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Obama calls Trump a symptom of division, not the cause

Why does anyone care, listen or write anything this X presedent says after he doubled the national debit, opened the boarders to terrorists and allowed China to buy 75% of the coumtry. We'll never recover from his term.

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Not when Hillary is on the ticket.

Why does anyone care, listen or write anything this X presedent says after he doubled the national debit, opened the boarders to terrorists and allowed China to buy 75% of the coumtry. We'll never recover from his term.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Steeler Nation mobile app
Yeah but hope&change man. And a Nobel prize for doing absolutely nothing. Being a great at selling us down the river with smiles and cheers.
Yeah but hope&change man. And a Nobel prize for drone bombing more people than Bush. Being a great at selling us down the river with smiles and cheers.

Fixed it for you.
Nope, nobody is upset about an election that happened two years ago. The issues are what's been happening since.

Stop with the trolling.

You ************* cried like babies, and are still crying like babies.

After Trump won poor Tibs hurt so bad you disappeared from this board for months...you remember that Tibs?
Nope, nobody is upset about an election that happened two years ago. The issues are what's been happening since.

Sorry Tibs I am going to call BS on that, it is the ONLY reason people are mad and acting like the world is ending and yes my friend I am including you in that. Liberals started before the race was even called and haven't stopped since, looking for any and all reasons to resist and fight a legitimate victory, and all this after wailing about Trump maybe not being willing to accept a Hillary victory. Please stop and own it embrace it and you will be happy with yourself and we will stop laughing at your denial. Hate if your going to hate but don't lie about what caused it.
Didn't you just ask, "What happened to the Republican party?" As if you missed those good 'ol boys from years past. I have heard the same from a number of lefties - Schumer, Maher, Matthews. "Oh, I disagreed with those Republicans, but I respected them and miss them."

You admit the truth - you hate Republicans. You and elfie and the rest of your know-nothing party hate Republicans. Despise them. Wish they were dead.

And don't deny it. You and your ilk accuse Republicans of hating women, hating minorities, hating children, hating gays, hating the environment, wanting to poison the air and water, wanting to poison Americans, wanting to kill millions for a dollar.

Just admit it. You have always despised Republicans - always have, always will. Your hatred runs deep, and boils up as condoning violence. You think Antifa has a good point. You don't mind a few Republican skulls getting cracked, particularly if the skull is covered with a MAGA hat. The wearer is a 72-year old guy who would not harm a June bug? **** him and his MAGA hat. Bust his skull.

The simple, undeniable truth of the matter is that Trump frightens you - scares you more than you are willing to admit. No, not because you "fear for the country." That's a convenient lie you banter about to disguise the real reason you hate Trump so much - hate him more than the left hated Reagan, which is saying something.

You fear Trump because he is exposing the lie that is the leftist cause. Government must lift people out of poverty, and provide medical care, and provide education, because government is just and fair ... except that it isn't and never has been. Government looks out for government number 1, government number 2 and government number 3. Productive citizens are nothing more than its ATM. NOTHING MORE. A wallet. The dependent class are nothing more than votes. NOTHING MORE. Re-election, so that people earning $184,000 per year somehow, inexplicably, become multi-millionaires, and low-level functionaries siphon off billions - trillions - of dollars in salary and benefits.

You hate and fear Trump because he punches back. He shows the lie that is the (D)uplicitous party. He mocks the idiots who deserve mocking, and does not simply absorb insults and lies like previous punching bag Republicans.

And because he succeeds. He gave a list of things he was going to do, and day after day, does them, rather than blather on endlessly about them, to no effect. Hear that, Bammy? It's your flaccid, pathetic "legacy" being obliterated, a bit more each day. From destroying ISIS, to reworking trade deals, to punishing Iran, to letting the economy explode, to increasing our energy production, to increasing manufacturing in the United States, to helping steel and aluminum production in this great country, to reducing food stamp dependence, to increasing home ownership, and on and on and on and on.

You fear Trump. You admit that. You fear him for proving everything you believe - "green" energy, elimination of manufacturing jobs in the United States, public assistance to pay bills, food stamps for all, "free" **** - is a lie. A damnable, pestilent, craven, grotesque lie.

And that's the simple truth.

This may be one of the most epic smack downs the board has seen in quite some time. Perfect. Irrefutable.
This may be one of the most epic smack downs the board has seen in quite some time. Perfect. Irrefutable.

Yeah man, right after the last epic smackdown from two days ago, and in advance of the next epic smackdown coming up. This board is great for epic smackdowns, all the while never attempting to defend Trump on his words or actions. Tough to defend a mob boss elected president, I'll grant you that. But keep calling strawman arguments and diversionary tactics 'epic smackdowns', cause it makes you feel tough and manly. Lol, just like Trump, his base is full of bluster and hot air.
Yeah man, right after the last epic smackdown from two days ago, and in advance of the next epic smackdown coming up. This board is great for epic smackdowns, all the while never attempting to defend Trump on his words or actions. Tough to defend a mob boss elected president, I'll grant you that. But keep calling strawman arguments and diversionary tactics 'epic smackdowns', cause it makes you feel tough and manly. Lol, just like Trump, his base is full of bluster and hot air.

Instead of your typical, meaningless bluster, why don't you address Steeltime's epic post on its merits?

I'll grab the popcorn.

You keep teeing them up.
Instead of your typical, meaningless bluster, why don't you address Steeltime's epic post on its merits?

Keep trying to put lipstick on a pig. This president and his presidency are indefensible, I understand that. That leaves nothing but distractions, sidetracking and hyperbole. Oh, and incessant blabbering about incredible, remarkable, historic economic success. Eerily similar to the propaganda coming out of Moscow and Pyongyang. I wonder where Trump gets his talking points?
Keep trying to put lipstick on a pig. This president and his presidency are indefensible, I understand that. That leaves nothing but distractions, sidetracking and hyperbole. Oh, and incessant blabbering about incredible, remarkable, historic economic success. Eerily similar to the propaganda coming out of Moscow and Pyongyang. I wonder where Trump gets his talking points?

Translation: You got nuthin'

Another utterly empty post.
Translation: You got nuthin' Another utterly empty post.
Like each and every one of your posts. Well, at least they're good for a chuckle, to watch you wave your pompons and lead the cheers over 'epic smackdowns' on a messageboard. You put the S in superficial. Just like your beloved President.
Like each and every one of your posts. Well, at least they're good for a chuckle, to watch you wave your pompons and lead the cheers over 'epic smackdowns' on a messageboard. You put the S in superficial. Just like your beloved President.

Says the village idiot who fawns over the eloquence and factual nature of one Barrack Hussein....

Give us your next "substantive" post please.

::holding breath::
He stopped answering posts. He just reposts stupid liberal ****.

I've noticed. He used to make pointed posts in rebuttal to others. Now its just memes, Twitter pastes, and insults.

Like I said, empty retorts.
I've noticed. He used to make pointed posts in rebuttal to others. Now its just memes, Twitter pastes, and insults. Like I said, empty retorts.
Cry me a river. Doesn't matter what I do, I'm ostracized and demonized on this board. I post and answer rebuttals in earnest, I'm a communist libtard foreigner who knows nothing about America or American politics and should shut up or leave the board altogether. I take a break, or am busy at work, then I'm running scared, hiding behind a wall or under a rock. I debate, engage and argue with facts, quotes and figures, it's dismissed as whining because of the election, Obama/Hillary, fake news, left wing media, ad naseum. I post a pic, meme or a tweet it's immediately magnified and you're screaming from the rooftops. Others posts hundreds of memes and pic's and it's perfectly fine and dandy. I respond to an insult by cussing someone out you come running like the church lady screaming bloody murder. Others call me every name in the book and insult me daily, you remain silent.

You are a hypocritical ************ if there ever was one. See, I just insulted you right there. I simply don't give a **** what you or anyone else thinks. I'll answer posts and give my opinion on things when I feel like it, when I don't, I won't. Just like everyone else around here.
Cry me a river. Doesn't matter what I do, I'm ostracized and demonized on this board. I post and answer rebuttals in earnest, I'm a communist libtard foreigner who knows nothing about America or American politics and should shut up or leave the board altogether. I take a break, or am busy at work, then I'm running scared, hiding behind a wall or under a rock. I debate, engage and argue with facts, quotes and figures, it's dismissed as whining because of the election, Obama/Hillary, fake news, left wing media, ad naseum. I post a pic, meme or a tweet it's immediately magnified and you're screaming from the rooftops. Others posts hundreds of memes and pic's and it's perfectly fine and dandy. I respond to an insult by cussing someone out you come running like the church lady screaming bloody murder. Others call me every name in the book and insult me daily, you remain silent.

You are a hypocritical ************ if there ever was one. See, I just insulted you right there. I simply don't give a **** what you or anyone else thinks. I'll answer posts and give my opinion on things when I feel like it, when I don't, I won't. Just like everyone else around here.

A page from Tibs' book...

Nope, nobody is upset about an election that happened two years ago. The issues are what's been happening since.

bullshit.............all that has happened since is the left trying to undo the election results...one bullshit attack after another....
copied from elsewhere, since it 100% applies.

i'm sorry, but once your days in the office are done, kindly keep your mouth shut and let the next guy handle his business -- good, bad or ugly -- just like every other president has done.

this short sighted strategy may flip a few extra seats the democrats' way, but it's going to backfire in 2 (6?) years when trump uses obama's example as an excuse to stick his nose into the political tent long after his administration is shown the door.

look beyond the tip of your nose, you fool.