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ROP Update From Paris

I'm always a bit stumped by the tone of these types of threads. There's an act of terrorism somewhere on the planet - which happens basically every day of the year - and you guys start your song and dance about whether or not it's a fanatical Muslim terrorist. In the overwhelming majority of these attacks, yes, they are connected to ISIS, ISIL Al Queda. Then, when that's reported, it's ha ha, told you so, it was a extreme Muslim terrorist. Again, I'm missing the joke here. Does anyone deny that ongoing attacks by extreme Muslim terrorists are happening around the world? I'm not seeing that anywhere.
I hate Muslims and I like being right when I call them primitive homicidal goat-*******.

I think the discussion should be why do these attacks go on unabated? What is being done to combat it? What is the US government doing better or differently than years past? What effect is it having?
We have proportionately less goat-******* than Europe does, our country is much larger and more spread out, and we have an armed citizenry with far less tolerance than does the ruling class. Doesn't eliminate terrorism but it has to be in the back of their minds that there's a good chance someone will shoot back. This is why many incidents that we do have occur in gun-free zones. I know I've mentioned Italy before, but it's instructive to look up what they're doing right and why there have been no incidents of Muslim terrorism there in spite of the fact that it's the landing point for most of them.



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I hate all of them. I don't hide it. Only two kinds of Muslims; Terrorist extremists and those who approve of and breed terrorist extremists. The problem is in their house, not mine.
I hate all of them. I don't hide it. Only two kinds of Muslims; Terrorist extremists and those who approve of and breed terrorist extremists. The problem is in their house, not mine.

They all believe the same thing, just some of them don't kill infedels.
I hate all of them. I don't hide it. Only two kinds of Muslims; Terrorist extremists and those who approve of and breed terrorist extremists. The problem is in their house, not mine.

Matt Bracken former naval officer and SEAL says the Extremist Moslems want to kill you and the moderate Moslems want the extremists to kill you. I say these threads are necessary to counteract the voices of the Quislings that want to allow more of them among us straight from the heart of jihadi hotbeds.
Oh yes, the "moderate' Moslems

I hate Muslims and I like being right when I call them primitive homicidal goat-*******.

We have proportionately less goat-******* than Europe does, our country is much larger and more spread out, and we have an armed citizenry with far less tolerance than does the ruling class. Doesn't eliminate terrorism but it has to be in the back of their minds that there's a good chance someone will shoot back. This is why many incidents that we do have occur in gun-free zones. I know I've mentioned Italy before, but it's instructive to look up what they're doing right and why there have been no incidents of Muslim terrorism there in spite of the fact that it's the landing point for most of them.




I read that first article and here is what sticks out to me and why so many of us strongly want to restrict Arab/Muslim immigration (especially when immigration is a privilege that so many other non-Arab, non-Muslims want as well and we can CHOOSE)....

“The main difference is Italy doesn’t have a big population of second-generation immigrants that have been radicalised or could potentially be radicalised,” said Francesca Galli, an assistant professor at Maastricht University and an expert in counter-terrorism policies.

There are also more specific practices. Arturo Varvelli, a senior research fellow and terrorism expert at the thinktank Ispi, said the lack of second- and third-generation Italians who might be susceptible to Isis propaganda meant authorities instead focused on non-citizens, who could be deported at the first signs of concern. Since January, 135 individuals had been expelled, he said.

See, liberals and the media want to keep pointing to the fact so few immigrants commit acts of terrorism. That's true. But what is true is 2nd generation muslims ARE committing terrorist acts and are often the most easily influenced. Italy realizes this right away. They acknowledge it. They realize the risk of an immigrant is not just this generation but the next.

As so many in this thread have stated. There are terrorist muslims (those that perform the act of murder), but there is a huge subset of Muslims that believe what those martyrs are doing is correct, legal and godly. Why pick these people for the limited number of immigration and asylum slots we allocate as a country vs. other, just as needy groups? Why take that risk?

I have never once, in all these threads, advocated LESS legal immigration or LESS legal asylum seekers. Not once. But if I have a choice what is best for this nation. What is best for the safety of its citizens, then Muslims (especially those from the Middle East) are last on the list. Period.
I'm always a bit stumped by the tone of these types of threads. There's an act of terrorism somewhere on the planet - which happens basically every day of the year - and you guys start your song and dance about whether or not it's a fanatical Muslim terrorist. In the overwhelming majority of these attacks, yes, they are connected to ISIS, ISIL Al Queda. Then, when that's reported, it's ha ha, told you so, it was a extreme Muslim terrorist. Again, I'm missing the joke here. Does anyone deny that ongoing attacks by extreme Muslim terrorists are happening around the world? I'm not seeing that anywhere.

I think the discussion should be why do these attacks go on unabated? What is being done to combat it? What is the US government doing better or differently than years past? What effect is it having?

Your inability to comprehend this is stunning.
I'm always a bit stumped by the tone of these types of threads. There's an act of terrorism somewhere on the planet - which happens basically every day of the year - and you guys start your song and dance about whether or not it's a fanatical Muslim terrorist. In the overwhelming majority of these attacks, yes, they are connected to ISIS, ISIL Al Queda. Then, when that's reported, it's ha ha, told you so, it was a extreme Muslim terrorist. Again, I'm missing the joke here. Does anyone deny that ongoing attacks by extreme Muslim terrorists are happening around the world? I'm not seeing that anywhere.

Because you don't live as a White Christian Constitutional Male in America. And your bias filters are stuck on "Left."

Let me try to explain.

I notice every time a crime article is written and it says "white male suspect." I then notice the next article where it says "suspect" only but you know the crime was committed by African Americans or MS-13 members.

I notice every time there is a terrorist attack in this country or another PMSNBC and CNN get their "brilliant" panelists on, before the news is actually known, who start throwing out theories...which usually are along the lines of "this could be some anti-abortionist" or "some right winger." You don't often hear them jump to the conclusion that it's someone named Mohammed. They won't say that. But they will jump to conclusions purporting it happening at the hands of some white Conservative American. You can actually watch the panelists "hoping" that to be the case.

If your eyes were not stuck on Left, you'd see this daily, over and over and over. Any opportunity the MSM and the Left have to take down white conservative Americans, they POUNCE on it. The minute there is a terrorist attack or a black mob event, it's exactly the opposite - "let's have patience, we don't have all the facts yet" even when they know it was a Muslim or an African American.

Not surprised you don't get the joke, but the line "Let's not jump to conclusions" is the joke itself because it's a hypocritical line and is only used when reporting about an incident committed by one of the Left's protected victim classes - Muslims, African Americans, Hispanics, transgenders, etc.
Not surprised you don't get the joke, but the line "Let's not jump to conclusions" is the joke itself because it's a hypocritical line and is only used when reporting about an incident committed by one of the Left's protected victim classes - Muslims, African Americans, Hispanics, transgenders, etc.

I get the joke, just find it tired and boring, over and over again. Just gets repetitive, but knock yourselves out.
I get the joke, just find it tired and boring, over and over again. Just gets repetitive, but knock yourselves out.

which, coincidentally, is exactly why it is re-hashed.
it's cyclical.

until the MSM comes back to center, that is what you will see.
which, coincidentally, is exactly why it is re-hashed.
it's cyclical.

until the MSM comes back to center, that is what you will see.

Nor does he really get it. Nor do I care that he doesn't get it. Just hope losing their ***** election after election, losing their ratings as CNN is doing, leads to a change.

Sadly, they double down with their Alt Left approach.

Good for us in the long run.

Tibs is ok with the media's onslaught on white America. That repetitiveness doesn't get old with him. White Americans who push back against said abuse? That he tires of. Harbors a lot of white guilt.
Tibs is ok with the media's onslaught on white America. That repetitiveness doesn't get old with him. White Americans who push back against said abuse? That he tires of. Harbors a lot of white guilt.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/QUgYQt0EDO2HK" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen="" height="432" frameborder="0" width="480"></iframe>

God damn, you never get tired of droning on about the same ****, over and over again. Maybe if you post it enough times, it'll turn true. I may have to put you on ignore, not cause I'm mad at you or don't want to read - some - of your posts, it's just that you damn near put me to sleep. I'm a proud white American who just happens to think whites aren't any better than anyone else. Shocking, I know.
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/QUgYQt0EDO2HK" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen="" height="432" frameborder="0" width="480"></iframe>

God damn, you never get tired of droning on about the same ****, over and over again. Maybe if you post it enough times, it'll turn true. I may have to put you on ignore, not cause I'm mad at you or don't want to read - some - of your posts, it's just that you damn near put me to sleep. I'm a proud white American who just happens to think whites aren't any better than anyone else. Shocking, I know.

Tibs. You're in Hungary. You may still retain American citizenship, but you 100% do not live here anymore, so you do not see nor experience what we are.
Tibs. You're in Hungary. You may still retain American citizenship, but you 100% do not live here anymore, so you do not see nor experience what we are.
Correct. But I don't see how whining about media bias is gonna help fix anything.
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/QUgYQt0EDO2HK" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen="" height="432" frameborder="0" width="480"></iframe>

I'm a proud white American .

I don't buy that bullshit for a second. You post like an America-hating black Muslim. With special needs.
Correct. But I don't see how whining about media bias is gonna help fix anything.

Nor do I see how you whining about us using the "Jump to conclusions" statements and memes helps fix anything. Your hypocrisy knows no ends.

It gets tiring us repeating this schtick, but it doesn't tire you out watching the MSM and the Alt Left continually attacking White America. That repetitiveness is simply fine with you, because it's not one of the Alt Left victim groups which must be treated with kid gloves.

Got it.
I don't buy that bullshit for a second. You post like an America-hating black Muslim. With special needs.

You probably don't know this, but there are white people out there that aren't racist, xenophobic, nationalist, war-mongering ********. No really, it's true.

Btw it seems the biggest problem white America currently faces has little to do with Muslims, migrants, illegal immigrants, BLM, liberals, media bias or even North Korea, but the opioid epidemic. As is usually the case, the biggest enemy is within.
As is usually the case, the biggest enemy is within.

Indeed it is. It is commonly referred to as "The Left."
So, this onslaught... what damages have you incurred from it?

Maybe you should ask Christian bakers and pizza owners. Or white veterans assaulted by BLM. Or our nation's police force that is regularly being assassinated by BLM or BLM-inspired negative rhetoric. Or students on campuses and how White Privilege classes change their quality of life at school. I could go on.

You are denying there is currently an attack going on against white america? Or you're ok with it. Don't attack Muslims, but whitey...by all means. This is ok?
Not to mention the Fake News MSM tried to influence the election with their extremely biased and unfair reporting and rigging the debates. And how many of our tax dollars have been wasted on the Russia witch hunt, as fake news continues to go apeshit over that lie 24/7? And Obamacare's repeal has been delayed partly due to the fake news hyped up lie about how tons of people will die without it.
Indeed it is. It is commonly referred to as "The Left."

Never seen grown men as afraid of something as the alt right is afraid of liberals. You have a firm grip on the Presidency, both houses of Congress, the majority of States and of course total dominance in the Electoral College. What's the problem? Why the insecurity? Why the need for boogie men in form of Liberals tip-toeing into your bedrooms at night that will rip out your hearts, eat your children and steal your souls?
Never seen grown men as afraid of something as the alt right is afraid of liberals. You have a firm grip on the Presidency, both houses of Congress, the majority of States and of course total dominance in the Electoral College. What's the problem? Why the insecurity?
Because, as recent events have confirmed, that isn't who really runs the government.