I was talking to a younger manager last week. and she made a last second comment that she was upset that one of her co-workers used the "R word. I had to ask her what the R word was. Retard. she wanted me to fire the guy.
The person who used it said it in a sentence along the lines of the groups progress was retarded due to lack of communication. as in slowed down.
I cant make this **** up.
The last parent company that owned my company had a sexual harassment class where they told us anything anyone thinks is harassment is harassment… it’s defined by the person hearing it.. and moreover they don’t even have to be in the conversation to be harassed… if they hear you talking to someone else about anything and construe it as something offensive, that is harassment… it’s absolutely absurd.. nobody should be allowed to censor others speech except for actual threats… at this point its out of control