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RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I also heard, when she was talk of the pick when Kavanaugh was ultimately nominated, that she's an originalist similar to Anton Scalia. Don't know anything about her but I like the sound of that.

Back when Kavanaugh was selected, Barrett was only like one year into her stint at being a judge (after being at Notre Dame) so it was a little soon to make the leap to Supreme Court.

She clerked for Scalia for a year.

Has five kids and still adopted two more from Haiti.


She is super young too. Age 48. She could be a conservative on the court for 30 years. That would stick it to the liberals for a while.
Every person on this board has said this time and again. Trump's legacy and greatness has nothing to do with his twitter account or how the "world looks at us" or how the media is acting.

Trump could change the courts for a generation in a very, very good way (if you have any conservatism in you). Could you imagine the ramifications of Gorsuch (age 53), Kavanaugh (age 55), and Barrett (age 48) on the court for the next 25 years? Man, would I sleep better at night against the rising tide of European Socialism and Marxism into this country. The only way the Marxists get their way is to pack the court (raise the number of justices to 11 or 13 or something).
Man, would I sleep better at night against the rising tide of European Socialism and Marxism into this country.

Speaking of that and the EU, saw this video (maybe a little old) recently and wished it got a ton more views than it did:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">‼️ The United Arab Emirates Has An Important Message To European Union >> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/UAE?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#UAE</a> <a href="https://t.co/XpT1tmA2OO">pic.twitter.com/XpT1tmA2OO</a></p>— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) <a href="https://twitter.com/HananyaNaftali/status/1295344627566940163?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 17, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I think the President responded as respectfully as you could upon hearing the news. Though, I don't know what's up with that music.





Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died Friday night after 27 years on the United States Supreme Court. I’m ignoring the Romans warning de mortuis nil nisi bonum (of the dead, say nothing but good). Ginsburg used her seat on the Supreme Court as a political office and, reputedly, her dying wish was political. The politicization of her Supreme Court seat and the political fallout from her death are, therefore, appropriate topics.
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Mitch has already said he will push it through his own precedence be damned.

Like Obamacare got pushed through after promises to "debate it on C-span, and let the American people decide?"

The Democrats deserve no "courtesy" as they long ago forfeited any right to that or "gentleman's" agreement.

Had to turn off Faux News last night. Watching Shannon, Martha, and I heard even Laura celebrate this collectivist Judge was just too over the top for me.
I hear she's the favorite. Amy Coney Barrett.

He was saving her for the RBG spot... everyone knew she was on borrowed time the past couple years... she was 87 and was constantly having severe health issues... there is no doubt that the sudden revamping of the short list was tied to rumors of her worsening health lately... The Repubs always wanted to trot out a conservative female To replace her so the left could not scream about sexism
Sound like the way the Democrats will attack Barrett will be her lack of judicial experience and her Catholocism/abortion platform. It will be interesting to see how that plays out in public opinion. The woman is almost bulletproof otherwise. I mean how do they try to tear down someone that has raised 7 children, including one with special needs and two adopted kids of color from Haiti?

When she was a professor at Notre Dame, supposedly her students loved her. Said she was the best teacher they ever had. Always available. The Republicans, during confirmation, could put up a million character witnesses for her. I just don't know what skeleton's she could possibly have that wouldn't completely backfire on the Democrats.

With only 50 votes needed to get anything done, what Republican is going to not move forward with confirmation? Someone with an agenda? Someone just looking to screw over Trump? Only person I can think of is Romney. Does he try to take some wacky high-road and say he wants to wait until after the election? I doubt the other RINO's take that chance. Collins and Murkowski wouldn't dare deny a conservative woman the right to get on the court, would they?
R.I.P. RBG, you served our country well.

Interesting that the tolerant leftist friends I have on FB are having a literal meltdown over this.

"The greatest living human of our time will be replaced by the most evil living human of our time".

"We must march on McConnell's office in mass to stop this injustice."

Looney Tunes!
I think I remember the Reps asking Obummer to not nominate someone in an election year, and I think he agreed. If I remember that correctly, then the Reps need to extend the same courtesy.

Actually, Obama did nominate someone. He nominated Merrick Garland.

McConnell's position was that there was no way a Democrat Senate would approve a Republican President's choice in the last year of his Presidency, so he was not willing to approve Obama's choice before the election. Approving Trump's choice would not be contrary to his position in 2016.

This will still be a mess, but every nomination to the USSC will be a mess for the rest of our lives. We need to do whatever we can to get true conservatives on the court.
R.I.P. RBG, you served our country well.

Interesting that the tolerant leftist friends I have on FB are having a literal meltdown over this.

"The greatest living human of our time will be replaced by the most evil living human of our time".

"We must march on McConnell's office in mass to stop this injustice."

Looney Tunes!

She was on record heralding the South African Constitution as a model for freedom over the US Constitution. One of the most if not most politicized Justices to ever sit. Also a eugenicist which explains her fidelity to Row Vs Wade.

Has been sickening to watch Faux News laud her as a hero and champion of women.

It should be the conservative women that was at Notre Dame. She's up.

Nominate her tomorrow, let the Senate get her through before January. It would help the course of this country considerably.

It might be Barbara Lagoa. Hispanic minority on the 11th District from a battleground state (Florida).

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Mitch has already said he will push it through his own precedence be damned.

Elections have consequences, someone once said.
Dems wil be, and should be, pissed off that she didn’t retire while Bomma was President. But she wouldn’t give up that power and of course Hillary was a shoe-in over the reality TV host.
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Elections have consequences, someone once said.
Dems wil be, and should be, pissed off that she didn’t retire while Bomma was President. But she wouldn’t give up that power and of course Hillary was a shoe-in over the reality TV host.

I really think she believed that Hillary would win. But she didn't care when it came down to it. She wasn't leaving until she died regardless of who was in office. She was all about her.
News of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death has triggered further division in an already fractured political world: Democrats say the Supreme Court's new vacancy should not be filled in an election year, while Republicans are vowing to hold a vote on whomever President Donald Trump nominates.

Fortunately, she made it clear in 2016 when Republicans and Democrats fought over filling the vacancy left by Antonin Scalia's sudden death nine months before the election.

When asked if the Senate should consider then-President Barack Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland, Ginsburg said, "That's their job," the New York Times reported.

"There's nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year," Ginsburg added.

Several months later, Ginsburg said having only eight justices on the Supreme Court is not good.

"Eight is not a good number," she said, the Washington Post reported.
In 2016 Trump did something shrewd, he released a list of names of his candidates for the Supreme Court. This put Supreme Court nominations front and center as a campaign issue.

2 Weeks ago, seemingly out of nowhere, he added names to the list, it included 3 sitting US Senators.

I cannot help but wonder if he knew about RBG's rapidly declining health and that there is an advantage to nominating a sitting Senator because that Senator would be an easier approval by his colleagues.

His reaction to the news was first class.
Cowboy Bob: if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

Indy: Ok Cowboy Bob. Thanks for the advice,
She was an icon. RIP.

Now on to politics. Ginsberg who was very liberal was approved 96-3, meting only 3 Republicans voted against her. Why do zero Democrats vote for Republican nominations these days? Its just not right.

Trump is position. He should nominate Amy Coney Barret, a woman and a catholic, and let the Democrats try to pick at her. It will help him win the re-election. Democrats can offer 0 votes in favor of....The Senate is 53-47 Republican, Plus Pence has the tie breaker vote.

Screw them if they try this. The court will be 6-3 or 5-4 depending on Roberts .

The next judge likely to be replaced is Stephen Breyer, a liberal who is 82 years old. [TABLE="width: 550, align: center"]
[TD="align: center"]Stephen Breyer[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]8/15/1938
Age: 82 yr 1 mo[/TD]
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In a slightly bizarre exchange, Stephanopoulos asks if the House would impeach Trump or Barr if Senate GOP tries to vote on a SCOTUS nom during lame duck session (to stall the confirmation), and Pelosi refuses to rule it out: "We have our options. We have arrows in our quiver." <a href="https://t.co/aoXPh6cFlt">pic.twitter.com/aoXPh6cFlt</a></p>— JERRY DUNLEAVY (@JerryDunleavy) <a href="https://twitter.com/JerryDunleavy/status/1307682483186667523?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

She's such a vile and repugnant woman. You have an absolutely no basis to impeach the POTUS based on following the Constitution. And it's especially critical SCOTUS is full when it's your side who made it abundantly clear you're not going to concede the election under any circumstances, so this is obviously ultimately going to the high court.
If I remember that correctly, then the Reps need to extend the same courtesy.

That courtesy went out the window when they spied on Trump's campaign and tried to sabotage the typically peaceful transfer of power, the Russia hoax and the Mueller dog & pony show, the Kavanaugh disgrace, Impeachment, and now this latest stunt where places like Pennsylvania had their high court re-write the law on extending the ballot count to days after the election.

They made this a street fight long ago. It's time they got their street fight wishes. Their problem is, the Constitution is not on their side.
That courtesy went out the window when they spied on Trump's campaign and tried to sabotage the typically peaceful transfer of power, the Russia hoax and the Mueller dog & pony show, the Kavanaugh disgrace, Impeachment, and now this latest stunt where places like Pennsylvania had their high court re-write the law on extending the ballot count to days after the election.

They made this a street fight long ago. It's time they got their street fight wishes. Their problem is, the Constitution is not on their side.
I always try to find the peaceful way to do things before going full nuclear, because when that threshold is passed people tend to get hurt. But based off of the the threats already being put out there, its time to end this ****. Get a someone nominated and pushed through, we're gonna need that justice for this election. And having a deadlock is probably more dangerous to everyone than having a court that is more than likely going to be conservative leaning.