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Pennsylvania Primary 2022

So, who am I voting for tomorrow? I need a cheat sheet. lol
My takes:
Senator: Dr. Oz.
Governor: Doug Mastriano.
Lt. Gov.: Teddy Daniels or Chris Frye. I'm still on the fence. I like Daniels but Frye is from Western PA, black, mayor of New Castle. Will probably vote for Frye.
U.S. Rep.: Depends where you live, for me it's Jeremy Shaffer.
My takes:
Senator: Dr. Oz.
Governor: Doug Mastriano.
Lt. Gov.: Teddy Daniels or Chris Frye. I'm still on the fence. I like Daniels but Frye is from Western PA, black, mayor of New Castle. Will probably vote for Frye.
U.S. Rep.: Depends where you live, for me it's Jeremy Shaffer.
Thanks. I went back and read some of the previous post.
My takes:
Senator: Dr. Oz.
Governor: Doug Mastriano.
Lt. Gov.: Teddy Daniels or Chris Frye. I'm still on the fence. I like Daniels but Frye is from Western PA, black, mayor of New Castle. Will probably vote for Frye.
U.S. Rep.: Depends where you live, for me it's Jeremy Shaffer.
I'm torn on a Senator. Oz is a holding my nose vote and risky. I told myself I will never do that again. Barnette has ?????'s. McCormick I like and is more in line with me.
Thanks. I went back and read some of the previous post.

I'm torn on a Senator. Oz is a holding my nose vote and risky. I told myself I will never do that again. Barnette has ?????'s. McCormick I like and is more in line with me.
McCormick made a lot of his money in China. I don’t trust him. Dr. Oz has the best chance to win in November. Barnette is the GOP Establishment candidate so that’s reason enough not to vote for her. Mastriano and Oz are the guys the establishment DOESN’T want, so they get my vote.
I saw McSwain on TV last night. He sounded like Fred Rogers.
Did he say “if you cant
McCormick made a lot of his money in China. I don’t trust him. Dr. Oz has the best chance to win in November. Barnette is the GOP Establishment candidate so that’s reason enough not to vote for her. Mastriano and Oz are the guys the establishment DOESN’T want, so they get my vote.
i just heard that Barnette pushed for a statue of Obama in DC, close to one of Lincoln. If true she’s a fraud. **** her.
Ted Cruz endorsed McCormick that was good enough for me. I also voted for
Mastriano and Daniels.
Doug Mastriano with a big lead in the GOP governor's race.
Dave McCormick with a slim lead over Dr. Oz with 99% of precincts in. 2000 votes.
John Fetterman with a large lead in the Dem Senate race.
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Woke up this morning and Dr. Oz has a small lead. Too close to call until the absentee ballots are counted.

Mastriano’s surge came amid Republican Party leadership pushing the lower-tier of candidates to drop out and throw their support behind Barletta. Corman and Hart each did so earlier this week, but White and McSwain stayed in the race with the ballot already printed.

Some party leaders have reportedly feared Mastriano would not be able to win in a general election against Shapiro in November.

Amid the reported push to support Barletta, Mastriano told abc27 “in the end, it confirms so many people’s suspicions that there is a political establishment that tries to pick winners and losers. Sadly in the Republican establishment, they tend to pick losers.”
Instructive that the GOPe statewide candidates, Barletta and Barnette, lost bigly.
Doug Mastriano with a big lead in the GOP governor's race.
Dave McCormick with a slim lead over Dr. Oz with 99% of precincts in. 2000 votes.
John Fetterman with a large lead in the Dem Senate race.
With Fetterman getting the nod, there will be a very distinct difference in the choice for governor in the general election.

Sorry, just realized that Fetterman wants to become a millionaire in DC and not Harrisburg.
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First time in 30 years that I didn't vote. I didn't like a single person in the races for office. Not. A. One. It isn't even about who the best candidate is, it's all in who has the best chance to win against the other one. We're so damned bias against one another, so polarized, that we'll vote for a Hollywood actor posing as a Pennsylvanian.
Sorry, just realized that Fetterman wants to become a millionaire in DC and not Harrisburg.
Fetterman is a straight-up Communist. It will be interesting to see how he does in November.
I'm pretty sure that democracy is dead in this nation. They perfected it in CA and moved it out to the nation.
For Governor, Shapiro ran unopposed for the Dems, but he paid lots of money to run ads that pointed out jut how much Mastriano is a MAGA candidate. Essentially pro-Mastriano ads for a primary. Shapiro wanted to run against the MAGA candidate. Careful what you wish for.
Fetterman is a straight-up Communist. It will be interesting to see how he does in November.

Can you imagine if a (R) looked like this??

For Governor, Shapiro ran unopposed for the Dems, but he paid lots of money to run ads that pointed out jut how much Mastriano is a MAGA candidate. Essentially pro-Mastriano ads for a primary. Shapiro wanted to run against the MAGA candidate. Careful what you wish for.
I get it but I'm not convinced the Dims are that smart.
Meh I don’t get to vote in primaries… but I don’t get how Dr oz can just move to the state explicitly to run for senate and thats cool… shouldn’t you need to live there for like at least a few years first lol
Meh I don’t get to vote in primaries… but I don’t get how Dr oz can just move to the state explicitly to run for senate and thats cool… shouldn’t you need to live there for like at least a few years first lol
He's mostly been a PA resident except for a few years in NJ.
Regardless, it's about who has the best chance to win in November and I think Oz is our best shot.
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(2022) (D)imbo nominee John "Ork" Fetterman denied recent questions about his medical condition. The questions had nothing to do with his recent "minor" stroke or "minor" heart procedure and instead relate to allegations that Fetterman is not human and is actually an Ork.


Fetterman addresses Ork allegation

"I have no idea where these ridiculous rumors start," Fetterork said as he ate the heart of a MAGA voter. "I work for Saur ... the people of Pennsylvania. Anybody who knows me knows that the allegation I have Ork leanings is ridiculous. The slaves, ehh, voters better understand there are penalties for these false rumors," Fetterork intoned.

Fetterork killed 7 citizens, left the news conference, and mounted a Nazgul for a trip to Scranton-Wilkes Barre for his next campaign stop.

(2022) (D)imbo nominee John "Ork" Fetterman denied recent questions about his medical condition. The questions had nothing to do with his recent "minor" stroke or "minor" heart procedure and instead relate to allegations that Fetterman is not human and is actually an Ork.


Fetterman addresses Ork allegation

"I have no idea where these ridiculous rumors start," Fetterork said as he ate the heart of a MAGA voter. "I work for Saur ... the people of Pennsylvania. Anybody who knows me knows that the allegation I have Ork leanings is ridiculous. The slaves, ehh, voters better understand there are penalties for these false rumors," Fetterork intoned.

Fetterork killed 7 citizens, left the news conference, and mounted a Nazgul for a trip to Scranton-Wilkes Barre for his next campaign stop.
Hopefully the resistance of the Baby Pens twarts his advancement on wilkes-barre