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Seriously, WTF is Trump's problem?

Wasn't there just a meme in another thread that when there is bipartisan "consensus" now in congress, that just means the law is doubly corrupt. Again, no one is stopping congress from doing anything. This idea the President has to grovel and throw bones to his own ******* party to get laws past is partly what is currently WRONG with American politics. If Congress wants to cut their noses off to spite their faces, let them. And this isn't even a SENATE issue, the House is where laws start and they have a huge Republican advantage and I haven't heard peep out of Ryan to get anything done in about 6 months. We are seeing exactly what democrats have been saying about Republican leadership... all they can do is obstruct. All they can do is complain. And all they can do is play "me first" games about who gets the credit, who gets to be the "deciding vote" and who gets the most recognition and political clout. Bring something to the floor and VOTE ON IT. I'm tired of all the ******* talk and disappointment in everything Trump tweets. Everyone in Washington hates Trump. McCain hated him from the start. He burned bridges with Cruz and Rubio and Paul during the primaries. Nothing Trump does is going to change that. They are going to undermine him, leak stuff to the press, discredit him if he EVER tries to bridge gaps and work with them. We've seen that time and time again. So **** them. Cut them off. Only talk to Democrats for all I care. If the Republicans don't pass legislation, many might not get another chance. If they don't realize that soon, they better.

I get your drift deljzc, your heart is in the right place. But you are as big of a Trump apologist as there is one. In 95% of your posts, all I'm reading is you projecting your wants and wishes onto this presidency. And looking hard the other way. It'd be easier to take you seriously if there was even a tiny sliver of criticism regarding this President, his words and actions. But no, you've chosen to fight fire with fire, arguing it's a good thing the man is a raving lunatic, 'taking the fight' to his perceived opponents. In the end, regardless of your intentions, you're drinking the same koolaid as Spike, IndySteel, TimSteelersfan et al. You're smarter than that, at least it seems so on the surface, but you consistently go down the rabbit hole with the worst of them.

You're looking at Trump in a petri dish, under a microscope, cherry-picking a few things you seem to like. But Trump is human like the rest of us, you can't separate the man from his politics. But that's exactly what you've been doing since January. I'll give you credit, you've been persistent in talking yourself into supporting Trump. Unlike most of the Trump ball-lickers on here, at least you're making an attempt to substantiate your thoughts. Unfortunately, you are deeply wrong in most everything you've come up with in sugarcoating the Donald. But A for effort, credit where credit is due.
For reference, this is the type of crap I’m talking about. If you don’t acknowledge this in Trump you have zero credibility. If you call this ‘fake news’ you’re simply living in a fantasy dream world. Which sadly covers roughly 4/5th of this board.

President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

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I would love to see an "IQ off" between trump and some of the people he has challenged. Pretty sure trump would lose. Trump could sell tickets put it on live t.v. and make some money.
Trumps' problem is right here. The GOP leadership in Washington.

If you wanted a smooth talker that played all those political games, vote for another Obama.

I want someone who is intelligent, articulate, and inspiring. Someone who can explain conservative philosophies and why they work in a manner that people can understand clearly. I want someone who connects with and persuades people.

I want another Reagan, not another Obama.
I want someone who is intelligent, articulate, and inspiring. Someone who can explain conservative philosophies and why they work in a manner that people can understand clearly. I want someone who connects with and persuades people.

I want another Reagan, not another Obama.

You'll get that in 7 years when Pence is elected. Now it's time to kick *** and clean house.
You'll get that in 7 years when Pence is elected. Now it's time to kick *** and clean house.

7 years? I will guarantee you that Trump will not run for reelection. Melania is counting the days til she can go back to her old life.
7 years? I will guarantee you that Trump will not run for reelection. Melania is counting the days til she can go back to her old life.

In an article this morning:

Mrs. Trump has made the White House a home for Barron and the President. She loves living in Washington, DC, and is honored by her role as first lady of the United States.

I get your drift deljzc, your heart is in the right place. But you are as big of a Trump apologist as there is one. In 95% of your posts, all I'm reading is you projecting your wants and wishes onto this presidency. And looking hard the other way. It'd be easier to take you seriously if there was even a tiny sliver of criticism regarding this President, his words and actions. But no, you've chosen to fight fire with fire, arguing it's a good thing the man is a raving lunatic, 'taking the fight' to his perceived opponents. In the end, regardless of your intentions, you're drinking the same koolaid as Spike, IndySteel, TimSteelersfan et al. You're smarter than that, at least it seems so on the surface, but you consistently go down the rabbit hole with the worst of them.

You're looking at Trump in a petri dish, under a microscope, cherry-picking a few things you seem to like. But Trump is human like the rest of us, you can't separate the man from his politics. But that's exactly what you've been doing since January. I'll give you credit, you've been persistent in talking yourself into supporting Trump. Unlike most of the Trump ball-lickers on here, at least you're making an attempt to substantiate your thoughts. Unfortunately, you are deeply wrong in most everything you've come up with in sugarcoating the Donald. But A for effort, credit where credit is due.

I guess to me, I'm not drinking the cool aid that our country is worse with Trump.

Nothing is happening in MY LIFE that says that's the case. Job is better. Money is better. Wife got a new job is happier. Kids are fine. And I really don't buy the idea people out there are worse off. Maybe illegal immigrants are worse off. But they have been breaking the law unabated for 25 years.

So why not just see where this leads? I don't believe we are going to get into WWIII... who are the sides on that anyway? China and Russia vs. U.S. and EU? Is that what you think is going to happen? I thought Trump hates EU and EU hates Trump?

I like what is happening in the Middle East. I really do. There seems to be substantial progress against ISIS. Our military has had much freer ability to do what they think is best, not what Obama thinks is best. Afghanistan is tough. Weak federal government. Weak federal military in that country and local tribes/regions have a lot of power. Place is a mountainous wasteland of poppy fields. Plenty of drug money to fund plenty of mercenaries and extremists. Place has been at war for 50 years non-stop. Iraq seems better. Gotta say the silly rebellion support Obama did in Syria did more harm than good. As much as Assad is a tyrannical *******, the region is stabilizing. Trump appears to have firmly put his support behind the Kurds (which I agree with btw as they are the least religious and fanatical of the bunch). That pisses of Erdogan in Turkey but so be it. Turkey is the EU's problem.

Conservative judges and rulings are going to have more of an effect on our lives right now than Congress. Congress can't get anything done. Doesn't matter if it's mostly republican or mostly democrat. The inability of the majority party to get consensus and the ability of the minority party to obstruct is too great right now. We are being governed by Executive Orders and Judicial rulings. Get used to it. That's not just a Trump thing. Started with Obama, but that is where we are headed permanently.

There's a lot I'd like to see. We should get our bases out of Qatar and Turkey. Put a huge base in Mosul and start helping Iraq rebuild. Iraq is the still the key to the middle east. They have a strong history of being secular if we encourage it properly. Maybe not Trump but someone else. Encourage an independent Kurdish state. Erdogan and Assad are problems. So is Iran. Iraq is at least in the middle of all that and might be a good ally if we play the cards right.

Overall... things are good and unlike you, I think headed the right way. The political fighting here at home isn't causing the sky to fall like you want to make it out to be. We are going to be better off in the end with the pendulum shifting the other way on so many things.
I want someone who is intelligent, articulate, and inspiring. Someone who can explain conservative philosophies and why they work in a manner that people can understand clearly. I want someone who connects with and persuades people.

I want another Reagan, not another Obama.

I agree. I don't like Pence much but once Trump is done, the place will be ripe to have a solid Reagan Republican pick up the pieces and maybe get some legislation done and stop the governance through executive orders and judicial rulings. I just don't trust Congress to play along with anyone at this point, even a Reagan.
I agree. I don't like Pence much but once Trump is done, the place will be ripe to have a solid Reagan Republican pick up the pieces and maybe get some legislation done and stop the governance through executive orders and judicial rulings. I just don't trust Congress to play along with anyone at this point, even a Reagan.

No legislation is getting done until we fix CONGRESS. The President signs laws, the Congress makes them. We need ******* term limits.

In victory for Trump, Supreme Court dismisses travel ban case

The ruling is a victory for the Trump administration, which had asked the court to drop the case after Trump signed a proclamation Sept. 24 that replaced the temporary travel ban on six nations with a new, indefinite ban affecting eight countries. That action made the court challenge moot, the justices ruled.

"We express no view on the merits," the justices said in a one-page order.

The decision effectively wipes the record clean in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, one of two federal appeals courts that had struck down major portions of Trump's travel ban.



Now keep loading up them courts!

Trump has been wildly successful naming youthful conservative nominees to the federal bench in record-setting numbers.


Trump’s predecessors all slowly ramped up their judicial nominations during their first six months in office. Ronald Reagan named Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court and made five lower-court nominations in that period; George H.W. Bush made four lower-court nominations; Bill Clinton named Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the high court but no lower-court judges; and George W. Bush named four lower-court judges who were processed by the Senate (plus more than a dozen others sent back to him and later renominated). The most successful early actor, Barack Obama, named Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court and nine lower-court judges who were confirmed.

What about President Trump? He not only put Neil M. Gorsuch in the Supreme Court vacancy created by Merrick Garland’s blocked confirmation, but he also selected 27 lower-court judges as of mid-July. Twenty-seven! That’s three times Obama’s total and more than double the totals of Reagan, Bush 41 and Clinton — combined!

For the Courts of Appeals — the final authority for 95 percent of federal cases — no president before Trump named more than three judges whose nominations were processed in his first six months; Trump has named nine.

PresidentTrump is on pace to more than double the number of federal judges nominated by any president in his first year.

No legislation is getting done until we fix CONGRESS. The President signs laws, the Congress makes them. We need ******* term limits.

That has to be the end goal and Trump has to come out for this very soon. He's burned his bridges with Congress and he has to go nuclear on them.

He will continue to attack and play the lowest denominator. How low does Congress' approval rating have to go until the people demand term limits and a Convention of States to get it done? 15%? 10%? 5%? Again, Trump might keep going down in the process, but through all these attacks and Trumps' lowering approval rating, I don't see ANYONE else's going higher. Who? Where is the leader coming from to fill the void created by Trump? Who is rising above the fray?

This tearing each other down has been going on forever. Trump just does it like 1000% better than even Washington is used to. And he's not afraid to be politically incorrect in the process and is ridiculously immune to media shame. Maybe when this whole charade that is Washington REALLY gets into the sewer will America vote differently and demand meaningful change.

I get your drift deljzc, your heart is in the right place. But you are as big of a Trump apologist as there is one. In 95% of your posts, all I'm reading is you projecting your wants and wishes onto this presidency. And looking hard the other way. It'd be easier to take you seriously if there was even a tiny sliver of criticism regarding this President, his words and actions. But no, you've chosen to fight fire with fire, arguing it's a good thing the man is a raving lunatic, 'taking the fight' to his perceived opponents. In the end, regardless of your intentions, you're drinking the same koolaid as Spike, IndySteel, TimSteelersfan et al. You're smarter than that, at least it seems so on the surface, but you consistently go down the rabbit hole with the worst of them.

You're looking at Trump in a petri dish, under a microscope, cherry-picking a few things you seem to like. But Trump is human like the rest of us, you can't separate the man from his politics. But that's exactly what you've been doing since January. I'll give you credit, you've been persistent in talking yourself into supporting Trump. Unlike most of the Trump ball-lickers on here, at least you're making an attempt to substantiate your thoughts. Unfortunately, you are deeply wrong in most everything you've come up with in sugarcoating the Donald. But A for effort, credit where credit is due.

The most ironic part of their delusional thoughts is when they say they couldn't vote for Hillary because she is such a corrupt human being..................they then voted for Donald Trump.

Thinking he would drain the swamp when he himself worked with, played with, and financed many of those swamp dwellers.

As we used to say in college, and now I see this phrase all over the internet: " That's a special kind of stupid."

9 months of nothing and these fools still cling on. I forget the term the financial people use for this kind of thinking, but you see it in the CEO of Sears; Eddie Lampert.

Sears should have been bankrupt 14-15 years ago but this guy keeps dumping his own money into it even though it's on a death spiral. It has to do with losing what you already invested, the thought is so horrific that you become irrational and lose even more money.

That is the average Trumptard, they invested their vote and the ROI is 0.

So they keep on keeping on, on a fools errand thinking it will magically turn around.


In victory for Trump, Supreme Court dismisses travel ban case

The ruling is a victory for the Trump administration, which had asked the court to drop the case after Trump signed a proclamation Sept. 24 that replaced the temporary travel ban on six nations with a new, indefinite ban affecting eight countries. That action made the court challenge moot, the justices ruled.

"We express no view on the merits," the justices said in a one-page order.

The decision effectively wipes the record clean in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, one of two federal appeals courts that had struck down major portions of Trump's travel ban.



Now keep loading up them courts!

Trump has been wildly successful naming youthful conservative nominees to the federal bench in record-setting numbers.


Trump’s predecessors all slowly ramped up their judicial nominations during their first six months in office. Ronald Reagan named Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court and made five lower-court nominations in that period; George H.W. Bush made four lower-court nominations; Bill Clinton named Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the high court but no lower-court judges; and George W. Bush named four lower-court judges who were processed by the Senate (plus more than a dozen others sent back to him and later renominated). The most successful early actor, Barack Obama, named Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court and nine lower-court judges who were confirmed.

What about President Trump? He not only put Neil M. Gorsuch in the Supreme Court vacancy created by Merrick Garland’s blocked confirmation, but he also selected 27 lower-court judges as of mid-July. Twenty-seven! That’s three times Obama’s total and more than double the totals of Reagan, Bush 41 and Clinton — combined!

For the Courts of Appeals — the final authority for 95 percent of federal cases — no president before Trump named more than three judges whose nominations were processed in his first six months; Trump has named nine.

PresidentTrump is on pace to more than double the number of federal judges nominated by any president in his first year.


Spike if I were you I would read about the battle of the Bulge. To the Nazis for one brief moment in the winter if 1944 it seemed that they could push out the allies and hold on.

The demographics of this country are changing, and will continue to do so. This is your winter of 44.

Whatever judges are appointed by whatever rule changes are implemented by the Repugnicans now will be used by Dem presidents later. And of course because of that demographic shift we will see mainly democratic presidents when those CONservative judges start retiring.

Enjoy the battle stories because in all reality you've lost the war.