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so long elfie mchenry


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Trampa, FL

Girl fired from work place for demanding Trump’s assassination

On the 13th of march 2016, just a day after Donald Trump’s Chicago rally was canceled due to Black lives matter protesters and Bernie Sanders supporters(reportedly) crashing it, Twitter user Tiana McHenry sent out a tweet that read:

“Someone, anyone…. assassinate trump and his offspring. I don’t care if this tweet gets me on the fbi watch list I ******* hate that man”


The now deleted tweet received lots praises from people who shared a similar sentiment, and lots of backlash too. One person decided to message Christus Santa Rosa Health System where Tiana reportedly worked, to inform them about what their employee had posted online. He included an archived link of the tweet in question and asked them to “Contact and lecture her about her actions”:


Christus Santa Rosa Health System responded later and said they were looking into the matter:


The hospital made a Facebook post later on, clarifying that Tiana does not work for them, but for a third party vendor. They continued to state that the issue had been turned over to the third party vendor to settle:


In a final Facebook post, Christus Santa Rosa Health System stated that Tiana’s employers (Now revealed as “Amarak”), had suspended her from the workplace indefinitely, after receiving the complaints and were fully cooperating with the authorities in their investigation. If it is found out that the tweets were sent out by her (She did send them), her employment would be terminated immediately.


This was just a formality by her employers to maintain an image of fairness and skepticism. For all intents and purposes, she will not be working there anymore.

Tiana herself seemed to have caught wind of what was going on, and deleted the tweet and subsequently her entire Twitter account. Visiting her profile just shows you a “That page does not exist” notification.
Supe, it is interesting that elfiePolo has been quiet for the past couple of days, isn't it?
i figured that was from the last ***** slap she suffered.
i didnt think she was this ******* nuts.
I try to give the benefit of the doubt.

except in the case of ark and dbs.
douchebags. both of them.
Damn..,I'm going to have to get in that bama welfare and free phone line!

Where do I sign up.
I've never suffered anything of the sort here. In fact I'm going to dig up an old thread that steel time keeps asking a question from. Just for you superdouche.

Of course I've answered and either he didn't read it or more fitting his m.o., he ran away.

I actually was pitying steel time at this point, like I've said before I don't like beating a dead jackass...but what the hell.

Stay tuned
I've never suffered anything of the sort here. In fact I'm going to dig up an old thread that steel time keeps asking a question from. Just for you superdouche.

Of course I've answered and either he didn't read it or more fitting his m.o., he ran away.

Hey, dumbass, if you could read as well as you can behave like a blithering idiot, you would see that I "answered" you twice in that ******* thread.


Meanwhile, how's that "Trump should be prosecuted" argument going for you?

Hey, dumbass, if you could read as well as you can behave like a blithering idiot, you would see that I "answered" you twice in that ******* thread.


Meanwhile, how's that "Trump should be prosecuted" argument going for you?


I was referring to the Nazis and the new test. I haven't been back in the Trump thread, be patient one reaming at a time.

I know it's hard for you with that sadomasochism thing you got going, but trust me your desire for pain will soon be satisfied.
I was referring to the Nazis and the new test. I haven't been back in the Trump thread, be patient one reaming at a time.

I know it's hard for you with that sadomasochism thing you got going, but trust me your desire for pain will soon be satisfied.
I used to think that your posts, although lacking any substance, were at least entertaining. So much for that.

Where is one for the bus when she wants to accuse people of rage and hatred? Maybe she can call you out on your misogyny ....of course not...,of course not.

Now time for your weekly *** reaming.

The link you provide above goes to this post:

Still waiting for one part of the New Testament - ONE - that in any fashion has any similarity to Nazi ideology, and thereby backs up your claim that the Nazis were "Christians."

Instead, you post a story about a priest snorting cocaine

That was not your original question. You have conveniently changed it since your last *** reaming, that tells me you read my answer and are now acting stupid....well it's not an act.

This is your original question and link to it below:

Also notice kids that all through this thread below steeltime accuses me of providing only old testament quotes.

There are several posts of mine in there that use new test. Verses to prove my point, steel time doesn't even know the difference. Typical for people that claim to follow this religious nonsense.


No, idiot, he is mocking your lies about your supposed Afro-Indian-Jewish lineage, and suggesting in a humorous way that you are a lying douchebag.

Because ... well, you're a lying douchebag.

Go ahead and cite one ******* part of the new testament that would provide support to Nazi ideology. Go ahead, liar, one ******* part.

First you wanted "support for Nazi idealogy"
And now you seek "similarity". My, my.....

Secondly I PROVED without a shadow of doubt that the Nazis were Christians according to christian doctrine.

Here again is the answer and link below to your original question, and a revisit to your humiliation:


Hey, dumbfuck, your references are solely to the old testament.

You want to know the clear demarcation between Christians and non-Christians? "Christ." It's right there in the name of the religion, asslick.

You want to know where Christ is referenced in the Bible? The New Testament. So as I asked more than a week ago:

Still waiting ...

[Picks up mic, rams it up elfiePolo's ***, and sends him to bed]

I see the aliens dropped you off after being disappointed that the plans they had for coring out your rectum,......were for naught, I already beat them to it.

I don't expect much from you, but this time I am truly blinded by your stupidity.

Because ... well, you're a lying douchebag.

Go ahead and cite one ******* part of the new testament that would provide support to Nazi ideology. Go ahead, liar, one ******* part.

This is from page 6. This is one of the many points that oneforthebus avoided, just like you do on climate change and other topics I've reamed you on.

The church and church teachings set the template for what the Nazis did to the Jews. Remember the inquisition?The Catholic church was justified by the teachings of the church fathers and scripture in doing what they did.

"The Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” (l Thessalonians 2.14-16)

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake ... wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” (Titus 1.10-14)

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?* He is an antichrist, that denieth the father and the son.* Whoever denieth the son, the same hath not the father” (l John 2.22,23)

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan* ...” (Revelation 2.9,10)

I also made it crystal clear that the Nazis including Hitler loved Martin Luther(father of Protestantism)and constantly referenced him as the source for their anti-semitism in their speeches and writings.

What did Luther have to say about the Jews? What did Luther reference for his own bigotry?

Why the New Testament of course....

He did not call them Abraham's children, but a "brood of vipers" [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, "He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord also calls them a "brood of vipers"; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: "If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did.... You are of your father the devil. It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today.

-Martin Luther (On the Jews and Their Lies)

Accordingly, it must and dare not be considered a trifling matter but a most serious one to seek counsel against this and to save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil and from eternal death. My advice, as I said earlier, is:

First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire...

Second, that all their books-- their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible-- be taken from them, not leaving them one leaf, and that these be preserved for those who may be converted...

Third, that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country...

Fourth, that they be forbidden to utter the name of God within our hearing. For we cannot with a good conscience listen to this or tolerate it...

-Martin Luther (On the Jews and Their Lies)

/ Stands next to steel time and Elfie asks" what's that light up in the sky that seems like it's coming closer?" As he looks up steeltime's face is distorted with panic and he reaches around with both hands to protect whats left of his cored out anus, Elfie shoves what's left of the mic past the cloud of flies and into steeltimes cankerous, syphilis infected ,vagina./

/ Elfie runs off howling with laughter.…..**** gotta make a run to best buy now, more mics of course/


I'm going to bed now and hopefully won't have nightmares of what it must be like to be you.

You know...the long days of fetching coffee and changing printer toner down at the legal aid office. I hate to even think of the anal sex you have to provide to your gay boss, and that after the reamings you receive from me.
This is just piling on steel times limp corpse but what the hell.
You have really gone off the rails.

Yes, you have posted a lot of stuff that shows that Nazis tried to link Christianity with white supremacy. No one denies that.

What you have not done is show that they were mostly motivated by religious fervor, church teachings, church leadership or Biblical teaching.

Are you daft? Did you not read what I posted? Did you just look at the pictures?

Just from the examples in my earlier post: Again,,...Luther is the father of the Protestant movement, what does he think of the Jews?

Christ and his word can hardly be recognized because of the great vermin of human ordinances. However, let this suffice for the time being on their lies against doctrine or faith

No, one should toss out these lazy rogues by the seat of their pants.

...but then eject them forever from this country. For, as we have heard, God's anger with them is so intense that gentle mercy will only tend to make them worse and worse, while sharp mercy will reform them but little. Therefore, in any case, away with them!
-----Martin Luther

You can read the whole thing here if you are a seeker of truth(I.e. not CONservative)


Now what does Nazi leader Walter Buch think of Luther's ideas?

Many people confess their amazement that Hitler preaches ideas which they have always held.... From the Middle Ages we can look to the same example in Martin Luther. What stirred in the soul and spirit of the German people of that time, finally found expression in his person, in his words and deeds.

-Walter Buch "Geist und Kampf" (speech), Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf, [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich

What was it that Hitler"preaches" that Luther set the example for?

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them ---Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Do you see it yet?

The church and church teachings set the template for what the Nazis did to the Jews. Remember the inquisition?The Catholic church was justified by the teachings of the church fathers and scripture in doing what they did.

“The Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” (l Thessalonians 2.14-16)

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake ... wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” (Titus 1.10-14)

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?* He is an antichrist, that denieth the father and the son.* Whoever denieth the son, the same hath not the father” (l John 2.22,23)

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan* ...” (Revelation 2.9,10)

What is the requirement to be a "real christian"

Right below:

Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

-Galatians 2:16

To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

Romans 3:26-28

That the nazis persecuted or killed Christians who got in their way is irrelevant.

American Christians kill other Christians EVERY DAY in the good ol ' USA. They don't stop being christian when they do. Do you not understand the core of Pauline Christianity? Saved by faith? All you have to do is BELIEVE, that's it.

Hitler and many, many of his fellow Nazis believed. That made them REAL CHRISTIANS it's the only requirement.

This is what gets me...you people don't understand at the very least the basics of the nonsense you claim to believe

The rest of what you post below is from a wikipedia article.....I don't disagree with the fact that those who resisted the Nazis were persecuted.....it does not UNDO their Christianity, that would be a non-sequiter according to your own bible.

You own them just like the innocents in the " religion of peace" get to own theirs.

What you have basically shown is exactly what I said...the Nazis were Aryan supremacists and eugenicists who employed Christian symbolism and vague references to Christianity to justify their hatred. You have shown nothing that proved Nazism was related in any way shape or form to any sort of organized religion. If Nazism = Christianity why did the Nazis persecute Catholics?


The Roman Catholic Church suffered persecution in Nazi Germany. As a totalitarian ideology, the Nazis claimed jurisdiction over all collective and social activity, interfering with Catholic schooling, youth groups, workers' clubs and cultural societies.[1] Nazi ideology could not accept an autonomous establishment, whose legitimacy did not spring from the government. It desired the subordination of the church to the state.[2] The Nazi leadership hoped to dechristianise Germany in the long term.[3] Aggressive anti-Church radicals like Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and Hitler's "deputy" Martin Bormann saw the kirchenkampf campaign against the Churches as a priority concern, and anti-church and anticlerical sentiments were strong among grassroots party activists.[4][5] Hitler himself also held radical instincts on the Church Question, but was prepared to restrain his anticlericalism out of political considerations, seeing dangers in strengthening the church through persecution.[6][7]

A threatening, if initially mainly sporadic persecution of the Church followed the Nazi takeover. Hitler moved quickly to eliminate Political Catholicism, and thousands were arrested. Despite continuing molestation of Catholic clergy, and organisations following the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor by President von Hindenburg, the Vatican was anxious to reach a legal agreement with the new government, in order to protect the rights of the Church in Germany.[8] The resulting Reich concordat was violated almost immediately. The Nazis moved to dissolve the Catholic youth leagues and clergy, nuns and lay leaders began to be targeted, leading to thousands of arrests over the ensuing years, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or "immorality". Catholic aligned political parties in Germany, along with all other parties, were outlawed in 1933, and Catholic lay leaders were targeted in Hitler's 1934 Night of the Long Knives purge. By 1937, Pope Pius XI's Mit brennender Sorge encyclical was accusing the regime of sowing "fundamental hostility to Christ and his Church".

By 1940, a dedicated clergy barracks had been established by the Nazis at Dachau Concentration Camp. Of a total of 2,720 clergy recorded as imprisoned at Dachau, the overwhelming majority, some 2,579 (or 94.88%) were Catholic - among them 400 German priests. Catholic schools in Germany were phased out by 1939 and Catholic press by 1941. With the expansion of the war in the East from 1941, there came also an expansion of the regime's attack on the Church in Germany. Monasteries and convents were targeted and expropriation of Church properties surged. The Jesuits were especially targeted.[9] The German bishops accused the Reich Government of "unjust oppression and hated struggle against Christianity and the Church".

In the Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany a severe persecution was launched from 1939. Here the Nazis set about systematically dismantling the Church - arresting its leaders, exiling its clergymen, closing its churches, monasteries and convents. Many clergymen were murdered. At least 1811 Polish clergy died in Nazi concentration camps. Hitler's plans for the Germanization of the East saw no place for the Christian Churches. The Church was also harshly treated in other annexed regions such as in Austria under the Gauleiter of Vienna, Odilo Globocnik, who confiscated property, closed Catholic organisations and sent many priests to Dachau; and in the Czech lands where religious orders were suppressed, schools closed, religious instruction forbidden and priests sent to concentration camps.

I was going to save some of that scripture to use on steeltime, but i hate to beat a dead jackass.

/ drops mic yet again and heads to his comfy bed with a big smirk on face/
I seem to think elfie finds unbiased logic in his/ her posts... I really hope he or she is a made up troll account because i fear there are severe signs of delusion there... I mean scary bad... She or he continuously references out if context propaganda... And cant concede a point...

Nazi germany used vague Christian tie ins to get support for their cause. To say that there are actual nazi philosophy in the new testament is pure propaganda... Its like me taking an anti-terrorism speach from hillary or obama cutting it into bits and pieces to look pro terrorist then labling them terrorists... Its political spin at its finest... Its gunny how a bigot cant see their own prejudice... Also when trump wins and turns out to be a very liberal president it will be hillfuckinlarious to watch all the backpedling on both sides... He will go from hitler to ghandi...
Elfie's condition causes her to severely overestimate the quality and veracity of her output, and to severely restrict useful input.
Without meaning to offend those with afflictions, it is probably best to think of Elfie's mental state as bulimic with severe diarrhea.
Just read above to confirm.
Last edited:
Also notice kids that all through this thread below steeltime accuses me of providing only old testament quotes.

There are several posts of mine in there that use new test. Verses to prove my point, steel time doesn't even know the difference. Typical for people that claim to follow this religious nonsense.

I see the aliens dropped you off after being disappointed that the plans they had for coring out your rectum,......were for naught, I already beat them to it.

I don't expect much from you, but this time I am truly blinded by your stupidity.

This is from page 6. This is one of the many points that oneforthebus avoided, just like you do on climate change and other topics I've reamed you on.

The church and church teachings set the template for what the Nazis did to the Jews. Remember the inquisition?The Catholic church was justified by the teachings of the church fathers and scripture in doing what they did.

"The Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” (l Thessalonians 2.14-16)

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake ... wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” (Titus 1.10-14)

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?* He is an antichrist, that denieth the father and the son.* Whoever denieth the son, the same hath not the father” (l John 2.22,23)

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan* ...” (Revelation 2.9,10)

I also made it crystal clear that the Nazis including Hitler loved Martin Luther(father of Protestantism)and constantly referenced him as the source for their anti-semitism in their speeches and writings.

What did Luther have to say about the Jews? What did Luther reference for his own bigotry?

Why the New Testament of course....

He did not call them Abraham's children, but a "brood of vipers" [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, "He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord also calls them a "brood of vipers"; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: "If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did.... You are of your father the devil. It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today.

-Martin Luther (On the Jews and Their Lies)

Accordingly, it must and dare not be considered a trifling matter but a most serious one to seek counsel against this and to save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil and from eternal death. My advice, as I said earlier, is:

First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire...

Second, that all their books-- their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible-- be taken from them, not leaving them one leaf, and that these be preserved for those who may be converted...

Third, that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country...

Fourth, that they be forbidden to utter the name of God within our hearing. For we cannot with a good conscience listen to this or tolerate it...

-Martin Luther (On the Jews and Their Lies)

I'm going to bed now and hopefully won't have nightmares of what it must be like to be you.

You know...the long days of fetching coffee and changing printer toner down at the legal aid office. I hate to even think of the anal sex you have to provide to your gay boss, and that after the reamings you receive from me.

The citations to the New Testament provide literally zero support for Nazi ideology - none. Nazi ideology was predicated on nationalism, militarism, the belief that the German people were superior to other races and destined to rule the world, a belief that non-Aryans were impure and "polluted" humanity, and an overarching hatred for Jews on the belief that they were impure and had "stolen" the Germans' rightful heritage (somehow, who knows). I derive this information from a college class in authoritarian economies I took in college many years ago. This reference source also provides some decent, non-offensive analysis:


You are mentally off, buddy, if you believe that the passing references in the New Testament to Jews are at all analogous to Nazi ideology, or provide any succor, support, or foundation for such ideology.

Does the New Testament say that following Jesus Christ is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven? Yes.

Does it say that there is one master race? No.

Does it say that the master race should militarize behind a strong central government? Quite the opposite.

Does it say that Jews should be targeted for harm, murdered, etc.? No.

Does it say that other races should be targeted, enslaved, etc.? No.

Does it say that the centralized government should run the economy and supply the military? No.

In short, the New Testament has nothing - NOTHING - to do with Nazi ideology, and your flaccid quotations prove my point. Your fatal flaw in this discussion is that you have already reached your conclusion, and now ready any reference in the New Testament to back up your ridiculous claim. ElfiePolo, upon finding a reference to Jews in the New Testament:


And finally, your bizarre anal fetish and irritating habit of proclaiming victory when any sentient being knows you are being destroyed demonstrates your profound lack of self-worth. Seek help, buddy - you need it.

P.S. How's that "prosecute Trump" argument going, wanna-be??
I seem to think elfie finds unbiased logic in his/ her posts... I really hope he or she is a made up troll account because i fear there are severe signs of delusion there... I mean scary bad... She or he continuously references out if context propaganda... And cant concede a point...

Nazi germany used vague Christian tie ins to get support for their cause. To say that there are actual nazi philosophy in the new testament is pure propaganda... Its like me taking an anti-terrorism speach from hillary or obama cutting it into bits and pieces to look pro terrorist then labling them terrorists... Its political spin at its finest... Its gunny how a bigot cant see their own prejudice... Also when trump wins and turns out to be a very liberal president it will be hillfuckinlarious to watch all the backpedling on both sides... He will go from hitler to ghandi...

Ahhh yes! The classic Ad hominem.

Call me crazy because the truth doesn't fit the way I would like it to.

You then proceed to build a strawman by saying: "To say that there are actual nazi philosophy in the new testament is pure propaganda..."

Where did I make that claim?

My claim that the Nazis were christian is supported by the doctrines of Pauline theology and the Nazi's word's.

According to that theology it's our declaration of faith that saves us(the core of Christianity). I showed proof of that by using their own words, including Hitler's.

If you had read through the old thread and followed the links I provided, you would have realized how idiotic your post would sound before you typed one letter.

Furthermore; let's consider the inquisition for a moment. Did you not read Martin Luther's words that I posted?

The church had enough hatred for the Jews that was SUPPORTED by the new testament to carry on their murder and torture for centuries with righteous indignation.

This mentality is found in Martin Luther, it was fostered in him by the church, and passed on to the generations before and up to the generation of the Nazis.

They of course (Nazis)repeatedly quoted Luther, who quoted the New Testament as the source of this hateful mentality.

To deny this causal link is to truly be delusional.
Ahhh yes! The classic Ad hominem.

Call me crazy because the truth doesn't fit the way I would like it to.

You then proceed to build a strawman by saying: "To say that there are actual nazi philosophy in the new testament is pure propaganda..."

Where did I make that claim?

My claim that the Nazis were christian is supported by the doctrines of Pauline theology and the Nazi's word's.

According to that theology it's our declaration of faith that saves us(the core of Christianity). I showed proof of that by using their own words, including Hitler's.

If you had read through the old thread and followed the links I provided, you would have realized how idiotic your post would sound before you typed one letter.

Furthermore; let's consider the inquisition for a moment. Did you not read Martin Luther's words that I posted?

The church had enough hatred for the Jews that was SUPPORTED by the new testament to carry on their murder and torture for centuries with righteous indignation.

This mentality is found in Martin Luther, it was fostered in him by the church, and passed on to the generations before and up to the generation of the Nazis.

They of course (Nazis)repeatedly quoted Luther, who quoted the New Testament as the source of this hateful mentality.

To deny this causal link is to truly be delusional.

Nah we just know that you love to obsess over a clearly flawed point of view and refuse to even consider anything other than your viewpoint... its a mental illness found on both ends of the spectrum in political debate... you casually ignore or misinterpret any counterargument or associate it to logical fallacy so that your point of view cant be questioned in your own mind...

Again, Hitler was not a Christian... there are no Christian teachings in the nationalistic Nazi party...misquoting scripture to try to advance a way of thinking doesn't make it a Christian teaching. Hitler used Christian touchpoints to lure the public in, because he knew that the public would reject him if he came on strongly as an agnostic, but every historical account shows his intentions were to eventually abolish Christianity once he had total control of everything, and in fact had already slowly begun to move in that direction.

I think you make the mistake of dwelling in propaganda sites too much...I know you, like Hitler, hate Religion, and there is nothing wrong with that, but try reading the far right perspective on some stuff... its not always as flawed as you make it out to be, and some moderate things too... trust me if you only read one viewpoint all the time, you end up with a very flawed world view...
Ahhh yes! The classic Ad hominem.

Call me crazy because the truth doesn't fit the way I would like it to.

You then proceed to build a strawman by saying: "To say that there are actual nazi philosophy in the new testament is pure propaganda..."

Where did I make that claim?

My claim that the Nazis were christian is supported by the doctrines of Pauline theology and the Nazi's word's.

According to that theology it's our declaration of faith that saves us(the core of Christianity). I showed proof of that by using their own words, including Hitler's.

If you had read through the old thread and followed the links I provided, you would have realized how idiotic your post would sound before you typed one letter.

Furthermore; let's consider the inquisition for a moment. Did you not read Martin Luther's words that I posted?

The church had enough hatred for the Jews that was SUPPORTED by the new testament to carry on their murder and torture for centuries with righteous indignation.

This mentality is found in Martin Luther, it was fostered in him by the church, and passed on to the generations before and up to the generation of the Nazis.

They of course (Nazis)repeatedly quoted Luther, who quoted the New Testament as the source of this hateful mentality.

To deny this causal link is to truly be delusional.

Hitler had deep rooted hatred for the Jews as a young man, but it wasn't because of what he read in the bible. Hitler and the Nazis did nothing more than cherry pick the bad stuff about Jews from Scripture so as to give justification for their cause, so if you're implying that the Nazi's were practicing Christians then you're a nut job like everyone says.

Are you implying there is a valid comparison between Islamic extremism and the Nazi's on the basis of religion?

Hitler's vision of conquering the world and killing Jews didn't come about because he read it in the Bible, however an Islamic extremists vision of killing infidels and conquering the world is his duty.
Its in the Koran.

If you have a desire for knowledge...

In his book, The Dictators, Richard Overy states that in the decades preceding the First World War Germany was becoming increasingly secular, and that after that war, from 1918 to 1931, 2.4 million Evangelical Christians formally renounced their faith as well as almost half a million Catholics. In Prussia, only 21% of the population took communion and in Hamburg only five percent of the population took communion. Before Hitler, German religious leaders were publicly condemning the rise of moral relativism and decline of traditional religious values.

Within a year of taking power, Hitler was saying:

"Christianity was incapable of uniting the Germans, and that only an entirely new world-theory was capable of doing so."

Also within a year of the Nazis taking power, The Twenty-Five Theses of the German Religion, a conscious modeling of the twenty-five points of the Nazi program, was published in Germany. Thesis XV of that Nazi publication states:

"The Ethic of the German Religion condemns all belief in inherited sin, as well as the Jewish-Christian teaching of a fallen world. Such a teaching is not only non-Germanic and non-German, it is immoral and nonreligious. Whoever preaches this menaces the morality of the people."

In February 1937 Hanns Kerrl, Minister of Religion in the Third Reich, said:

"The question of the divinity of Christ is ridiculous and inessential. A new answer has arisen as to what Christ and Christianity are: Adolph Hitler."

University Nazis in Keil wrote in 1935:

"We Germans are heathens and want no more Jewish religion in our Germany. We no longer believe in the Holy Ghost; we believe in the Holy Blood."

Preaching from the pulpit against Rosenberg's racial theories was forbidden by the Nazis and Law 130 threatened penalties against any priest who preached "against the interest of the state." Göring ordered that the Hitler Gruss (the Hitler salute) was the only religious gesture allowed.

Just as Nazi propaganda made odious caricatures of lecherous Jewish preying on young German maidens, Nazi propaganda made identical caricatures of lecherous priests preying on young German maidens. In August 1935, the bishops of Germany presented at Fulda a pastoral letter warning of the Nazi "campaign of annihilation against Christianity" and a year after that Bishop Bornewasser publicly spoke about the Christian men and women who were persecuted by the Nazis because of their faith. On November 4, 1936, the Nazis ordered the removal of crucifixes from schools in the Oldenburg area on the grounds that these were "symbols of superstition." This order was rescinded only after Nazis were faced with determined local opposition. Then despite rescinding the Nazi prohibition of these "symbols of superstition," in December 1936 Nazi bureaucrats simply removed crucifixes anyway in Munsterland. When Christians replaced them in some schools, they were arrested by the Nazis.
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Nah we just know that you love to obsess over a clearly flawed point of view and refuse to even consider anything other than your viewpoint... its a mental illness found on both ends of the spectrum in political debate... you casually ignore or misinterpret any counterargument or associate it to logical fallacy so that your point of view cant be questioned in your own mind...

Again, Hitler was not a Christian... there are no Christian teachings in the nationalistic Nazi party...misquoting scripture to try to advance a way of thinking doesn't make it a Christian teaching. Hitler used Christian touchpoints to lure the public in, because he knew that the public would reject him if he came on strongly as an agnostic, but every historical account shows his intentions were to eventually abolish Christianity once he had total control of everything, and in fact had already slowly begun to move in that direction.

I think you make the mistake of dwelling in propaganda sites too much...I know you, like Hitler, hate Religion, and there is nothing wrong with that, but try reading the far right perspective on some stuff... its not always as flawed as you make it out to be, and some moderate things too... trust me if you only read one viewpoint all the time, you end up with a very flawed world view...

First of all let's address the ridiculous notion that Hitler was not a Christian.

"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so," told to General Gerhard Engel- 1941.

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.
-Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

[Note, "brood of vipers" appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word "adders" also appears in Psalms 140:3

I am not going to rehash this constantly because many of you suffer from cognitive dissonance.

I am not going to retype stuff every time a new poster comes on board.

Instead I'm going to direct you to this thread:

There you can read what the preeminent scholar on Christianity And the Third Reich;Richard Steigman-Gall has to say on the matter, here is a sample as I know many of you can't be bothered to go there.

First let's quickly put an end to the idea that the Nazis were opportunists who used Christianity to manipulate the masses:

The following provides a few quotes from Hitler's henchmen and Nazi sympathizers and how Christianity molded and influenced their beliefs. Most of Hitler's henchmen, along with the vast majority of German citizens, were brought up Christian, and thought themselves as such. Remember that Germany gave birth to Protestantism and held a large but minority of Catholics. The fact that so many Nazis practiced the Christian faith should not surprise anyone, especially considering that Germany, at the time before and during Hitler's rise, represented the most Christianized country in the word. And except for a very few who rejected orthodox Christianity (like Bormann and Rosenberg), the majority used their influence (whether through belief or political action) to support both Catholicism and Protestantism views for the 'positive" Christianity of the new Nazi party platform.

Nor can one attempt to use the tired and false ploy of trying to put the Nazi expression of Christianity into a 'political only' framework to appeal to the masses. These Nazis fully believed in their religion no less than do conservative Christian politicians of the United States----Jim Walker

Now on to Gall

Indeed, none of the Nazis who proclaimed a positive attitude toward Christianity in public revealed themselves as anti-Christian in private. Therefore the insistence that the Nazis practiced "sheer opportunism" or placed a "tactical restraint" on their supposed hatred for Christianity "which had been imposed during the years of struggle to achieve power" cannot be sustained--- From the book, The Holy Reich, Richard Steigmann-Gall

Now let's look at what his fellow Nazis believed:

Helmut Bruckner

Bruckner served as the Gauletier of Silesia. According to Richard Steigmann-Gall's research, "Bruckner sent Gregor Strasser an internal "Special Circular" he had issued to his Gau [region] officials on the party's official church-political stance. Its contents became common knowledge once a copy came into the hands of the Kirchenrat and the papers Tagliche Rundschau and Christliche Welt. As a confidential document, however, it provides a glimpse into the Nazi's feelings about the institution of the Protestant Church" [Steigmann-Gall]:

We struggle for a union of the small Protestant state churches into a strong Protestant Reich Church.... We are acting not as a party, but as Protestant Christians who only follow a call to faith from God, which we here in our Volk movement. As true members of our church we have a legitimate claim to have appropriate consideration given to the greatness and inner strength of National Socialism in church life and the church administration.

-Helmut Brucker, "Richtlinien fur Kirchenfragen," Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf (10 Nov. 1932: Breslau), [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich]

Walter Buch

Buch served as Head of the Nazi Party court and Martin Bormann's father-in-law. Otto Wagener, Hitler's confidant in the Kampfzeit, named Buch as one of the only three men who "were prepared and in a position to tell Hitler their own views when they contradicted his." According to Richard Steigmann's research, Buch, a Lutheran, held his faith in high esteem and "maintained he was guided in his social thought by Martin Luther."

When Point 24 of our program says the party stands for a positive Christianity, here above all is the cornerstone of our thinking. Christ preached struggle as did no other. His life was struggle for his beliefs, for which he went to his death. From everyone he demanded a decision between yes and no.

-Walter Buch "Geist und Kampf" (speech): Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf (probably given between 1930 and 1932), [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich]
Public need before private greed.... So important and meaningful is this phrase that Jesus Christ placed it in the center of his religious teaching. However, since Christ was not a politician, since his Reich was not of this world, he put the calling into other words. He taught: love your neighbors as yourself! National Socialism is therefore nothing new, nothing that a person after much consideration would not come upon as the solution to the economic plight of the Germans.

-Walter Buch Der Aufmasch, Blatter der deutschen Jugend 2 (January 1931), [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich]

Note, Point 24 refers to a section of the NSDAP party platform (the Nazi Constitution, so to speak) where it proclaims "positive Christianity" as one of its tenants.

Never more than in the last ten years has the truth behind Luther's words been more evident: "The family is the source of everyone's blessings and misforture."

-Walter Buch In a speech from 1932, [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich]

The idea of eternal life, of which the Jew knows nothing, is just as characteristic of our Germanic forefathers as it was of Christ.

-Walter Buch Der Aufmarsch, [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich]

When Luther turned his attention to the Jews, after he completed his translation of the Bible, he left behind "on the Jews and their Lies" for posterity.

-Walter Buch [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich]

I'm not interested in what any biased right wing blog or christian apologetics site has to say on the matter. I'm interested in the truth.

And that truth is that he and most of the Nazis were Christians. Overwhelmingly(>90%) Catholic and Lutheran.
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And to the conservative( you've earned the lower case!) poster who sent me the p.m. last night with the kind words, thank you. I'm glad that you are able to be honest with yourself and face the truth when it comes to the ugliness of religion, ALL RELIGION.

I will address you with the upper case 'con' in public, don't worry. Lol
This is just piling on steel times limp corpse but what the hell.

I was going to save some of that scripture to use on steeltime, but i hate to beat a dead jackass.

/ drops mic yet again and heads to his comfy bed with a big smirk on face/

You just keep posting the same stupid stuff that proves nothing that you said it was going to prove. Yes, some Christians have criticized Jews for not accepting Jesus Christ, and even said that wrath wil come upon them. They are talking about God's wrath. No different than saying "if you don't believe in Christ you'e going to hell".
Nothing you have posted was a call for Christians to round up Jews and slaughter them...nothing...and again, the fact that Hitler talks a good game about Christianity on occasion doesn't jibe with the facts that he slaughtered and persecuted Christians and Jews alike, that he forbade religious practice, that he shut down churches....anything or anyone that got in the way of his dream of an Aryan Socialist State...he was motivated mainly by race and used religion as his justification and as a recruiting tool...he wasn't motivated by Christianity. You've posted absolutely zero factual refutation of that idea...nada....but keep dropping your mic and making a fool of yourself.