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President Trump Administration; Top Policy Issues

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize


Currently, a half-billion dollars in taxpayer money is given to National Public Radio (NPR) and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) each year. Trump plans to do away with that.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

The Regan Administration attempted something similar in the 1980s, but was ultimately convinced against it. One of the cases made was that the government owes the American people access to news/information. Back then, there was no internet, only a few dozen televisions/news radio stations. They saw it as an actual public service (perhaps, rightly so).

Today, however, broadcast television and FM radio is in a major decline with fewer and fewer viewers every year. After all, who feels like waiting for the 6 o’clock news when you can just hop on the internet and get real-time news and current events?

President Donald Trump tells Detroit auto CEOs that environmental regulations are ‘out of control’

President Trump told leaders of the country’s largest automakers Tuesday that he will curtail “unnecessary” environmental regulations and make it easier to build plants in the United States, changes that he expects will shore up the manufacturing jobs he repeatedly promised to voters on the campaign trail.

After weeks of taunting the automotive industry over Twitter, Trump made a point to meet with the chief executives of General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler just days into his term. He has pressured the companies to build more vehicles in the United States and hire more Americans into manufacturing jobs.


One thing he could do to slightly appease the Greenies, and I actually think would be a good idea, is to adopt European auto standards. We'd have to give up a little bit on crash protection and emissions but the automakers would save money by being able to build the same cars for everyone AND sell cars in the U.S. that get better mileage. In Europe you can buy many of the same vehicles we get here but with diesel engines that use much less fuel but won't meet U.S. emissions standards (see VW). In Italy I saw Jeep Wranglers and Cherokees and Chrysler minivans with diesel engines.
It's happening

Trump to announce Supreme Court pick next week

President Trump's down to three in Supreme Court search

President Donald Trump has narrowed his first Supreme Court nomination to three finalists, with 10th Circuit judge Neil Gorsuch and 3rd Circuit judge Thomas Hardiman emerging as front-runners while 11th Circuit Judge Bill Pryor remains in the running but fading, according to people familiar with the search process.

Trump interviewed at least those three finalists in New York during the transition, according to a person familiar with the search. Trump himself said Tuesday he would make a selection for the court’s empty seat next week and summoned top Senate leaders to the White House to discuss his impending choice to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, who died nearly a year ago.

“The president wants to move as quickly as he can,” said Leonard Leo, one of Trump’s advisers on the court pick and a top official at the Federalist Society.

He’s just getting started!

Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of border wall and targeting sanctuary cities

President Trump is planning to sign executive orders on Wednesday enabling construction of his proposed border wall, and targeting cities where local leaders refuse to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation, part of a multi-day rollout of his long-promised crackdown on illegal immigration, officials familiar with the decision said Tuesday.

“Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow,” Trump wrote on Twitter late Tuesday. “Among many other things, we will build the wall!”

The moves represent Trump’s first effort to deliver on perhaps the signature issue that drove his presidential campaign: his belief that illegal immigration is out of control and threatening the country’s safety and security.

On Wednesday, Trump plans to speak to a town hall of employees at the Department of Homeland Security’s headquarters in Washington, where he is expected to sign the orders.

If people from all these countries are banned from traveling here, where will all our doctors come from?
Trump team compiles infrastructure priority list

President Donald Trump’s team has compiled a list of about 50 infrastructure projects nationwide, totaling at least $137.5 billion, as the new White House tries to determine its investment priorities

The documents, circulated within the congressional and business communities, offer a first glimpse at which projects around the country might get funding if Trump follows through on his campaign promise to renew America’s crumbling highways, airports, dams and bridges.

Among the projects could be a new terminal for the Kansas City airport, upgrades to Interstate 95 in North Carolina and the construction of a high-speed railway from Dallas to Houston.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize


Currently, a half-billion dollars in taxpayer money is given to National Public Radio (NPR) and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) each year. Trump plans to do away with that.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

The Regan Administration attempted something similar in the 1980s, but was ultimately convinced against it. One of the cases made was that the government owes the American people access to news/information. Back then, there was no internet, only a few dozen televisions/news radio stations. They saw it as an actual public service (perhaps, rightly so).

Today, however, broadcast television and FM radio is in a major decline with fewer and fewer viewers every year. After all, who feels like waiting for the 6 o’clock news when you can just hop on the internet and get real-time news and current events?


Not to mention that both NPR and PBS are so far left that any hint of objectivity they may have had in the beginning is long gone.
I've never listened to NPR and the only thing I've ever watched on PBS is Mr. Rogers when I was a kid. I ended up meeting Fred years later in the U.S. Air Club at the Pittsburgh airport. He was such a nice guy.

But **** PBS.
Libs are reeling

Trudeau welcomes Trump's Keystone XL decision

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is strongly in favour of Donald Trump's decision to green-light the Keystone XL pipeline project, a move he says will be a boon for Canadian jobs and government coffers, and help a hobbled Alberta recover from the steep decline in oil prices.

Trudeau said he has spoken to the new U.S. president twice, and on both occasions he pressed upon him Canada's steadfast support for the $8-billion project, which could carry more than 800,000 barrels of Alberta oil a day to refineries in Texas.

"I reiterated my support for the project. I've been on the record for many years supporting because it leads to economic growth and good jobs for Albertans," he told reporters assembled in Calgary for the federal cabinet retreat.

But, but... I thought Trudeau is an ecowarrior, european socialist! That's what the media told me! How can any tree loving liberal vote for a PIPELINE??? Oh the agony!
Fast and Furious!

Toot Toot

Trump Prepares To Drastically Reduce US Involvement in UN

President Trump Prepares Orders Aiming at Global Funding and Treaties

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing executive orders that would clear the way to drastically reduce the United States’ role in the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as begin a process to review and potentially abrogate certain forms of multilateral treaties, officials said.

The first of the two draft orders, titled “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations” calls for terminating funding for any United Nations agency or other international body that meets any one of several criteria.

b b but he's not a "True Conservative"

President Trump Readies Pen to Reverse Anti-gun Executive Orders

In one of the first pro-gun actions of his administration, President Donald Trump is expected to shortly move to revoke Barack Obamas illegal actions to effectively outlaw gun collecting.

Obama’s anti-gun “executive action” was announced on January 6, 2016 – in the wake of Obama’s unsuccessful attempt to scapegoat law-abiding gun owners for the actions of a Muslim terrorist in San Bernardino.

Under Obama’s now-moribund “clarification,” a gun owner could have been imprisoned for up to five years and fined $250,000 for “only one or two [firearms] transactions,” according to a White House fact sheet.

One thing he could do to slightly appease the Greenies, and I actually think would be a good idea, is to adopt European auto standards. We'd have to give up a little bit on crash protection and emissions but the automakers would save money by being able to build the same cars for everyone AND sell cars in the U.S. that get better mileage. In Europe you can buy many of the same vehicles we get here but with diesel engines that use much less fuel but won't meet U.S. emissions standards (see VW). In Italy I saw Jeep Wranglers and Cherokees and Chrysler minivans with diesel engines.

Ive read rumors that Jeep plans to build a diesel/hybrid type Wrangler next year.
Wow. It's so much goodness in so short of time. Yeah his transition team was a mess. Sure it was.
Wow. It's so much goodness in so short of time. Yeah his transition team was a mess. Sure it was.

What he has done in less than a full week is incredible. He is exactly why I wanted a businessman as president instead of a career politician. People who have not supported him and are still too stupid to will end up on the wrong side of history.
Trump is proud of every one of his executive orders, signing them in public and holding them up for the press to see. Now you are seeing what transparency looks like.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

So when Obama signed executive orders it was a president abusing his power, behaving more like a tyrant than a president.... but when Trump does the EXACT SAME THING he is offering a shining example of administrative transparency, using his powers exactly how a president should. It never ceases to amaze me how people can look at the exact same thing but perceive it in two completely different ways based on who is doing said thing. For example.... one of the last orders Obama gave before leaving office was the authorization of two bombing missions ...one in Syria and I believe one in Libya.... where an Isis outpost in Syria and an al-Queda outpost in Libya were obliterated and over 100 members of the two terrorist groups killed. Now common sense would suggest that ordering such a raid against the two terrorist outposts.... and all the other authorizations of missions during his presidency that killed thousands of Muslim extremists.....completely flies in the face of all those that believe Obama to be secretly on the side of the Islamists. If he really was a terrorist sympathizer, why on earth would he do this with only 48 hours left in his presidency. Surely he would have done the exact opposite. But even knowing all of this, those that hate him will still insist he's a terrorist. If it were Trump or any republican that authorized the exact same mission, the reaction would be the exact opposite.
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Wow. It's so much goodness in so short of time. Yeah his transition team was a mess. Sure it was.

Libs are furious their own Congress critters are agreeing with him!

hahahahahahahah..........heads asploding..............hahahahahahahahaha
So when Obama signed executive orders it was a president abusing his power, behaving more like a tyrant than a president.... but when Trump does the EXACT SAME THING he is offering a shining example of administrative transparency, using his powers exactly how a president should. It never ceases to amaze me how people can look at the exact same thing but perceive it in two completely different ways based on who is doing said thing. For example.... one of the last orders Obama gave before leaving office was the authorization of two bombing missions ...one in Syria and I believe one in Libya.... where an Isis outpost in Syria and an al-Queda outpost in Libya were obliterated and over 100 members of the two terrorist groups killed. Now common sense would suggest that ordering such a raid against the two terrorist outposts.... and all the other authorizations of missions that killed thousands of Muslim extremists.....completely flies in the face of all those that believe Obama to be secretly on the side of the Islamists. If he really was a terrorist sympathizer, why on earth would he do this with only 48 hours left in his presidency. Surely he would have done the exact opposite. But even knowing all of this, those that hate him will still insist he's a terrorist. If it were Trump or any republican that authorized the exact same mission, the reaction would be the exact opposite.

221 million payoff to the wife's and children of Palastinian suicide bombers make that bombing seem a little hollow. But President Trump put a stop to that **** ! WINNING.
So when Obama signed executive orders it was a president abusing his power, behaving more like a tyrant than a president.... but when Trump does the EXACT SAME THING he is offering a shining example of administrative transparency, using his powers exactly how a president should. It never ceases to amaze me how people can look at the exact same thing but perceive it in two completely different ways based on who is doing said thing. For example.... one of the last orders Obama gave before leaving office was the authorization of two bombing missions ...one in Syria and I believe one in Libya.... where an Isis outpost in Syria and an al-Queda outpost in Libya were obliterated and over 100 members of the two terrorist groups killed. Now common sense would suggest that ordering such a raid against the two terrorist outposts.... and all the other authorizations of missions during his presidency that killed thousands of Muslim extremists.....completely flies in the face of all those that believe Obama to be secretly on the side of the Islamists. If he really was a terrorist sympathizer, why on earth would he do this with only 48 hours left in his presidency. Surely he would have done the exact opposite. But even knowing all of this, those that hate him will still insist he's a terrorist. If it were Trump or any republican that authorized the exact same mission, the reaction would be the exact opposite.

The standard is the standard.
The Swamp Is Draining!

Several senior diplomats resign as Trump admin takes shape

A handful of senior U.S. diplomats are resigning their posts during President Donald Trump's first week on the job, creating more high-level openings that the new president must fill.

State Department Undersecretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy, a career foreign service officer, planned to retire effective Friday, the State Department said. He was joined by two assistant secretaries, Joyce Barr and Michele Bond, who both resigned Wednesday. Gentry Smith, who directs the Office of Foreign Missions, was also departing.

The four join a growing list of long-serving diplomats declining to stay on into the Trump administration. That list includes Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Gregory Starr, the assistant secretary for diplomatic security. Starr retired on Inauguration Day.



The Swamp Is Draining!

Several senior diplomats resign as Trump admin takes shape

A handful of senior U.S. diplomats are resigning their posts during President Donald Trump's first week on the job, creating more high-level openings that the new president must fill.

State Department Undersecretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy, a career foreign service officer, planned to retire effective Friday, the State Department said. He was joined by two assistant secretaries, Joyce Barr and Michele Bond, who both resigned Wednesday. Gentry Smith, who directs the Office of Foreign Missions, was also departing.

The four join a growing list of long-serving diplomats declining to stay on into the Trump administration. That list includes Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Gregory Starr, the assistant secretary for diplomatic security. Starr retired on Inauguration Day.




Is it even necessary to replace these people? What is their purpose?
Just be ready for the next media attack

"Trump is racist because black gang bangers in Chicago shoot each other."