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Over/Under on Biden Presidency


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
During the campaign from his basement he looked frail and weak, not to mention he's clearly having cognitive issues which is why they try so hard to keep him out of the spotlight.

The more he speaks the more he proves he's the dumbest President ever to occupy the White House. Listening to him mumble his way through another speech today it's clear this guy isn't long for the job. Leader of the free world is an extremely stressful occupation. No way he makes it through a full term.

I'm predicting he doesn't make it past mid terms, anyone think this moron makes it the full 4 years?
I think they will drag him just past year 2. That way legally It would not count as a term for Kamala and she could run twice on her own.
I'm not joking....just watching him live 10 minutes ago and it's totally apparent he isn't even 50% of what he was in 2018. How the hell is going to handle being President when it looks like he will be falling over at 3 in the afternoon? I'm giving him until Fall and he's out.
I'm not joking....just watching him live 10 minutes ago and it's totally apparent he isn't even 50% of what he was in 2018. How the hell is going to handle being President when it looks like he will be falling over at 3 in the afternoon? I'm giving him until Fall and he's out.

He looks like he's a thousand years old. Here he struggles to folder so he can sign a blank piece of paper that somebody told him said something:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Is China Joe signing blank pages? <a href="https://t.co/8d6R67Ym4e">pic.twitter.com/8d6R67Ym4e</a></p>— Wide Awake in Switzerland (@timetowakeupsw1) <a href="https://twitter.com/timetowakeupsw1/status/1352044892957110272?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 21, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I think they will drag him just past year 2. That way legally It would not count as a term for Kamala and she could run twice on her own.

That may be their strategy, but he may not last that long. There is no way the Creeper makes it through a whole term.
That may be their strategy, but he may not last that long. There is no way the Creeper makes it through a whole term.

Whole term? That trembling, stuttering, confused old man could not make it from the dinner table to his bedroom.
Whole term? That trembling, stuttering, confused old man could not make it from the dinner table to his bedroom.

Biden showed in I dunno 5-10 minutes during his Inauguration that he's 10,000x the man Trump could ever be. Keep dreaming of harping on Biden for anything at all, as your weak, *****-footed wanna-be hero Trump slinks off, roundly defeated and humiliated, to the deepest dredges of history.

Nothing is sadder, and weaker, than to see adament Trump supporters now criticize Joe Biden. It's beyond pathetic and will never hold ground. What a stupid, ****** thing to do, to attack a decent and honorable man like Biden, after supporting a wretched, bottom-of-the-barrel ******* like Trump.

It doesn't surprise me one bit, to see asshat MAGA's turn on Biden, to try to hold his feet to the fire.

So ******* funny and ironic. You guys simply suck. It's beyond sad, to watch you squirm and wiggle your way though the first few days of this presidency. Sad, pathetic, but entirely predictable.
It doesn't surprise me one bit, to see asshat MAGA's turn on Biden, to try to hold his feet to the fire.

I know, right? We should all be ashamed of mocking a demented old man, after how well the (D)imbos behaved the past four years, how they never savagely lied about the President, or his family, or Russia, or any such other bullshit. Great losers, those (D)ims. Soooo gracious.

So yeah, *****, turnabout is fair play.

So ******* funny and ironic. You guys simply suck. It's beyond sad, to watch you squirm and wiggle your way though the first few days of this presidency. Sad, pathetic, but entirely predictable.

See above, you lecturing ****, you lying jackass.

You wanted war, *****. Don't ******* complain if you get it.
And oh so typical of the weaseling lying ****s that suck the (D)imbo teat:


Biden inauguration video on YouTube. (D)ims had to disable comments after Beijing Joe and Commiela were ripped new ********, 4k likes, 27k dislikes.

81 million voted for that dementia patient. Yeah. Sure. You bet. Gotcha.
Update on Biden inauguration video: 4k likes, 33k dislikes.

81 million votes. You betcha.
Biden showed in I dunno 5-10 minutes during his Inauguration that he's 10,000x the man Trump could ever be. Keep dreaming of harping on Biden for anything at all, as your weak, *****-footed wanna-be hero Trump slinks off, roundly defeated and humiliated, to the deepest dredges of history.

Nothing is sadder, and weaker, than to see adament Trump supporters now criticize Joe Biden. It's beyond pathetic and will never hold ground. What a stupid, ****** thing to do, to attack a decent and honorable man like Biden, after supporting a wretched, bottom-of-the-barrel ******* like Trump.

It doesn't surprise me one bit, to see asshat MAGA's turn on Biden, to try to hold his feet to the fire.

So ******* funny and ironic. You guys simply suck. It's beyond sad, to watch you squirm and wiggle your way though the first few days of this presidency. Sad, pathetic, but entirely predictable.

BWAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA Cry more you whiney, pathetic, weak little socialist *****. Buckle up ***** we're just getting started.
BWAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA Cry more you whiney, pathetic, weak little socialist *****. Buckle up ***** we're just getting started.

Make sure you come up for air from time to time, so you don't drown in your own bile.
Make sure you come up for air from time to time, so you don't drown in your own bile.

You ever re-read your panting, frothy predictions about Trump being a Putin puppet?

I don't need to re-read them. I remember what you said. You obviously forgot, so I recommend you take a stroll down stupid-memory lane.
Make sure you come up for air from time to time, so you don't drown in your own bile.

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid, I really thought you already knew.
You ever re-read your panting, frothy predictions about Trump being a Putin puppet? I don't need to re-read them. I remember what you said. You obviously forgot, so I recommend you take a stroll down stupid-memory lane.

Yeah, of course I remember, cause I hold those same exact views to this very day.

Unlike you, I don't blow in the wind.

I've seen exactly nothing, zero, zilch, that would show Trump's connections to Putin and Russia weren't exactly what I've stated.

I'll let you know, in no uncertain terms, the second anything having to do with Trump, Putin and Russia is proven to be false. I'll shout it from the rooftops, if and when this nefarious connection is determined to be untrue and false. I'll be the first person to broadcast and amplify that. Of that, you can be certain.

The fact is, that simply hasn't happened. I stand by everything I've ever written regarding Trump, Russia & Putin.
I've seen exactly nothing, zero, zilch, that would show Trump's connections to Putin and Russia weren't exactly what I've stated.

I'll let you know, in no uncertain terms, the second anything having to do with Trump, Putin and Russia is proven to be false. I'll shout it from the rooftops, if and when this nefarious connection is determined to be untrue and false. I'll be the first person to broadcast and amplify that. Of that, you can be certain.

Oh, you mean like when 19 lawyers spend three years and $40 million and DON'T FIND ONE ******* SCINTILLA OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR BULLSHIT RUMINATIONS??

Like that you mean?
What a stupid, ****** thing to do, to attack a decent and honorable man like Biden, after supporting a wretched, bottom-of-the-barrel ******* like Trump.

I'd appreciate you defending that which is in bold. Please, explain to us what makes Biden "decent and honorable."

We will wait.
I think they will drag him just past year 2. That way legally It would not count as a term for Kamala and she could run twice on her own.

If this proves true, and she actually has the opportunity to run twice, the nation as we know it, even on January 21, 2021, will be gone forever.
What a stupid, ****** thing to do, to attack a decent and honorable man like Biden, after supporting a wretched, bottom-of-the-barrel ******* like Trump.

Ah, **** it. I'll head this one off at the pass.

Joe Biden is a despicable human being Tibs. You can try to put lipstick on that pig...you will fail.

I'll start with him being a self-professed racist. You can judge him on his words and his actions.

Throughout his useless 44 year political career where he has quite literally done nothing, Biden's been racist, acted racist, spoke like a racist, and lied his way through politics:
  • 1970: Biden: “I have friends on the far left, and they can justify to me the murder of a white deaf mute for a nickel by five colored guys,” he said. “They say black men had been oppressed and so on. But they can’t justify some Alabama farmers tar and feathering an old colored woman.” He charged the ACLU would defend the black assailants, “but no one would go down to help the ‘rednecks.’”
  • 1970: “Everybody’s opposed to public housing — no one wants it in their backyard, but dammit, if you have a moral obligation, provide it — but spread the load around,” he said in 1970 while pushing his plan for small clusters of affordable housing.
  • 1973: After running on a campaign supporting busing, Biden switched gears. He once called state-mandated school integration “the most racist concept you can come up with,” and he became a LEADER of the anti-busing movement.
  • 1975: “The new integration plans being offered are really just quota systems to assure a certain number of blacks, Chicanos or whatever in each school,” he said in a 1975 interview recently unearthed by the Washington Post. “That, to me, is the most racist concept you can come up with; what it says is, ‘in order for your child with curly black hair, brown eyes and dark skin to be able to learn anything, he needs to sit next to my blond-haired, blue-eyed son.’ That’s racist! Who the hell do we think we are, that the only way a black man or woman can learn is if they rub shoulders with my white child?”
  • 1975: Biden: ""I think the concept of busing ... that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride..."
  • 1977: Biden warns that unless there is "orderly integration" (he favored housing, not busing), "My children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle..."
  • 1987: Biden told crowds he participated in the Civil Rights movement and participated in sit-ins, which were lies he had to retract
  • 1989: In 1989, with the violent crime rate continuing to rise as it had since the 1970s, Mr. Biden lamented that the Republican president, George H. W. Bush, was not doing enough to put “violent thugs” in prison.
  • 1991: Biden's horrible treatment of Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas hearings
  • 1993: Biden warned of “predators on our streets” who are "beyond the pale"
  • 1993: “It doesn’t matter whether or not they’re the victims of society,” Mr. Biden said in 1993, adding, “I don’t want to ask, ‘What made them do this?’ They must be taken off the street.”
  • 1994: Biden co-authored the Crime Bill that led to mass incarceration of Blacks and other minorities, one of the single worst pieces of legislation that harmed a minority community EVER.
  • 2006: Biden - "you can't go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts without a slight Indian accent"
  • 2006: Biden bragged about his state being a slave state: "And you don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth-largest black population in the country. My state is anything from a northeast, liberal state."
  • 2007: Biden described Obama as “the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”
  • 2012: Referring to Mitt Romney and pointing to African Americans, Biden said: ""He's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules - unchain Wall Street!" Biden said. Then he added, "They're going to put you all back in chains" with their economic and regulatory policies."
  • 2012: "We've got to recognize that the kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger," Biden said. Biden quickly drew criticism for his use of the word “gangbanger.”
  • 2019: At a campaign event in Iowa, Biden told supporters “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.”
  • 2019: In response to a question on the legacy of slavery, Biden said: “We bring social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help, they don’t want — they don’t know quite what to do.”
  • 2019: Biden bragged about working with segregationist Southern senators decades ago to “get things done” stating “at least there was some civility” in the Senate. Biden worked with racist senators such as Strom Thurmond, Jessie Helms and John Stennis (who were against the civil rights movement) and segregationist James Eastland, who helped him land spots on anti-crime committees. He warmly eulogized Thurmond
  • 2020: "You Ain't Black" - Biden labels all non-democratic voting African Americans as not black, inflaming many in the African American community and many Americans.
  • 2020: Biden lied saying he had been arrested in South Africa when he was on a trip to see Nelson Mandela in the 1970s
  • Biden has repeatedly claimed the NAACP has endorsed him each time he's run for office. Lies. The NAACP doesn't endorse candidates.

He is a certifiable racist. 30 years of documented racism.

He literally is in China's pocket. Evidence shows, not conjecture. He uses Government positions to enrich his family, illegally.

He engaged in quid pro quo with the Ukraine, had someone fired, to protect his interests, and used American taxpayer dollars in the process.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UXA--dj2-CY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

He inappropriately gropes women and minors, in public. Incessantly. It's been a problem for him for decades. He earned the name "Creepy Joe."

He strips down in front of aides and staff, as documented by the secret service, as if exposing himself is some form of a joke.

He finger raped Tara Reade.

He was part of an administration that weaponized Federal Agencies against their political opponents.

'Joe Biden is a pathological liar' - Biden claims he took part in the civil rights movement of the 1960s, and not a word is true - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/30/joe-biden-is-a-pathological-liar/

President Trump may be a pugnacious man with many flaws that he doesn’t even care to hide, but Joe Biden is a proven, habitual, unrepentant fraud and a pathological liar of the highest order.

Civil rights activist Shaun King says this. “Since the early 1970s, Joe Biden has been a serial liar …”

“In 1987, when Joe Biden was running for president for the very first time, his campaign got swallowed up in a swarm of lies that [he] told about himself all over the country. First, Biden was caught plagiarizing a famous speech from, then, Britsh Labor Pary Leader Neil Kinnock — including parts of the speech that came straight from Kinnock’s personal life that were not true for Biden.

“Then, he plagiarized yet another speech from the late Robert Kennedy and another from JFK and another from Hubert Humphrey … Soon, it was discovered that Biden had not just plagiarized those four speeches, but had lied about academic awards [that he never earned], lied about scholarships [that he never received], and lied about his ranking in law school [stating he graduated in the top half of his class when in fact he finished 76th out of 85].”

Mr. King then concludes by highlighting the series of 31 Biden lies he finds most foul; a list of prevarications dating back to the ’70s that are beyond the pale because they show Mr. Biden to be a bald-faced liar about his involvement in our nation’s march for civil rights.

After going through each one of these deceptions in great detail, Mr. King offers this summary: “Joe Biden … on the backs of people who actually paid an enormous price for being activists and organizers in the Civil Rights Movement, created a completely false narrative of his work and contributions …” In other words, Mr. Biden repeatedly claimed that he took part in the civil rights movement of the 1960s, and not a word of it was or is true. It never happened. He is lying.

Jeff Chidester of Seacoastonline summarizes Mr. Biden’s pattern of deceit this way. “On numerous occasions, Biden claimed he … was an activist and organizer within the civil rights movement, that he had been trained as a civil rights activist in Black churches, that he had participated in civil rights sit-ins, boycotts, and marches, and even went so far as to claim he was ‘raised in a Black church.’ None of this is true, not even a little bit. It’s all a complete fabrication … A decent man does not do this; a deceitful man does.”

He lied and ruined the life of the man involved in the accident that left his first wife dead. Ruined the man's damned life.

In 1972 after Mr. Biden’s first wife, Neilia, and his daughter, Naomi, lost their lives in a tragic auto accident, Joe Biden immediately took to the stump, claiming that Curtis C. Dunn, the driver of the tractor-trailer rig that hit the Bidens, was drunk at the time of the accident.

Here’s the problem. This is not true. Not even close.

Mr. Chidester writes, “[The fact is that] Biden’s wife failed to yield the right of way, Dunn put his life in jeopardy when trying to avoid hitting the Biden vehicle, and after the accident tried to render aid to the Biden family. Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation as chief prosecutor [at the time], said there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever supporting Joe Biden’s ‘claim.’ Curtis Dunn was, in fact, cleared of any wrongdoing.”

For over 47 years of public life, Joe Biden has shown himself to have an irresistible propensity to lie. He has lied to his professors. He has lied to his constituents. He has lied about his academic work. He has lied about his speeches. He has lied about his support of civil rights. He has even lied about the death of his own wife and young daughter. And today, he continues to lie to us about his son, Burisma, the CCP and himself.

He is a serial plagiarist, covered above.

Joe Biden is ANYTHING BUT a decent and honorable man. He is a detestable human.
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Yeah, of course I remember, cause I hold those same exact views to this very day.

Unlike you, I don't blow in the wind.

I've seen exactly nothing, zero, zilch, that would show Trump's connections to Putin and Russia weren't exactly what I've stated.

I'll let you know, in no uncertain terms, the second anything having to do with Trump, Putin and Russia is proven to be false. I'll shout it from the rooftops, if and when this nefarious connection is determined to be untrue and false. I'll be the first person to broadcast and amplify that. Of that, you can be certain.

The fact is, that simply hasn't happened. I stand by everything I've ever written regarding Trump, Russia & Putin.

That's not how it works.

You made the claim, it's your job to provide evidence to back it up.

Maybe instead of trolling SN 24/7 you should take a class in critical thinking, that way you won't come across as such an ignorant simpleton.
Ah, **** it. I'll head this one off at the pass.

Joe Biden is a despicable human being Tibs. You can try to put lipstick on that pig...you will fail.

I'll start with him being a self-professed racist. You can judge him on his words and his actions.

Throughout his useless 44 year political career where he has quite literally done nothing, Biden's been racist, acted racist, spoke like a racist, and lied his way through politics:
  • 1970: Biden: “I have friends on the far left, and they can justify to me the murder of a white deaf mute for a nickel by five colored guys,” he said. “They say black men had been oppressed and so on. But they can’t justify some Alabama farmers tar and feathering an old colored woman.” He charged the ACLU would defend the black assailants, “but no one would go down to help the ‘rednecks.’”
  • 1970: “Everybody’s opposed to public housing — no one wants it in their backyard, but dammit, if you have a moral obligation, provide it — but spread the load around,” he said in 1970 while pushing his plan for small clusters of affordable housing.
  • 1973: After running on a campaign supporting busing, Biden switched gears. He once called state-mandated school integration “the most racist concept you can come up with,” and he became a LEADER of the anti-busing movement.
  • 1975: “The new integration plans being offered are really just quota systems to assure a certain number of blacks, Chicanos or whatever in each school,” he said in a 1975 interview recently unearthed by the Washington Post. “That, to me, is the most racist concept you can come up with; what it says is, ‘in order for your child with curly black hair, brown eyes and dark skin to be able to learn anything, he needs to sit next to my blond-haired, blue-eyed son.’ That’s racist! Who the hell do we think we are, that the only way a black man or woman can learn is if they rub shoulders with my white child?”
  • 1975: Biden: ""I think the concept of busing ... that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride..."
  • 1977: Biden warns that unless there is "orderly integration" (he favored housing, not busing), "My children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle..."
  • 1987: Biden told crowds he participated in the Civil Rights movement and participated in sit-ins, which were lies he had to retract
  • 1989: In 1989, with the violent crime rate continuing to rise as it had since the 1970s, Mr. Biden lamented that the Republican president, George H. W. Bush, was not doing enough to put “violent thugs” in prison.
  • 1991: Biden's horrible treatment of Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas hearings
  • 1993: Biden warned of “predators on our streets” who are "beyond the pale"
  • 1993: “It doesn’t matter whether or not they’re the victims of society,” Mr. Biden said in 1993, adding, “I don’t want to ask, ‘What made them do this?’ They must be taken off the street.”
  • 1994: Biden co-authored the Crime Bill that led to mass incarceration of Blacks and other minorities, one of the single worst pieces of legislation that harmed a minority community EVER.
  • 2006: Biden - "you can't go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts without a slight Indian accent"
  • 2006: Biden bragged about his state being a slave state: "And you don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth-largest black population in the country. My state is anything from a northeast, liberal state."
  • 2007: Biden described Obama as “the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”
  • 2012: Referring to Mitt Romney and pointing to African Americans, Biden said: ""He's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules - unchain Wall Street!" Biden said. Then he added, "They're going to put you all back in chains" with their economic and regulatory policies."
  • 2012: "We've got to recognize that the kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger," Biden said. Biden quickly drew criticism for his use of the word “gangbanger.”
  • 2019: At a campaign event in Iowa, Biden told supporters “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.”
  • 2019: In response to a question on the legacy of slavery, Biden said: “We bring social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help, they don’t want — they don’t know quite what to do.”
  • 2019: Biden bragged about working with segregationist Southern senators decades ago to “get things done” stating “at least there was some civility” in the Senate. Biden worked with racist senators such as Strom Thurmond, Jessie Helms and John Stennis (who were against the civil rights movement) and segregationist James Eastland, who helped him land spots on anti-crime committees. He warmly eulogized Thurmond
  • 2020: "You Ain't Black" - Biden labels all non-democratic voting African Americans as not black, inflaming many in the African American community and many Americans.
  • 2020: Biden lied saying he had been arrested in South Africa when he was on a trip to see Nelson Mandela in the 1970s
  • Biden has repeatedly claimed the NAACP has endorsed him each time he's run for office. Lies. The NAACP doesn't endorse candidates.

He is a certifiable racist. 30 years of documented racism.

He literally is in China's pocket. Evidence shows, not conjecture. He uses Government positions to enrich his family, illegally.

He engaged in quid pro quo with the Ukraine, had someone fired, to protect his interests, and used American taxpayer dollars in the process.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UXA--dj2-CY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

He inappropriately gropes women and minors, in public. Incessantly. It's been a problem for him for decades. He earned the name "Creepy Joe."

He strips down in front of aides and staff, as documented by the secret service, as if exposing himself is some form of a joke.

He finger raped Tara Reade.

He was part of an administration that weaponized Federal Agencies against their political opponents.

'Joe Biden is a pathological liar' - Biden claims he took part in the civil rights movement of the 1960s, and not a word is true - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/30/joe-biden-is-a-pathological-liar/

He lied and ruined the life of the man involved in the accident that left his first wife dead. Ruined the man's damned life.

He is a serial plagiarist, covered above.

Joe Biden is ANYTHING BUT a decent and honorable man. He is a detestable human.
Oh ****, now Commie Tibs is going to run and cry to the mods again that everyone is picking on him. The poor little victim never does anything wrong at all!
Oh ****, now Commie Tibs is going to run and cry to the mods again that everyone is picking on him. The poor little victim never does anything wrong at all!

I find it sick. To spend 4 years here harping on Trump, an imperfect candidate, and calling him every name he could think of, trashing him for what a bad human he was....now...NOW...he turns a blind eye to the laundry list of 47 years of public transgressions Biden has committed. Ignores them. Refuses to acknowledge them. Pretends they didn't exist, or will say "that was then this is now."

Complete, utter, total hypocrisy.

I laid it out and that isn't even a complete list. It's a summary. How anyone can read that, know what he's done...and call him decent and honorable is a fraud. Biden is a dirty creep who's stepped on people, insulted minorities for decades, assaulted women, incarcerated minorities in mass quantities unfairly, and conducted unethical and illegal business as an elected politician.

He makes Strom Thurmond look like a saint.
I'd appreciate you defending that which is in bold. Please, explain to us what makes Biden "decent and honorable." We will wait.

Tell us what is not decent or honorable about Joe Biden. And no cheating, play fair. The fact he's the oldest elected President? That's the problem? Biden was Vice President for eight years, that's a known fact. Served for decades in Congress before that. That's makes him a loser? That's a demerit, in your view?

Is it the allegations regarding Biden being sold out to China? Or Hunter Biden's laptop, the nefarious business deals in Ukraine? Is that it? Salacious allegations pushed by OANN, Hannity on Fox, Giuliani and Trump himself? Oh, those rock solid views, based on cold hard facts, regarding President Joe Biden?

Thanks but no thanks, as far as discussing politics with you.

The second you come off the dizzying bullshit MAGA train, I'll be open to having a conversation with you. Until then, you're on your own.