It is a massively difficult thing to get your head around how ordinary people allowed the Holocaust. the German people were ordinary people just like us, and if we don't believe that they will be doing to them what they did to the Jews, ascribing a racist characteristic just to Germans that is unique to them. We should all be grown-up enough to know that it was humanity doing it to another parcel of humanity. There are examples of it in our lifetime include Rwanda etc... where massacres of quite extraordinary brutality take place. And for each one of these genocidal moments it was preceded by language used again and again and again to dehumanize the person that had to be killed in the political eyes of their enemies. In the 1930s the Jews were vermin, were rats, were lice, were Untermenshen and Paresiten. They were anything but a human being. Start to think of someone you don't like very much for whatever reason anyway in these terms you start to get to thinking they're not actually human. Then it becomes possible it seem to do things to them that would otherwise be considered inhumane.
The extremist in Islam do this and it should be combated. The extremists in the US do it too.
The problem is the tribalism, the treatment of others as lessers and the religious doctrines that give people cover. We all want Muslims to condemn the bad things done in the name of Islam. We should all condemn the same behavior here.
You're equating viscerally reactive mb posts to the mentality of those who actually allowed / fostered the annihilation of thousands of innocents?
I understand your arguments and agree, but if Islam ceased to exist today, another religion would pick up where it left off tomorrow. The problem, in general, is religion, not which religion.
Not sure I agree but I'd like to find out....