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Pretty awesome fourth estate


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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The President wants a wall to secure the border. The House is against it. There was a government shutdown over it. Nobody is talking about it now. Big ******* secret. Nice reporting.

The complete lack of journalism about the pros and cons of illegal immigration is amazing.

Does anyone think that the measles breakouts are a result of anything other than infected illegal immigrants? The CDC knows where this is happening. It's happening where illegal immigrants are being processed. Libs will tell you that Mexico has a higher rate of vaccination than we do! (made up fact) They won't tell you that nobody coming over illegally is vaccinated and they are carrying measles. They are carrying all kinds of disease over the border.
Every parent who is not clinically retarded vaccinates their kid against measles. I’m more worried about Ebola.
Every parent who is not clinically retarded vaccinates their kid against measles. I’m more worried about Ebola.

You and I differ on vaccines. I'm good with the MMR vaccine, but it loses effectivity after 5-10 years. Fact. I've heard you talk about herd immunity, and that's bullshit as it relates to vaccinations. We basically have about 90% of the population walking around not immune to measles.

We had "wiped out" measles, until the illegals came in.
Does anyone think that the measles breakouts are a result of anything other than infected illegal immigrants?

Measles cases are way up because illegal immigration is way down? The fact that growing number of US citizens are deciding not to have their kids vaccinated has nothing to do with it? Ignore correlations and believe what you want to believe.
Measles cases are way up because illegal immigration is way down? The fact that growing number of US citizens are deciding not to have their kids vaccinated has nothing to do with it? Ignore correlations and believe what you want to believe.

While I'm not convinced that illegal immigration is solely the cause of the increase in measles cases, it nevertheless is hilarious to hear a liberal make that last comment.
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Measles cases are way up because illegal immigration is way down? The fact that growing number of US citizens are deciding not to have their kids vaccinated has nothing to do with it? Ignore correlations and believe what you want to believe.

One goes hand in hand with the other. If idiots in this country would vaccinate and we made sure people come here legally with health checks and vaccinations then we would not have either side of this problem. Never the less some people need the herd immunity because they cant be vaccinated and letting people come in unchecked from other countries does pose a health threat. Build the wall, simplify our arcane immigration system and make sure we are doing health checks on all entering the country for their sake and ours.
One goes hand in hand with the other. If idiots in this country would vaccinate and we made sure people come here legally with health checks and vaccinations then we would not have either side of this problem. Never the less some people need the herd immunity because they cant be vaccinated and letting people come in unchecked from other countries does pose a health threat. Build the wall, simplify our arcane immigration system and make sure we are doing health checks on all entering the country for their sake and ours.

***”anything other than”***

Actually measles cases in the US were virtually nonexistent when illegal immigration was at its peak.
***”anything other than”***

Actually measles cases in the US were virtually nonexistent when illegal immigration was at its peak.

So what? Countries like Venezuela are now having large outbreaks. Just because it wasn’t an issue then does not mean it isn’t one now.
Measles cases are way up because illegal immigration is way down? The fact that growing number of US citizens are deciding not to have their kids vaccinated has nothing to do with it? Ignore correlations and believe what you want to believe.

I am not talking about a correlation. They are bringing diseases into this country that we had "eradicated". It is not being reported, and it is not the fault of anyone other than the illegals and those enabling this mass migration of disease.
If these illegals were all likely Republican voters they would be calling for lawmakers to go to jail over this.
The fourth estate izbout to git dey ***** blowd up...

Dey bin carrying the water on this...

The case for Russia collusion … against the Democrats
By John Solomon, opinion contributor | 02/10/19 08:30 AM EST

Now that both the House and Senate investigative committees have cleared Donald Trump of Democrat-inspired allegations of Russian collusion, it is worth revisiting one anecdote that escaped significant attention during the hysteria but continues to have U.S. security implications.

As secretary of State, Hillary Clinton worked with Russian leaders, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then-President Dmitri Medvedev, to create U.S. technology partnerships with Moscow’s version of Silicon Valley, a sprawling high-tech campus known as Skolkovo.

Clinton’s handprint was everywhere on the 2009-2010 project, the tip of a diplomatic spear to reboot U.S.-Russian relations after years of hostility prompted by Vladimir Putin’s military action against the former Soviet republic and now U.S. ally, Georgia.

A donor to the Clinton Foundation, Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, led the Russian side of the effort, and several American donors to the Clinton charity got involved. Clinton’s State Department facilitated U.S. companies working with the Russian project, and she personally invited Medvedev to visit Silicon Valley.

The collaboration occurred at the exact same time Bill Clinton made his now infamous trip to Russia to pick up a jaw-dropping $500,000 check for a single speech.

The former president’s trip secretly raised eyebrows inside his wife’s State Department, internal emails show.

That’s because he asked permission to meet Vekselberg, the head of Skolkovo, and Arkady Dvorkovich, a senior official of Rosatom, the Russian nuclear giant seeking State’s permission to buy Uranium One, a Canadian company with massive U.S. uranium reserves.

Years later, intelligence documents show, both the Skolkovo and Uranium One projects raised serious security concerns.

In 2013, the U.S. military’s leading intelligence think tank in Europe sounded alarm that the Skolkovo project might be a front for economic and military espionage.

“Skolkovo is an ambitious enterprise, aiming to promote technology transfer generally, by inbound direct investment, and occasionally, through selected acquisitions. As such, Skolkovo is arguably an overt alternative to clandestine industrial espionage — with the additional distinction that it can achieve such a transfer on a much larger scale and more efficiently,” EUCOM’s intelligence bulletin wrote in 2013.

“Implicit in Russia’s development of Skolkovo is a critical question — a question that Russia may be asking itself — why bother spying on foreign companies and government laboratories if they will voluntarily hand over all the expertise Russia seeks?”

A year later, the FBI went further and sent letters warning several U.S. technology companies that had become entangled with Skolkovo that they risked possible espionage. And an agent in the bureau’s Boston office wrote an extraordinary op-ed to publicize the alarm.

Skolkovo “may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application,”Assistant Special Agent in Charge Lucia Ziobro wrote in the Boston Business Journal.

The FBI had equal concern about Rosatom’s acquisition of Uranium One. An informer named William Douglas Campbell had gotten inside the Russian nuclear giant in 2009 and gathered evidence that Rosatom’s agents in the United States were engaged in a racketeering scheme involving kickbacks, extortion and bribery.

Campbell also obtained written evidence that Putin wanted to buy Uranium One as part of a strategy to obtain monopolistic domination of the global uranium markets, including leverage over the U.S.

Campbell also warned a major in-kind donor to the Clinton Global Initiative was simultaneously working for Rosatom while the decision for U.S. approval was pending before Hillary Clinton’s department. Ultimately, her department and the Obama administration approved the transaction.

The evidence shows the Clintons financially benefited from Russia — personally and inside their charity — at the same time they were involved in U.S. government actions that rewarded Moscow and increased U.S. security risks.

The intersections between the Clintons, the Democrats and Russia carried into 2016, when a major political opposition research project designed to portray GOP rival Donald Trump as compromised by Moscow was launched by Clinton’s presidential campaign and brought to the FBI.

Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS research firm was secretly hired by the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party through their law firm, Perkins Coie.

Simpson then hired retired British intelligence operative Christopher Steele — whom the FBI learned was “desperate” to defeat Trump — to write an unverified dossier suggesting that Trump’s campaign was colluding with Russia to hijack the election.

Simpson, Steele and Perkins Coie all walked Trump-Russia related allegations into the FBI the summer before the election, prompting agents who openly disliked Trump to launch a counterintelligence probe of the GOP nominee shortly before Election Day.

Simpson and Steele also went to the news media to air the allegations in what senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr would later write was a “Hail Mary” effort to influence the election.

Congressional investigators have painstakingly pieced together evidence that shows the Clinton research project had extensive contact with Russians.

Ohr’s notes show that Steele’s main source of uncorroborated allegations against Trump came from an ex-Russian intelligence officer. “Much of the collection about the Trump campaign ties to Russia comes from a former Russian intelligence officer (? not entirely clear) who lives in the U.S.,” Ohr scribbled.

Steele’s dossier also relied on information from a Belarus-born Russian businessman, according to numerous reports and a book on the Russia scandal.

Steele and Simpson had Russian-tied business connections, too, while they formulated the dossier.

Steele worked for the lawyers for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and tried to leverage those connections to help the FBI get evidence from the Russian aluminum magnate against Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

The effort resulted in FBI agents visiting Deripaska in fall 2016. Deripaska told the agents that no collusion existed.

Likewise, Simpson worked in 2016 for the Russian company Prevezon — which was trying to escape U.S. government penalties — and one of its Russian lawyers, Natalia Veselnitskaya. In sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Simpson admitted he dined with Veselnitskaya both the night before and the night after her infamous meeting with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower in June 2016.

Simpson insists the two dinners sandwiching one of the seminal events in the Trump collusion narrative had nothing to do with the Trump Tower meeting, a claim many Republicans distrust.

Whatever the case, there’s little doubt the main instigators of the Clinton-inspired allegations against Trump got information from Russians and were consorting with them during the political opposition project.

This past week, we learned from Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) that his committee came to the same conclusion as the House: There is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

But now there is growing evidence — of Democratic connections to Russia. It’s enough that former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) believes a probe should be opened.

There is “obvious collusion the Democrats had through Glenn Simpson and through Fusion GPS, that they were talking directly to Russia,” Nunes told Hill.TV’s "Rising" in an interview to be aired Monday.

Collusion can be criminal if it involves conspiracy to break federal laws, or it can involve perfectly legal, unwitting actions that still jeopardize America’s security against a “frenemy” like Russia.

There is clear evidence now that shows Hillary Clinton’s family and charity profited from Moscow and simultaneously facilitated official government actions benefiting Russia that have raised security concerns.

And there’s irrefutable evidence that her opposition research effort on Trump — one that inspired an FBI probe — was carried out by people who got information from Russia and were consorting with Russians.

It would seem those questions deserve at least some of the scrutiny afforded the Trump-Russia collusion inquiry that is now two-plus years old.

NOTE: This story has been updated from the original to correct that Uranium One is a Canadian company and to clarify that House and Senate investigating committees have cleared the president.
John Solomon should get a Pullitzer for his reporting,,,,,,,,honest reporting.
Did you know Trump is an anti-vaxxer who believes they cause autism? He has tweeted about it and criticized Obama for not taking action.
Did you know Trump is an anti-vaxxer who believes they cause autism? He has tweeted about it and criticized Obama for not taking action.

Since he is an anti-vaxxer perhaps you can show us the legislation he has proposed or any Presidential orders that he has send out to combat vaccines?

I don't care if he believes the moon is made out of cheese. It's what he does that matters. He is getting the wall built.. that's what matters.
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Did you know Trump is an anti-vaxxer who believes they cause autism? He has tweeted about it and criticized Obama for not taking action.

I respectfully disagree with him.

See how that works. I am not going to show up yelling at his house, or in a restaurant.
My kid has the flu. He got a flu shot. The doctor says it would have been a lot worse if he hadn't gotten the shot. Uh huh.