Those books are garbage.

That said, do you see the irony of your post? Yes Nazi and Mulsim racist rhetoric used language to suggest that Jews were less than human. It allows the subscribers to treat them atrociously. There is a book of German soldiers letters home with examples of guards from camps admonishing a younger brother on bad grades in school a sentence removed from talking about the extra hours they had to work at the camp that day processing overloads (read, gassing Jews). It all starts with that language, language you employ to do the same thing.
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The Jews did nothing to my knowledge to deserve the epithets and comparison to animals.....the MB on the other hand?

The ones using the language didn't agree.
Yeah. I hope I didn't hurt their feelings with my language. I'll try to remember that the next time a bomb goes off at a marathon finish line.
Police arrest 'raging anti-Semite' in Kansas Jewish center shootings.
He is a registered Democrat and once ran for local office as a Democrat candidate. So much for an attempted Tea Party link. Nothing to see here, move along.
It is a massively difficult thing to get your head around how ordinary people allowed the Holocaust. the German people were ordinary people just like us, and if we don't believe that they will be doing to them what they did to the Jews, ascribing a racist characteristic just to Germans that is unique to them. We should all be grown-up enough to know that it was humanity doing it to another parcel of humanity. There are examples of it in our lifetime include Rwanda etc... where massacres of quite extraordinary brutality take place. And for each one of these genocidal moments it was preceded by language used again and again and again to dehumanize the person that had to be killed in the political eyes of their enemies. In the 1930s the Jews were vermin, were rats, were lice, were Untermenshen and Paresiten. They were anything but a human being. Start to think of someone you don't like very much for whatever reason anyway in these terms you start to get to thinking they're not actually human. Then it becomes possible it seem to do things to them that would otherwise be considered inhumane.

The extremist in Islam do this and it should be combated. The extremists in the US do it too.

The problem is the tribalism, the treatment of others as lessers and the religious doctrines that give people cover. We all want Muslims to condemn the bad things done in the name of Islam. We should all condemn the same behavior here.
It is a massively difficult thing to get your head around how ordinary people allowed the Holocaust. the German people were ordinary people just like us, and if we don't believe that they will be doing to them what they did to the Jews, ascribing a racist characteristic just to Germans that is unique to them. We should all be grown-up enough to know that it was humanity doing it to another parcel of humanity. There are examples of it in our lifetime include Rwanda etc... where massacres of quite extraordinary brutality take place. And for each one of these genocidal moments it was preceded by language used again and again and again to dehumanize the person that had to be killed in the political eyes of their enemies. In the 1930s the Jews were vermin, were rats, were lice, were Untermenshen and Paresiten. They were anything but a human being. Start to think of someone you don't like very much for whatever reason anyway in these terms you start to get to thinking they're not actually human. Then it becomes possible it seem to do things to them that would otherwise be considered inhumane.

The extremist in Islam do this and it should be combated. The extremists in the US do it too.

The problem is the tribalism, the treatment of others as lessers and the religious doctrines that give people cover. We all want Muslims to condemn the bad things done in the name of Islam. We should all condemn the same behavior here.

Your analogy is seriously flawed. Allow me to correct it.
I, like many here, are beginning to see the rise of the newest form of fascism, and are willing to call it out every chance we get. You sir, are the German villager, who naively thinks that there is no problem here. Despite what you may think, there is no "Peace in our time.".
Your analogy is seriously flawed. Allow me to correct it.
I, like many here, are beginning to see the rise of the newest form of fascism, and are willing to call it out every chance we get. You sir, are the German villager, who naively thinks that there is no problem here. Despite what you may think, there is no "Peace in our time.".

You call people vermin, less than human. I'm calling you out for being less than a good person. I know what the problems are, namely people who think like you do and like Muslims who see others as less do, like the KKK killer does. Own it or grow up

t the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives.

Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a “cortical cataract” that clouds one’s thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation.

In this section, we will examine three forms that dehumanization has taken: Nazi Comic Books against the Jews; Faces of the Enemy—world-wide propaganda images of the “enemy,” and “trophy photos” of American citizens posing with African Americans who had been lynched or burned alive—and then portrayed in post cards mailed to family and friends.

Nazi Comic Books
Hitler’s “final solution” of genocide of all European Jews began by shaping the beliefs of school children through the reading of assigned texts in which Jews are portrayed in a series of increasingly negative scenarios. At the end of these lessons in civics or geography, we see the “reasonable” discriminatory actions that Germans should take toward Jews.

This educational propaganda was intentionally designed to create a dehumanized conception of Jews among students by means of providing them with required texts that were colorful and visually told provocative narratives. Students from primary school through High School read these books.

The originator of this idea was Julius Streicher, the editor of a weekly newspaper, Das Sturmer, “The Storm Troope,” that spread anti-Semitic propaganda to the general public in Germany. The “facts” presented in his newspaper (for adults, parents, and soon-to-be recruited Nazi SS perpetrators of destruction) were carried over into these school books. Streicher sought to create a perception of Jews as a sub-human race that was a threat to the national state of Germany. The idea was for this total indoctrination of these beliefs in the minds of the young and the old to such an extent that they came to have a conviction about the inferiority of Jews and the need to eliminate the threat they posed to the purity and superiority of the Aryan race.

The use of stereotyped conceptions of Jews as lecherous old men seducing young Aryan women, of dirty Jewish butchers, unscrupulous Jewish lawyers, hard-hearted Jewish landlords, rich Jewish business men and their wives ignoring the poverty around them, all combined to create a hate-filled image of Jews. In one of these comic books, after providing such “evidence” of the despicable nature of Jews, three conclusions are provided: kicking their children out of German schools, prohibiting them from using public facilities, like parks, and then expelling them from the country. Those “reasonable” consequences that Nazis should create for Jews foreshadows the more sinister ones of putting them all in ghettoes, then transporting them to concentration camps, and finally enacting the “final solution” of attempting mass genocide of the entire Jewish population.

Other comic books were in the guise of Geography lessons portraying different races of the world in the traditional stereotyped poses, and illustrating the dramatic comparison between handsome, strong Aryan men and weak, ugly fat Jewish men. Other images show Jews as vermin, as insects carried on the back of the devil.

Another aspect of the process of creating dehumanized images of Jews in the minds of the German populace was later in the process of their destruction to show pictures of their naked bodies, gaunt from starvation, sickness, and overwork in such ways that it was easy to dissociate them from the rest of humanity, to make them look sub human in ways that no other peoples have been.

My access to these Nazi comic books was provided by my colleague and friend, Professor John Steiner, who after having survived 3 years in Nazi concentration camps, started a long-term project of interviewing hundreds of his former tormentors.

In addition to simply viewing the images and probably listening to their teachers discussing and explaining them, the children were required to copy the text as practice in penmanship. It was yet another form of indoctrination.

Faces of The Enemy
What does it take for the citizens of one society to hate the citizens of another society to the degree that they want to segregate them, torment them, even to kill them? It requires a ‘hostile imagination,’ a psychological construction embedded deeply in their minds by propaganda that transforms those others into “The Enemy.” That image is a soldier’s most powerful motive, one that loads his rifle with ammunition of hate and fear. That image of a dreaded enemy threatening one’s personal well-being and the society’s national security emboldens mothers and fathers to send sons to war, and empowers governments to rearrange priorities to turn ploughshares into swords of destruction.

It is all done with words and images. To modify an old adage: Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can sometimes kill you. The process begins with stereotyped conceptions of the other, dehumanized perceptions of the other, the other as worthless, the other as all-powerful, the other as demonic, the other as an abstract monster, the other as a fundamental threat to our cherished values and beliefs. With public fear notched up and enemy threat imminent, reasonable people act irrationally, independent people act in mindless conformity, and peaceful people act as warriors. Dramatic visual images of the enemy on posters, television, magazine covers, movies, and the internet imprint on the recesses of the limbic system, the primitive brain, with the powerful emotions of fear and hate.

Social philosopher, Sam Keen, brilliantly depicts how this hostile imagination is created by virtually every nation’s propaganda on its path to war, and the transformative powers on the human psyche of these ‘images of the enemy.’ Justifications for the desire to destroy these threats are really afterthoughts, merely proposed explanations for the official record, but not for critical analysis of the damage to be done, or being done.

Sam Keen (1986/ 2004). Faces of the enemy: Reflections on the Hostile Imagination (Enlarged edition). New York: Harper & Row. Also see the powerful companion DVD produced by Bill Jersey and Sam Keen. Further information is available at www.samkeen.com.

For over 100 years, many American citizens took “vigilante” actions against African Americans by lynching them or burning them alive, on various pretexts. It became common practice to record this violence by taking photos of the murdered men and women along with their murderers and observers. I call them “trophy photos” because they are similar in kind to those taken by big game hunters and fishermen, proudly posing with the dead beasts they had conquered. (I also use the same term for the photos of the abuse of the Abu Ghraib prisoners by the Military Police reserve soldiers.) Many of those posing in the photos were smiling young children. Some argue that the post card industry in America was stimulated by widespread sales of these lynching photos.

Click here to visit Without Sanctuary, a collection of photographs and postcards taken as souvenirs at lynchings throughout America. Here are a sample [warning: contains graphic violence] of those images.

A recent publication provides the documentation of these destructive dehumanized practices through copies of the actual postcards and photographs. Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America (2004, Sante Fe, New Mexico: Twin Palms Publishers) J. Allen, H. Als, J. Lewis,& L. Litwak, Eds. and commentators. See also Ralph Ginzberg’s 100 Years of Lynching. (Baltimore, MD: Black Classics Press.)
You call people vermin, less than human. I'm calling you out for being less than a good person. I know what the problems are, namely people who think like you do and like Muslims who see others as less do, like the KKK killer does. Own it or grow up
There is a large scale pogrom happening , as we speak, in Nigeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and more. But I'm the bad guy for calling them out. Reserve your psychobabble for academics. I live in the real world.
hey Vis, could you tell me, please, the last time a group of radical Amish; radical Buddhist; radical Hindu or even radical Christians flew airplanes into buildings on Muslim soil?
could you also use those religions to tell me the last time those religions waged a holy war on those who did not believe in their religion?

alternatively, could you please tell me the last time radical islamists performed the same actions to any other religion?

I'm not exactly pro-religion, but I do know for a fact that Islam is quite simply the biggest pile of ******* bullshit in the world. It serves no purpose to humanity. It does not help others live their lives better. It does not do **** but teach hatred towards one another...male or female.

I have no idea why nor how you can defend it.
hey Vis, could you tell me, please, the last time a group of radical Amish; radical Buddhist; radical Hindu or even radical Christians flew airplanes into buildings on Muslim soil?
could you also use those religions to tell me the last time those religions waged a holy war on those who did not believe in their religion?

alternatively, could you please tell me the last time radical islamists performed the same actions to any other religion?

I'm not exactly pro-religion, but I do know for a fact that Islam is quite simply the biggest pile of ******* bullshit in the world. It serves no purpose to humanity. It does not help others live their lives better. It does not do **** but teach hatred towards one another...male or female.

I have no idea why nor how you can defend it.

I understand your arguments and agree, but if Islam ceased to exist today, another religion would pick up where it left off tomorrow. The problem, in general, is religion, not which religion.
I understand your arguments and agree, but if Islam ceased to exist today, another religion would pick up where it left off tomorrow. The problem, in general, is religion, not which religion.

btw, there are radical Jews in this world who advocate the same damn thing as Islam does....

and also, btw...they include Christians in their hate bags.

their birdcage liner isn't called Der Sturmer, but they are alive and well in Israel.