Thank you Supe.
Well, that and the fact she didn't know the 3 'chambers' of government, basic economics or just about anything else an elected official should know in their sleep.
Thank you Supe.
I'm just going to leave this here as these nuts don't need a bunch of new threads:
If by some horrific turn of events the Electoral College were to be abolished it would be time for another revolution.
Can't happen without 2/3rds of the States approving a constitution amendment. Keep your gun holstered.
Was gonna say, you’re not going to get 2/3 of the states to vote to abrogate their power. Idiot Dems probably don’t realize that however.Can't happen without 2/3rds of the States approving a constitution amendment. Keep your gun holstered.
Some of her early work.
Some of her early work.
That was awesome! a "I was high that day, let's make a stupid video", kind of way. And if it didn't launch her entertainment career, she could become a bartender. And then maybe, fingers crossed, I can convince a lot of stupid people to vote for me.
Well, that and the fact she didn't know the 3 'chambers' of government, basic economics or just about anything else an elected official should know in their sleep.
She has you all by the balls. Hilarious.
She has you all by the balls. Hilarious.
Again. Do you agree with her or not?
Simple question.
Tibs is a socialist/communist. It's the one thing he is, but will not admit. He wanted Sanders to win, badly. He said nothing when Hillary admitted that the Democratic party was now predominantly socialist. And he's shared nothing but glee when it comes to Hyphen being elected. He's giddy about it.
He would happily see us become Venezuela, because that's how Socialism always ends up.
Isn't scare at all about her wanting the Government to quite literally take control over our lives.
Not surprising.
These are her plans. Do they not scare the **** out of you?
It looks like, if she really applied herself, that she could advance her career to a more noble job of being a stripper.
Tibs is a socialist/communist.
Ironically, the closest the US came to socialism was at the height of the red SCARE when the top tax rate was at 90%. Hysteria. I can’t imagine what you guys would do if we had gas rationing like we did in the 70s.
I can’t imagine what you guys would do if we had gas rationing like we did in the 70s.
If there ever came a vote to abolish the electoral college, it would be incumbent on each senator to vote in their States’ best interest. So any senator not from California or the northeastern states SHOULD vote against such an action.If by some horrific turn of events the Electoral College were to be abolished it would be time for another revolution.