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Peter King on Tomlin

Peter - post the stat showing Darth Hoodie and/or all the other great coaching geniuses going 8 straight years without a playoff win AND keeping their job.
I’ll wait…….
Peter - post the stat showing Darth Hoodie and/or all the other great coaching geniuses going 8 straight years without a playoff win AND keeping their job.
I’ll wait…….

Long beard is what you will get…………….

Salute the nation
Peter - post the stat showing Darth Hoodie and/or all the other great coaching geniuses going 8 straight years without a playoff win AND keeping their job.
I’ll wait…….
If the Patriots can dump Bill Belichick with 6 Super Bowl titles in 9 appearances after 5 years without a playoff win, no one should be immune.
I think the following is correct, but I did the research on an iphone sitting in a hotel at 1am, so I could have screwed up

Tomlin losses to really bad teams per year:
*bad losses were judged as teams with double digit loss totals at years end*
(Records are year end totals)

07 - Jets 4-12
08 - Colts 2-14
09 - Browns 5-11, Raiders 5-11
10 - ***none*** all losses were to double digit win teams
11 - Houston 6-10, SF 6-10
12 - Titans 6-10, Browns 5-11, Raiders 4-12
13 - Vikings 5-10, Oakland 4-12
14 - Tampa 2-14, Jets 4-12
15 - Ravens (two different losses) 5-11
16- **none (did lose to the 7-9 eagles, but they were not that bad)
17 Bears 5-11
18 Broncos 6-10, Raiders 4-12
19 Browns 6-10
20 Bengals 4-11-1
21 **none ( did lose to the 8-9 Vikings but they were not that bad)
22 Browns 7-10 Jets 7-10
23 *incomplete, but Cards and Pats both already have double digit losses…

Thats 24 double digit loss teams he has lost to in 17 years… seems high…

Many of these teams were bottom 5 in the league and many came with playoff quality Steelers teams on the field.

There are ones that have built in excuses because of our injuries or injuries the other team got after playing us, but that is not the rule… most were just overlooked teams
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Blah blah. What King said has been repeated countless times.
Yes peter we are very well aware...no losing seasons blah blah. Yes Peter we know, any GM in the league would snatch Tomlin up blah blah.
What King failed to touch on was the fact that not a single playoff win resulted from all that greatness.
King is a kiss-@ss to the NFL, period. That makes him a kiss-@ss to the Steelers, automatically. Do you think you get to his position by being 100% truthful and honest in his "reportings?" Pullllleeeeezzeee. He is a corporate "yes man" ready to spew their official rhetoric at the drop of a hat. You want evidence? OK, how about when the Steelers were trying to trade Jason Gildon when he was just a shadow of his former self? (It's where he got the name "Gildong," in case you forgot/never knew.)

At the time, in 2003, Gildon was used up, nothing left in the tank and most everyone knew it. But Pgh wanted to try to trade his shadow and get something for nothing; can't blame them for trying - like they did with Claypool. So what did "Mr. NFL reporter" have to say about Gildon at that time? That he was still an awesome pass rusher and heavily sought. I mean, here is King, a supposed NFL insider, claiming Gildon was this highly sought after killer edge rusher. King was merely spewing what the Steelers wanted, truth be damned. (Gildon went on the play for the Jags for one "nothing" season, recording a total of 3 sacks. Yea, thanks for the keen insight, King.)

King is nothing but a peddler of scam. A pettifogger. A shyster. His words are irrelevant.

There are few media figures that I detest as much as I loathe this narcissistic ***.

When Ben and Brady retired around the same time PK started a campaign claiming that Ben was not first ballot HOF worthy and that Brady being the GOAT deserved to go into the HOF by himself as the lone QB representative.

As a HOF voter he knew from past experience that HOF stadium would be filled with Black and Gold and that they would BOO that cheating, deflating, ******* incessantly. So his sophomoric solution is to diminish and demean a legit HOF performer's accomplishments and scold to him that he just needs to wait his turn, so the NFL can have an unblemished coronation of a QB whose career has been marred by not only cheating accusations but league mandated punishments and sanctions for cheating.

The full story of spygate has never come out, and the NFL compiled and destroyed all of the evidence.

Pete Rose is envious.
The national media purely looks at the never finishing a season below .500 stat. What they ignore is a playoff win in only 4 of 16 (soon to be 17) seasons. If the national media only saw a coach was on the brink of a 7th straight season without a playoff win, no one would be saying "you don't know how lucky you are."
Like criticizing colleges and universities that don’t accept students who consistently get C+/B- grades.
I think the following is correct, but I did the research on an iphone sitting in a hotel at 1am, so I could have screwed up

Tomlin losses to really bad teams per year:
*bad losses were judged as teams with double digit loss totals at years end*
(Records are year end totals)

07 - Jets 4-12
08 - Colts 2-14
09 - Browns 5-11, Raiders 5-11
10 - ***none*** all losses were to double digit win teams
11 - Houston 6-10, SF 6-10
12 - Titans 6-10, Browns 5-11, Raiders 4-12
13 - Vikings 5-10, Oakland 4-12
14 - Tampa 2-14, Jets 4-12
15 - Ravens (two different losses) 5-11
16- **none (did lose to the 7-9 eagles, but they were not that bad)
17 Bears 5-11
18 Broncos 6-10, Raiders 4-12
19 Browns 6-10
20 Bengals 4-11-1
21 **none ( did lose to the 8-9 Vikings but they were not that bad)
22 Browns 7-10 Jets 7-10
23 *incomplete, but Cards and Pats both already have double digit losses…

Thats 24 double digit loss teams he has lost to in 17 years… seems high…

Many of these teams were bottom 5 in the league and many came with playoff quality Steelers teams on the field.

There are ones that have built in excuses because of our injuries or injuries the other team got after playing us, but that is not the rule… most were just overlooked teams
In 6 of Tomlin’s 16 years (including 2016-2019) the Browns and Bengals had a combined .271 winning percentage. In the other 10 years they were only .491. While not knowing the exact specifics, hardcore Steelers fans are familiar with that, casual fans and national media are not. Never a losing season isn’t that impressive to us.

There are few media figures that I detest as much as I loathe this narcissistic ***.

When Ben and Brady retired around the same time PK started a campaign claiming that Ben was not first ballot HOF worthy and that Brady being the GOAT deserved to go into the HOF by himself as the lone QB representative.

As a HOF voter he knew from past experience that HOF stadium would be filled with Black and Gold and that they would BOO that cheating, deflating, ******* incessantly. So his sophomoric solution is to diminish and demean a legit HOF performer's accomplishments and scold to him that he just needs to wait his turn, so the NFL can have an unblemished coronation of a QB whose career has been marred by not only cheating accusations but league mandated punishments and sanctions for cheating.

The full story of spygate has never come out, and the NFL compiled and destroyed all of the evidence.

Pete Rose is envious.


Great Post Super Dave and thanks for all your great ones along the way.

It would have been comical should both of them had gone in the same year. I'd lay odds that they would have had to clear the stadium in order for t*mmyb*y to give his cheating-azZ speech.

Salute the nation

There are few media figures that I detest as much as I loathe this narcissistic ***.

When Ben and Brady retired around the same time PK started a campaign claiming that Ben was not first ballot HOF worthy and that Brady being the GOAT deserved to go into the HOF by himself as the lone QB representative.

As a HOF voter he knew from past experience that HOF stadium would be filled with Black and Gold and that they would BOO that cheating, deflating, ******* incessantly. So his sophomoric solution is to diminish and demean a legit HOF performer's accomplishments and scold to him that he just needs to wait his turn, so the NFL can have an unblemished coronation of a QB whose career has been marred by not only cheating accusations but league mandated punishments and sanctions for cheating.

The full story of spygate has never come out, and the NFL compiled and destroyed all of the evidence.
Well thanks for some added insights on King I didn't realize. Unlike some Steeler fans, I don't automatically loath any and all media people who have EVER spoke an ill word about the Steelers ever. For instance, I still like Collinsworth and Cowherd and they are not always pleasant rhetorically about the Steelers; sometimes I admire their honesty. But King, he's just a bloated, privileged, supposed "know-it-all" who, trust me, doesn't know all and certainly can't be trusted. His pitch on how great Gildon still was? Either ignorant or purposely dishonest, one of the other. He's just an NFL shill. And hardly an insider. The only thing he's on the inside of is an extra-large pizza box.
Thats 24 double digit loss teams he has lost to in 17 years… seems high…

Many of these teams were bottom 5 in the league and many came with playoff quality Steelers teams on the field.

There are ones that have built in excuses because of our injuries or injuries the other team got after playing us, but that is not the rule… most were just overlooked teams
It can't even be disputed; it's who Tomin is, and as our head coach, it's who we are. He is ill prepared for bad teams. That is the mark of a poor coach and he's done it consistently since being our head coach. Sloppy, undisciplined, ill prepared. That is a Tomlin team.
In 6 of Tomlin’s 16 years (including 2016-2019) the Browns and Bengals had a combined .271 winning percentage. In the other 10 years they were only .491. While not knowing the exact specifics, hardcore Steelers fans are familiar with that, casual fans and national media are not. Never a losing season isn’t that impressive to us.
4 games a year vs. exceptionally bad teams AND with a HOF QB kind of tilts the scales a bit, and in some of those years he was 8-8, which is described as "not losing" seasons (however not "winning" either). Shades is FRAUDlin. It's that simple. Never has a head coach been more overrated, never.