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SCARY: Hyphen's Green New Deal Calls for Government Control of American Society

Thank you Supe.


Well, that and the fact she didn't know the 3 'chambers' of government, basic economics or just about anything else an elected official should know in their sleep.
I'm just going to leave this here as these nuts don't need a bunch of new threads:

It's just a matter of time before we throw down with these folks.They really have a serious lust for power problem. You have half of this country trying to impose its will on the other. The other half ain't having it. There's absolutely nothing to unify this **** show other than being attacked from the outside. All of the stuff we see now we got warning of a long time ago.
If by some horrific turn of events the Electoral College were to be abolished it would be time for another revolution.
The Democrats can celebrate all they want but the fact remains the House is the least important "sub branch" of our Government.

Almost anything they do just hurts the image of Democrats going into 2020. They can obstruct. They can over-investigate. They can impeach (but not REALLY impeach). They can go on a bunch of talk shows.

Not sure how any of those paths gains them voters in 2020. This is just 2010 all over again (except without the Senate's support) and we all know that didn't help Romney one iota in 2012.
Can't happen without 2/3rds of the States approving a constitution amendment. Keep your gun holstered.

Wanna bet that ammo sales are brisk in weeks to come?
Can't happen without 2/3rds of the States approving a constitution amendment. Keep your gun holstered.
Was gonna say, you’re not going to get 2/3 of the states to vote to abrogate their power. Idiot Dems probably don’t realize that however.
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Some of her early work.
Some of her early work.

That was awesome!..........in a "I was high that day, let's make a stupid video", kind of way. And if it didn't launch her entertainment career, she could become a bartender. And then maybe, fingers crossed, I can convince a lot of stupid people to vote for me.
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That was awesome!..........in a "I was high that day, let's make a stupid video", kind of way. And if it didn't launch her entertainment career, she could become a bartender. And then maybe, fingers crossed, I can convince a lot of stupid people to vote for me.

It’s not a coincidence that she did the dance of the crazy chick in The Breakfast Club.
She has you all by the balls. Hilarious.
Well, that and the fact she didn't know the 3 'chambers' of government, basic economics or just about anything else an elected official should know in their sleep.

Yet she's the sort of Liberal who thinks the country should be run by the "smart" people who went to the "right" schools. You know, people like her.

Again. Do you agree with her or not?

Simple question.

Tibs is a socialist/communist. It's the one thing he is, but will not admit. He wanted Sanders to win, badly. He said nothing when Hillary admitted that the Democratic party was now predominantly socialist. And he's shared nothing but glee when it comes to Hyphen being elected. He's giddy about it.

He would happily see us become Venezuela, because that's how Socialism always ends up.

Isn't scare at all about her wanting the Government to quite literally take control over our lives.

Not surprising.
Tibs is a socialist/communist. It's the one thing he is, but will not admit. He wanted Sanders to win, badly. He said nothing when Hillary admitted that the Democratic party was now predominantly socialist. And he's shared nothing but glee when it comes to Hyphen being elected. He's giddy about it.

He would happily see us become Venezuela, because that's how Socialism always ends up.

Isn't scare at all about her wanting the Government to quite literally take control over our lives.

Not surprising.

That's why us Americans should pay no mind to this Hungarian. I got his 411 a long time ago. We should fight socialism tooth and nail or end up becoming slaves to the state or be caught up in what will be a very bloody revolt.
These are her plans. Do they not scare the **** out of you?

They scare the **** out of me.
I don't want the goobermint elites controlling how I use energy.

Yes I believe we should conserve to an extent.
But if I'm paying an electric or water bill, I should be allowed as I please
It looks like, if she really applied herself, that she could advance her career to a more noble job of being a stripper.

I'd hit. That's one thing Cortez is good for.

I'd probably be in the shower and crying later that day
Tibs is a socialist/communist.

Ironically, the closest the US came to socialism was at the height of the red SCARE when the top tax rate was at 90%. Hysteria. I can’t imagine what you guys would do if we had gas rationing like we did in the 70s.
Ironically, the closest the US came to socialism was at the height of the red SCARE when the top tax rate was at 90%. Hysteria. I can’t imagine what you guys would do if we had gas rationing like we did in the 70s.

The difference is that there were tons of write offs. Almost nobody paid the top marginal rate. Again this is the top "marginal" rate.
I love the red hats on this board. Pure, unbridled hysteria. Triggered by the slightest breeze coming from libs and Dems. You guys put the S into snowflake. Sometimes I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at how fragile the right is, at least those who frequent this board. No real surprise, as you clearly take your lead from Trump and FoxNews, where temper tantrums, hissy fits and meltdowns are the order of the day. Sadly, this ain't Lincoln or Reagan's Republican party we once knew. It has become so triggered, so volatile, so hysterical, it's hardly recognizable. Feel bad for true conservatives...must feel like they're adrift at sea.

If by some horrific turn of events the Electoral College were to be abolished it would be time for another revolution.
If there ever came a vote to abolish the electoral college, it would be incumbent on each senator to vote in their States’ best interest. So any senator not from California or the northeastern states SHOULD vote against such an action.