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Obama: A Legacy Of Abject Failure


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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Alas, there is little else that can be said of him and his time in office that is positive. Given the high expectations that accompanied the beginning of his Presidency, it was almost inevitable that Obama would come to disappoint in some ways. Too often, however, his promised potential proved to be unfulfilled, as the audacity of hope became but an empty pipe dream.

Obama the candidate promised a new bipartisan era that would heal America's divides but the country he leaves as his presidency ends is now more divided than ever. Political polarization is more pronounced than possibly it ever was before.

In his initial years, buoyed by a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress, he made little effort to be conciliatory and rammed through his signature health care reform bill without a single Republican vote. When the Republicans regained control of House in 2014 and later the Senate four years later he made no serious attempts at outreach. Gridlock between a Congress and the White House of budgetary matters did not even elicit an attempt by Obama to find middle ground.

When legislative initiatives such as gun control failed to secure the necessary votes to pass Obama descended to moral lecturing and at times outright pouting.

Stubbornness was met with stubbornness, and in later years the President increasingly resorted to rule by executive order and weakening of Congressional checks such as the filibuster. With Republicans now hold both the White House, Congress and soon to once again have a majority on the Supreme Court, the now established precedent of "I won" may very well become a nightmare for Democrats of their own making.

Obama took something of a victory that had been achieved in Iraq and Afghanistan and replaced it with defeat born by the premature withdrawal of American troops for no other reason than a crass political desire to be done with the whole affair and, in the former's case, he facilitated the rise of the Islamic State, possibly the most heinous entity of the twenty-first century.

He stood by and did nothing as the Arab Spring destabilized the entire Middle East, and in those cases where he did act, such as Libya, his interventions served only to make matters worse. Iran is now on a clear road to a nuclear weapon, and Turkey - next to Israel possibly America's closest ally in the region - is now under the thumb of a soft-Islamist autocrat who increasingly is joined at the hip with Russia.

Syria will doubtlessly be remembered as the greatest black stain upon Obama's tenure. Under his watch, a rebellion against the Al Assad regime grew into a civil war that killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions more.

Red lines were declared and then quietly ignored as they were crossed, as the chlorine gas and barrel bombs of the Damascus regime rained death from above.

That Aleppo, the birthplace of the rebellion and the last urban centre held by those rebels not openly aligned with Islamic State, has finally fallen only weeks prior to the forces of Al Assad backed by Russian jets and Iranian militiamen is a poignant symbol. America, for its part, has been reduced in this whole sorry affair to dispatching Obama's UN ambassador to berate Al Assad and his allies with empty declarations of "have you no shame?".

As we say goodbye to Barack Obama, we would be forgiven for accompanying it with a corroding good riddance. His place in history, by virtue of him being the first African American president, is secure. It will be more just, however, if he is remembered for what he truly was: a failure who oversaw the decline of Pax Americana and the descent of the world in chaos.



b b but Hollywood LOVES him!
Obama’s Legacy Of Deceit

In its remaining days in power, the Obama administration suddenly punished Vladimir Putin’s Russia for allegedly interfering in the U.S. presidential election. It claimed that Russian or Russian-hired hackers tapped into the records of the Democratic National Committee as well as the correspondence of John Podesta, a Clinton advisor.

But what the Obama administration did not say was that such cyber-crimes are by now old hat. Both the Russian and Chinese governments have been hacking into far more important U.S. records and government archives for years without earning retaliation

The administration also did not mention that the election hacking occurred largely because of Podesta’s own carelessness in using his security password. Moreover, it failed to acknowledge that the Republican National Committee was likewise targeted, but apparently had enough safeguards to prevent successful entry into its records. Finally, the administration refused to mention that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange went on the record saying that he did not receive the email trove from the Russians.

The truth is that Obama, throughout his presidency, has appeased Putin. As president, Obama ended the previously agreed-on Eastern European missile defense; he made open-mic promises to be more flexible with Putin after his reelection; he barely responded to Russia’s aggression toward Crimea and Ukraine; and he constantly criticized both George W. Bush and Mitt Romney for being inordinately tough on Russia.

Until now, he saw no reason to stop enabling Russia. Had Hillary Clinton won the election, Putin’s alleged hacking would not have earned any administration attention. But this time around, an emboldened Putin allegedly went too far and crossed the only red line that Obama might have enforced by supposedly enabling the release of information that might have turned off some voters on Clinton.

Obama’s ephemeral legacy anchored in delusion

Delusional is the only term that I can muster to describe the chasm that has existed between what the Obama administration perceived or wanted us to believe and the actual state of the nation.

Over the course of eight years, Obama’s pronouncements steadily became, not motivational instruments or representations of a desired state of affairs, but feats of political transubstantiation, where, if he utters them, words become reality.

Reflecting upon his time in office, Obama recently noted the “extraordinary progress” the country has made over the last eight years.

Like beauty, progress is in the eye of the beholder.

Obama thinks race relations have gotten better during his administration, while 2016 polls have indicated that Americans believe race relations have gotten worse and their concern about it is at the highest level since 2001, when data were first collected.

In the political equivalent of a “Jedi Mind Trick”, Valarie Jarrett, Obama’s close friend and longtime adviser, as well as much of the main stream media, claimed that his administration “hasn’t had a scandal,” ignoring such outrages as Benghazi, the IRS fiasco, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, ObamaCare, Pigford, the Veterans Administration’s death list and others.

Obama’s “progress” no doubt includes the Democrat Party’s net loss of 1,042 congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and, finally, the presidency.

A week after the election, Obama said that Americans were “indisputably better off” because of him despite a doubling of national debt, Gross Domestic Product growth of less than 3%, a decrease in the work force participation rate, a stagnant median household income and an increase in the number of food stamp recipients by 10.7 million people, 32% higher than when he took office.

In his weekly address to the nation on Christmas Eve 2016, Barack and Michelle claimed “we made America more respected around the world.” Even college students, their core constituency, don’t believe that, seventy-three percent having said that the United States is less respected by other countries than it was in the past.

I will not mention the threat of radical Islam, because Obama thinks it doesn’t exist.

It was an administration built upon a combination of ideology and incompetence. Ultimately it became an architect of errors rather than a supplier of solutions. Final recognition of which will occur when public awareness exceeds the media’s capacity to varnish the truth.

In the end, Obama’s legacy will be his pursuit of the appearance rather than the substance of accomplishment, an illusion, as enduring as sand against the wind.



10 DAYS!!!
Obama's farewell speech shouldn't take too long

Maybe it is fitting that outgoing President Barack Obama chose to give his farewell speech today in Chicago -- America's Aleppo.

Despite all the killing and chaos taking place there, at least the Russians aren't bombing the place -- at least not yet -- but are only hacking around. But like fellow Aleppo citizens in Syria, who are killing one another in a long and bloody civil war, so too are Chicago gangbangers murdering fellow Americans in a series of Chicago civil wars.

If these demented criminals are not killing fellow human beings, they are savagely torturing them on Facebook.

Just as Obama was unable to do anything to end the fighting in Syria - or to get dictator Bashar Assad to leave -- he has been unable to do anything about the killings in Chicago either, even as his best buddy is in charge of the place.

Obama could perhaps turn the problem over to Vladimir Putin. After all, the Russian leader, along with his counterparts in Turkey and Iran, was able to broker a cease-fire in Aleppo, which is something neither Obama nor John Kerry could do. In fact, the U.S. was not even invited to the cease-fire conference.

Muslim Brotherhood war criminal!

Iran: U.S. Surrendered More Than $10 Billion in Gold, Cash, Assets

The Obama administration has paid Iran more than $10 billion in gold, cash, and other assets since 2013, according to Iranian officials, who disclosed that the White House has been intentionally deflating the total amount paid to the Islamic Republic.

Senior Iranian officials late last week confirmed reports that the total amount of money paid to Iran over the past four years is in excess of $10 billion, a figure that runs counter to official estimates provided by the White House.

The latest disclosure by Iran, which comports with previous claims about the Obama administration obfuscating details about its cash transfers to Iran—including a $1.7 billion cash payment included in a ransom to free Americans—sheds further light on the White House’s back room dealings to bolster Iran’s economy and preserve the Iran nuclear agreement.


Michelle Obama Tells Muslims, Immigrants 'This Country Belongs to You'

The newly devoid of hope Michelle Obama told a group of young Muslims and other immigrants Friday that "this country belongs to you."

From The Star-Telegram: In her final speech as first lady on Friday, Michelle Obama singled out young immigrants and Muslims, many of whom express apprehension about President-elect Donald Trump. “Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don’t matter, or like you don’t have a place in our American story — because you do,” she said. “Know that this country belongs to you, to all of you"




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10 DAYS!!!

Hurry up with that. 10 days is too long. Can't wait to see his last ex. orders and pardon list. The later can not be reversed.
Photo Of Obama Was Removed By Twitter

"The Post-American World" written by radical Muslim author Fareed Zakaria.

5th best.jpg

Son of a *****! How do you make pics bigger?
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Arrest him for treason!

Obama Celebrates His Last Week By Letting 10 More Terrorists Out Of Gitmo

Barack Obama transferred 10 additional inmates Monday out of Guantanamo bay to Oman, in a blatant rebuke of President-elect Donald Trump’s intended policies.

Omani media confirmed the transfer, but neither the U.S. nor Omani authorities will confirm the identities of the detainees.


3 DAYS!!!!
Obama leaves legacy of death, destruction in Middle East

BRUSSELS (UPI) -- When Barack Obama leaves the White House, he will leave behind a shocking legacy of death and destruction in the Middle East. His foreign policy vision, which saw the United States focus on cooperation with Iran as its core strategy, has unlocked a Pandora's box of conflict and sectarian strife across the zone.

Obama has now belatedly, during the closing days of his administration, come to realize that the nuclear deal with Iran and his concessions to that ruthless regime have in fact not only threatened the security of the Middle East, but have even undermined the interests of the United States.

Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states and Turkey have tried in vain to prevent Iran's aggressive expansionism in the region, but they have been repeatedly thwarted by U.S. empathy for the mullahs' regime. His failure to back the Syrian opposition has allowed the bloody civil war in that country to rage on into its seventh year, costing hundreds of thousands of lives and sparking the huge migration crisis in Europe.

Tehran is relentlessly strengthening its grip over Iraq. Corruption and poor training has rendered the Iraqi army almost useless, leaving a vacuum, which the Iranian regime has been quick to fill, pressurizing Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi into allowing the Iranian-funded militias to take control of military operations. Political disarray in Baghdad, combined with Obama's directionless and dysfunctional American foreign policy, has paved the way for Iran to consolidate its hold in Iraq.

Hmm, let's ramp up attacks on Obama, maybe that will deflect attention from abject failure of incoming president elect's transition. Yeah, that'll work for sure.

His true legacy, Golfer in chief!

Obama golfed 333 times, most since Ike

Obama earned his title as "golfer in chief" over eight years
, becoming the first duffer who spent the most time on the greens since former President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

CBS White House reporter Mark Knoller, who keeps an accurate database on presidential movements and actions, said Obama has golfed 333 times during his eight years, the last few outings in Hawaii during the first family's Christmas vacation last month.




Ike was a war hero.


And an American.
His true legacy, Golfer in chief!

Obama golfed 333 times, most since Ike

Obama earned his title as "golfer in chief" over eight years
, becoming the first duffer who spent the most time on the greens since former President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

CBS White House reporter Mark Knoller, who keeps an accurate database on presidential movements and actions, said Obama has golfed 333 times during his eight years, the last few outings in Hawaii during the first family's Christmas vacation last month.

And an American.

The gravy train is now pulling into it's final stop. No more private Beyonce concerts. Michelle better be watching the Want Ads. He left office with nothing to sell, but his endorsement........which has limited shelf life..
Nothing left but the rage and bitterness.......perfect!

The Last Days of the Obama White House

We’ve been talking to a source who portrays a picture—an angry, deeply hurt, and depressed Obama, who can’t get over his party’s defeat at the polls, which he takes as a personal rebuke by the American public.

“Valerie says that Barack is the worst she has ever seen him. He is grumpy and snaps at people. Michelle is worse; she’s enraged."

“Barack can’t wait to get out of the White House. It is now the grimmest place in the world. The atmosphere is funereal: everybody looks like they just lost their best friend and their dog."

“Barack is supposed to be cheering people up but he can barely muster a smile. He knows there is nothing much he can do to make his staff feel any better. And it’s just getting worse, with Trump rolling out his Cabinet picks."

“Barack says his whole staff needs counseling to get over their grief. But Barack, Michelle, and Valerie Jarrett have gone from trying to comfort the staff to avoiding them. Valerie says she has tried to keep the Obamas separated during the work day, because they bring each other down even more."

We’ve been talking to a source who portrays a picture—an angry, deeply hurt, and depressed Obama, who can’t get over his party’s defeat at the polls, which he takes as a personal rebuke by the American public.
Because it was a personal rebuke by the American public.

“Valerie says that Barack is the worst she has ever seen him. He is grumpy and snaps at people. Michelle is worse; she’s enraged."
Moose had the best and easiest job in the world and looked pissed off all the time anyway.

“Barack can’t wait to get out of the White House. It is now the grimmest place in the world. The atmosphere is funereal: everybody looks like they just lost their best friend and their dog."
They did. **** all y'all.

“Barack says his whole staff needs counseling to get over their grief. But Barack, Michelle, and Valerie Jarrett have gone from trying to comfort the staff to avoiding them.
I hope they're all on the unemployment line and lose their houses like they did to the rest of us.
His true legacy, Golfer in chief!

You ain't seen nothing yet. And he begins his presidency by taking his first weekend off, what a wanker.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you to <a href="https://twitter.com/GolfDigest">@GolfDigest</a> for this incredible feature! "Golfer-in-Chief" <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump">@RealDonaldTrump</a> <a href="https://t.co/vpdY4jNbI4">https://t.co/vpdY4jNbI4</a> <a href="https://t.co/Q5fzH4fpmH">pic.twitter.com/Q5fzH4fpmH</a></p>— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/821407332957560833">January 17, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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I am very confident in our new President's work ethic. Some say he works too much. I doubt he will be spending time planning Beyonce concerts , as well.
It will be nice to be rid of this clown even if he plans to stay active in politics.

His true legacy, Golfer in chief!

Obama golfed 333 times, most since Ike

Think about that. He was elected to be President of the United States for 8 years. Of his 8 years, he spent ONE ENTIRE YEAR golfing - on our dime.

Adios MF'er, and don't come back.
Trump Gores a Sacred Cow, and Liberals Lament

The great Broom of Time recently swept away another failed ideology and political movement.

On the 20th of January, the dustbin of history will slam shut on the Utopian American Progressive Left. Followers, leaders, and philosophers of this dangerous and failed global movement will not go quietly, however; ideas die hard, and ideologies, movements, and political theories do not simply disappear overnight.

Inauguration Day 2017 will mark perhaps the greatest political and cultural shift in American history as the Utopians of the Progressive Left kick and scream, wail and whine as they shuffle off into forced retirement and irrelevance.

Perhaps not since Lincoln's trip to Washington in early 1861 to begin his first term has so much vitriol, so many official and unofficial attempts to derail and delegitimize the president-elect, been seen.

Many have commented on the astounding and disturbing reaction of those now out of political power in the United States. The gross irony of Mrs. Clinton's admonishments during the election that Mr. Trump must promise to accept the election results (her victory was assured, remember?) in light of her supporters' post-election unwillingness to do the same is lost on the majority of them.

That the reaction of the Utopian Progressive Left is based upon anger, resentment, hatred, intolerance, and pique rather than logic is not important to them; it is a point that remains always unaddressed.

Every political "dirty trick" that seems obviously a sham is accepted at face value, and bitter attacks built upon these false accusations immediately begin. The dizzying speed of the reactions, the overwhelmingly standardized nature of the talking points and commonly invoked yet faulty arguments, suggests a uniformity of thought more typical of an ideological movement or cult than of reasoned, cogent advocacy for a political candidate within a democratic open society.



WE don't care if you're crying, just pack up your **** and leave!
