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Notes for a white kid in University


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
Fred, as usual treads on some toes that need it.......http://fredoneverything.org/

If you are a white student in college, you doubtless hear daily that white people are evil, the principal cause of everything wrong with the world. Whiteness is bad, white people are bad. We are to blame for everything.


If you believe this, you are being gamed. What you are being told is nonsense. If you have the intelligence and self-respect to think for yourself, ask:

“What have other races and ethnic groups accomplished in the world compared to what we white people have?”

This question will be shocking to you because you have been carefully programmed not to think such things. But ask. I think you will find that the groups who complain the most have accomplished the least. Check for yourself.

Look around you. Can you find anything with a moving part that was not invented by whites? Anything electronic? Cars, telephones, computers, aircraft, antibiotics, on and on–all sprang from the minds of white people. You are not supposed to say such things, and could be run out of a university for it–but ask yourself, if you have the courage: Is it true? Do not think that because things are commonplace or easy to use that they are not products of fields of extraordinary difficulty.

Look around your university. Who do you see taking the hard subjects–math, chemistry, physics, engineering, philosophy, computer science? Whites and Asians…right? Are they the kind of people who complain constantly about White Privilege? You may notice a pattern here: Those who can, do. The rest ***** and moan.


A white man’s stick hut. We began building these things in 1137.

Being very young, you will probably have little idea of the vast body of knowledge, won over millenia, behind all the things you take for granted. At your age, I didn’t either. It takes years to get a handle on things. It will be harder for you because your universities will discourage you from looking around you. But glance at the very partial list below (I paste from an ancient column of mine) to get an idea of what the white race has done over the centuries. You will never have heard of many of these things. And that is curious. While your nose is being rubbed into the virtues, often real, sometimes imagined, of other groups, your own race is seldom motioned except to revile it.
Euclidean geometry. Parabolic geometry. Hyperbolic geometry. Projective geometry. Differential geometry. Calculus: Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration. Physical chemistry. Organic chemistry. Biochemistry. Classical mechanics. The indeterminacy principle. The wave equation. The Parthenon. The Anabasis. Air conditioning. Number theory. Romanesque architecture. Gothic architecture. Information theory. Entropy. Enthalpy. Every symphony ever written. Pierre Auguste Renoir. The twelve-tone scale. The mathematics behind it, twelfth root of two and all that. S-p hybrid bonding orbitals. The Bohr-Sommerfeld atom. The purine-pyrimidine structure of the DNA ladder. Single-sideband radio. All other radio. Dentistry. The internal-combustion engine. Turbojets. Turbofans. Doppler beam-sharpening. Penicillin. Airplanes. Surgery. The mammogram. The Pill. The condom. Polio vaccine. The integrated circuit. The computer. Football. Computational fluid dynamics. Tensors. The Constitution. Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Homer, Hesiod. Glass. Rubber. Nylon. Skyscrapers. The piano. The harpsichord. Elvis. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. (OK, that’s nerve gas, and maybe we didn’t really need it.) Silicone. The automobile. Really weird stuff, like clathrates, Buckyballs, and rotaxanes. The Bible. Bug spray. Diffie-Hellman, public-key cryptography, and RSA. Et cetera at great length.

If you talk about these things on campus, you will be called a “white supremacist.”

Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, will hand out a scholarship of up to $2,800 to students who enroll in specialized courses through their honors program in Elliot T. Bowers Honors College.

The courses include a seminar series titled, “Understanding Whiteness: Historic and Contemporary Viewpoints on Privilege.” The course seeks to answer questions such as “how might white people better understand white privilege,” and specific topics include the social construction of whiteness, how whiteness operates within institutional structures, movements advancing white privilege and the examination of white racial identity.

Students will also be required to “educate others about white privilege through action research projects and community engagement initiatives,” according to the Summer/Fall 2017 course list.

You hear from your professors that white people were guilty of colonization, slavery, and oppression. This is true. What your professors will not point out is that such behavior was, and is, universal. Human beings are a sorry species, given to murder, torture, genocide, thievery, looting, conquest, and slavery. This has been, and is, true of Africans, American Indians, Latin Americans, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Japanese, Chinese, and Europeans.

It is chiefly in the United States that those who can’t, haven’t, and aren’t likely to, constantly attack those who can and have. Note that while they rail and fume and grouse, they depend utterly on a world created by the people about whom they rail and grouse. To them you might reasonably say, “Come back and talk to me when you have done something worth talking about.” A great silence would follow.
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Accomplishing things is racist.

IMO the most telling quote in the article was....(. Those who can, do. The rest ***** and moan.)

either that or .(. I think you will find that the groups who complain the most have accomplished the least.)

Kinda reminds me of the old Obama diversions.....

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Absolute madness. Just complete nonsense. I'm so far over this racial bs. It just needs to die. Our universities have some real clueless commie pinko asswipes teaching.
Absolute madness. Just complete nonsense. I'm so far over this racial bs. It just needs to die. Our universities have some real clueless commie pinko asswipes teaching.

University is horrible when it comes to commie brainwashing. Love UGA, it's a school rich in tradition and happy I got to experience life as a
Student there, but in all honesty---university's have a liberal agenda. I walked the UNM campus here in Albuquerque last year. Holy **** there are some whacko's that attend. So it's a nationwide culture
Cradle to grave control of your life is all they're asking for. That's not too much to sacrifice for "total" safety is it?

The L.A. Times accused President Trump of marginalizing people of color with policies. That's how they roll. An optimist sees the glass as half-full, a pessimist sees the glass as half-empty, and a writer for the L.A. Times sees the glass as symptomatic of the institutional racism in American society.

In my 4 years of college I never heard a peep about whiteness or racism in general. My teachers stuck to the subject of the class.
Didn't all our ancestors come from Africa 200,000 years ago?

I demand my reparations!
I blame Obama

“Beyoncé could not be a better role model for my girls.” Michelle Obama


Malia, emulating her role model at Lollapalooza

Stunning College Dorms, Preposterous Luxury

They are all spoiled snowflakes, imagine that

Luxury college dorms. Why?


If you’ve been on a college campus recently, you may have noticed that college dorms have definitely changed since you went to college. Not to sound like one of those embroidered pants-wearing curmudgeonly alums walking around campus grumbling about how good we had it and how we had to walk ten miles uphill in the snow to get to class, but one thing really irks me—the luxury college dorms and amenities are ridiculous. Lazy rivers, granite counter tops, omelet stations, en suite bathrooms, free on demand cable. As a parent and tuition payer, I can’t help but wonder: have we all gone insane? Why are we funding this extravagance?

The absurdity of it all really hit me this spring when we toured the honors housing at a large public university. The prospective students and parents were shown into the college dorms demo suite. We parents all gazed, mouths agape, at the two bedroom suite: each room had a double bed, its own closet, and opened into a spacious furnished living space, with a granite counter kitchenette on one side, and on the other a granite counter double sink bathroom, with its own private shower and toilet (so your student is spared that nasty inconvenient walk down the hall to the communal bathroom).

Each bedroom had its own thermostat, guaranteeing your student will be neither too hot nor too cold. It was hushed, decorated like an Ikea catalog, and smelled like lemons and clean laundry. “This college dorm is nicer than our house,” whispered one mother. Yep—this college room was roomier and more comfortable than our son’s small drafty room and tiny closet at home. “We’ve kind of created a problem,” the college administrator admitted. “The rooms are so nice, kids don’t ever leave and it’s been hard to build any sense of community. We have to offer food to get them to come out of their rooms and meet each other.”

Every day, my daughter’s cafeteria offers her whatever kind of cuisine might strike her fancy: the waffle bar, carving station, sushi bar, and vegan menus. The dining hall promised students “a global culinary experience with tastes of cultures from around the world.” Seriously? That sounds like a five star resort. The three cafeterias at my son’s college are open 24/7 so he can drop in anytime for a made-to-order burger or just a cup of coffee—and he can get an environmentally-sustainable carryout box to go, too, in case he’s hungry later. What, pray tell, is so wrong with a college kid occasionally being hungry?

When did all of this—the $85 million dollar rec centers, the sushi bar, and free coffee—become the standard of living for 18-year-olds? Some of it is driven by the competition for full-pay students, the dollars available due to unlimited federal student loans, and the arms race for top notch facilities to attract those tuition dollars. But in all honesty, colleges build these facilities because students want them and are willing to pay for them, even if it means crushing loan debt they won’t pay off for decades.

Consumer behavior isn’t always rational. While numerous studies have proven that lazy rivers and decadent college dorms aren’t the primary drivers of college costs—the administrative bloat of too many admissions and human resource personnel comprise almost 60 percent of the cost of tuition—they can still be “PR black eyes” and “bad optics” that embarrass universities, scandalize parents, and invite ridicule. If you are actually concerned about college affordability, however, that $85 million rec center at least makes you question the priorities in a college’s decision-making.

Call me a killjoy, but I believe that air conditioning, cable, and organic, free range chicken burrito bowls are luxuries that these kids have done nothing to deserve. It took 15 years and three houses before my husband and I had granite counter tops and air conditioning. We are still nauseous about how much we pay for high speed internet.

It took us years and hard work to pay for these things. The majority of these college students will have no money and thousands of dollars of debt when they graduate. Yet will they still feel entitled to a first apartment with granite countertops, a gym, and free cable? It’s a question of character development: if you don’t earn these luxuries, you will not truly appreciate them.

In my 4 years of college I never heard a peep about whiteness or racism in general. My teachers stuck to the subject of the class.

Depends on lecture and the decade you attended. **** started going downhill 2008
The point could easily be made that all modern mathematics came from the middle east. You could argue that, but really you don't have to look any further than the Great Pyramids to realize the ancient Egyptians were masters of geometry.

The word "algorithm" came from a Muslim fellow's name.

An Islamic inventor is actually credited with the invention of the telescope. As far as medicine etc. The far east and the middle east knew things long before us. The west simply doesn't want to recognize far east methods or results.

White folks have excelled in a number of things, no doubt. But we'd be hard pressed to say we're technically better than other races. Each has it's strengths, weaknesses and phenoms.
White folks have excelled in a number of things, no doubt. But we'd be hard pressed to say we're technically better than other races. Each has it's strengths, weaknesses and phenoms.

Muslims are definitely better at severing heads from one's body. Mexican drug cartels running a close second.
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. But we'd be hard pressed to say we're technically better than other races. .

That is debatable, by people smarter than me for sure but entirely possible. The only people that might come close in my estimation would be the Asians. A lot of innovation came from that culture.
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I look at the photo in the OP, and I don't know how you get there. You have no control over what color you are, so why feel bad about it? Some people are ******* retarded.
Didn't all our ancestors come from Africa 200,000 years ago?

Maybe yours did but I never found any connection to that continent in my tree.

oh no, you're just as African as I am - science says so

The source of all humanity: A single group who appeared in Africa 200,000 years ago are the ancestors of all humans living today

Scientists sequenced 300 genomes from 142 small ethnic populations
Analysis showed all living humans descend from a single group in Africa
Non-Africans split from African hunter gatherers 130,000 years ago



I demand reparations!
Didn't all our ancestors come from Africa 200,000 years ago?

oh no, you're just as African as I am - science says so

The source of all humanity: A single group who appeared in Africa 200,000 years ago are the ancestors of all humans living today

Scientists sequenced 300 genomes from 142 small ethnic populations
Analysis showed all living humans descend from a single group in Africa
Non-Africans split from African hunter gatherers 130,000 years ago



I demand reparations!

Bullshit, thems the same lame scientists that just lost their global warming/climate change jobs. They got to make a living somehow. They don't know anymore than I do about what went on 200,000 years ago.

No one knows for how long the different races have been evolving independently, but it might be necessary to go back one million years or more to find an ancestor common to all races. Clearly, a great deal of divergence has taken place during that time.

Here's another defrocked weatherman or whatever putting it at 70,000 years and claims race is not genetic.

Our broad racial categories appear to be founded on genuine biological differences between people from different geographical regions. And these differences seem to define a set of natural human groups, the product of the last 70,000 years or so when modern humans emerged from Africa to colonize the other continents, acquiring distinct physical traits as they adapted to new environments.

Next they will claim that aliens landed in Africa 300,000 years ago and were the source of all mankind. Oh wait.....

Humans contain ‘alien’ genes not passed on from our ancestors, researchers have discovered. Scientists have discovered parts of our DNA which are not traced back to any known human ancestor.

You can be from Africa if you want Spike, I prefer to think I am from a galaxy far far away..LOL
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If my ancestors are aliens, I'm crashing the next party telling y'all: "Hey!, what's the haps my intergalactic *******!!!"
I've told GRBkid #1 "College is a business transaction, you go there, take your classes and get the hell out as quickly as possible"...

Yeah, for some college is an 'experience'...we don't have the money for that. That's a pretty damn expensive 'experience'... Go to a good school, study the sciences and go make coin...
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