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ROP Update From Paris

Because, as recent events have confirmed, that isn't who really runs the government.
Hmmm, so when Obama is in office for eight years he runs the government, destroys the country as we know it - and the lives of white Christian men along with it. But now that Trump is elected and the GOP has a substantial lock-grip on Congress, they don't run the government. I'm sure there's some logic here and I'm just not seeing the forest from the trees. I guess I should read up on Breitbart or listen to Alex Jones to get caught up.
Never seen grown men as afraid of something as the alt right is afraid of liberals. You have a firm grip on the Presidency, both houses of Congress, the majority of States and of course total dominance in the Electoral College. What's the problem? Why the insecurity? Why the need for boogie men in form of Liberals tip-toeing into your bedrooms at night that will rip out your hearts, eat your children and steal your souls?

Any time you see a group who would like to see the destruction of something you hold valuable, you are naturally going to be very wary, some might even be hostile. Since I don't have a lot of hostility in me, so I'm more in the wary camp.
Never seen grown men as afraid of something as the alt right is afraid of liberals. You have a firm grip on the Presidency, both houses of Congress, the majority of States and of course total dominance in the Electoral College. What's the problem? Why the insecurity? Why the need for boogie men in form of Liberals tip-toeing into your bedrooms at night that will rip out your hearts, eat your children and steal your souls?

I guess you missed the election..
I guess you missed the election..
The election was nine months ago. Not sure why you guys constantly harp on the election. It's over. Orange Jesus won. He's the president. We're now seeing the consequences. It's high time to move on from the election. The President would be wise to do so himself.

/ ducks as Spike comes posting some more election night fireworks
What's the problem? Why the insecurity?


This post could go on for literal days. Let me see.

The Global Warming Hoax and the abject poverty it would subject our citizens to.
Our rights to defend ourselves.
Being forced to pay reparations for slavery.
Driving manufacturing and jobs out of the USA.
Mass unemployment.
Forced co-ed bathrooms for our daughters.
Political Correctness that kills.
Illegal immigration and the effects on our national security and our economy.
Deep state Democratic operatives.
When Liberals run the country, how they use Federal agencies to attack their opponents.
Liberal violence and calls for violence.
Riots, destruction of property.
Fear for our police.
Lack of Liberal fiscal sense (see the deficit).
The desire for state run health care.
Straight white male oppression.
The war on Christianity.
The propaganda machine that is our MSM.
The cultural Marxism that the Left is driving for.
Big Government

I mean, that's off the top of my head. And **** it's Friday, time for a beer and TJ Watt just got a sack.
Hmmm, so when Obama is in office for eight years he runs the government, destroys the country as we know it - and the lives of white Christian men along with it. But now that Trump is elected and the GOP has a substantial lock-grip on Congress, they don't run the government. I'm sure there's some logic here and I'm just not seeing the forest from the trees. I guess I should read up on Breitbart or listen to Alex Jones to get caught up.

The lower and mid level people who do the day to day operations and button-pushing in the Federal government are almost totally Democrat and Liberal. This is why Trump is getting so much resistance.
The lower and mid level people who do the day to day operations and button-pushing in the Federal government are almost totally Democrat and Liberal. This is why Trump is getting so much resistance.

The fam and I have tv nights occasionally. We binge watch stuff like The Wonder Years while our kids are still of that age. Right now we are on Growing Pains. Totally liberal, anti-Reagan. Hollywood has blown for many years. They'll never change. Drop a MOAB On West H on the way to Nork.
Never seen grown men as afraid of something as the alt right is afraid of liberals. You have a firm grip on the Presidency, both houses of Congress, the majority of States and of course total dominance in the Electoral College. What's the problem? Why the insecurity? Why the need for boogie men in form of Liberals tip-toeing into your bedrooms at night that will rip out your hearts, eat your children and steal your souls?

I am very afraid of socialism. And you should be too. Socialism will kill everything our founding fathers stood for in a slow glacial avalanche. That's really the difference between you and me Tibs. We agree on a lot. On the danger of socialism, you and I are miles apart.
Ho...lee....****. This post could go on for literal days. Let me see.

The Global Warming Hoax and the abject poverty it would subject our citizens to.
Our rights to defend ourselves.
Being forced to pay reparations for slavery.
Driving manufacturing and jobs out of the USA.
Mass unemployment.
Forced co-ed bathrooms for our daughters.
Political Correctness that kills.
Illegal immigration and the effects on our national security and our economy.
Deep state Democratic operatives.
When Liberals run the country, how they use Federal agencies to attack their opponents.
Liberal violence and calls for violence.
Riots, destruction of property.
Fear for our police.
Lack of Liberal fiscal sense (see the deficit).
The desire for state run health care.
Straight white male oppression.
The war on Christianity.
The propaganda machine that is our MSM.
The cultural Marxism that the Left is driving for.
Big Government

Wow, had no idea you have so many boogeymen haunting your dreams. No wonder Trump supporters are scared of their own shadows and are triggered so easily.

Let me assure you 90% of the things on your list are not real. These are imaginary things that exist in your mind only. And in the minds of others like yourself. So it's your choice, and your choice only, to live your life full of fear and paranoia.
You are denying there is currently an attack going on against white america? Or you're ok with it.

Looks like 'White America' is making a comeback. Like in Charlottesville, VA last night.

Friday night, the University of Virginia and the Charlottesville Police Department allowed a mob of hundreds of white supremacists carrying torches to surround, trap, and brutalize a group of students and other protesters holding an anti-racist rally.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Funicornriot.ninja%2Fvideos%2F523848784616014%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
The election was nine months ago. Not sure why you guys constantly harp on the election. It's over. Orange Jesus won. He's the president. We're now seeing the consequences. It's high time to move on from the election. The President would be wise to do so himself.

/ ducks as Spike comes posting some more election night fireworks
This makes no sense. You said you've never seen grown men as afraid of something as the alt right is afraid of liberals, and I offered an obvious counter. What's funny is how liberals are afraid of Trump.
Looks like 'White America' is making a comeback. Like in Charlottesville, VA last night.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Funicornriot.ninja%2Fvideos%2F523848784616014%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Welcome to the world of identity politics, Tibs. You can thank the regressive left for this reaction.
Wow, had no idea you have so many boogeymen haunting your dreams. No wonder Trump supporters are scared of their own shadows and are triggered so easily.

Let me assure you 90% of the things on your list are not real. These are imaginary things that exist in your mind only. And in the minds of others like yourself. So it's your choice, and your choice only, to live your life full of fear and paranoia.

Now you're willfully being obtuse. 100% of that list is real.

  • Venezuela is real. And what is happening there is real life testament to the dangers of socialism.
  • Europe is real. The social experiment to open borders and become a common "nation" has failed. See Brexit.
  • Detroit is real. After 50 years of Democratic rule, it's a financially ruined dangerous hell hole.
  • California is real. See Steeltime moving out. See education and massive #s of illegal immigrants as a starter.
  • Universities. Where do I begin? About to send my kid to one. I pay attention. Riots. Left-run. Teaching ideology. Safe spaces.
  • The Global Warming Hoax and the abject poverty it would subject our citizens to. You got me here. Global Warming isn't real. But the steps to address the scam would leave us in abject poverty.
  • Our rights to defend ourselves. Now come on Tibs, you're gonna stand here and say that the Left doesn't want to abolish the 2nd?
  • Being forced to pay reparations for slavery. Do you watch the news? Do I need to post links?
  • Driving manufacturing and jobs out of the USA. See Obama, see our manufacturing jobs overseas. See business regulations. See changes now. Very real.
  • Mass unemployment. The mass number of out of work workers under Obama was one of the worst in history. Coupled with more Americans on Welfare than ever. Yeah, that's scary ****.
  • Forced co-ed bathrooms for our daughters. This isn't real? Do tell Tibs. Obama withheld $$ from states who wouldn't adopt these rules in schools.
  • Political Correctness that kills. Santa Barbara terrorist act. Because the Left has worked so ardently to protect Muslims, suspicious neighbors who knew something was up wouldn't speak out.
  • Illegal immigration and the effects on our national security and our economy. Illegal immigration is a threat to our national security. Proven. It hurts our economy (they don't pay taxes but consume them)
  • Deep state Democratic operatives. This is very real. They are there. See the leaks. More than any President in history in the first 90 days.
  • When Liberals run the country, how they use Federal agencies to attack their opponents. This is very real. The IRS was one example.
  • Liberal violence and calls for violence. We've been through this. Very real. See Alexandria assassination attempt, the countless examples I showed you of HuffPo and CNN calling the Left to violence
  • Riots, destruction of property. If you challenge this as not real, you really are living behind a wall.
  • BLM. Very real. Their antics have led to riots, violence and death.
  • Fear for our police. See the news Tibs. They're being targeted and killed.
  • Lack of Liberal fiscal sense (see the deficit). See the deficit that skyrocketed under Obama.
  • The desire for state run health care. See ObamaCare
  • Straight white male oppression. See White Privilege.
  • The war on Christianity. See bakeries and pizza parlors wishing to practice their religion.
  • The propaganda machine that is our MSM. This is a 20 page discussion. More examples than I care to throw out here.
  • The cultural Marxism that the Left is driving for. We could debate this for months.

By all means Tibs, tell me what above isn't real. I don't live behind a wall and I don't hide under a bed with my kitty cats. The fact is though, these are all verified, legitimate issues that cause many of us concern.

Big Government
The Moops have landed

The Moops have landed

$10K inflatable boat with a $5k outboard motor. Where did these "impoverished Moslem refugees fleeing from war" come up with the cash to purchase that for a single use? Soros funded NGOs are where.
You are denying there is currently an attack going on against white america? Or you're ok with it. Don't attack Muslims, but whitey...by all means. This is ok?

I was more sympathetic to your kind of thinking 25 years ago. My once conservative dad who was slowly growing more liberal would be amused by my complaints of the unjust, unfair treatment I was witnessing or experiencing. He'd encourage me to put things in perspective and compare my life relative to others, not just in the US but around the world and consider how fortunate I was.

The white man is everyone's ******* but we don't want to trade places with anyone, now do we?
I was more sympathetic to your kind of thinking 25 years ago. My once conservative dad who was slowly growing more liberal would be amused by my complaints of the unjust, unfair treatment I was witnessing or experiencing. He'd encourage me to put things in perspective and compare my life relative to others, not just in the US but around the world and consider how fortunate I was.

The white man is everyone's ******* but we don't want to trade places with anyone, now do we?

You didn't have to share with me that you come from a ******-up upbringing (95% of people migrate from liberal to conservative as they age). We do read 'some' of your posts.

Nor will you get disagreement from me that you're an *******. Hey, you put it out there.
You didn't have to share with me that you come from a ******-up upbringing (95% of people migrate from liberal to conservative as they age).

Go **** yourself Tim.

Unlike you, my dad rarely complained about anything and never felt sorry for himself or thought he was being persecuted.

It wasn't ****** up that he would help the paraplegic at our pool out of water and into his wheelchair.
It wasn't ****** up that he spent his brief retirement volunteering with his church group and Habitat for Humanity.
It wasn't ****** up he died helping a person in need.
Go **** yourself Tim.

Unlike you, my dad rarely complained about anything and never felt sorry for himself or thought he was being persecuted.

It wasn't ****** up that he would help the paraplegic at our pool out of water and into his wheelchair.
It wasn't ****** up that he spent his brief retirement volunteering with his church group and Habitat for Humanity.
It wasn't ****** up he died helping a person in need.

You're going to open up the family kimono eh?

Funny how tolerant of "complaining" you are when the complaints come from a victim class or group you support. Then it's not complaining, it's pleas for help.

Got it.
Go **** yourself Tim. Unlike you, my dad rarely complained about anything and never felt sorry for himself or thought he was being persecuted.

There may not be a bigger whiner & complainer on the board than Tim. There are a few others so it's a close race, but Tim seems to be holding onto that top spot.
There may not be a bigger whiner & complainer on the board than Tim. There are a few others so it's a close race, but Tim seems to be holding onto that top spot.

Coming from you, that is indeed rich. LOL

Ban BMWs immediately!!!
And don't give me any of that responsible owner bullshit. Those cars just fall into the wrong hands.
Who really needs a BMW just to get around town?

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
They'll have to pry the steering wheel from my cold, dead hands.