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Obama calls Trump a symptom of division, not the cause


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Obama's speech at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was delivered less than two months before midterm elections that could determine the course of Trump's presidency. The remarks amounted to a stinging indictment of political life in the Trump era.

"It did not start with Donald Trump," Obama said. "He is a symptom, not the cause. He's just capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years."

How incredibly, albeit unintentionally, self-aware. Yes Obama. Specifically the eight years when you were in office fanning them furiously.

Trump IS Obama's legacy.

We are just beginning to see how corrupt the former Administration was, and remains to some extent......and how the Pravda MSM is complicit in the corruption.
Rich coming from a guy who was hellbent on dividing the country along racial lines and breeding hate for one another.
Some more tidbits from that speech. He referred to himself 102 times in 64 minutes, is trying to take credit for the current economy, and then there is another ironic beauty -

He claimed “the policies of resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican Party.”
Resentment? Who is more resentful than liberals these days? Paranoia? Who is more paranoid than liberals these days? Not even close. These are the clowns saying that women will die if Kavanaugh gets confirmed.
Just an excellent speech by Obama all around. On point, in depth, factual and eloquently delivered. Oh, how times have changed. And he raises the question everyone in their right minds is asking: what happened to the Republican Party? :rip2:
Just an excellent speech by Obama all around. On point, in depth, factual and eloquently delivered. Oh, how times have changed. And he raises the question everyone in their right minds is asking: what happened to the Republican Party? :rip2:

It won.

Hence the shrieking, caterwauling, ***** hats, crying, and endless bullshit from the Democrats since.
It won. Hence the shrieking, caterwauling, ***** hats, crying, and endless bullshit from the Democrats since.

Nope, nobody is upset about an election that happened two years ago. The issues are what's been happening since.
Just an excellent speech by Obama all around. On point, in depth, factual and eloquently delivered. Oh, how times have changed. And he raises the question everyone in their right minds is asking: what happened to the Republican Party? :rip2:

Well, in somebody's mind somewhere at least....most people are better educated than the resistance party tools.


News at 11

It won.

Hence the shrieking, caterwauling, ***** hats, crying, and endless bullshit from the Democrats since.

Absolutely beat me to it.
Just an excellent speech by Obama all around. On point, in depth, factual and eloquently delivered. Oh, how times have changed. And he raises the question everyone in their right minds is asking: what happened to the Republican Party? :rip2:

You sir are bamboozled. A king worshipper. Blind. Unobjective.

From my good friend.


This week Obama delivered a speech where he accepted an award for "Ethics in Politics". Hold your laughter. Of course, to the unindoctrinated, the image he paints, with his sophisticated command of the language, adult demeanor, he would appear to match the award being bestowed. He certainly appears the part - organized, thoughtful, not impulsive, doesn't meander off script . Especially when you compare him to Donald Trump.

Obama enumerated a few charges against this administration including the use of the DoJ to cover for political friends and the weaponizing of the government against opponents. Stop. Stop right there. Anyone who retains an iota of objectivity should have a Hollywood thriller-suspense moment where the observant viewer realizes the antagonist's scheme long before the supporting cast does. He's cloaking himself! He did it! Yet, everyone is falling for it - hook, line and sinker. More so, the protagonist is doing everything he can in his own power to. Like the part in Batman where the commissioner and the city turn on him. I am not suggesting Trump is the well mannered Bruce Wayne. Or, the part in Ghost where the best friend cloaks himself in kindness. But, I am very much suggesting that if one were to objectively and thoughtfully re-examine the Obama administrations use of the IRS to target political opponents, Loretta Lynch's-James Comey- Andrew McCabe scheme to protect Hillary, stop Trump, and use a false dossier that it takes a great amount of audacity to stand on stage and make such allegations against another. Yet, they swoon for him and castigate Trump.

I have absolutely no idea what moves men and women by mere words and images to completely suspend their objectivity about anyone. Idol worship. Frankly, it's a scary human quality that is ever present on both sides. Whenever I hear a person speak of a politician with a sense of indispensability I get a little creeped out. We're not supposed to anoint kings. I get even more creeped out, as in this particular case, when the subject is actually 'guilty' of the charges he now levies while receiving an award and the press swoons. That's rarified air, bro. But, as I have said repeatedly if done with panache as Obama does it is paradoxically acceptable. Weird. Very weird.

I can't suggest either of these men is any more scrupulous than the other. I can suggest, with Trump, for better or for worse, there is no such cloaking. What you see is what you get. Even the infamous anonymous Letter to the Editor in the NY Times this week reveals this.

Nobody really 'knew' Obama as we 'know' Trump. The press never really rummaged through his underwear drawer as they so scurrilously rummage through Trumps. We don't even know if the accusations against Trump are real, true and contrived. Yet, we do know these things to be true about Obama. The two men personify the great divide. But, I insist as I did before the election - the devil you know, is better than the devil you don't.
Nope, nobody is upset about an election that happened two years ago.

You're joking, right??

Resist started before Trump took office, before any claims about Russian interference (which seemed directly tied to who won, by-the-by), and before any action by the President since the resistance started BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT.

And has never stopped - not for a minute. Not when Trump's economy is the best in 50 years, is toppling trade barriers, oversees the demolition of ISIS (didn't you mock Trump for saying he would oversee the destruction of ISIS within six months after pajama Obama could not do so in more than two years???), brings about the lowest unemployment among African-Americans ... well, ever, the lowest unemployment among Hispanics in three generations, increased home ownership, increased median income, increased consumer confidence, increases manufacturing jobs in the U.S., and on and on and on and on ...

And these stupid ************* are protesting??

The issues are what's been happening since.

See above. Collusion? Damn right.

Between Comey, Strzok, the FBI, the DOJ and Hilldog. Documented, proven collusion. You know, an actual crime. And then lied to the FBI about her activities, destroyed subpoenaed evidence, obstructed justice, and made hundreds of millions of dollars off her government position ... the response by these stupid ******* protesters??


Trump tweeted something mean about a fat chick, and said something nice about Putin??

Nope, nobody is upset about an election that happened two years ago. The issues are what's been happening since.

Bull......**** Tibs. A completely false statement that can be so easily refuted and disproved. I'll take shrill screams for impeachment on election night for 500 Alex. You guys are not fooling anyone. You know it and I know it. This is about losing the election and always has been.
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Nope, nobody is upset about an election that happened two years ago. The issues are what's been happening since.

Since it's already been so clearly pointed out how ridiculous this post actually is, I'm going to just say I'm sure you posted this tongue firmly in cheek.
Part of the reason I don’t believe Trump is part of some diabolical Russian scheme is that his ego and mouth have rarely covered up anything... i feel like he would have tweeted or said something far more incriminating by now... the guy is an immature loudmouth.. that never blends with grand conspiracies... nixon or bush sr, sure they were shady and secretive in public... trump? Its illogical... its an obvious narrative that is using exaggerated russian contacts as proof of conspiracy....
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Just an excellent speech by Obama all around. On point, in depth, factual and eloquently delivered. Oh, how times have changed. And he raises the question everyone in their right minds is asking: what happened to the Republican Party? :rip2:

You're always good for a laugh, Tibs.
Part of the reason I don’t believe Trump is part of some diabolical Russian scheme is that his ego and mouth have rarely covered up anything... i feel like he would have tweeted or said something far more incriminating by now... the guy is an immature loudmouth.. that never blends with grand conspiracies... nixon or bush sr, sure they were shady and secretive in public... trump? Its illogical... its an obvious narrative that is using exaggerated russian contacts as proof of conspiracy....

"Putin is my buddy, great guy, great guy. We're gonna build resorts and golf courses in Russia. Yuge resorts, best golf courses in the world. Gonna have the PGA set up the Russian Open. Gonna be yuge, bigly even. Vlad can ride a horse but he's not much of a golfer so we'll work on that."
"Putin is my buddy, great guy, great guy. We're gonna build resorts and golf courses in Russia. Yuge resorts, best golf courses in the world. Gonna have the PGA set up the Russian Open. Gonna be yuge, bigly even. Vlad can ride a horse but he's not much of a golfer so we'll work on that."

Rich coming from a guy who was hellbent on dividing the country along racial lines and breeding hate for one another.

The guy couldn't address the Ferguson riots etc.
The country became racially divided cause of that asshat. Thank God his days as a president are over.

It's going to take President Trump awhile to fix the mess obummer put us through
Part of the reason I don’t believe Trump is part of some diabolical Russian scheme is that his ego and mouth have rarely covered up anything... i feel like he would have tweeted or said something far more incriminating by now... the guy is an immature loudmouth.. that never blends with grand conspiracies... nixon or bush sr, sure they were shady and secretive in public... trump? Its illogical... its an obvious narrative that is using exaggerated russian contacts as proof of conspiracy....

No doubt lol.
He's not afraid to speak his mind. His ego is too big.

Bigly yuuuge.
Nope, nobody is upset about an election that happened two years ago. The issues are what's been happening since.

I hope you where drunk when you wrote that. Im not sure that even drunkeness is a good enough excuse.
GOP hasn't really changed that much. MAGA…

GOP hasn't really changed that much. MAGA…

Didn't you just ask, "What happened to the Republican party?" As if you missed those good 'ol boys from years past. I have heard the same from a number of lefties - Schumer, Maher, Matthews. "Oh, I disagreed with those Republicans, but I respected them and miss them."

You admit the truth - you hate Republicans. You and elfie and the rest of your know-nothing party hate Republicans. Despise them. Wish they were dead.

And don't deny it. You and your ilk accuse Republicans of hating women, hating minorities, hating children, hating gays, hating the environment, wanting to poison the air and water, wanting to poison Americans, wanting to kill millions for a dollar.

Just admit it. You have always despised Republicans - always have, always will. Your hatred runs deep, and boils up as condoning violence. You think Antifa has a good point. You don't mind a few Republican skulls getting cracked, particularly if the skull is covered with a MAGA hat. The wearer is a 72-year old guy who would not harm a June bug? **** him and his MAGA hat. Bust his skull.

The simple, undeniable truth of the matter is that Trump frightens you - scares you more than you are willing to admit. No, not because you "fear for the country." That's a convenient lie you banter about to disguise the real reason you hate Trump so much - hate him more than the left hated Reagan, which is saying something.

You fear Trump because he is exposing the lie that is the leftist cause. Government must lift people out of poverty, and provide medical care, and provide education, because government is just and fair ... except that it isn't and never has been. Government looks out for government number 1, government number 2 and government number 3. Productive citizens are nothing more than its ATM. NOTHING MORE. A wallet. The dependent class are nothing more than votes. NOTHING MORE. Re-election, so that people earning $184,000 per year somehow, inexplicably, become multi-millionaires, and low-level functionaries siphon off billions - trillions - of dollars in salary and benefits.

You hate and fear Trump because he punches back. He shows the lie that is the (D)uplicitous party. He mocks the idiots who deserve mocking, and does not simply absorb insults and lies like previous punching bag Republicans.

And because he succeeds. He gave a list of things he was going to do, and day after day, does them, rather than blather on endlessly about them, to no effect. Hear that, Bammy? It's your flaccid, pathetic "legacy" being obliterated, a bit more each day. From destroying ISIS, to reworking trade deals, to punishing Iran, to letting the economy explode, to increasing our energy production, to increasing manufacturing in the United States, to helping steel and aluminum production in this great country, to reducing food stamp dependence, to increasing home ownership, and on and on and on and on.

You fear Trump. You admit that. You fear him for proving everything you believe - "green" energy, elimination of manufacturing jobs in the United States, public assistance to pay bills, food stamps for all, "free" **** - is a lie. A damnable, pestilent, craven, grotesque lie.

And that's the simple truth.