We always blame the draft, but the REAL problem is for the last 15 years the only way any part of the team got fixed was to throw 1st/2nd round picks at it.
You can't have 1st/2nd round picks everywhere. You sometimes have to get units to overperform their draft pedigree and we just never seem to have that happen. We do that at receiver, but no where else on the field.
We draft pretty well. A very high percentage of our 1st/2nd round picks over the last decade contribute. Certainly as much or more as compared to the great teams out there around the league. And it's STILL not enough to seem to plug the holes and get proper depth that when injuries hit we keep right on trucking along.
We just don't have the right mentality or attitude about 4th/5th/6th round picks. It's like we've already pre-determined they aren't going to turn into good players and that negativity ruins their possible development.
This is just the way the Steelers do it now and it's not working. It is a broken M.O. It's about how we see and fix problems with the roster. And it all falls on the shoulders of Tomlin and Colbert. No one else.
Their short-sighted, only fix a problem after in manifests itself approach is what has killed this team for a decade plus. There is not real anticipation of problems more than one season out.
We all know we're going to struggle this whole season (basically a wasted season again) because Najee Harris wasn't the magic man they planned. So we'll invest a 1st round pick into the O-line. It's arguably guaranteed regardless of who will be available during the draft or what Big Board exists. And there will be no plan for the potential issues coming down the pike at CB (which we are grossly not prepared for). And we'll likely chase potential secondary issues always a season too late rather than a season too early. And after the secondary, it might be the aging D-line. Again, always one season too late.
This is regardless of our play of QB, which is just deteriorating before our eyes. I'm taking that aspect of the team problems away right now.