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Nixon doc on HBO


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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I saw some of this. I wIll watch the rest of the doc later. If you want to see how Nixon spoke and thought in his own words watch it. You'll have a seat in the oval office. Just be warned in advance.

You'll see a paranoid person with remarks that are unkind to Women, Jews, and Blacks. You'll also see how he thought and used politics to his advantage. Nixon was part bigot, part master politician if you will. I'm just glad he had no issues major with the Russians at the time. This cat was C-R-A-Z-Y and could have pushed the button.

Women - Nixon lies to the public in terms of trying to get a woman on the supreme court. In truth, he celebrated her defeat as a candidate.

Jews - Nixon did not trust them, and fell they were born spies and would turn on him. Ironically enough Nixon had Kissinger as his secretary of state who was Jewish, and some his closest friends were Jewish so he valued the ones he knew.

Blacks- Nixon said they lived like dogs. I forget what he said about Mexican's, but it wasn't nice either.

His issues with the press - I agree with him. Classified documents should not be released.

I saw some of this. I wIll watch the rest of the doc later. If you want to see how Nixon spoke and thought in his own words watch it. You'll have a seat in the oval office. Just be warned in advance.

You'll see a paranoid person with remarks that are unkind to Women, Jews, and Blacks. You'll also see how he thought and used politics to his advantage. Nixon was part bigot, part master politician if you will. I'm just glad he had no issues major with the Russians at the time. This cat was C-R-A-Z-Y and could have pushed the button.

Women - Nixon lies to the public in terms of trying to get a woman on the supreme court. In truth, he celebrated her defeat as a candidate.

Jews - Nixon did not trust them, and fell they were born spies and would turn on him. Ironically enough Nixon had Kissinger as his secretary of state who was Jewish, and some his closest friends were Jewish so he valued the ones he knew.

Blacks- Nixon said they lived like dogs. I forget what he said about Mexican's, but it wasn't nice either.

His issues with the press - I agree with him. Classified documents should not be released.

I bet I could cherry pick things out of the Popes private conversations that made him look the same way. To be sure Nixon was flawed as we all are but the Neo-Socialists at HBO have an unhealthy bias versus Nixon.
I'm sure it will be fair and balanced. :friendly_wink:
I'm sure it will be fair and balanced. :friendly_wink:

Ron, it was his own words. I finished watching it. If you have HBO dial it up.

The China and Russian diplomacy parts were excellent. Nixon was smart and well respected. We could use one like him now as relations with China and Russia are at low tides.

The Watergate tapes pitted the FBI vs. the Secret Service. Nixon let a few staff members go, but ultimately knew it was time. I suppose most presidents say things in private that would shock most.
Nixon was 10 times the man that Obumma is. And his crime was far less too.
What's funny is that if Nixon were President today his politics would be firmly in the Democrat camp.
What's funny is that if Nixon were President today his politics would be firmly in the Democrat camp.

Perhaps he should have deleted the tapes like Hillary deleted her emails?
Perhaps he should have deleted the tapes like Hillary deleted her emails?

Nixon got run out of office for deleting 18 minutes of tape. Hildebeast deletes 30,000 emails, takes all sorts of bribery, has sex with Yoko Ono, and she'll be the next President with 110% backing from the MSM.
Nixon impressed me as a man with no soul. Seems to be a prerequisite for our elected officials.
Nixon got run out of office for deleting 18 minutes of tape. Hildebeast deletes 30,000 emails, takes all sorts of bribery, has sex with Yoko Ono, and she'll be the next President with 110% backing from the MSM.

Probably 110% backing from Dem politicians as well...at least there were six Republicans on the committee of 17 that voted for the Articles of Impeachment against Nixon. All 21 Dems on that committee voted for impeachment of course.
Nixon impressed me as a man with no soul. Seems to be a prerequisite for our elected officials.

He did care for people. I think Nixon lacked a moral compass on some issues.

Nixon was smart, calculating, respected as a leader, and a master of the black arts of politics. They didn't call him Tricky Dick for nothing!

Nixon separates himself from some other politicians who were busted. He'd never sell out the best interests of the USA, but he would be underhanded to defeat his political opponents. Most are, he was just caught.
Nixon was caught in a mess that was not his making. Between Vietnam, The Kennedy Assassination, Watergate and ironically being too loyal to people who didn't deserve it he was ultimately undone.

While he was undoubtedly a crook, he was merely the crook that was caught. Americans finally awoke to the morass that their politics truly were. And we hadn't seen NOTHIN' yet.
Sadly Rod, this is more or less where the political elite WANT you. They prefer that you be lethargic and passive politically. It's easy enough to control the minor rumblings of a fledgling mob. The NSA is more than capable of culling any serious malcontents out there. Truly, the Patriot Act and it's amendments are well designed to closely monitor domestic "terrorism" and keep an eye out for true social unrest.

I feel that, difficult and slow as the process must be, change has to take place with voting. People MUST hold their elected officials accountable. We have to call our congressmen and women as well as our senators out on their failings to follow through on their platforms and their promises. We need them to stop capitulating to one another to "get deals done". This is a "representative government". That means these people are elected to do the will of their constituents. It doesn't matter what their personal preferences are, it doesn't matter if they need two more votes and if they go along with Wyoming on THIS vote then Wyoming will vote with them on the next one. They have to vote with their constituency period. EVERY ******* TIME. Do that and **** will work itself out.

We have red states and we have blue states. That's just how it's going to work out. That isn't the problem. The problem is all the ******* backroom deals and conniving that takes place among the politicians to better their own positions at the expense of their constituencies. Give me a Senator and a Congressman or Woman (capitals intended this time) who'll stand up before their peers and introduce a bill that they all get paid the average salary of their constituency and I'll back THAT person all the way. I'll donate to THAT campaign fund. I know the bill will never pass, but the record will show who voted for and against it. Then the rest of us can call all our congress members and senators and ask them why they voted for or against that particular bill. What was their thinking? How do they defend that choice? I'd LOVE to have that conversation when our politicians come through Butte on their "Love Me" tours.

"Ya, question from the tall guy in the back?"

"Thank you, How do you justify making almost 4 times the average annual income of the people you represent in the state?"

"Well, there's a great deal of work and I do have to travel a great deal and I have to maintain two households and of course I'm bringing jobs to Montana!"

"You do have salaried aides, correct? And wouldn't it make more sense for the State to simply purchase a home or condo in Washington DC for it's incumbents and let them lease it at a reasonable rate? The State could then get some revenue BACK from their politicians, even if it's a ridiculously small amount. As for bringing jobs to Montana, that is one of the reasons you were elected. That has nothing to do with your salary however."

"I'm afraid I have to move on to other questions, in fact I think we're about out of time here. You do bring up some interesting points but this issue is just much more complicated than what you realize. However feel free to call me at my offices anytime and I or one of my staff would be happy to talk to you about this."
I hear ya Wig. But I have been very involved with the Tea Party for years, and individually for long before that in an effort to accomplish the types of things that you mention. For those efforts we are dismissed as nuts, right wing whack jobs, malcontents, etc. and as a group subjected to official government oppression and select treatment. There are a couple of pols on the national level that would like to try to correct that but they seem powerless.

The reason why is obvious. As I've stated before the country's population is now dominated by the takers and leeches and their representatives, imo, will continue to hold sway until the country can no longer support such a system (it really can't already but that's another thread) and economic collapse ensues.

I'll just go ahead and continue to make sure that me and mine are taken care of as best I can.