Well, I could go on and on about the, apparent, lack of leadership amongst the Libertarians, which seems clear if they can't get others to go along. It ain't the big bad old white boys holding them back. They got ****** at a convention. Whaaaaa. Do it again. Until it works. It will be easier than peeling off a group, especially, if you follow the right path.
I said "infiltrate" for a reason. That doesn't mean show up at a convention and demand to be heard, it means take over at the state levels and local levels. And that means TAKE OVER. Y'all keep telling us how many people agree with the Libertarians, this is where it gets proved. If you, really, have the numbers, they should be signing up in local precincts, getting put in positions of authority within those precincts, etc. This gets you candidates for state and local governments that support libertarian ideas and have the precious (R) by their name. The national level will fight like cats and dogs, but they won't be able to win if you have true leadership and the numbers y'all claim.
Once you have control of the state and local levels, the national level will be easier than it is now.