OKI, WINNER and Losers
Congratulations to Gildong Sack with a differential of 2 (pitt 16 - 10)
PM myself or slash your mailing address as you win the prize
2nd place winners ( Papa filled out the tie breakers) differential of 3
Papa Lazarou
black and gold apex
PRIZE : each get a one hand same side 3 second Virtual boob feel from high-school girl, Larzarou gets to chose which hand /same side
3rd place winners (NO tie breakers as it's a free for all at this point) differential of 5
Measn Jim / JMM / steelhurt / badcat
PRIZE: They get the satisfaction of knowing they were all wrong on the #3 tie breaker question
Tie Breaker Answers
1 = 137
2 = 1
3 = Ah, the anticipated answer................... A Gentleman never talks about such intimate details, but lets just say our two Moderators
----- Coolie and Lunar are substantial in their body odor and knowledge of high-school chicks.
answers ranged from---- it was a dude all the way to 42aaa, how do you measure a training bra, long nipples don't equate to bra size............... sick B astards
THANKS to all who played and looking forward to getting Prediction thread out tomorrow
(special NOTE, Winner announced Tuesday and new prediction thread wednesday, sooner if I can. I posted that wrong on original post. Thanks for your patience)
PS brush up on you etiquette procedures on who and what, in the dating world, while out in the LUXURY S10
Salute the nation