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Saturday 1/14/17 playoff games.

Too easy ... well, after the phantom P.I. call helped them, it was too easy.
This is going to be ugly for Houston.
Well, I see the formula is in full effect ... call enough ticky-tack fouls against the opposition to keep them from getting a rhythm and let N.E. penalties slide. Then ease off the calls against the opposition when N.E. has secured a comfortable lead. So sick of seeing this **** .. it's like Groundhog's Day
OH MY .. they actually called an early penalty against N.E.? Those guys will never work a playoff game again.
If belicheat gets into the hof before the full extent if his cheating comes out im paying some kid to leave a flaming bag of crap on his display...
Houston has no chance of hanging with that offense... their wrs cant get seperation and when Osweiller has a good throw its dropped
Game, set, match. We CANNOT allow that to happen to us tomorrow.
Every other team in the NFL that block in the back would have been called on and they would have started their drive inside the 20 ... Not the Cheats though ... nope, nothing to see here.
Just remember... our front office abhors university of Pittsburgh players... so we passed on lewis for cortez allen...
Holy Hell Osweiler SUCKS ... Savage out of protocol? Might want to make a change Bill