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President Trump Administration; Top Policy Issues

Do it do it do it do it!

Trump administration debates designating Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist group

A debate is under way in the Trump administration about whether the United States should declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and subject it to U.S. sanctions, according to U.S. officials and people close to President Donald Trump’s transition team.

A faction led by Michael Flynn, Trump’s National Security Advisor, wants to add the Brotherhood to the State Department and U.S. Treasury lists of foreign terrorist organizations, the sources said.

The Muslim "problem" began with the formation of the Muslim Brotherhood.
So when Obama signed executive orders it was a president abusing his power, behaving more like a tyrant than a president.... but when Trump does the EXACT SAME THING he is offering a shining example of administrative transparency, using his powers exactly how a president should. It never ceases to amaze me how people can look at the exact same thing but perceive it in two completely different ways based on who is doing said thing. For example.... one of the last orders Obama gave before leaving office was the authorization of two bombing missions ...one in Syria and I believe one in Libya.... where an Isis outpost in Syria and an al-Queda outpost in Libya were obliterated and over 100 members of the two terrorist groups killed. Now common sense would suggest that ordering such a raid against the two terrorist outposts.... and all the other authorizations of missions during his presidency that killed thousands of Muslim extremists.....completely flies in the face of all those that believe Obama to be secretly on the side of the Islamists. If he really was a terrorist sympathizer, why on earth would he do this with only 48 hours left in his presidency. Surely he would have done the exact opposite. But even knowing all of this, those that hate him will still insist he's a terrorist. If it were Trump or any republican that authorized the exact same mission, the reaction would be the exact opposite.
So you responded to my point about transparency with a rambling argument about something else. Gee, liberals never do that!
Make it so!

President Trump To Withdraw From Climate & Environmental Accords Along With UN Funding Cuts of 40%

The White House is mulling over two executive orders which would see a massive reduction in US involvement with international partners on a range of issues.

The order would mandate a 40 per cent cut in all US funding towards the United Nations, any UN agency, or any other international organisation which would amount to billions of dollars

“There are two executive orders that are in draft form that are circulating the White House now that they are currently planning to sign by the end of the week."

“The first one would review a huge subset of multilateral treaties that the United States is currently engaged in - it’s not really clear which of those treaties they have in mind but it looks like it opens up climate agreements and environmental agreements… to be abrogated.

“The second, and in some ways bigger one, is reviewing funding for the United Nations and this draft executive order, if signed, would do two things.

“First, it would terminate any US funding for any UN agency that needs a subset of conditions [including] any support for abortion programs; there are a few rules that are very vague - if it includes help for countries that opposed the United States then they would cut funding [although] no one really knows what that means.”

He continued: “But once they’ve done that, then the order would mandate a 40 per cent cut in all US funding towards the United Nations, any UN agency, or any other international organisation which would amount to billions of dollars.

I'm very pleased he wants to cut, cut, cut. I don't care what it is but if it's run by the federal government it's too big, too inefficient and too expensive. It should shock people how much money we just give away all over the world when we are 20 trillion in debt.

How many years have we had to accept the lie that the federal government can never get any smaller, that it can only grow and we can only hope to slow the growth of spending, never shrink it? To me this is issue number one. Makes my heart happy. If he truly follows through I will be a Trump supporter. He can grab all the ******* he wants.
Trump Official: We’re Gonna Cut The EPA In Half

Myron Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy at free market group Competitive Enterprise Institute, told reporters that Trump is considering reducing by magnitudes the agency’s workforce. It currently stands at 15,000 employees nationwide.

“Let’s aim for half and see how it works out, and then maybe we’ll want to go further,” Ebell said, referring to his wish to see the EPA slashed by at least half. He left Trump’s transition team last week, but was at one time on the president’s short list to head the agency.

Half of the EPA’s budget is transferred to state and local areas to update infrastructure projects and environmental cleanup efforts. Ebell, who is a long-time EPA critic and climate skeptic, said the cuts would likely fall on the remaining half of the agency’s budget, which supports a portion of federal employees.

This is the same stuff I would do.

That is exactly the reason he got support - he talks like the average citizen when they complain about the government. Now he's cutting it back, and we are happy.
Agreed. We've wanted an outsider FOREVER just to look at all the pork and waste and say "enough is enough". Make it work for 10% less, period. And I don't want to hear excuses about how it can't be done or how many innocents are being hurt.

I see what a government employee does every day. They don't work nearly as hard as private sector people and I will argue that until I die. There is NO DENYING that.

So people that work in the public sector need to man up, work harder to keep their jobs and start getting down to doing things at the same productivity as the rest of us. And if they don't they should be fired and replaced with cheaper, more willing employees. Just like the real world.
This is the same stuff I would do.

That is exactly the reason he got support - he talks like the average citizen when they complain about the government. Now he's cutting it back, and we are happy.

Exactly the reason the Dems still don't get - and the reason they lost - out of touch with real Americans
Bernie rooting for President Trump again!


WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Tuesday he will soon introduce legislation to lower prescription drug prices and hoped that President Donald Trump would support the effort.

“I look forward to working with President Trump on this issue if he is serious about standing up to the pharmaceutical industry and reducing drug prices,” Sanders said after Trump met with chief executives of several top drugmakers at the White House Tuesday.

1. make money for Donald Trump

2. make money for Donald Trump

3. make money for Donald Trump

Yeah, the same guy who financed his campaign himself in the primaries, is only taking a $1 salary as President. Obama was the tax dollar wasting *****. Trump is here to clean up his mess. MAGA, *******!
just wait.... he'll never make it to 2020...what an absolute disaster he's been.

bunch of lying crooks at the w.h.

Trump is the biggest liar of them all. the whole planet is laughing at us....we've become a joke.
just wait.... he'll never make it to 2020...what an absolute disaster he's been.

bunch of lying crooks at the w.h.

Trump is the biggest liar of them all. the whole planet is laughing at us....we've become a joke.

Trump has done everything he said he was going to do, so far. But there is only so much one can get done in one week.

Speaking of liars, if you like your insurance policy, you can keep it.
I get insurance through work like everyone esle, thank you.

if you don't think his lying habits is a problem you have a rude awaking coming.

it's ok when you're a reality.star...but when you're the POTUS.....it's a whole different ballgame. this isn't Russia or Turkey.
just wait.... he'll never make it to 2020...what an absolute disaster he's been.

bunch of lying crooks at the w.h.

Trump is the biggest liar of them all. the whole planet is laughing at us....we've become a joke.

LIBTARDS....so predictable


GOP changes committee rules to push through nominees after Dem boycott

Senate Republicans pushed through a pair of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees Wednesday, upending standard committee rules to circumvent a Democratic boycott.

The Senate Finance Committee advanced a pair of Trump’s nominees with only Republican members present — Steven Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department, and Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) as secretary of Health and Human Services.

By unanimous consent, the Republicans gathered in the hearing room agreed to change the committee’s standing rules, which normally require at least one member of each party to be in attendance for committee work to proceed.



Don’t show up, don’t get to vote. Sounds fair to me. On to the full Senate
Sessions approved by Senate committee

A Senate committee voted to confirm Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to be attorney general on Wednesday, two days after the growing controversy surrounding President Trump’s travel ban on seven Muslim nations led to the firing of an acting attorney general for insubordination.

Sessions's nomination now goes to the floor, where he is widely expected to be confirmed given the GOP's 52-seat majority.

All of his picks are getting in... the dems shouldnt have neutered the minority when they erronously thought they were going to have a 20 year lockdown on the majority
Look, there should have been a fairly clear rule put in for all apointees.... if they pass with the required 60 to get in they get in, if not and you pass them with a simple majority they should get in but be listed on the next ballot for a yay or nay public vote on them. Thats sensable, and keeps a check on extreme jackasses getting through when one side or the other wants a jackass badly
DHS secretary: Border wall should be finished in two years


MCALLEN, Texas – EXCLUSIVE: In his first television interview as Homeland Security secretary, retired four-star Marine Gen. John F. Kelly told Fox News he wants the U.S.-Mexico border wall finished in two years – setting an ambitious schedule for the project ordered last week by President Trump.

"The wall will be built where it's needed first, and then it will be filled in. That's the way I look at it," Kelly said. "I really hope to have it done within the next two years."

"Any discussion about the protection of our southwest border involves discussion of physical barriers but also of technological sensors, things like that,” he said. “But it's a layered approach, and it’s got to be backed up by great men and women who are going to make sure that the wall is intact."

Democrats boycott EPA Nominee, Scott Pruitt vote, GOP advances his nomination anyway

Democrats chose to boycott a committee vote to advance the nomination of Trump’s EPA nominee, Scott Pruitt. Today, Republicans responded by temporarily suspending the rules of the committee, which required that at least one Democrat be present, and advanced his nomination to the full Senate. From the New York Times:

The 11-0 vote sends the nomination to the full Senate, where Mr. Pruitt is most likely to be approved next week…

Republicans mocked the Democratic boycott.

“Democrats are just wasting time by pulling this stunt,” said Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Republican of West Virginia. “Eighty percent of life is showing up. Democrats are just wasting their lives.”

