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Obama on ISIS: 'We Don't Have a Strategy Yet'

So Ted a pseudo member of the 'American Taliban' wants to bomb people who think like him back into the age in history where his own intellect and beliefs emanate from?

The man is a case study......
Do you have a link to the report that Republicans are invading Democratic districts, and beheading those that don't change party affiliation?
What is your great solution send them money and well wishes? They only understand power. They will only stop when they are dead or too scared to fight because they know they will be dead if they do.

The only way to stop them is through brute force and strength of conviction to impose our terms on them. They are not rational human beings they are extreme fanatics that will not stop because we say please. Sorta like liberals.

Palo is a closet member of ISIS.....I'm pretty sure of this. Why else would he/she be so adamant in slamming anyone who wants to destroy them?
Do you have a link to the report that Republicans are invading Democratic districts, and beheading those that don't change party affiliation?

Why the **** would he need a report or any kind of evidence? All you need in today's society is the accusations. Sort of like the "Republicansare considering impeachment" theory making the rounds. Few, if any, republicans ever talk about it, only Democrats.

The cop in Ferguson doesn't actually NEED to be a racist, just accused of it. It is the perfect scenario for the race baiters. If it is found that the shooting was not justified, the actual reason he shot the dude will be irrelevant. It will be proof of racism. If it is found to be justified, the race baiters get to scream racism within the investigation process. In both cases, the race baiters win while the rest of us never really know what the basic problem is, which allows it to go unfixed and gives the race baiters more power.
So Ted a pseudo member of the 'American Taliban' wants to bomb people who think like him back into the age in history where his own intellect and beliefs emanate from?

The man is a case study......

and you are a ******* idiot
Palo is a closet member of ISIS.....I'm pretty sure of this. Why else would he/she be so adamant in slamming anyone who wants to destroy them?

I've no doubt about this claim. I also believe she's one of those paid internet trolls.
I would like to see NATO take the lead on ISIS with our air support. If we take the lead, then we become the main target for retaliation on our soil.
UPDATE: Source: Obama given detailed intelligence for a year about rise of ISIS


This isn't a matter of the guy not knowing. This is a matter of the man making a conscious decision to do nothing, to allow them to grow - or was it to enable them? It is becoming impossible to believe that B. Hussein has the interests of the USA in mind and that he isn't hell-bent on our destruction.

President Obama was given detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of the Islamic State as part of his daily briefing for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer, a former Pentagon official told Fox News.

The official -- who asked not to be identified because the President's Daily Brief is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product analyzing sensitive international events for the president -- said the data was strong and "granular" in detail.

The source said a policymaker "could not come away with any other impression: This is getting bad."

Obama, unlike his predecessors who traditionally had the document briefed to them, is known to personally read the daily brief. The former Pentagon official, who has knowledge of the process, said Obama generally was not known to come back to the intelligence community with further requests for information based on the daily report.

The claims come as the Obama administration continues to launch airstrikes against Islamic State targets in northern Iraq and weighs whether to expand that campaign, particularly into Syria.

The president's team has publicly suggested that the group only recently gained in strength, accounting for why Obama earlier this year dismissed such extremists as akin to a "JV" team.

But after suggestions that the administration may have been blindsided by the rise of ISIS, and that poor intelligence was to blame, the former Pentagon official said some of the intelligence was so good in the region, that when the president drew a red line on chemical weapons use in Syria in 2012, the information was "exquisite."

The source said "[we] were ready to fire, on a moment's notice, on a couple hundred targets," but no order was given. In some cases, targets were tracked for a "long period of time" but then slipped away.

The source also claimed that there was a delay regarding the question of whether to act to save American journalist James Foley from Islamic State militants. The Sunday Times of London first reported that the delay was 30 days. The former Pentagon official described a White House that was hesitant and continually asking for "the intelligence to build up more."

At the time, Fox News is told that a large, heavily armed compound, believed to be housing Foley, and other potential captives, was identified near the ISIS stronghold of Raqaa, Syria.
I would like to see NATO take the lead on ISIS with our air support. If we take the lead, then we become the main target for retaliation on our soil.

the US dollar will make you the main target for retaliation for many years.
I would like to see NATO take the lead on ISIS with our air support. If we take the lead, then we become the main target for retaliation on our soil.

We are NATO.
I would like to see NATO take the lead on ISIS with our air support. If we take the lead, then we become the main target for retaliation on our soil.

First, that does seem a reasonable conclusion, but, isn't that what they said about Bush's going into Iraq? How many times did we get retaliation on our soil for that? Not saying that it won't happen, just that it hasn't happened, for that reason.

Second, if that is an accurate conclusion what European nation in their right mind would take the lead when it seems to be, significantly, easier to get to them than to us?
Making foreign policy or military decisions out of fear of retaliation is for *******. The lack of political courage will get you killed more quickly than acting out of fear. They already hate us, so its about time we treated them accordingly. But with King ***** in the white house I don't have confidence this will work out well.
you morons. if there was a threat to our country, the border would be sealed.

To kill all of them, you need to blow up the Middle East and still wouldn't get all.

When we take the lead, US taxpayers pay for everything. When NATO takes the lead it's a shared cost.
I would like to see NATO take the lead on ISIS with our air support. If we take the lead, then we become the main target for retaliation on our soil.

let them try **** on our soil...the way President Obama has stressed border security..no ******* way they get in......
Bush let the 9/11 terrorists fly the friendly skies. Borders have nothing to do with them. Borders are for people without funds.
so we have no funds?
ukraine has funds?
Bush let the 9/11 terrorists fly the friendly skies. Borders have nothing to do with them. Borders are for people without funds.

OK, so, pretend that you are a terrorist. After 9/11 (you know when Bush was letting you run free and there was ZERO security at airports), airport security was "beefed up." Now, with all of these incredibly well trained federally employed TSA agents, you could try to get on a plane and repeat what was done before. Only now, once you are past those security guards, the actual people on the plane are going to give you the beating of your ******* life to keep you from flying a plane into populated areas, regardless of whether they die in the effort. They now know that hijackings aren't going to be just to fly to Nowheresville with no extradition treaty.


You could walk across a border that leaks like a sieve and go anywhere in the ******* country that you want, possibly with the federal government's blessing and/or help.

Hmmm...which to choose.
OK, so, pretend that you are a terrorist. After 9/11 (you know when Bush was letting you run free and there was ZERO security at airports), airport security was "beefed up." Now, with all of these incredibly well trained federally employed TSA agents, you could try to get on a plane and repeat what was done before. Only now, once you are past those security guards, the actual people on the plane are going to give you the beating of your ******* life to keep you from flying a plane into populated areas, regardless of whether they die in the effort. They now know that hijackings aren't going to be just to fly to Nowheresville with no extradition treaty.
I'm just waiting for a Muzzie to try and hijack a plane I'm on. He'd better hope there's a sky marshal on there to protect him from me or I'll gouge out his eyes and piss in the holes before I snap his neck like a twig.
My birthday is 9/11 btw.


You could walk across a border that leaks like a sieve and go anywhere in the ******* country that you want, possibly with the federal government's blessing and/or help.
There is training available.

What are terrorists from the Middle East going to do, fly to Mexico and then walk to desolate areas in Mexico and
walk across our border. Maybe they'll ship their camels as well, so they can ride them to the border. Our Northern border
is secure and the southern border is secure in populated areas.

A good bit of our illegal immigration comes from people with legal visas who don't go home. We haven't identified most of the potential terrorists, they are well funded, so
they will be coming on planes, under false pretenses with legal visas and not hijacking planes, but most likely attempting to blow-up a mall or stadium where they can get the most casualties.

Just heard Tomlin had a press conference and announced that the coaching staff couldn't come up with a strategy to beat Cleveland Sunday, so they will just wing it.
I guess if your a conservative you'd believe that one too. You seem gullible enough to believe most anything.
What are terrorists from the Middle East going to do, fly to Mexico and then walk to desolate areas in Mexico and
walk across our border.
Sounds like a plan to me.

Just heard Tomlin had a press conference and announced that the coaching staff couldn't come up with a strategy to beat Cleveland Sunday, so they will just wing it.
I guess if your a conservative you'd believe that one too. You seem gullible enough to believe most anything.
No, most of us just think a good sized wall along the whole border will be fine. Government job creation. The Dems should be ecstatic.
let them try **** on our soil...the way President Obama has stressed border security..no ******* way they get in......

If the terrorist will stop by the welfare office and apply they will send them a check to buy bomb building supplies. Need a cellphone to detonate it. Obama phone. Get hurt building it. Obamacare.
Good times just around the corner!


State Department Won't Confirm If Passports of Americans Fighting With ISIS Have Been Revoked

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, State Department Deputy Spokeswoman Jen Psaki would not confirm if passports belonging to Americans confirmed to be fighting with ISIS/ISIL in the Middle East have been revoked.

"It's not as black and white as that," Psaki said, adding that there are legal parameters the State Department must work around on a case-by-case basis. "We [State Department] can revoke passports for a number of reasons."

Government officials, intelligence agents and Americans have been concerned for weeks about ISIS fighters, who have now sent two messages directly to America with the beheadings of journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, will easily use U.S. passports to get back into the country to carry out attacks.

Just yesterday Saudi Arabia King Abdullah warned ISIS could reach Europe and the United States within two months.A senior regional diplomat told the Daily Mail last week, "The Islamic State is now the most capable military power in the Middle East outside Israel."

Meanwhile, the State Department and Homeland Security have lost track of 6,000 students inside the U.S. on expired student visas.

Parting thought: Katie Pavlich @KatiePavlich

So we can drone Americans fighting with terrorists but we can't automatically revoke their U.S. passports? WTH.
2:09 PM - 2 Sep 2014
"It's not as black and white as that," Psaki said, adding that there are legal parameters the State Department must work around on a case-by-case basis. "We [State Department] can revoke passports for a number of reasons."

Well, a lot of them probably went to Columbia and Harvard.