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So here's what I don't understand about "White Privilige".


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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I may not even be able to spell it right. I don't know.

All these 20 something kids and their 30 something aunts are running around spouting about White Privilege. They say white folks are horrible, entitled, affluent and generally advantaged people who apparently can not be redeemed.

Does it not occur to them that they are in fact the very evil they speak of? That they cannot be redeemed? That it would seem from their own rhetoric that nothing they can do or say or otherwise accomplish in their lifetime can make up for a horrible and blighted history of malevolent disservice to minorities and disadvantaged people?

I mean, should these people not be immediately dropping out of college, living off the grid, moving to 3rd world countries? Is it me? Are they not by definition the very problem they rail against? How can you attend a 30k + a year school or work at a job that pays you north of 40k a year and not be "privileged"?

Should they not give up their homes, their cars, their possessions for people who have less (people of color, obviously?) How can they stand there with straight faces and pretend that they aren't the very example of White Privilege that they seem to hate so much?

I'm not being facetious here. I truly fail to understand their position here.

The first thing you have to understand is the term is made up from the left, a group who's primary playbook includes playing race and class cards against the mainstream.

I never received anything from being white. ZERO. However, I may have been a victim of quotas in applying for colleges or in employment unbeknownst to me. I'm pretty sure it wasn't fair and happened at least once.

The vast majority of white people who came to this nation legally started out poor. The Irish, The Italians, The Jews, The Germans, etc...

However, those who work hard and play by the rules can lift themselves up, and give a generational privilege to their children. Somehow that narrate doesn't fit the left.

The first thing you have to understand is the term is made up from the left, a group who's primary playbook includes playing race and class cards against the mainstream.

"White privilege" is a made-up grievance from the Left to excuse their failures in the black community.
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The first thing you have to understand is the term is made up from the left, a group who's primary playbook includes playing race and class cards against the mainstream.

I never received anything from being white. ZERO. However, I may have been a victim of quotas in applying for colleges or in employment unbeknownst to me. I'm pretty sure it wasn't fair and happened at least once.

The vast majority of white people who came to this nation legally started out poor. The Irish, The Italians, The Jews, The Germans, etc...

However, those who work hard and play by the rules can lift themselves up, and give a generational privilege to their children. Somehow that narrate doesn't fit the left.

Couldn't agree more.

Privilege is not based on color. It's based on wealth and standing in your community. You ask any black neighborhood if there are some among them that have more "privilege" than others, and they will know immediately who you are talking about.

And in many cases that "privilege" is earned. It's earned through generations of a family creating wealth for themselves and their children. For instilling the importance of being good people that contribute to their communities. For demanding a certain degree of assimilation into the prevailing culture of that community. And to promote and uphold those values against challenges.

Immigrants in the past gave up their religions, their language and public displays of their culture all with the express intent of creating privilege for their children and grandchildren. They sacrificed those things in the attempt to become "American".

For blacks it's almost the opposite. They actually strive to fight BACK against assimilation. They flaunt their differences. They lack complete respect for their communities or generational wealth and sacrifice. And yet they wonder why they don't have "privilege" in society? To them the only reason is "whiteness" not the inherent failure of their "plan" (or lack thereof) to actually better themselves and their children's lives.
There was an article a few years back about how P Diddy's kid was attending UCLA and qualified for race-based financial aid or some affirmative action perks or something. Pretty much summed up the absurdity of it all.
My best friend (super white) attended UCSD for Computer Science in the late 80's early 90's. He found out there was a special study group for minorities and that this group was given access to the professors' former tests etc. He went to the group and was told "Uh, this is for minority students only."

He said, "Ya, I'm Scandinavian American."

They ended up having to let him in. He loves that story.

The struggle is real.
Culture is often the enemy of minority groups or in some cases, it can help.

American Indians have issues with alcoholism, and health and cultural don't venture out much beyond where they are born.

African American's often don't have married parents, and their cultural message in music, sports, and such doesn't really help the masses. They also undervalue education as well

On the other hand, Jewish Americans seem to value education and do well. The same for Asians. They are doing well.

Short message: Value your education, work hard, don't break laws, meet all types of people. Then you too can be a winner. Being born in the USA gives you a winning lottery ticket. You just have to work a little and follow rules to cash it in. There's your privilege.
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It is along the same vein as "politically correct" which was introduced by the commies to silence dissent. Lefties always try to silence the sane arguments to their agenda driven policies. How else could they force feed it to the masses?

My privilege, which I think of more as a blessing, is to have been born in the greatest country in the world. Also, to have the intelligence needed to go to school and work my entire adult life to succeed. It has rarely been easy but it has been so worth it.
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"White privilege is a made-up grievance from the Left to excuse their failures in the black community.

It's in the latino community too. When I came back to ABQ I was gonna finish up my degree at unm. I left UGA with a 3.2 gpa. However despite my credits, I couldn't land any type of funding(scholarships). My options were to either pull out student loans or not attend. Unm has a ton of scholarships for ethnic single moms and stuff. So I don't understand the white privilege either. Just as Wig stated. Do things by the rules and the opportunity to make it in America is there, and it helps your community along the way
Culture is often the enemy of minority groups or in some cases, it can help.

American Indians have issues with alcoholism, and health and cultural don't venture out much beyond where they are born.

African American's often don't have married parents, and their cultural message in music, sports, and such doesn't really help the masses. They also undervalue education as well

On the other hand, Jewish Americans seem to value education and do well. The same for Asians. They are doing well.

Short message: Value your education, work hard, don't break laws, meet all types of people. Then you too can be a winner. Being born in the USA gives you a winning lottery ticket. You just have to work a little and follow rules to cash it in. There's your privilege.

Definately the going out and meeting new people part. It helps to break out of your bubble to appreciate the different customs which make the U.S. I think it lessens the hatred and makes you understand that certain groups of people de-value themselves and want the freebie instead of working. My biggest take away at UGA was experiencing southern culture. People were generally nice and helpful in my experience. Appreciating work, developing independence being away from my parents also shaped me. Coming back to ABQ I lived with my parents for a bit until I was able to land a job and save up for my own place. And then at that. I still try to find ways to appreciate stuff outside the state. On here, it's cool to see the Western PA way of life. With the Pens and Steelers being a big part of Pittsburgh's community. My wife is originally from SoCal, similar culture wise to ABQ when it comes to interest. So yes. It helps to have an understanding of people before lumping them all in to one demographic
There was an article a few years back about how P Diddy's kid was attending UCLA and qualified for race-based financial aid or some affirmative action perks or something. Pretty much summed up the absurdity of it all.

Wtf?! Really?
Democrat control depends almost entirely on having a large class of people who believe the only way they can survive is with government help, specifically Dem help. You do that by convincing people that the deck is stacked against them so they shouldn't even bother to try to help themselves. Their efforts are better spent making sure Dems win so that maybe their children will finally have a fair shot.

It is particularly cruel. Not only are they discouraging people by telling them that they are doomed to fail, but they are also saying that their failures are not their own fault. Don't change a thing, you're doing great. You should be able to make 100K per year with your GED and porn addiction.

We now have indoctrinated millennials who believe it all. They can cleanse themselves of white privilege by voting Dem and being snarky about it on social media. They don't believe it applies to them personally. It's some other white guys in the next town that are the problem.

It gives them an excuse card as well. The whole game is rigged against them too because that aren't in the bad group of white people. See that guy with his MBA working on Wall Street? He's only there because if white privilege. They'd hire me too with my general studies degree if they weren't just protecting their own....
Psychological control trick. People who are guilty don't think clearly so if you are guilty about race you don't question what they tell you. Then the left can make absurd claims or demands about virtually any thing, place it in a racial context and there will little or no dissent based on fear of being seen as a racist. We all know that it is worse to be racist than it is to be a murderer or rapist/child molester now.
We live in a meritocracy. We are rewarded based upon the skills we have. Some skills reward more than others. The key to success in a meritocracy is to acquire skills that are needed and in demand.

White privilege is an excuse for not acquiring those skills.
My first 3 years of elementary school (K- first half of 2nd grade) were spent in Homestead. I was in the minority- a white girl. I was academically advanced for my age and never once did my parents get any kind of grief from parents of non-white kids for my accomplishments. We all were proud of each other and what we could do. There was no "white privilege." Hell...just making it out of Homestead alive was a privilege.
Yep, kids in $60,000/year colleges screaming about white privilege. Just like adults I know who complain we need to tax the wealthy more to help poor people. but meanwhile they live in mansions, drive expensive cars and have $300.00 shoes and purses. Why not stop spending all that money on yourself and give it directly to poor people if that's what you want to do? No one's stopping you.
I lived white privelige. Truly.

When I was in Kindergarten, I attended Johnston Elementary in Wilkinsburg, PA. As part of our "Graduation", we put on a circus for the parents. Kids were dressed as animals and such. Me? I was the ring master. I had a top hat, a whip (fake of course), the whole nine yards.

The kicker? I was the ONLY white kid in class. Even my teacher was black. Hell, her name was Mrs. Black. My mom has a picture somewhere.

That was in 1976. Could you imagine such a scenario now?
I see it specifically with two people on my FB feed.

Both are white guys in their 20s and early 30s. Both claim white people are to blame for everything. Slavery? white people. Crime? white cops. Poverty? whitey. Ghettos? again, whitey. like tape said, they are not the problem. it's the other white guys.
It's very racist. Will I have to wear a white privilege arm band and star soon...:)
My problem with White Privilege isn't the concept. We can argue all day long about the privileges whites have/do not have compared to other races.

It's the term, period - White Privilege. It's a blanket, generalization and stereotype of an entire race.

Can you say all Muslims are terrorists? Can you say all Asians are smart or are all bad drivers? Can you say all African Americans are criminals and eat watermelon? Nope. There are a hundred other examples. You cannot use any of these stereotypes or you will lose your job, be destroyed by the fascist Left community, ridiculed, demoted, etc.

But we can say White Privilege. We can label and entire race. We can use a generalization against an entire race. We can blame an entire race. White. The only race you can do this with.

As I said to my son's 8th grade teacher teaching a race relations course, where they are showing "White People" - "Ms. Teacher, at what point in your course will be teaching your students that all Muslims are terrorists?"

Then she got it.

The label White Privilege and the merits (or lack there of) of it are two different discussions to me.
I do enjoy watching these snowflakes at expensive universities going on and on about this.

However, I don't think we can ignore that some 'white privilege' exists, even today. Absolutely, not to the extent the snowflakes and media want us to believe. Whitey (other than Dems) is NOT holding people back because of race, for the most part. On an individual basis, there are, probably, a lot of people that will pass over someone due to race, religion, etc. and it can look legitimate. On an institutional basis, I believe it to be very, very small.

The times I wonder about is, if I get pulled over and the cop is approaching my car, "what is he thinking?" With the same scenario, Bermuda is behind the wheel "is the cop thinking the same thing?" Is he more "on-guard"?

If Berm and I are equally disrespectful, will we be treated the same? I'm not so sure. I think if we are both equally respectful, we get treated the same, though. Again, individual basis and not, for the most part, institutionalized.
I do enjoy watching these snowflakes at expensive universities going on and on about this.

However, I don't think we can ignore that some 'white privilege' exists, even today. Absolutely, not to the extent the snowflakes and media want us to believe. Whitey (other than Dems) is NOT holding people back because of race, for the most part. On an individual basis, there are, probably, a lot of people that will pass over someone due to race, religion, etc. and it can look legitimate. On an institutional basis, I believe it to be very, very small.

The times I wonder about is, if I get pulled over and the cop is approaching my car, "what is he thinking?" With the same scenario, Bermuda is behind the wheel "is the cop thinking the same thing?" Is he more "on-guard"?

If Berm and I are equally disrespectful, will we be treated the same? I'm not so sure. I think if we are both equally respectful, we get treated the same, though. Again, individual basis and not, for the most part, institutionalized.

And there is a difference in the way cops treat traffic stops based on color. I'm not denying that.

The problem to me is you are asking cops then to ignore massive statistically correct stereotypes with their life on the line. It's one thing to tell the H.R. department at Kohl's you can't treat Mr. Black any different than Mr. White or Mr. Brown. You should read their resumes as color blind as possible. Conduct interviews with as open and non-stereotypical viewpoint. Hire the most qualified individual. Period.

It is quite different to ask a police officer to put their life on the line and not be able to use their instinctual, correct stereotypes that they have learned through years of experience that traffic stops with Mr. Black are statistically different than traffic stops with Mr. White.

Police aren't robots and never will be. The same "sixth sense" we value in Police to solve crimes is the same "sixth sense" that often keeps them out of harms way and often that "sixth sense" is based on the most rudimentary and primitive parts of the human brain. I'm not sure I want to "educate" that safety sense out of them 100% because it's "politically correct" and doesn't "stereotype at all". Sure, better training is a good start. Understanding the stereotypes of black/white America in a FAIR way. And understanding how not to escalate situations with different races (i.e. what buttons not to push and can be avoided).

All valid (albeit minor) points that some Black Lives Matter proponents talk about.

I still think of all the problems facing Black America, how police treat them and their criminal elements should not be as high on their list as they are making it out to be.
And there is a difference in the way cops treat traffic stops based on color. I'm not denying that.

The problem to me is you are asking cops then to ignore massive statistically correct stereotypes with their life on the line. It's one thing to tell the H.R. department at Kohl's you can't treat Mr. Black any different than Mr. White or Mr. Brown. You should read their resumes as color blind as possible. Conduct interviews with as open and non-stereotypical viewpoint. Hire the most qualified individual. Period.

It is quite different to ask a police officer to put their life on the line and not be able to use their instinctual, correct stereotypes that they have learned through years of experience that traffic stops with Mr. Black are statistically different than traffic stops with Mr. White.

Police aren't robots and never will be. The same "sixth sense" we value in Police to solve crimes is the same "sixth sense" that often keeps them out of harms way and often that "sixth sense" is based on the most rudimentary and primitive parts of the human brain. I'm not sure I want to "educate" that safety sense out of them 100% because it's "politically correct" and doesn't "stereotype at all". Sure, better training is a good start. Understanding the stereotypes of black/white America in a FAIR way. And understanding how not to escalate situations with different races (i.e. what buttons not to push and can be avoided).

All valid (albeit minor) points that some Black Lives Matter proponents talk about.

I still think of all the problems facing Black America, how police treat them and their criminal elements should not be as high on their list as they are making it out to be.

I'm not saying anything about whether they approach a car different or not is not justified under some circumstances. If I were a cop, I'd approach every car as if the guy is armed and ready to shoot, but that is just me.

I don't live in a very good area. My street and a street over are fine. Beyond that is quite a bit of crime. Anyone stopped in our area should be treated as if they are armed, IMO.

I'm thinking more of a well dressed guy (berm, not me...) with family in the car in a nice vehicle.

in any event, I was just pointing out that these scenarios have some "white privilege": associated with it and it is individualized not institutionalized, IMO, in most cases.

FWIW, my last interaction with a State Trooper involved me waiting on the side of the road for a ride to fix a flat. I had gun in the car. My hands NEVER left the steering wheel. Had kid hand him my permit and DL, told him gun was in the car and I wasn't going to move my hands until he said Ok.
Im the son of a third generation irish mill worker who himself dropped out of high school to ultimately join the navy for a while... when the mills closed my dad spent his remaining years mostly as a janitor.
I had to drop out of college after a semester cause i just couldnt afford it and i needed to work more just to help them get by...
I make great money... more than any of my college educated friends with masters or other high end diplomas... that didnt happen because of any privilege or because of any favors... i had to work hard and smart and sacrifice a **** ton of stuff to get here...

i kind of get mad when my snobby liberal friends accuse my current state as white privilege.. i had nothing handed to me, not even opportunity.. i had to work ten times harder just to get noticed in a sea of faceless drones... i had to prove every time i was worthy because the biggest discrimination in this society is not having that rag they give you for sitting through blowhards giving lectures about nonsense...

/end rant...
And there is a difference in the way cops treat traffic stops based on color. I'm not denying that.

The problem to me is you are asking cops then to ignore massive statistically correct stereotypes with their life on the line. It's one thing to tell the H.R. department at Kohl's you can't treat Mr. Black any different than Mr. White or Mr. Brown. You should read their resumes as color blind as possible. Conduct interviews with as open and non-stereotypical viewpoint. Hire the most qualified individual. Period.

It is quite different to ask a police officer to put their life on the line and not be able to use their instinctual, correct stereotypes that they have learned through years of experience that traffic stops with Mr. Black are statistically different than traffic stops with Mr. White.

Police aren't robots and never will be. The same "sixth sense" we value in Police to solve crimes is the same "sixth sense" that often keeps them out of harms way and often that "sixth sense" is based on the most rudimentary and primitive parts of the human brain. I'm not sure I want to "educate" that safety sense out of them 100% because it's "politically correct" and doesn't "stereotype at all". Sure, better training is a good start. Understanding the stereotypes of black/white America in a FAIR way. And understanding how not to escalate situations with different races (i.e. what buttons not to push and can be avoided).

All valid (albeit minor) points that some Black Lives Matter proponents talk about.

I still think of all the problems facing Black America, how police treat them and their criminal elements should not be as high on their list as they are making it out to be.


Affirmative Action, while well-intended, has ****** up many things.