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School Indoctrination Thread

need more of thi

That is simply beautiful. Speaks to how mankind really is, day to day, in real life. Not what the media wants you to believe it is.

Amen and praise to that father and his adorable daughter. We need far more people, old and young, black, white, yellow...speaking these truths.

Others want to destroy us. It takes people like this to prevent it.
need more of this

As Tim just said above. This is how it really is. How most people are. How I am.

I saw this the other day. That is a good father. I do the same with my sons.

He doesn't see color. He only sees friends,which are instant to him. It's never going to be a topic. It doesn't matter.

We all look different, but we are all the same. That is it,nothing more.

It is others who poison your mind into believing things that really are not so.

Our media,politicians and educators do no good service to the brotherhood of man. Just bitter poison.

We have to change that. Which will be a daunting task given the depths to which we have sunk in society. It starts with being a good human regardless of what everyone else is doing.

My mother used to always tell me as a young boy,wrong is wrong no matter how many people are doing it.

A hard swing back to center and a rebuilding of the family unit is our only way out of this....

oh and gutting everything communist,marxist,socialist from our society. It does mesh with America at all. It's soul poison.
Tibs, like Elfie, are emotional children. They need to feel that they are right. They are unable to understand why you don't feel the same way. They are unable to understand why their cities are crumbling, even though they witness it every day. These things are clear to rational thinkers.

But I gotta tell ya, people like Tibs bring big entertainment value to this place. One thing liberals are good at, is being entertainers.

More woke racism against white people.
She should have been fired already.
No you must remember in current year anti-white racism is just fine. This is one of the reasons why I am doing everything I can to move out of urban areas all together. When the collapse does happen it’s going to be open season on Whitey and I want to move out somewhere that I have long fields of fire and defenseable terrain. They might kill me for being a conservative straight white male but they’ll have to advance through steady accurate grazing fire and take heavy casualties to do it….in Minecraft.
She cut off 5 of her white friends, none of her latino or asian friends, just the white ones because there were no "good Eggs" out there and then speaks of unloading a revolver into the head of a random white person and she wants to say that her words were taken out of context?

"My speaking metaphorically about my own anger was a method for people to reflect on negative feelings," Khilanani added. No, it causes people to focus on YOUR negative feelings. People didn't hear your sick twisted fantasy and begin tapping into their own subconscious to experience negative thoughts. WTF?

"To normalize negative feelings. Because if you don’t, it will turn into a violent action." ***** is crazy. Military veterans try normalize negative experiences as a means of dealing with them and it doesn't ******* work. 22 a day on average take their own life. Negative Experiences lead to negative feelings which lead to negative thoughts which lead to negative words that usually lead to negative actions. She is using words right now...is she capable of action? What happened to her to cause this bitterness towards white people?
Why is the left so invested in censorship? Because they can't debate facts. Every argument they make is based on emotion or faulty data or both. If they allow for real debate they get destroyed. Case in point, that nonsense tweet from Biden showing how he created more jobs that anybody. It's blatantly misleading stats that only compelling to idiots and the uninformed.

But Decaf found it compelling, so ... ahh, I get it.

All is not lost. The left is so profoundly narcissistic and obsessed with their own idiocy that they have gone over the cliff, and are too dumb to realize most of us see them for who they are. This young teacher makes the point:

Make education great again. She's awesome.


How any sane person can argue with any of that is beyond me. I guess the key word here is "sane".
Should have posted this here:

Couldn't find stripped down version so watch from 18:10-23:05, a mom & educator said CRT had a bi-racial student feeling so ashamed of the white ancestry they had that they attempted suicide. Someone on the board asks shortly after is that was true, only to hear "yes".

Good job, you disgusting ghouls. Oh BTW, the board member tells her her 5 minutes are up - but last I checked, 23:05 minus 18:10 is still under 5 minutes. They just didn't want to hear the truth. Again, disgusting ghouls.
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I suppose this is true for all levels of education, K-12 as well as colleges & universities. There is nothing on the planet right-wingers fear more than knowledge, science and critical thinking. It is your achilles heel. Your knees shake and quiver at the thought of people - including your own kids - attaining knowledge and developing an ability to think for themselves. The horror!
And there it is...intelligence is based upon your political leaning. This is exactly why current education methods needs to be destroyed with fire.
I suppose this is true for all levels of education, K-12 as well as colleges & universities. There is nothing on the planet right-wingers fear more than knowledge, science and critical thinking. It is your achilles heel. Your knees shake and quiver at the thought of people - including your own kids - attaining knowledge and developing an ability to think for themselves. The horror!

Do you have a son in college right now? If not then you should take the word of someone who does. Most of my sons professors don't teach critical thinking they teach you what to think not how. He has had, as I have talked about, one "classical liberal" professor who did teach how and not what to think. She is also the same professor who who blew up at a modern leftist liberal when asked to use "they them" as her pronouns. My son and many of his classmates had to refrain from standing up and giving her an ovation after her diatribe against this girl and her destruction of both the english language and the destruction of the equal rights for women she was destroying by her leftist stances. Her first line was "I didn't march and protest for women's rights for 30 years to see them destroyed along with the english language by this crap". Much of both my children's schooling showed unequivocally that modern leftist liberals can't stand to be challenged by alternative ideals outside their narrow view and have absolutely no critical thinking skills or ability to truly support their opinions so they resort to silencing them. Skip, my favorite professor at Heidelberg College was very liberal but encouraged and graded you on your ability to challenge him and argue your point. That is VERY rare today.

There have been moments on here that you sound like a classical liberal with an openness to ideas outside your comfort zone but then you resort to plastering modern leftist crap that is anathema to true liberal thinking. Today's liberals are anything but the definition of what the word means and far closer to marxist or fascists. Sure you get some **** on here that is over the top but you steadfastly refuse, most of the time, to admit that liberals ever are in the wrong.
My daughter was dating a girl who went through the school shut-downs and remote class stuff for the last year and a half. Now, last year, when our school district basically shut down for half a year, teachers did online classes, but a fair percentage of students weren't equipped with hardware at home that would allow them to attend classes remotely. The school decided eventually that whatever grade you had when the shutdown started was the lowest grade you could get, regardless of whether you attended any online classes or not. You could IMPROVE your grade, but there was no possible way you could lower your grade. This lead to a pretty good number of kids who had A's and B's just taking a half year off.

She was a bit offended when I told her that as a business owner and employer I wouldn't even consider hiring somebody who graduated within 2 years of that scenario from HS or College as you had to assume that they had huge gaps in their education. The fact is, schools' response to the 'Rona created about 4 years worth of sub-standard students. Just now way around it. You can't lose a half a year or more of your education and expect that you're not going to be less marketable.
My daughter was dating a girl who went through the school shut-downs and remote class stuff for the last year and a half. Now, last year, when our school district basically shut down for half a year, teachers did online classes, but a fair percentage of students weren't equipped with hardware at home that would allow them to attend classes remotely. The school decided eventually that whatever grade you had when the shutdown started was the lowest grade you could get, regardless of whether you attended any online classes or not. You could IMPROVE your grade, but there was no possible way you could lower your grade. This lead to a pretty good number of kids who had A's and B's just taking a half year off.

She was a bit offended when I told her that as a business owner and employer I wouldn't even consider hiring somebody who graduated within 2 years of that scenario from HS or College as you had to assume that they had huge gaps in their education. The fact is, schools' response to the 'Rona created about 4 years worth of sub-standard students. Just now way around it. You can't lose a half a year or more of your education and expect that you're not going to be less marketable.
As a Dad of a child who graduated HS in 2020 and had that exact scenario presented to him, you have to realize that there are students like him who didn't take advantage. He attended every class, took every quiz and test, and went so far as to schedule and take all four AP tests. He earned a 4.0 amidst the madness of a pandemic and the uncertainty of class scheduling, in-person one day, remote the next. This continued into his first year of a private college with 14 days of mandatory quarantine, testing, etc. where he made the Dean's list both semesters, and holds a 3.8GPA. Oh, and he pledged to a fraternity and tasked with organizing community service tasks and had a job with the Athletic department on weekends.

Not every student matches your dire view of them. Be careful on your assessment, you may just pass up a damn good employee.
Oh, I understand, BC. I have a friend who's son powered through and is now off excelling in the A.F. academy. Of course you are correct, generalizations are a bit of the suck. But here anyway the number of students who really pushed themselves was far fewer than the ones who took the opportunity to cruise.
Here’s why I at least have respect for Bill Maher. He actually has core beliefs and will go against the liberal hive mind. He did it to question the NBA getting rid of owner Donald Sterling over a short edited secret recording of him in his own home. Here he calls out college for the scam it has become. The best part is the tepid reaction of the audience, probably looking around to see if it’s OK to applaud. They haven’t been told yet what to think about this so they don’t know if they agree or not.

Found by Hines, courtesy of another American Patriot fed up with this bullshit:

Keep em coming, people.
I can't speak for all southern states but most of them, including where I teach, only closed school for the last 9 weeks (March - May 2020). School started back normally Aug. 3rd last year and we never shut down again. We have summer school for those that are behind. If they don't show for summer school they will be retained in their grade from last year. If you count state testing, field trips and Holidays the students only missed about 7 weeks of instruction.
Do you have a son in college right now? If not then you should take the word of someone who does. Most of my sons professors don't teach critical thinking they teach you what to think not how. He has had, as I have talked about, one "classical liberal" professor who did teach how and not what to think. She is also the same professor who who blew up at a modern leftist liberal when asked to use "they them" as her pronouns. My son and many of his classmates had to refrain from standing up and giving her an ovation after her diatribe against this girl and her destruction of both the english language and the destruction of the equal rights for women she was destroying by her leftist stances. Her first line was "I didn't march and protest for women's rights for 30 years to see them destroyed along with the english language by this crap". Much of both my children's schooling showed unequivocally that modern leftist liberals can't stand to be challenged by alternative ideals outside their narrow view and have absolutely no critical thinking skills or ability to truly support their opinions so they resort to silencing them. Skip, my favorite professor at Heidelberg College was very liberal but encouraged and graded you on your ability to challenge him and argue your point. That is VERY rare today.

There have been moments on here that you sound like a classical liberal with an openness to ideas outside your comfort zone but then you resort to plastering modern leftist crap that is anathema to true liberal thinking. Today's liberals are anything but the definition of what the word means and far closer to marxist or fascists. Sure you get some **** on here that is over the top but you steadfastly refuse, most of the time, to admit that liberals ever are in the wrong.

Most of my sons professors don't teach critical thinking they teach you what to think not how.

These are not liberals in the traditional sense, they are leftists that are taking over the Democratic party. I hold out hope that true liberals will see through this, but they would be publicly shamed for doing so.
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I suppose this is true for all levels of education, K-12 as well as colleges & universities. There is nothing on the planet right-wingers fear more than knowledge, science and critical thinking. It is your achilles heel. Your knees shake and quiver at the thought of people - including your own kids - attaining knowledge and developing an ability to think for themselves. The horror!

You can't distinguish between critical thinking and indoctrination.

If asswipes like you and Kolleen were all about critical thinking then you would know based on statistics that blacks are not being hunted down by cops, that blacks are not being oppressed and that the US is not a racist country.
Rather you college educated white guilt ******* fall for this ruse being fed to you and march right along side of these BLM antagonists.