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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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Kaepernick is an intelligent and brave man and I applaud him for taking a stand on what he feels is right.

Do you think he would be willing to walk away from the NFL if they threatened to suspend him indefinitely?

I suspect he might abandon his principles.
No country on the planet has offered blacks a chance at greatness, wealth, and prosperity like America has.

Name a famous black that isn't American.

Let's see, there was soccer great Pele, Nelson Mandela....Idi Amin?

Who else?

Usain Bolt. Bob Marley. Drake.
Kaepernick is an intelligent and brave man and I applaud him for taking a stand on what he feels is right.

I support his right to say what he wants. He has to face the consequences of his words though. He is wrong about what he said and rude for not rising and rendering honors to the flag.
I support his right to say what he wants. He has to face the consequences of his words though. He is wrong about what he said and rude for not rising and rendering honors to the flag.

He'll probably get cut though, not because of the national anthem deal but because he sucks.
Kaepernick is an intelligent and brave man and I applaud him for taking a stand on what he feels is right.

Well this just proves your moral compass is just as ****** up as his. there is nothing BRAVE about a multi millionaire showing his ***. Why you may ask, well let me tell you. one thing money does is give you the power to not give two flying ***** what anyone else thinks about you. You want Intelligent and brave, well let me explain that to your obtuse ***. the brave and intelligent is the black person that works at a fast food restaurant for minimum wage while they take a full work load in college so they can make something of their lives.

Brave and intelligent is not taking the easy way out and running with your homies selling drugs, or robbing a store, or rioting because some thug ******* got what he deserved from a cop who was just trying to get haome safe to his family. Kaepernick is an ******* who should be suspended, and your a smug daft race-baiting prick.

You know hating todays white people for what happened hundreds of years ago makes about as much sense as beating your wife's *** for something your first girlfriend did, it's ******* stupid, and shameless.

One last thing, if ANYONE should have a right to be raciest it would be whites for all the stupid childish **** blacks do, like rioting and looting at the drop of a pen, or ripping white people from their car and beating them half to death just for being white. My people suffered way worse at the hands of white people than any black person to ever step foot in this country, so you can take you can take your angry black bullshit and stick it right up your ***.

If any of you want to ban me for this fine do it, I have lost to many Goddamn family members that fought for this country to take this **** anymore. this is my way of making a stand for what I believe in.
Well this just proves your moral compass is just as ****** up as his. there is nothing BRAVE about a multi millionaire showing his ***. Why you may ask, well let me tell you. one thing money does is give you the power to not give two flying ***** what anyone else thinks about you. You want Intelligent and brave, well let me explain that to your obtuse ***. the brave and intelligent is the black person that works at a fast food restaurant for minimum wage while they take a full work load in college so they can make something of their lives.

Brave and intelligent is not taking the easy way out and running with your homies selling drugs, or robbing a store, or rioting because some thug ******* got what he deserved from a cop who was just trying to get haome safe to his family. Kaepernick is an ******* who should be suspended, and your a smug daft race-baiting prick.

You know hating todays white people for what happened hundreds of years ago makes about as much sense as beating your wife's *** for something your first girlfriend did, it's ******* stupid, and shameless.

One last thing, if ANYONE should have a right to be raciest it would be whites for all the stupid childish **** blacks do, like rioting and looting at the drop of a pen, or ripping white people from their car and beating them half to death just for being white. My people suffered way worse at the hands of white people than any black person to ever step foot in this country, so you can take you can take your angry black bullshit and stick it right up your ***.

If any of you want to ban me for this fine do it, I have lost to many Goddamn family members that fought for this country to take this **** anymore. this is my way of making a stand for what I believe in.

No way. id take your ban. Just remember the reason for it, logical posts have no place in the SN and in Pops threads.
Well this just proves your moral compass is just as ****** up as his. there is nothing BRAVE about a multi millionaire showing his ***. Why you may ask, well let me tell you. one thing money does is give you the power to not give two flying ***** what anyone else thinks about you. You want Intelligent and brave, well let me explain that to your obtuse ***. the brave and intelligent is the black person that works at a fast food restaurant for minimum wage while they take a full work load in college so they can make something of their lives.

Brave and intelligent is not taking the easy way out and running with your homies selling drugs, or robbing a store, or rioting because some thug ******* got what he deserved from a cop who was just trying to get haome safe to his family. Kaepernick is an ******* who should be suspended, and your a smug daft race-baiting prick.

You know hating todays white people for what happened hundreds of years ago makes about as much sense as beating your wife's *** for something your first girlfriend did, it's ******* stupid, and shameless.

One last thing, if ANYONE should have a right to be raciest it would be whites for all the stupid childish **** blacks do, like rioting and looting at the drop of a pen, or ripping white people from their car and beating them half to death just for being white. My people suffered way worse at the hands of white people than any black person to ever step foot in this country, so you can take you can take your angry black bullshit and stick it right up your ***.

If any of you want to ban me for this fine do it, I have lost to many Goddamn family members that fought for this country to take this **** anymore. this is my way of making a stand for what I believe in.

Do you mean "fighting for this country" or "fighting for bankers and their minions?" Every recent military strike has to do with Imperialistic agendas, and nothing to do with "serving the American people." If you don't realize this, you are so lost, there is probably no saving you. Tell me how invading Iraq and Afghanistan had ANYTHING to do with keeping American free. Please explain that.
I support his right to say what he wants. He has to face the consequences of his words though. He is wrong about what he said and rude for not rising and rendering honors to the flag.

The flag used to stand for freedom, goodness and the people. But it doesn't stand for that if you are a Native American. It stands for mass murdering and theft to those people. And how can you argue otherwise? We slaughtered millions of them, in order to steal their land.
Do you think he would be willing to walk away from the NFL if they threatened to suspend him indefinitely?

I suspect he might abandon his principles.

Why would they do that? It's a free country with free speech. Punishing him for saying what he believed would be unconstitutional.
I would consider the facts but where are they?

The War of 1812 was fought against the British and their Indian allies. No mention of African Americans, blacks, or slaves is mentioned here.

The attempt to "grab" Canada is nothing more than a supposition.
I'm sure that the annexation of Canada crossed the Americans mind, but when the Brits ceased their support of the Indians, American attacks across the border ceased.
The British ceased aiding First Nation attacks on American territory, and the United States never again attempted to invade Canada. Apart from minor raids, it has remained peaceful.[1]

Kaepernick probably cant recite the first verse of the Star Spangled Banner let alone the 2nd and 3rd. His beef isn't with the National Anthem or the War of 1812 which he also knows squat about...so the idiot who wrote up this piece is acting as Kaeps self appointed representative and is merely making excuses for his behavior.

I am also ashamed of our country's mass murdering of Native Americans, the aggressive pursuit of chaining blacks into slavery, and the current day wars of Imperialism, no better than the Nazis. I am ashamed.
He is ignoring the positive ideals of America that every person of color who has ever served, fought–while some died–for, by refusing to stand. Proper action is exactly that, action, not the inaction of not standing because he couldn’t think of a better way to protest. Next time Kaepernick wants to talk about social issues, maybe he can find a more respectful way to do it that does not make him look like a disrespectful tool.

Are you proud of our Imperialistic invasions of Iraq, Afg., bombings of Libya, Syria, etc?
Do you mean "fighting for this country" or "fighting for bankers and their minions?" Every recent military strike has to do with Imperialistic agendas, and nothing to do with "serving the American people." If you don't realize this, you are so lost, there is probably no saving you. Tell me how invading Iraq and Afghanistan had ANYTHING to do with keeping American free. Please explain that.

You are confusing politics with the men and women that signed up to serve our COUNTRY, and if you don't understand the difference then you are the one that's lost. those that serve our country don't do it for the banks or the politicians, they do it for a greater belief. Have you ever served or had a family member serve? Have you lost a loved on on the battle field? If not then just shut the **** up because you have no ******* idea what you are talking about.

I am Native American, and I do love and believe in this country, so again you have no ******* clue as to the **** you actually spew on this board. What I don't get is if any of you ******* have this much resentment for this country why stay? GET THE **** OUT or stand behind the flag and those that risk their lives to defend and represent it.

I have been here since day one and it's **** just like this that's the reason my post count has gone from the thousand to barely posting, and exactly why we lose good people like TMC. We get free loaders like you that come on here and continually post stupid **** that you have no ******* clue about, or you just keep posting the same bullshit over and over to get attention. get a ******* life, or better yet get a job and and at least help suppot the place, at least it would be easier to put up with you ****. Tibs might post what I personally believe is crap but at least I respect him for the fact he has been here for what seems like ever and pays to say his mind. You??? I got nothing..........
After receiving a barrage of questions about Colin Kaepernick, a veteran responds loud and clear

Jim Wright is an Iraqi war veteran. He has a blog called StoneKettle Station. He’s also active on his Facebook account where he posted a long piece about the Colin Kaepernick statements concerning his refusal to stand during the playing of the National Anthem at football games. Wright explained that he had taken a day away from the internet and when he came back his inbox was filled with people asking him what his feelings were, being a veteran. So, as a veteran, he decided to answer.

The very first thing I learned in the military is this: Respect is a two-way street. If you want respect, true respect, sincere respect, then you have to GIVE IT.

Wright explains that the concept of respect is an earned commodity. If you want someone to have it, they need to feel it themselves and give it willingly. He explains that forcing and trying to threaten Kaepernick into “respecting” the flag is an illusion and an unsatisfactory one at that. He very articulately explains to those who clearly do not understand, that the United States is a construct, not an individual with hurt feelings. Finally, he drops the mic.

To you the National Anthem means one thing, to Kaepernick it means something else. We are all shaped and defined by our experiences and we see the world through our own eyes. That's freedom. That's liberty. The right to believe differently. The right to protest as you will. The right to demand better. The right to believe your country can BE better, that it can live up to its sacred ideals, and the right to loudly note that it has NOT. The right to use your voice, your actions, to bring attention to the things you believe in. The right to want more for others, freedom, liberty, justice, equality, and RESPECT.

A true veteran might not agree with Colin Kaepernick, but a true veteran would fight to the death to protect his right to say what he believes.

You don't like what Kaepernick has to say? Then prove him wrong, BE the nation he can respect.

It's really just that simple.
If any of you want to ban me for this fine do it, I have lost to many Goddamn family members that fought for this country to take this **** anymore. this is my way of making a stand for what I believe in.
I respect the sacrifice you and your family have given for our country, and I respect your views on this matter. I think you misunderstand where I'm coming from, when I defend Kaepernick for standing up for something he feels strongly about. It's a free country, thank God, and thanks to servicemen like yourself. We have differing viewpoints on this, and many other issues, but I welcome the discussion and respect your opinion.
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Heres a question. How much times has CK spent helping those in need(black/white...ect). How much money has he donated to causes to help those he feels is so put down by this flag.

While I do not know the answers I'm guessing little to none. Put up or shut up. Sitting down on a bench that you soon will be riding doesn't do ****. You want change, then help those that can't help themselfs with all the millions you made off that flag. Educate the young about how being a POS will get you no where. Tell them, school, education, and hard ******* work will open any door your mind can imagine. See the pos in office.
I respect the sacrifice you and your family have given for our country, and I respect your views on this matter. I think you misunderstand where I'm coming from, when I defend Kaepernick for standing up for something he feels strongly about. It's a free country, thank God, and thanks to servicemen like yourself. We have differing viewpoints on this, and many other issues, but I welcome the discussion and respect your opinion.

Hard to respond to this when I now feel like the same *** I called you. I need to stay out of this damn forum, I'm gonna have a ******* stroke. Thank god football is upon us I actually agree with 99% of your post there. Although I stand behind what I said I apologize for the personal attack.
Hard to respond to this when I now feel like the same *** I called you. I need to stay out of this damn forum, I'm gonna have a ******* stroke. Thank god football is upon us I actually agree with 99% of your post there. Although I stand behind what I said I apologize for the personal attack.

Don't feel bad. He's still an anti American piece of ****. His posts prove it.
Don't feel bad. He's still an anti American piece of ****. His posts prove it.

And you're a ****-sucking ************. Your posts prove it.
This guy is obviously oppressed. Colin needs to give him some money since he is rich and then this guy will be less oppressed.

Not sure this horse needs beaten anymore. Who really gives a ****?