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Right Wing Catch Phrases Translated


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
This is a useful guide for the couple of non-tea partiers like myself that frequent the board. It can be an invaluable tool in deciphering the often confusing and convoluted jargon on the board. Maybe, it will help bring us a step closer in understanding the other side. In this case, the dark side. You can thank me later.


Fun With Vocabulary – Right Wing Catch Phrases Translated For Liberals

Activist Judge: Any judge attempting to protect the rights of minorities or the disadvantaged, particularly homosexuals

Alternative Energy Resources: deregulated federal parks, forests and wilderness areas and any other new place to explore for oil

Bible based
: Anything in the Bible supporting the right-wing agenda

Civil Liberties: Unnecessary privileges – especially those sought by God-hating, baby-killing, elitist liberals who love socialism

Civil Rights: The guarantee of equal rights to everyone as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (excludes those invoked by gays, women, minorities, and the poor and otherwise disadvantaged)

Class Warfare: Any attempt to raise minimum wage or taxes on the wealthy

Energy Independence: the wildlife relocation program

Faith Based Initiative: Payoffs to the Conservative Christian Right

Free Markets: No-bid contracts to Halliburton and other friends of the GOP and Tea Party

Gun Control: Your trigger finger

Homophobia: Fear that members of the gay community might start treating you like you [you being a conservative misogynistic male] do your women

Liberal Media Bias: The facts do not fit our narrative

Pro-Family Politician: Any divorced congressman, late on child custody payments, who is against gay marriage and gay adoption

Pro-Life: The strongly felt belief in the absolute sanctity of human life beginning at conception (or before if you live in Arizona). However, this belief is suspended for the lower class when they reach the age of military service, for abortion doctors, or pinky liberal socialist commies from Kenya (not saying any names…..)

Religious Freedom: The right to spread conservative held literalist Biblical beliefs

The Return to Traditional Values: Restoration of classic beliefs such as public lynching and women’s servitude

Shared Sacrifice: Lower salaries and benefits for the working class and lower taxes for the wealthy

Staying the Course: Doing the same thing over again expecting the same results

Traditional Family Values: Marriage is a man and a woman only, gays cannot adopt, women should be barefoot in the kitchen

Voter Fraud: Any significant voter turnout by minorities, women or the poor

Women’s Reproductive Health Services: A deeply personal medical decision made between a woman and her legislators
Typical juvenile attempt at humor by the neosocialist left.

Compassion: Feeling good about yourself for wanting to give away money you didn’t earn.

Flag: Something to be burned and walked on at protests... but waved close to election time.

Greed: Wanting to keep money you’ve earned instead of having it spent on Bridges to Nowhere and government loans to people who’ve contributed to Obama’s campaign.

Guns: Vicious weapons that force people to kill each other.

Jesus: Someone who shouldn’t ever be brought up in schools, other government buildings, or politics in general unless you’re claiming he was really a liberal who’d be in favor of gay marriage and abortion.

Minorities: People who are too dumb and incompetent to make it without liberal help.

Morals: Things you should avoid having so you can’t be accused of hypocrisy if you don’t live up to your own standards.

No justice, no peace: Give us money and we’ll find someone else to bother.

Our opponents refuse to compromise on this issue: The Republicans refuse to do everything we want.

Racism: A word you cry when you’re losing an argument with a conservative.

Reality-based community: People who believe that Communism could work if the right people were in charge and that George W. Bush was behind 9/11 — or the Jews, either/or.

Taxes: A limitless supply of free money to be given away to liberal special interests in return for votes.

Tolerance: Something that justifies going on hate-filled rants against people who don’t share your view of the world.

That charge is outrageous: That charge is true, but it’s embarrassing that you brought it up in public.

Unfair attack: They quoted me.

USA: Ever heard the phrase “The devil made me do it?” Replace “the devil” with “the USA” and you’ll understand every bad thing that happens in the world.

Violent rhetoric: Words like “crossfire,” “job killing,” and “crosshairs” when used by non-liberals.

We must address the root causes of this problem: We must not do anything to effectively address this problem. Instead we must raise taxes and pour dump trucks’ worth of money into whatever unrelated issue we have decided is the cause of the problem.

“Investments”= Tax Hike

“Deficit Reduction” = Also means tax hike

“Religious right” = Christians who are conservative

“Bipartisanship”= Arlen Specter

“Intolerance”= Opposed to liberal agenda

“Propaganda”= Conservative point of view

“Assault Weapons” = Virtually any firearm

“Cut”= Reduction in the rate of growth

“Pandering”= What Republicans do when supporting something liberals don’t like, usually applies to the NRA or religious right

“Profiteering”= Not losing money

“Managed competition” = Government takeover

“Overheated economy” = Prosperity

“Fully fund” = Blank check

“Diversity” = Multiple groups that adhere to the liberal agenda

“Special interest groups” = Non-liberal groups

“Fundamentalist”= Conservative

“Greed”= Profit motive

“Multiculturalism”= When placed in context to other countries, it means that America is to blame for all that is wrong in the world and that the USA is only one country among many, NOT the leading nation in the world

“Choice”= Abortion – not to be confused with the choice of personal liberty, that is not allowed under the liberal system

“Oversight”= Government

“Working Americans” = Only lower and middle class Americans

“Conduct a review” = Strategic delay

“Insurgents”= Terrorists

“Rigid Ideologue” = A conservative that stands up for his beliefs

“Compromise”= Only comes about when people agree with liberal agenda

“Affirmative Action” = Racial Preferences

“Lies”= “Policy Differences”

“Patriotism”= Paying more and more taxes is often equated with being a patriot

“Racism”= Open criticism of the Obama administration

“Closed-minded”= Does not agree with liberal agenda

“Right wing extremist” = The GOP

“Social responsibility” = Redistribution of wealth

“Corporate welfare” = Gross revenue minus taxes

“Corporate subsidy” = See ‘corporate welfare’

“Deserving poor” = People who vote for liberals

“Tax the rich” = Increase taxes on anyone making $250,000 a year or higher, $200,000 or, er, I mean $150,000 a year – *sigh* this number keeps getting lower

“Freedom Fighters” = Terrorists, Somalia Pirates, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, etc…

Compassion: Feeling good about yourself for wanting to give away money you didn’t earn.

Flag: Something to be burned and walked on at protests... but waved close to election time.

Greed: Wanting to keep money you’ve earned instead of having it spent on Bridges to Nowhere and government loans to people who’ve contributed to Obama’s campaign.

Guns: Vicious weapons that force people to kill each other.

Jesus: Someone who shouldn’t ever be brought up in schools, other government buildings, or politics in general unless you’re claiming he was really a liberal who’d be in favor of gay marriage and abortion.

Minorities: People who are too dumb and incompetent to make it without liberal help.

Morals: Things you should avoid having so you can’t be accused of hypocrisy if you don’t live up to your own standards.

No justice, no peace: Give us money and we’ll find someone else to bother.

Our opponents refuse to compromise on this issue: The Republicans refuse to do everything we want.

Racism: A word you cry when you’re losing an argument with a conservative.

Reality-based community: People who believe that Communism could work if the right people were in charge and that George W. Bush was behind 9/11 — or the Jews, either/or.

Taxes: A limitless supply of free money to be given away to liberal special interests in return for votes.

Tolerance: Something that justifies going on hate-filled rants against people who don’t share your view of the world.

That charge is outrageous: That charge is true, but it’s embarrassing that you brought it up in public.

Unfair attack: They quoted me.

USA: Ever heard the phrase “The devil made me do it?” Replace “the devil” with “the USA” and you’ll understand every bad thing that happens in the world.

Violent rhetoric: Words like “crossfire,” “job killing,” and “crosshairs” when used by non-liberals.

We must address the root causes of this problem: We must not do anything to effectively address this problem. Instead we must raise taxes and pour dump trucks’ worth of money into whatever unrelated issue we have decided is the cause of the problem.

“Decriminalization”= Legalization

“Regulate” = Ban, as in the moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
This is a useful guide for the couple of non-tea partiers like myself that frequent the board. It can be an invaluable tool in deciphering the often confusing and convoluted jargon on the board. Maybe, it will help bring us a step closer in understanding the other side. In this case, the dark side. You can thank me later.


Fun With Vocabulary – Right Wing Catch Phrases Translated For Liberals

Activist Judge: Any judge attempting to protect the rights of minorities or the disadvantaged, particularly homosexuals illegal immigrants, criminals and rapists while ignoring the law and constitution.

Alternative Energy Resources: deregulated confiscated federal land, to preserve forests and wilderness areas and any other new place to explore for oil instead of leaving the land fallow and draining federal resources for it's upkeep.

Bible based
: Anything in the Bible protecting the right-wing agenda from the godless agenda of communism and progressive extremes.

Civil Liberties: Unnecessary privileges – especially those sought by God-hating, baby-killing, close minded elitist liberals who blindly worship socialism

Civil Rights: The guarantee of equal rights to everyone as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (excludes those invoked by gays, women, minorities, and the poor and otherwise disadvantaged who ignore the law and the rights of others.)

Class Warfare: Any attempt to raise minimum wage or taxes on the wealthy while ignoring the basic tenets of economics and justice.

Energy Independence: the wildlife relocation program that moves all progressive liberals into the areas that are powered by green energy systems that do not work and are cost prohibitive.

Faith Based Initiative: Payoffs to the Conservative Christian Right from groups that ignored and violated their constitutional rights in unlawful public discourse.

Free Markets: No-bid contracts to Halliburton and other friends of the GOP and Tea Party while hiding "official" under the table payoffs to Solindra and other 'green' "friends of socialism"

Gun Control: Your trigger finger ready and willing to go into action against anybody who violates my liberty, my right to worship as I please or tries to subvert the second amendment of the constitution

Homophobia: Anticipation that members of the gay community might start demanding of you like [you being a conservative male] little children demand of adults.

Liberal Media Bias: The facts do not fit our narrative because of the baseless, factless close-minded delivery with which it is put forth.

Pro-Family Politician: Any congressman, who is true to his faith will not be bullied into subverting his values

Pro-Life: The strongly felt belief in the absolute sanctity of human life beginning at conception (or before if you live in Arizona). However, this belief is suspended for the lower class by abortion doctors at family health centers funded by Democrats that still believe in the Robert Byrd philosophy. , or pinky liberal socialist commies from Kenya who don't even consider life after birth as legitimate (not saying any names….but it rhymes with ...yo momma.)

Religious Freedom: The right to spread conservative held literalist Biblical beliefs even while others around you want to stifle your right to believe it.

The Return to Traditional Values: Restoration of classic beliefs such as traditional marriage and family values, relief from gov't intrusion and the restoration of responsibility of ones actions.

Shared Sacrifice: Higher salaries and benefits for the working class willing to workand lower taxes for the wealthy willing to invest in the future.

Staying the Course: Doing the same thing over again expecting the same results that have proven successful in the past.

Traditional Family Values: Marriage is a man and a woman only, gays can form a legal bond that satisfy s their need to feel legitimate.

Voter Fraud: Any significant voter turnout by minorities, women or the poor that died any time in the past.

Women’s Reproductive Health Services: A deeply personal medical decision made between a woman and her legislators as defined by Obamacare

Cute Tibs but needed a couple minor details corrected.
Simplistic claptrap for simplistic people...
My favorite right wing catch phrases "If Europe and Canada are so great why are you still here?"
Or, "How about you sell your giant *** house, all of your Coach purses, your two new cars, cancel your country club membership, send your kid to Penn State instead of Penn and then send all of the excess money into the federal government. Then tell me I need to pay more. 'K?"

Not all that catchy, I admit it.
My Leftist-to-English dictionary includes the following:

All-inclusive: No white males allowed.
Benefits: So important that you should pay for it, and I refuse to pay for it. See, rights.
Equity: I get more, you get less.
Fairness: You pay more, I pay less.
Rights: So important that you should pay for it, and I refuse to pay for it. See, benefits.
Wealthy: Money actually earned working for a living; government pay, married-into-it, and speech-making money excluded.
I have the best one:

conservative says anything = N-word or microaggressive racism.
Eh, I vote democrat/green most of the time, but even I'm amused when a story such as the Cincinnati Zoo thing happens. You have the animal rights people going nuts about that silverback getting killed, but the child's mother/father are also not the most shining examples of progressivism at work out there.
Oh good, lets add another:

A rise: When conservatives quash liberal rhetoric.

No, I was referring to the long-winded bitchiness from the ultra-cons. There were several such posts.

I'm no liberal, BTW, but you don't seem to have quashed anything.
No, I was referring to the long-winded bitchiness from the ultra-cons. There were several such posts.

I'm no liberal, BTW, but you don't seem to have quashed anything.

Skeever, Izzat you?
It's funny when right wing people call all else "Godless" when right wing folks are the least "Christlike" as anyone out there.

They think if they go to church and give them money each week, that is has them covered with God, and then go onto do things like support Imperialistic wars, do nothing to help the poor and the starving.

Hypocrites are the worst.
It's funny when right wing people call all else "Godless" when right wing folks are the least "Christlike" as anyone out there.

They think if they go to church and give them money each week, that is has them covered with God, and then go onto do things like support Imperialistic wars, do nothing to help the poor and the starving.

Hypocrites are the worst.

Aside from you for the most part being wrong, shouldn't you have posted this in that Christians thread?
Eh, I vote democrat/green most of the time, but even I'm amused when a story such as the Cincinnati Zoo thing happens. You have the animal rights people going nuts about that silverback getting killed, but the child's mother/father are also not the most shining examples of progressivism at work out there.

View attachment 2390
Something I found interesting with these stupid, conflicted liberals.

They tell us all the time we don't care about minorities, only they do. They have great compassion.

Have you noticed how upset the liberals have gotten over shooting of that gorilla in the Cincinnati zoo? That was a black kid in there. I thought they so compassionate? My immediate thought was happiness that they shot the gorilla and saved the kid. It's just a black kid in there, let the gorilla tear him up, huh, as long as the gorilla is OK?

******* idiots.
Something I found interesting with these stupid, conflicted liberals.

They tell us all the time we don't care about minorities, only they do. They have great compassion.

Have you noticed how upset the liberals have gotten over shooting of that gorilla in the Cincinnati zoo? That was a black kid in there. I thought they so compassionate? My immediate thought was happiness that they shot the gorilla and saved the kid. It's just a black kid in there, let the gorilla tear him up, huh, as long as the gorilla is OK?

******* idiots.

No sense beatin' your head against the wall, they haven't changed in 100 years and it ain't gonna happen tomorrow.
