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Show of Hands....

Do you actually hunt with a military style semi-auto weapon?

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Then what exactly would it be about. Your government turning on you to force you into some liberal cause. They wI'll force you into gender reassignment. Or will it be a Terminator scenario and the computers will take over. So if it is not a race war what is this scenario where you will need large magazines to fight your government? And please be specific.

The same thing tyranny always starts wars over: The lust for power and control over people that want to live in their natural state of liberty.

Many things could be the catalyst for it beginning, sadly including a race war because of the political left playing games with identity politics and telling poor blacks and latinos that their situation is the fault of white male priviledge instead of the truth that they have been cultivated as dependent voting block. But I don't think that one is the most likely reason. In fact that would take a perfect storm of events to happen. I think the most likely thing is economic collapse. Since you asked for specifics and I don't want to write a novel I will break it out in bullet points; Look at an electoral map of the USA showing a county by county break out of how the vote went in the last Presidential Election it will help you understand what I am laying out for you. Suffice it to say the power base of the Neo-Socialists is in the 20 largest cities in 14 states. They exercise undue influence in our political process.

1-US Debt is now double our GDP.

2-We have a flat currency that has value simply because we all agree it does. (this is the real reason the government will not audit the Federal Reserve as it would point out exactly how worthless our money really is.)

3-Bad economic, tax and regulatory policy causes more jobs overseas causing another crash.

4-Post WWI Wiemar Republic Hyperinflation begins.(See modern day Venezuela)

5-People can't buy anything with money so they start a barter economy.

6-The national government demands people still pay their taxes. People say we can't the money is worthless.

7-The conditions in the big cities deteriorate quickly since they don't produce a lot of barter-able goods that people who grow food,and produce fuel would want.

8-EBT cards stop working. The power base cities start to come apart at the seams.

9-The national government tells the folks in the hinterland you must give us the food and fuel we need to maintain the cities it will be paid for in greenbacks. People say no dice, gold or trade goods only.

10-First group of FBI/US Marshals shows up and seizes Wheat/Potato/Corn crop from rural Co-Op to take "Redistribution",

11-Word spreads, second attempt by FBI/US Marshals met intercepted by 300 or so armed locals told to go back to the city. FBI/US Marshals try to buffalo people that have nothing to loose shoot a farmer as a show of force and promptly get shot into little gobs of meat to a man/woman.

Thats the most likely thing that would kick things off. It is what I most fervently hope to avoid because I love my country and fellow countrymen and don't want to have to take up arms against my neighbors even the ones that are allied with the loony left.

As a Canadian please be a good neighbor and butt out of how we in the United States exercise and protect our God given natural rights.
A step in the right direction

Another example of my fear that we may be too far gone in this country. I was watching more from Bill Maher, the same episode in which he does condemn Muslim extremism. There was a discussion on guns, and an older guy, unsure who he was, he was 71 and worked for Colin Powell. The guy blamed the Republican Party for Orlando and the fact that they won't pass gun laws. The clueless cheered like hell. Some Emily Miller girl was on there, the token gun rights person.

To take you to the front porch, the conversation turned to guns for protection and the guy said he never had anyone break into his house in 71 years, he doesn't need guns for that. The clueless again cheered like hell. The statement went unchallenged.

My immediate thought is I bet those people in Orlando went to clubs all the time. Maybe hundreds of times and nothing. Then this happens. It only takes once. None of the clueless could put those thoughts together. And they will be voting in November.
Ban assault weapons. The AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon.

I actually plan to buy an AR-15. it will be much easier for me, personally, to use the AR-15 or something similar to defend my home rather than a pistol.
Senate rejects 4 gun-control measures

-Senate fails to get 60 votes on Grassley plan for background check system by a 53-47 vote.

Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) joined Republicans, while Sens. Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Cory Gardner (R-CO) broke ranks to join Democrats.

-An amendment by Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., that would close the "gun show loophole" by requiring every gun purchaser to undergo a background check, and to expand the background check database fails on a mostly party line 56-44 vote.

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) joined Democrats, while Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jon Tester (D-MT), and Heidi Heitkamp (D-SD) broke ranks and voted with the Republicans in opposition

-Cornyn Amendment that would require law enforcement to be notified of a gun purchase from someone on a terror watch list fails 53-47.

-4th Gun Control Bill of the day (Block Gun Sales with a govt "List") Fails to Pass (42 Yes/49 No)

Can't wait for the hysterical left to throw this guy under the bus!

Dalai Lama says ‘real gun control’ comes from heart

SACRAMENTO — In front of state lawmakers weighing a slate of gun-control measures, the Dalai Lama said Monday that ending violence requires inner disarmament and an education system that focuses on teaching moral values, compassion and what it means to be a global citizen.

In a speech to lawmakers in the state Capitol, the Tibetan spiritual leader called a sense of community “the basis of our own happy future.”

“Real gun control must come from here,” the Dalai Lama said, pointing at his heart.
