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ROP Update From Paris

Ron Burgundy

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
Rochester, PA

PARIS (Reuters) - A car rammed into a group of soldiers in a Parisian suburb on Wednesday, injuring six before speeding off in what officials identified as a suspected terrorist attack.

The vehicle, a BMW, was parked in an alley before it accelerated into the soldiers as they left their barracks to go on patrol, said Patrick Balkany, mayor of Levallois-Perret.

"The vehicle did not stop. It hurtled at them ... it accelerated rapidly," he told broadcaster BFM TV.

Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly said the driver was on the run and being sought, and an investigation was under way to determine "the motives and circumstances" for what she called a "cowardly act".

A justice ministry official said counter-terrorism investigators had been assigned to the case.

The incident follows a string of Islamist-inspired attacks on soldiers and police, who have been deployed in large numbers nationwide after calls by militant group Islamic State for attacks on France and other countries bombing its strongholds in Syria and Iraq.

The soldiers hit on Wednesday were rushed to hospital and police said two of the six were seriously injured.

Balkany said that what he called a "disgusting" act of aggression was "without any doubt" premeditated.

Jean-Claude Veillant, resident of an apartment building directly above the scene, witnessed part of the attack.

"I heard a loud noise, the sound of scraping metal. Shortly after, I saw one of the badly wounded lying in front of the Vigipirate (army patrol) vehicle and another one behind it receiving treatment," he told reporters.

France remains on maximum alert following a string of attacks over the past two years in which Islamist militants or Islamist-inspired attackers have killed more than 230 people.

Most were civilians killed in Paris in early and late 2015 as well as in the southern seaside city of Nice in mid-2016, Since then a string of attacks have primarily targeted police and soldiers.

This year, assailants attacked soldiers at the Louvre museum site in Paris in February and at Orly airport in March. An assailant shot a policeman dead on the Champs Elysees avenue in the capital in April. Another man died after ramming his car into a police van in June and soldiers disarmed a knife-wielding man at the Eiffel Tower earlier this month.

The car in Wednesday's attack, which police said was dark-colored and probably a BMW, was parked near the edge of the Place de Verdun square in the center of Levallois-Perret, a relatively affluent suburb on the western edge of Paris.

The area, quieter than normal in peak summer holiday season, was cordoned off after the incident, which happened at around 8:00 a.m., police said.

Levallois-Perret is about 5 km (3 miles) from city center landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Elysee Presidential Palace.

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How do you know it was muslims? There wasn't one mention of anyone yelling "Yahoo snackbar" or anything like that. Probably a Baptist from the states. A white one.
general-lee, if it's a white guy then the headline includes it.

"White Guy Plows Car Into Troops!"
Son of a *****! How many times does someone have to use a car or a truck in Europe in a terrorist act before Europeans wake the **** up and realize it's time for sensible, fair, car control measures??? And it's high time we stopped the car show loophole.
Ban BMWs immediately!!!
And don't give me any of that responsible owner bullshit. Those cars just fall into the wrong hands.
Who really needs a BMW just to get around town?

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Son of a *****! How many times does someone have to use a car or a truck in Europe in a terrorist act before Europeans wake the **** up and realize it's time for sensible, fair, car control measures??? And it's high time we stopped the car show loophole.

Ban BMWs immediately!!!
And don't give me any of that responsible owner bullshit. Those cars just fall into the wrong hands.
Who really needs a BMW just to get around town?

For the children.

If it saves even just one life ...
And the Crusades. Don't forget about the Crusades.

....or Dylan Roof...because Dylan, Muslims are angelic. Slaughter-on!
Let's face it, the correct course of action is to require an indepth mental health checkup going to 3-4 different specialists before you are "approved" by the government to buy a car. And every time you renew your driver's license you have to do it again.

Remember, driving is a PRIVILEGE, not a right, so there is no reason government shouldn't control all aspects of it. In the progressive "liberal" state, this is what must happen for the benefit of society. We must all be mentally and physically classified into groups with each group getting different "protected" privileges. To liberals everywhere that is the definition of freedom.
I'm sure it was just an accident.

I mean who uses motor vehicles to run over innocent people ??
Paris attack: Man held after car rams into soldiers

Police in France have shot, wounded and arrested a man after a dramatic car chase along a motorway in the north of the country following an attack on soldiers in a suburb of Paris.

The Paris prosecutor described the attack as "attempted killings... in relation to a terrorist undertaking".

It was Russia
Everyone needs to be on bicycles. Enough of this with the car nuts. Just killing machines. Who needs a car with a big high speed capacity engine.
When cars are outlawed only outlaws will have cars.
Well, we should, really, just cut to the chase. The only one's who can be trusted to have vehicles is are government officials and agencies. Government's can institute mandatory bus routes. You are not required to ride the bus, but you are required to purchase a monthly bus fee, based upon your income. Subsidies will be available for favored groups.

If you do not pay your mandatory monthly bus fee, you will be fined accordingly, again, based upon your income. This is the only way we can keep the prices down and allow the disenfranchised to afford the mandatory monthly bus fees.
Well, we should, really, just cut to the chase. The only one's who can be trusted to have vehicles is are government officials and agencies. Government's can institute mandatory bus routes. You are not required to ride the bus, but you are required to purchase a monthly bus fee, based upon your income. Subsidies will be available for favored groups.

If you do not pay your mandatory monthly bus fee, you will be fined accordingly, again, based upon your income. This is the only way we can keep the prices down and allow the disenfranchised to afford the mandatory monthly bus fees.

And their cars and chauffeurs will be funded by tax dollars.
Well, we should, really, just cut to the chase. The only one's who can be trusted to have vehicles is are government officials and agencies.

And important people. Like Algore, and DiCaprio, and guys like that.

Because they care. So they can fly in private jets to exotic destinations for relaxation and discussions on global warm..., er, climate chan.., I mean extreme weather, uhh, climate.

While I am excoriated for driving a ******* passenger car to work.
This is the first I've heard of This. Hmm. Why no main news stations/feeds.
This is the first I've heard of This. Hmm. Why no main news stations/feeds.

Because no one died. Remember, LOTS of muslim terrorist attacks get swept under the rug because not enough people die. In order to skew the numbers and not make it look like Muslims are in fact committing terrorist crimes at a high rate, an event like this won't be counted because it wasn't "successful" enough at taking life.

That's what the media and liberal apologists are doing. Been happening for a decade.
They're waiting and hoping it's a white guy named Pierre.

Update. 37 year old Algerian man named Hamou Benlatreche. Let's not jump to conclusions.

I'm always a bit stumped by the tone of these types of threads. There's an act of terrorism somewhere on the planet - which happens basically every day of the year - and you guys start your song and dance about whether or not it's a fanatical Muslim terrorist. In the overwhelming majority of these attacks, yes, they are connected to ISIS, ISIL Al Queda. Then, when that's reported, it's ha ha, told you so, it was a extreme Muslim terrorist. Again, I'm missing the joke here. Does anyone deny that ongoing attacks by extreme Muslim terrorists are happening around the world? I'm not seeing that anywhere.

I think the discussion should be why do these attacks go on unabated? What is being done to combat it? What is the US government doing better or differently than years past? What effect is it having?