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Rudolph Will Start Against Seahawks - Tomlin Presser


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2014
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A Yankee in NC
Tomlin stated that Rudolph was someone who had great belief in himself and was aggressive in game. His "aggressive nature" was an asset to the Steelers Saturday. Also, since KP8 is in the same position as last week, Rudolph is in the same position as last week. Rudolph is "scheduled to be the quarterback" for this week but Pickett could practice his way in.
When asked specifically if KP8 would be the QB if he became available for practice this week, Tomlin stated that he wasn't into hypotheticals and Rudolph has (the ball) this week.
Correct decision by our Head Coach.
What stands out to me is the "practice his way in" part, coupled with "not into hypotheticals". Seems like Tomlin is saying KP8 could start, but only if he shows in practice that he is a better option than Rudolph. As in, he won't get his job back just by showing up healthy.
What stands out to me is the "practice his way in" part, coupled with "not into hypotheticals". Seems like Tomlin is saying KP8 could start, but only if he shows in practice that he is a better option than Rudolph. As in, he won't get his job back just by showing up healthy.
Maybe or he isn't confident Pickett will be 100 percent.
What stands out to me is the "practice his way in" part, coupled with "not into hypotheticals". Seems like Tomlin is saying KP8 could start, but only if he shows in practice that he is a better option than Rudolph. As in, he won't get his job back just by showing up healthy.
Could be...but I've never been good at deciphering Tomlins remarks..

Sometimes I think he's talking in tongues lol...
What stands out to me is the "practice his way in" part, coupled with "not into hypotheticals". Seems like Tomlin is saying KP8 could start, but only if he shows in practice that he is a better option than Rudolph. As in, he won't get his job back just by showing up healthy.
Maybe or he isn't confident Pickett will be 100 percent.

Could also be Coach Tomlin is playing for his JOB and the hot hand seems the way to go.

Salute the nation
Could also be Coach Tomlin is playing for his JOB and the hot hand seems the way to go.

Salute the nation
True wouldn't be the first time a coach wanted to go with the hot hand.

Should be an interesting week and an interesting game.
Have to give Tomlin credit, Mason is the wise choice for multiple reasons.
Many think Kenny had regressed since last year due to confidence issues and feel he is playing scared, not willing to take shots, generally not playing as "loose" as he was last season.
Imagine if Tomlin came out and said Pickett is the starter vs Seahawks. Everyone and their brother would be up in arms, Players, fans, media, former players. Imagine the level of outrage? The locker room would be devastated with a whole new level of division.
Kenny goes in there and lays an egg, season lost, Kenny is the most hated man in Pittsburgh.
Besides starting the hot hand this is Tomlin protecting his young QB, smart move. Kenny would never mentally recover if the season went south next game and everyone blamed him.
Have to give Tomlin credit, Mason is the wise choice for multiple reasons.
Many think Kenny had regressed since last year due to confidence issues and feel he is playing scared, not willing to take shots, generally not playing as "loose" as he was last season.
Imagine if Tomlin came out and said Pickett is the starter vs Seahawks. Everyone and their brother would be up in arms, Players, fans, media, former players. Imagine the level of outrage? The locker room would be devastated with a whole new level of division.
Kenny goes in there and lays an egg, season lost, Kenny is the most hated man in Pittsburgh.
Besides starting the hot hand this is Tomlin protecting his young QB, smart move. Kenny would never mentally recover if the season went south next game and everyone blamed him.
Methinks Coach Tomlin saw what the world saw…Rudy, while aggressive, still played with poise, composure and confidence. He may not have made every throw but he saw more than one option every time he had the opportunity to throw. He took the one sack rather throwing an interception and that was smart all things considered…

Your point of Kenny not playing well (possibly) does need to be factored in his future. What Kenny can’t do is go out and try to outshine last week’s performance. When he gets the chance—just play within his means…
Have to give Tomlin credit, Mason is the wise choice for multiple reasons.
Many think Kenny had regressed since last year due to confidence issues and feel he is playing scared, not willing to take shots, generally not playing as "loose" as he was last season.
Imagine if Tomlin came out and said Pickett is the starter vs Seahawks. Everyone and their brother would be up in arms, Players, fans, media, former players. Imagine the level of outrage? The locker room would be devastated with a whole new level of division.
Kenny goes in there and lays an egg, season lost, Kenny is the most hated man in Pittsburgh.
Besides starting the hot hand this is Tomlin protecting his young QB, smart move. Kenny would never mentally recover if the season went south next game and everyone blamed him.
Not to mention....let’s see what we got. I want to see Rudolph start the remaining games. I wish him the best,as I do all Steelers Qurterbacks. But am certainly not going to anoint him after one game. I remember not too long ago a rocket scientist having a couple good games,flavor of the week across the nfl. Rocket scientist got benched. Had amassed a grand total Of 5 tds 5 int’s for 895 yds in 5 games.
I think this is a no brainer decision and shades goes with Mason out west.
Rudy had total command of this offense from the beginning as he was aggressive, fearless, confident, and stood in the pocket. Things the other two have failed to do on a consistent basis all year.Teams biggest failures and the reason they are on the outside looking in again this year points to QB play and poor coaching.
Only thing in past seasons to always keep the team’s head above water was Ben.
Tomlin is not stupid and knows his best bet is going with Rudy.
I'll also point out that while KP8 and MR2 both played well against the Bengals, amassing similar yardage totals, that is the only similarity. KP8 had a better completion percentage than MR2. After that, Rudolph had better ypa, a waaaay better rating ... and, most importantly, led the team to scoring touchdowns instead of FG.
Have to give Tomlin credit, Mason is the wise choice for multiple reasons.
Many think Kenny had regressed since last year due to confidence issues and feel he is playing scared, not willing to take shots, generally not playing as "loose" as he was last season.
Imagine if Tomlin came out and said Pickett is the starter vs Seahawks. Everyone and their brother would be up in arms, Players, fans, media, former players. Imagine the level of outrage? The locker room would be devastated with a whole new level of division.
Kenny goes in there and lays an egg, season lost, Kenny is the most hated man in Pittsburgh.
Besides starting the hot hand this is Tomlin protecting his young QB, smart move. Kenny would never mentally recover if the season went south next game and everyone blamed him.
I have to agree. Ride with Mason as he is the hot hand.

A more likely scenario (than your bolded text) is the Mason goes and lays an egg, and Kenny comes off the bench and does well, and he is back in the good graces of fans. But who knows what will happen with this years' **** show.
I don't think it matters much. I still think we lose these last 2 on the road. Of our final 3 games, the Bungholes was the one we legitimately had a chance. The Seachickens on the road will be much tougher as will the Ratbirds. Our only chance against the Ratbirds is if they have everything wrapped up and decide to rest a bunch of starters.
Im sure Tomlin had, or will have a heart to heart with Pickett after deciding to go with Rudolph.
Im sure Tomlin had, or will have a heart to heart with Pickett after deciding to go with Rudolph.
It may include the words "We're not necessarily looking to draft your replacement. However, we will be drafting a QB in the mid to late rounds of the draft."