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Sanders and Clinton in a real battle in Iowa an New Hampshire?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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The Clinton name is a Titanic, but I think they already hit the iceberg. Trumps nailed her on women's issues.

A loss to Sanders in either state would be a hatchway caving in. If Sanders wins one or two of the states, Clinton will have an even tougher time weathering the storm and if she does, the email scandal ( The FBI is still working on it, not a good sign for her ) will torpedo her later, leaving Biden no time to jump in, and a 75-year-old socialists as their candidate. WIll this happen? 50/50. Time will tell.

The ding dong the witch is dead moment hasn't happened yet, but I think I see the see the yellow brick road on the distant horizon.
Sanders: Bill Clinton's Scandals 'Totally Disgraceful'

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Friday called Bill Clinton’s sexual scandals “totally disgraceful and unacceptable” but said he would not use the former president's infidelities against Hillary Clinton



The gloves are off, he just pissed off the big dog

Hillary is the opposite of Bill. She shrinks in a scandal and greatly relies on positive media coverage. Sanders who according to the media backed Clinton had no chance. Now apparently he does, and the old dog getting after it!
If the new stories about Bernie and his cronyism are true, he may start losing some support.
I was enjoying the Sanders-Hildabeast debate a couple of days ago, and was very entertained by the humor and intelligence of the two participants, until I realized I was not watching the debate. I was watching this:


I would rather be governed by either of those guys than Hildabeast or Madman Bernie.
Feel the Bern...


CNN/WMUR Poll: Sanders trouncing Clinton in New Hampshire

(CNN)Bernie Sanders' lead over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire is on the rise, with the Vermont senator leading the former secretary of state by 27 points, 60% to 33%, a new CNN/WMUR poll has found.

The new poll, mostly conducted before Sunday night's debate, found Sanders' support has grown by 10 points since a late-November/early December CNN/WMUR poll, which found Sanders holding 50% to Clinton's 40%.

New Hampshire Democrats' views on the race are solidifying as well, with 52% saying they have definitely decided who they will support, up from 36% who felt that way in early December. Among those voters, Sanders holds an even broader 64% to 35% lead.
Tibs, if Sanders were a Republican and as extreme in his views to the right as he actually is to the left (raging class warfare, "tax them 'til they burn," free [yeah, right] **** for everybody except actual taxpayers, using taxpayer money to prop up failing "green" energy companies, promising "free" education and health care, as if those providing the service would GIVE THE ******* STUFF AWAY, etc.), you would be fulminating with rage, and burning this message board with comments about what a loon he is.

But he is a lefty, so you adore him.

Walk the same ground with the same pace, Tibs. Sanders is a certifiable nut-job. He is bat-**** crazy.
That's your opinion Steeltime, I completely disagree. Bernie Sanders is far from crazy. He's a forward-thinking progressive who truly wants to make America great again. You want certifiable nut-jobs? There are plenty of threads on this board to discuss Trump, Carson, Cruz et al.
So the dems will be left with either a felon or a proud anti-capitalist socialist. Unfortunately I am still not super confident that they can't win.
That's your opinion Steeltime, I completely disagree. Bernie Sanders is far from crazy. He's a forward-thinking progressive who truly wants to make America great again. You want certifiable nut-jobs? There are plenty of threads on this board to discuss Trump, Carson, Cruz et al.

Some statements from the guy you are extolling:




The Washington Post (that conservative rag) fact-checks and refutes key Sanders claims:

On Glass-Steagall and the 2008 banking crisis - Bernie is wrong:


On mortgages vs. student loan rates - once again, Bernie is wrong:


This paper exposed the lie that is Sanders' claim about the "twenty richest people in America" having more wealth than the bottom 50%. The simple fact is that the bottom 12% have a negative worth, skewing the figures for the bottom 40% or bottom 50%, so I personally have greater wealth than the bottom 40%.


In the end notes, the report says that the bottom 40 percent of Americans actually have a combined negative net worth, due to a high negative net worth of only the bottom 12 percent. As the report says, this skews that total net worth of the 40 percent — and consequently, the bottom 50 percent, too.

Sanders also misrepresented his campaign collecting data about the Clinton campaign:


These logs show Sanders people spent a bit under two hours in the data. During that time, they called up information from about a dozen states. They queried the database for the number of voters who met certain criteria.

Crazy-*** Sanders then blamed terrorism on ... yep, climate change.

"Absolutely. In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism," Sanders said on Nov. 14. "If we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you’re gonna see countries all over the world — this is what the CIA says — they’re going to be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops, and you’re going to see all kinds of international conflict."

A day later on CBS’ Face the Nation, Sanders doubled down on his statement, elaborating, "When people migrate into cities and they don't have jobs, there's going to be a lot more instability, a lot more unemployment, and people will be subject to the types of propaganda that al-Qaida and ISIS are using right now."


Uhhh, yeah, except that the rise of ISIS and ISIL and Al-Quaeda occurred during a time when temperatures were falling:



Crazy Harry ... I like it. Crazy Bernie? Get the **** out.
That's your opinion Steeltime, I completely disagree. Bernie Sanders is far from crazy. He's a forward-thinking progressive who truly wants to make America great again. You want certifiable nut-jobs? There are plenty of threads on this board to discuss Trump, Carson, Cruz et al.

Bernie Sanders is far from crazy. He's a forward-thinking progressive who truly wants to make America great again.

Bwaa haa haa!!!! Holy ****. Not that you had any credibility with me. But the one possible c-hair of sanity that you may have had left just bit the dust.
Bernie Sanders is far from crazy. He's a forward-thinking progressive who truly wants to make America great again.

If in your opinion, making America great again equates to no personal responsibility for anyone, you may be on to something.
I'm done with the word Progressive. Let's call it for what it is. Destructive.
Feel the Bern...


CNN/WMUR Poll: Sanders trouncing Clinton in New Hampshire

(CNN)Bernie Sanders' lead over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire is on the rise, with the Vermont senator leading the former secretary of state by 27 points, 60% to 33%, a new CNN/WMUR poll has found.

The new poll, mostly conducted before Sunday night's debate, found Sanders' support has grown by 10 points since a late-November/early December CNN/WMUR poll, which found Sanders holding 50% to Clinton's 40%.

New Hampshire Democrats' views on the race are solidifying as well, with 52% saying they have definitely decided who they will support, up from 36% who felt that way in early December. Among those voters, Sanders holds an even broader 64% to 35% lead.

Not surprising that he's leading in New England since he's from Vermont.

Old senile barking moonbats

Bernie Sanders: Climate Change is Directly Related To Terrorism


"In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism," said Sanders.

"And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you're going to see counties all over the world...they're going to be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops, and you're going to see all kinds of international conflict."

Sanders said at the second Democratic debate in Iowa that climate change poses the biggest threat to America's national security and to security of the world. .

That's your opinion Steeltime, I completely disagree. Bernie Sanders is far from crazy. He's a forward-thinking progressive who truly wants to make America great again. You want certifiable nut-jobs? There are plenty of threads on this board to discuss Trump, Carson, Cruz et al.

Call Crazy-B what he really is a Neo-Socialist. Tell me where the progress is in failed socialist policy that has failed everywhere it's been tried and destroys every economy that it touches? The socialist Utopias of sacandanavia had economies that barely functioned and were edging toward collapse BEFORE the wave of migration from North Africa and the ME. How is destroying our economy and taxing the life out of our population going to make us "Great Again"?
Socialism is awesome, look how well it's worked out for Greece when 59% of GDP goes towards benies! Make more in your pension than when you were working....ever increasing fountains of free stuff and money trees on every corner.

But then, reality hits when you run out of other people's money and the mob comes to demand their entitlement that you promised.
I would put the idea of trying to export 11 million illegal immigrants as less crazy than trying to apply Medicare type coverage, run by the federal government, to everyone in the United States.

Socialist, federal government provided medical care will not work in the U.S. Period. It is doomed to bankrupt the country.

Bernie Sanders is a nice old hippy. Glad he loves the world and thinks happy thoughts. Unfortunately, his plans are completely unrealistic, won't get done in even the slightest fashion by congress and what's left is you have a weak, inexperienced, life-long public official in charge of foreign relations. Trying to imaging Bernie Sanders negotiate with Europe or Russia or China or Iran or Saudi Arabia on anything diplomatic or economic is a scary thought.
Bernie Sanders is a nice old hippy. Glad he loves the world and thinks happy thoughts.
deljzc posted that at 4:20. Just sayin'.

Unfortunately, his plans are completely unrealistic, won't get done in even the slightest fashion by congress and what's left is you have a weak, inexperienced, life-long public official in charge of foreign relations. Trying to imaging Bernie Sanders negotiate with Europe or Russia or China or Iran or Saudi Arabia on anything diplomatic or economic is a scary thought.
So it would be like what we have now?
deljzc posted that at 4:20. Just sayin'.

So it would be like what we have now?

Probably, but you'd have a Jew instead of an Muslim.

You'd think that would make Bernie a bit more pro-Israel and less pro-Arab, but I don't see much evidence of that. If anything Sanders is probably a more "don't use Military no matter what" than Obama. It's obvious Sanders hates all the rich (they'll just leave if Sanders gets his way) and thinks every penny spent on Military would be better used on a social safety net program.

I haven't seen a tax-and-spend candidate like this since Johnson. I don't really consider Obama that as much as some here (although he always seems easy to pass money out to any city going through a crisis of their own choosing).