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so long elfie mchenry

You just keep posting the same stupid stuff that proves nothing that you said it was going to prove. Yes, some Christians have criticized Jews for not accepting Jesus Christ, and even said that wrath wil come upon them. They are talking about God's wrath. No different than saying "if you don't believe in Christ you'e going to hell".
Nothing you have posted was a call for Christians to round up Jews and slaughter them...nothing...and again, the fact that Hitler talks a good game about Christianity on occasion doesn't jibe with the facts that he slaughtered and persecuted Christians and Jews alike, that he forbade religious practice, that he shut down churches....anything or anyone that got in the way of his dream of an Aryan Socialist State...he was motivated mainly by race and used religion as his justification and as a recruiting tool...he wasn't motivated by Christianity. You've posted absolutely zero factual refutation of that idea...nada....but keep dropping your mic and making a fool of yourself.

You do love to cherry pick like a true christian don't you? What about the other quotes?

Can you point out exactly which of those quotes would endear Christians to Jews?

Which ones show us the love of Jesus toward our fellow human beings?

Can you do that?

And there is your answer......

Stay tuned, the best is yet to come.
And that truth is that he and most of the Nazis were Christians. Overwhelmingly(>90%) Catholic and Lutheran.

Well duh...95% of Germans were Christian at the time. Nothing surprising about that. Ever hear of Gleichschaltung? That's the process by which Hitler wanted to eliminate all religions and create a unified, state run religion. Was that because of his deep Catholic faith or devotion to Martin Luther do you think?

Here's some reading for you:


One of the leading United States investigators at Nuremberg, Gen. William J. Donovan -- Wild Bill Donovan of the O.S.S., the C.I.A.'s precursor -- collected and cataloged trial evidence in 148 bound volumes of personal papers that were stored after his death in 1959 at Cornell University. In 1999, Julie Seltzer Mandel, a law student from Rutgers University whose grandmother survived the Auschwitz death camp, read them. Under the Nuremberg Project, a collaboration between Rutgers and Cornell, she has edited the collection for publication on the Internet.

The first installment, published last week on the Web site of the Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion (www.camlaw.rutgers.edu/publications/law-religion), includes a 108-page outline prepared by O.S.S. investigators to aid Nuremberg prosecutors. The outline, ''The Persecution of the Christian Churches,'' summarizes the Nazi plan to subvert and destroy German Christianity, which it calls ''an integral part of the National Socialist scheme of world conquest.''

Verbatim excerpts from the outline would require extensive explanations. Instead, the outline is summarized below. JOE SHARKEY

In the 1920's, as they battled for power, the Nazis realized that the churches in overwhelmingly Christian Germany needed to be neutralized before they would get anywhere. Two-thirds of German Christians were Protestants, belonging to one of 28 regional factions of the German Evangelical Church. Most of the rest were Roman Catholics. On one level, the Nazis saw an advantage. In tumultuous post-World War I Germany, the Christian churches ''had long been associated with conservative ways of thought, which meant that they tended to agree with the National Socialists in their authoritarianism, their attacks on Socialism and Communism, and in their campaign against the Versailles treaty'' that had ended World War I with a bitterly resentful Germany.

But there was a dilemma for Hitler. While conservatives, the Christian churches ''could not be reconciled with the principle of racism, with a foreign policy of unlimited aggressive warfare, or with a domestic policy involving the complete subservience of Church to State.'' Given that these were the fundamental underpinnings of the Nazi regime, ''conflict was inevitable,'' the summary states. It came, as Nazi power surged in the late 1920's toward national domination in the early 30's.

According to Baldur von Schirach, the Nazi leader of the German youth corps that would later be known as the Hitler Youth, ''the destruction of Christianity was explicitly recognized as a purpose of the National Socialist movement'' from the beginning, though ''considerations of expedience made it impossible'' for the movement to adopt this radical stance officially until it had consolidated power, the outline says.

Attracted by the strategic value inherent in the churches' ''historic mission of conservative social discipline,'' the Nazis simply lied and made deals with the churches while planning a ''slow and cautious policy of gradual encroachment'' to eliminate Christianity.

The prosecution investigators describe this as a criminal conspiracy. ''This general plan had been established even before the rise of the Nazis to power,'' the outline says. ''It apparently came out of discussions among an inner circle'' comprised of Hitler himself, other top Nazi leaders including the propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, and a collection of party enforcers and veteran beer-hall agitators.

The regional branches of the German Evangelical Church, the main Protestant body, were often administered and financed through governmental agencies. The Nazis saw a distinct advantage in having Protestant churches ''whose supreme administrative organs were located within the borders of Germany,'' the outline says. This facilitated plans ''to capture and use the church organization for their own purposes'' and ''to secure the elimination of Christian influences in the Evangelical Church by legal or quasi legal means.''

The Roman Catholic Church, centrally administered from Rome, posed a different problem for the Nazis, whose relationship with that church in the 1920's had been bitter. In 1933, when Germany was under Hitler's total control, the Nazis made ''unmistakable overtures'' to the Christian churches in general, and to Catholics in particular.

Having already witnessed fairly smooth relations after the 1929 Lantern treaty between Mussolini's fascist regime and the church in Italy, many German Catholics ''accepted the Nazi proposition'' of peaceful coexistence. In July 1933, a Concordat was signed between the Reich and the Holy See.

''For the first time since the Middle Ages, the Reich itself had entered into an agreement with the Roman Catholic Church,'' the outline says. ''Moreover, the new treaty was apparently entirely to the advantage of the church. In return for the retreat of German Catholicism from the political scene, the church was guaranteed, by international treaty, freedom for Catholic organizations [and] maintenance of denominational schools and youth education.''

All Hitler seemed to demand in return was ''a pledge of loyalty by the clergy to the Reich government and a promise that Catholic religious instruction would emphasize the patriotic duties of the Christian citizen.'' This posed no big problem for the church, the outline asserts. ''Since it had always been the practice of the Catholic Church to abide by established governments and to promote patriotic convictions among the faithful, these stipulations of the Concordat were no more than legalizations of an existing custom. The Concordat was hailed by church and state authorities as marking the beginning of a close and fruitful collaboration.''

Of course, the churches stayed in Hitler's good graces for only as long as the Nazis considered their cooperation expedient. Soon after Hitler assumed dictatorial powers, ''relations between the Nazi state and the church became progressively worse,'' the outline says. The Nazis ''took advantage of their subsequently increasing strength to violate every one of the Concordat's provisions.''

In 1937, Pope Pius XI denounced Nazi treachery in an encyclical that accused Hitler of ''a war of extermination'' against the church. The battle had been joined on some fronts. Nazi street mobs, often in the company of the Gestapo, routinely stormed offices in Protestant and Catholic churches where clergymen were seen as lax in their support of the regime.

The dissident pastor Martin Niemoller spoke openly now against state control of the Protestant churches. He was arrested and imprisoned in 1937 for using his pulpit for ''underhand attacks on state and party.'' When a judge acquitted him, ''on leaving court he was arrested by the Gestapo and sent to a concentration camp where he remained until the end of the war,'' says the outline.

Still, in a society where the entire Jewish population was being automatically condemned without public protest, care was taken to manipulate public perceptions about clergymen who fell into Nazi disfavor. ''The Catholic Church need not imagine that we are going to create martyrs,'' Robert Wagner, the Nazi Gauleiter of Baden, said in a speech, according to the O.S.S. study. ''We shall not give the church that satisfaction. She shall have not martyrs, but criminals.''

But once they had total power and set off to launch a world war, the Nazis made no secret of what lay in store for Christian clergymen who expressed dissent.

In Munich, Nazi street gangs and a Gestapo squad attacked the residence of the Roman Catholic cardinal. ''A hail of stones was directed against the windows, while the men shouted, 'Take the rotten traitor to Dachau!' '' the outline says, adding: ''After 1937, German Catholic bishops gave up all attempts to print'' their pastoral letters publicly and instead ''had them merely read from the pulpits.''

Then the letters themselves were confiscated.

''In many churches, the confiscation took place during Mass by the police snatching the letter out of the hands of the priests as they were in the act of reading it.''

Later the same year, dissident Protestant churches joined in a manifesto protesting Nazi tactics. In response, the Nazis arrested 700 Protestant pastors.

Objectionable statements made by the clergy would no longer be prosecuted in the courts, the Nazis said. Statements ''injurious to the State would be ruthlessly punished by 'protective custody,' that is, the concentration camp,'' the outline says.
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i figured that was from the last ***** slap she suffered.
i didnt think she was this ******* nuts.

Really? REALLY?

Oh, and in case you hadn't heard, the elf has NEVER lost a innerwebs argument.

Steeltime....."****" is such a horrible word.......so thanks for using it in its proper context.

Stay tuned, the best is yet to come.

We're all atingle.
You do love to cherry pick like a true christian don't you? What about the other quotes?

Can you point out exactly which of those quotes would endear Christians to Jews?

Which ones show us the love of Jesus toward our fellow human beings?

Can you do that?

None of them. Thanks for proving my point.

Program points of the newly created National Reich Church headed by Rosenberg:
"The National Reich Church of Germany categorically claims the exclusive right and the exclusive power to control all churches within the borders of the Reich: it declares these to be national churches of the German Reich."

"The National Church is determined to exterminate irrevocably...the strange and foreign Christian faiths imported into Germany in the ill-omened year 800."

"The National Church has no scribes, pastors, chaplains or priests, but National Reich orators are to speak in them."

"The National Church demands immediate cessation of the publishing and dissemination of the Bible in Germany." "On the altars there must be nothing but 'Mein Kampf' [to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book] and to the left of the altar a sword."

"On the day of its foundation, the Christian Cross must be removed from all churches, cathedrals and chapels and it must be superseded by the only unconquerable symbol, the swastika."

These points attack Christianity and one can observe the new Reich Church was a program designed to slowly phase out Christianity [even banning the publishing and dissemination of the Bible in Germany] while bringing people into pure National Socialism.

"Under the leadership of Rosenberg, Bormann and Himmler, who were backed by Hitler, the Nazi regime intended eventually to destroy Christianity in Germany, if it could, and substitute the old paganism of the early tribal Germanic gods and the new paganism of the Nazi extremists. As Bormann, one of the men closest to Hitler, said publicly in 1941, 'National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable.' [11]

"Any influence that would impair or damage the leadership of the people exercised by the Fuhrer with the aid of the NSDAP has to be eliminated. To an ever increasing degree the people must be wrested from Churches and their agents, the pastors. Only the Reich leadership, together with the party and the organs and associations connected with it, has a right to lead the people" [12]

The Political Reality Of The Time In Germany:
"Because of the long history of Christianity in Germany, Hitler could not attack Christianity as openly as he did Judaism, communism or other political opponents. The list of Nazi affronts to and attacks on the Catholic Church is long. The attacks tended not to be overt, but were still dangerous; believers were made to feel that they were not good Germans and their leaders were painted as treasonous and contemptible. The state removed crucifixes from the walls of Catholic classrooms and replaced it with a photo of the Führer." [13]

song was sung by the Hitler Youth at the Party Rally 1934:

"We are the happy Hitler Youth
We need no Christian virtues,
For our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler Is always our mediator.

"No parson, no evil man can prevent us
From feeling ourselves to be Hitler children,
We do not follow Christ but Horst Wessel,
Away with incense and holy water vessels.
We follow our flags singing
As worthy sons of our ancestors,
I am no Christian, no Catholic,
I go with the SA through thick and thin.

"I can do without the Church,
The Swastika is redemption on earth,
I will [log its steps,
Baldur von Schirach, take me with you!" [15]
Would you like more? The internet is full of tons more stuff I can cut and paste that proves Hitler was interested in abolishing the Church and Christianity in general...
None of them. Thanks for proving my point.


I think you have a comprehension problem. Your assertion is that one quote I provided is about gods wrath, and that the others "prove your point"

Again: which of these New Testament quotes would endear Christians to Jews? The question is RHETORICAL these are verses meant to incite hatred for Jews.

“The Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” (l Thessalonians 2.14-16)

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake ... wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” (Titus 1.10-14)

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?* He is an antichrist, that denieth the father and the son.* Whoever denieth the son, the same hath not the father” (l John 2.22,23)

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan* ...” (Revelation 2.9,10)
My family was there and persecuted for being Christian. Hitler was no friend of Christianity. Period.
Hitler had deep rooted hatred for the Jews as a young man, but it wasn't because of what he read in the bible. Hitler and the Nazis did nothing more than cherry pick the bad stuff about Jews from Scripture so as to give justification for their cause, so if you're implying that the Nazi's were practicing Christians then you're a nut job like everyone says.

No I'm not a nutjob son. The problem is religious nutjobs are blinded to the truth because of their bias.

Was Martin Luther a Christian?
He wasn't a Nazi, so what was his cause?

Can you explain these words to me?

He did not call them Abraham's children, but a "brood of vipers" [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, "He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord also calls them a "brood of vipers"; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: "If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did.... You are of your father the devil. It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today.

Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self*glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them.
--martin Luther


Are you implying there is a valid comparison between Islamic extremism and the Nazi's on the basis of religion?

Hitler's vision of conquering the world and killing Jews didn't come about because he read it in the Bible, however an Islamic extremists vision of killing infidels and conquering the world is his duty.
Its in the Koran.

If you have a desire for knowledge...

If I have a desire for knowledge american thinker is not the place to go to.

In his book, The Dictators, Richard Overy states that in the decades preceding the First World War Germany was becoming increasingly secular, and that after that war, from 1918 to 1931, 2.4 million Evangelical Christians formally renounced their faith as well as almost half a million Catholics. In Prussia, only 21% of the population took communion and in Hamburg only five percent of the population took communion. Before Hitler, German religious leaders were publicly condemning the rise of moral relativism and decline of traditional religious values.

Within a year of taking power, Hitler was saying:

"Christianity was incapable of uniting the Germans, and that only an entirely new world-theory was capable of doing so."

Also within a year of the Nazis taking power, The Twenty-Five Theses of the German Religion, a conscious modeling of the twenty-five points of the Nazi program, was published in Germany. Thesis XV of that Nazi publication states:

"The Ethic of the German Religion condemns all belief in inherited sin, as well as the Jewish-Christian teaching of a fallen world. Such a teaching is not only non-Germanic and non-German, it is immoral and nonreligious. Whoever preaches this menaces the morality of the people."

In February 1937 Hanns Kerrl, Minister of Religion in the Third Reich, said:

"The question of the divinity of Christ is ridiculous and inessential. A new answer has arisen as to what Christ and Christianity are: Adolph Hitler."

University Nazis in Keil wrote in 1935:

"We Germans are heathens and want no more Jewish religion in our Germany. We no longer believe in the Holy Ghost; we believe in the Holy Blood."

Preaching from the pulpit against Rosenberg's racial theories was forbidden by the Nazis and Law 130 threatened penalties against any priest who preached "against the interest of the state." Göring ordered that the Hitler Gruss (the Hitler salute) was the only religious gesture allowed.

Just as Nazi propaganda made odious caricatures of lecherous Jewish preying on young German maidens, Nazi propaganda made identical caricatures of lecherous priests preying on young German maidens. In August 1935, the bishops of Germany presented at Fulda a pastoral letter warning of the Nazi "campaign of annihilation against Christianity" and a year after that Bishop Bornewasser publicly spoke about the Christian men and women who were persecuted by the Nazis because of their faith. On November 4, 1936, the Nazis ordered the removal of crucifixes from schools in the Oldenburg area on the grounds that these were "symbols of superstition." This order was rescinded only after Nazis were faced with determined local opposition. Then despite rescinding the Nazi prohibition of these "symbols of superstition," in December 1936 Nazi bureaucrats simply removed crucifixes anyway in Munsterland. When Christians replaced them in some schools, they were arrested by the Nazis.

Many people have written books on this as it's an intriguing subject.

The best scholars on the subject agree; the Nazis were OVERWHELMINGLY christian.
Would you like more? The internet is full of tons more stuff I can cut and paste that proves Hitler was interested in abolishing the Church and Christianity in general...

I'm sure you can. How seriously should we take information from a site that's named 666dawn blah blah?

Hitler did want to eventually abolish the church(take their power) and form his own. He felt this was providence.

I will address your other points in a post that doesn't include your posts because the resulting post will be a mile long.

I've noticed it seems people don't read what the need to.
Sorry. You are mixing me up with one of the other bigots here. So many to choose from.

I checked it was Tim. I apologize, but do recommend you watch the video. It's still funny.
My family was there and persecuted for being Christian. Hitler was no friend of Christianity. Period.

Sorry to hear that.

And sorry to say that Hitler absolutely was a Christian.

Ever heard of the 30 years war? Yes Christians can commit evil against one another.

I think you have a comprehension problem. Your assertion is that one quote I provided is about gods wrath, and that the others "prove your point"

Again: which of these New Testament quotes would endear Christians to Jews? The question is RHETORICAL these are verses meant to incite hatred for Jews.

“The Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” (l Thessalonians 2.14-16)

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake ... wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” (Titus 1.10-14)

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?* He is an antichrist, that denieth the father and the son.* Whoever denieth the son, the same hath not the father” (l John 2.22,23)

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan* ...” (Revelation 2.9,10)

Except when you read the whole passage none of them are what you claim them to be...in every case put up the whole chapter and not just a verse and the point you are trying to make blows up totally... Take that point you are trying to make about Titus... its directly tied to a person from that church who was using an ethnic stereotype in slandering the church at Crete, not in any way referring to Jews in general... the term Jewish fable is not any different to Chinese proverb in modern terminology... your point falls flat... its just a search and grab taken out of context...

And references to the circumcision sect was a group of Christians that insisted that salvation couldn't be obtained without circumcision and other traditions, which Paul repeated called out as bullshit... IIRC "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing... keeping Gods commands is what counts..."

The Thessalonians verse is speaking of the Christian church in Judea, (which was made up of Jews) being persecuted by the Jewish government (something Paul was once part of) and equating it to the Church at Thessaloniki's similar persecution from their own people in the Grecian province, but it would be hard to single this verse out as some sort of hatemongering attempt when compared to the message of temperance, peace and acceptance in 1 Thessalonians ch5 12-22, which, since verse and chapters weren't inserted till much later by the catholic church, was all one big letter and the teaching was uniform....

The Revelations quote was either about the gentile group in the area that claimed to be Jewish and worshipped the Roman emperor or as stated in Romans “A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code” (Romans 2:28-29). There were two groups actively imprisoning or killing Christians in Turkey in this era... the Gentile cult as mentioned above and Some actual Jews who disagreed with the Christian faith but the instructed response in that section was supposed to be pacifism and prayer, as always... ....it never advocates violence as a means of anything... no section ever does.... and to try to take scripture out of context is just silly. The Bible doesn't preach hate for the Jews, no matter what the Antisemites or the AntiChristians, who are equally bigoted, want to read into it...
Except when you read the whole passage none of them are what you claim them to be...in every case put up the whole chapter and not just a verse and the point you are trying to make blows up totally... Take that point you are trying to make about Titus... its directly tied to a person from that church who was using an ethnic stereotype in slandering the church at Crete, not in any way referring to Jews in general... the term Jewish fable is not any different to Chinese proverb in modern terminology... your point falls flat... its just a search and grab taken out of context...

And references to the circumcision sect was a group of Christians that insisted that salvation couldn't be obtained without circumcision and other traditions, which Paul repeated called out as bullshit... IIRC "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing... keeping Gods commands is what counts..."

The Thessalonians verse is speaking of the Christian church in Judea, (which was made up of Jews) being persecuted by the Jewish government (something Paul was once part of) and equating it to the Church at Thessaloniki's similar persecution from their own people in the Grecian province, but it would be hard to single this verse out as some sort of hatemongering attempt when compared to the message of temperance, peace and acceptance in 1 Thessalonians ch5 12-22, which, since verse and chapters weren't inserted till much later by the catholic church, was all one big letter and the teaching was uniform....

The Revelations quote was either about the gentile group in the area that claimed to be Jewish and worshipped the Roman emperor or as stated in Romans “A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code” (Romans 2:28-29). There were two groups actively imprisoning or killing Christians in Turkey in this era... the Gentile cult as mentioned above and Some actual Jews who disagreed with the Christian faith but the instructed response in that section was supposed to be pacifism and prayer, as always... ....it never advocates violence as a means of anything... no section ever does.... and to try to take scripture out of context is just silly. The Bible doesn't preach hate for the Jews, no matter what the Anti semites or the AntiChristians, who see equally bigoted, want to read into it...

No Mr. Exegesis, no one is as equally bigoted (historically)as Christians.... Well Muslims are giving you a run for your money now.
And I should include Judaism which has its own disgusting past as well.

The New Testament specifically teaches hatred for the Jews. Paul tried selling the new Christ cult to the Jews, when they didn't buy, he turned and sold it to the gentiles.

This was achieved in part by adding the anti-Semitic verses in the later books to make it more appealing to the gentiles.

I understand the need for apologetics, and I also understand that since around 2000 when the phrase"The Internet; where religion comes to die" was born, average Christian believers and those trained in theology have made a valiant effort to defend the indefensible.

Whether it's in comment sections on blogs, or editing wikipedia articles day and night to twist the truth; you have to hand it to the irrational as far as dedication goes.

Now as far as Titus or any other verses go I am not an expert and I am not going to spend hours pouring over scripture and the history/origin of the stories in the bible to prove my point. You may be right or not. Either way it doesn't change the motivation the Nazis found in the scriptures ,and the church fathers.

What I can do though is ask a few rhetorical questions , and provide quotes from some of the church fathers that will help clarify things for anyone following.

This will help address you, steel time,, bus, etc. Without me having to spend day and night on this board. And get to the core of my position: the Nazis WERE christian, the church fathers preceded the Nazis by generations in their anti-semitism, the church fathers were influenced by scripture, the church fathers influenced and were frequently quoted by the Nazi leadership.

Furthermore the Nazis confessed their faith, and by doing that qualified to be Christians. Is that not what is necessary according to your own scriptures?

Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

-Galatians 2:16

To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

Romans 3:26-28

As far as the evil they committed or the idea that because of those actions "they didn't act like true Christians" so they are disqualified as being Christian....Matthew begs to differ.

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.--Matthew 12:31

I have yet to find a Nazi quote blaspheming the holy spirit. So it seems to me they are on equal footing with the likes of Mother Theresa and Billy Graham.

Let's explore that for a moment.

What a seriously flawed theology: a Nazi mass murderer upon his death can walk the streets paved of gold "in victory with Christ", an atheist who harms no one and works all his life helping the homeless or the sick/needy, is upon death to be thrown in a lake of fire and tortured forever..and ever.....and ever.....

*He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.--John 3:18:36

And just for not believing a story so flawed a 3rd grader can see the gaping holes in it.

My, my...how sick...almost makes Islam appealing.

What about the Jews and their unbelief??

“The children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 8.12)

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that*killest*the prophets andstonest*them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen*gathereth*her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!* Behold your house is left unto you desolate.” (Matthew 23.37,38) Then answered all the people (Jews) and said, “His blood be on us and on our children” (Matthew 27:25).*1*“But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you to councils, and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten” (Mark 13.9)

“He that believeth not shall be damned” (Mark 16.16)

“Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.* When he speaks a lie, hespeaketh*of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.* And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.* Which of youconvinceth*me of sin?* And I say the truth, why do you not believe me?* He that is of God*hearethGod’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God” (John 8.43-47)

“Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so you do.* Which of the prophets have not yourfathers*persecuted? and they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers” (Acts 7.51-53)

“It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing you put it from you and judge yourself unworthy of everlasting life, we turn to the Gentiles” (Acts 13.45-51)

Moving on:

Nazi Germany was more than 60% Protestant and over 30% Catholic before and during the war.

Are you all to have us believe that the Nazis and all their murdering savage troops came from paganism?

I can count all the important Nazis that were pagan on two hands with digits left over, the most important one being Himmler.

What religious background could the overwhelming majority belong to...hmmmm.. Were they Buddhist?......Lol.......the truth is clear to anyone who can be honest with themselves.

To sit (or stand) there as you , steel time, bus, apologetics contortionists,etc. do and claim that you know more than these people(church fathers) as far as interpreting scriptures, is the height of arrogance.

Let's see how they interpret the scriptures, and what they think of the Jews because of those scriptures:

When animals have been fattened by having all they want to eat, they get stubborn and hard to manage. . . . Another prophet intimates the same thing when he says "Israel ran about madly like a heifer stung by a gadfly" and still another calls her "an untrained calf." When animals are unfit for work, they are marked for slaughter, and this is the very thing which the Jews have experienced. By making themselves unfit for work, they have become ready for slaughter. This is why Christ said, "Ask for my enemies, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me." [Chry. Or C.*Jud. 1.2; PG 48, 846)

John Chrysostum Archbishop of Constantinople C. 390 CE

You can hear the wailing and lamentations of each of the prophets, wailing and lamenting characteristically over the calamities which will overtake the Jewish people because of their impiety to Him who had been foretold. How their Kingdom . . . would be utterly destroyed after their sin against Christ; how their Father's law would he abrogated, they themselves deprived of their ancient worship, robbed of the independence of their forefathers, and made slaves of their enemies instead of free men. How their royal metropolis would be burned with fire, their. .. holy altar undergo flames and extreme desolation, their city be inhabited no longer by its old possessors, but by races of other stock, while they would be dispersed among the Gentiles throughout the whole world with never a hope of any cessation of evil or breathing space from trouble (Euseb;D. E. I,*1]

Eusebius c. 340 CE

If someone had killed your son. could you stand the sight of him or the sound of his greeting? Wouldn't you try to get away from him as if he were an evil demon; as if he were the Devil himself? The Jews killed the Son of your Master......... Will you so dishonor Him as to respect and cultivate His Murderers, the men who crucified Him? [Chry.*Or. C. Jud.*I, 7]

John Chrysostum C. 390 CE

For the circumcision according to the flesh; which is from Abraham, was given for a sign, that you may be separated from other nations and from us, and that you alone may suffer that which you now justly suffer, and that your land may be desolate and your cities burned with fire, and that strangers may eat your fruit in your; presence and not one of you may go up to Jerusalem.'

Justin Martyr C. 160 CE

It is because you killed Christ. It is became you stretched out your hand against the Lord. It is because you shed the precious blood, that there is now no restoration, no mercy anymore and no defense. Long ago your audacity was directed against servants, against Moses, Isaiah and Jeremiah. If there was wickedness then, as yet the wont of all crimes had not been dared. But now you have eclipsed everything in the past and through your madness against Christ, you have committed the ultimate transgression. This is why you are being punished worse now than in the past. .*

John Chrysostum C. 390 CE

Again, for the CONservative slow learners; let's intercede here and compare the church fathers antisemitic remarks above with Hitler's below.

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.

In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross--Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf

“And so I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.”--Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf

Where oh where could the church fathers and the Nazis have gotten their ideas from???


But those my enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring here, and slay them before me.--Luke 19:27

This scripture has been twisted by the apologetics folks to mean Jesus was referring to the second coming, and it being some abstract metaphor for him dishing out the wrath of hell for unbelief.....ridiculous even by fairy tale follower standards. Apparently Archbishop John Chrysostum didn't get the memo....lol

Once again; how does Martin Luther feel about the scriptures and the Jews?

He did not call them Abraham's children, but a "brood of vipers" [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, "He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord also calls them a "brood of vipers"; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: "If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did.... You are of your father the devil. It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today.

-Martin Luther (On the Jews and Their Lies)

Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them.

-Martin Luther (On the Jews and Their Lies)

I wonder where the Nazis got the idea to force the Jews into hard labor in the camps and factories...............

They [rulers] must act like a good physician who, when gangrene has set in proceeds without mercy to cut, saw, and burn flesh, veins, bone, and marrow. Such a procedure must also be followed in this instance. Burn down their synagogues, forbid all that I enumerated earlier, force them to work, and deal harshly with them, as Moses did...

If this does not help we must drive them out like mad dogs.

-Martin Luther (On the Jews and Their Lies)

More contemporary(to the Nazi era) church authorities and their opinions:

"I have always considered myself an anti-Semite. It cannot be denied that with all degenerating phenomena of modern civilisation Judaism plays a leading role"

-- Otto Dibelius*German bishop of the Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg

Dibelius also called Nazi policies " a fulfillment of Luther's program"

I understand that you are sourcing your info from christian apologetic web sites of questionable sincerity, but your position is untenable no matter where you search.

This position you take is understandable as well; who wants to own the Nazis? Who wants to own the Holocaust and the Inquisition?

Well Christianity walks around with title to those two events(and many others) in hand whether they want it or not. That is what the facts bear.
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Dibelius AFTER THE WAR WAS OVER still thought the Jews deserved what they got.....absolutely disgusting, both the Catholic church in praying for Hitlers admittance into heaven, and the Lutherans still gloating in what was done to the Jews.

At the very bottom are references to studies that show American Christians share much with their fellow travelers in the Nazi party.

Every bit as disgusting and vile as the Islamic fascists in words and deeds.


(You have to scroll about halfway down the page...long page)

Elie Wiesel, winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize, writes of the Holocaust:
All the killers were Christians. The Nazi system was the consequence of a movement of ideas and followed a strict logic; it did not arise in a void but had its roots deep in a tradition that prophesied it, prepared for it, and brought it to maturity. That tradition was inseparable from the past of Christian, civilized Europe. [15]"
Wiesel's words are not rhetorical. It is evident that the Nazi hatred for the Jews is the culmination of the anti-Semitism intrinsic to the Christian Bible. The Nazis reprinted Luther's hate-filled anti-Semitic text, On the Jews and their lies. The editor of the 1936 Munich edition approvingly claimed that On the Jews and their lies was the "arsenal from which antisemitism had drawn its weapons. [16]" Hitler aptly told the Christian bishops who met him in the aftermath of the 1933 laws that he was merely putting into effect what Christianity preached and practised for 2,000 years [17]. The Nazis' illustrated educational handbook for children carried the hate-filled poem, "The father of the Jews is the Devil," a theme which, as I showed earlier, first occurs in the New Testament [18]. Both the Protestant and Catholic clergy eagerly handed over genealogical records to the Nazis, knowing fully that it would result in the destruction of Jewry, even though the clergy had the opti on to refuse [19].

Civilta cattolica, the official organ of the Vatican, writing in 1937 CE, after the Nuremberg race laws had been fully enforced, discussed undertaking the total expulsion of the Jews. It went one step further and discussed the extreme option of "destruction" of the Jews. Of course, after discussing the option of destruction, the Vatican rejects it as undesirable. But, what kind of religious order would even contemplate the "Final Solution" of the Jews (an idea that Hitler would later embrace)? Why did the Protestant and Catholic clergymen provide the Nazis with genealogical records? They did so not because those clergymen were intrinsically evil but because they had internalized the Christian libel that the Jews are cursed forever and hence worthy of destruction.
Posted by John Stone, June 19, 2006.
This was written by Kalavai Venkat, an India-born, Silicon Valley-based orthodox, practising, agnostic Hindu. It appeared on India Forum
(www.india-forum.com/articles/134/1/Let-Israel-be-Jewish) June 14, 2006. The original has links to additional material.
Israel has allowed Daystar, a Texas-based Christian evangelical TV channel, to telecast into Israeli homes and attempt to proselytize Israel's five million Jews. Is this religious freedom or adding insult to the Jewish injury?
For two thousand years, the Jews were systematically persecuted everywhere, except in India [1]. The Christian Bible instituted religiously motivated anti-Semitism, and continues to remain the most comprehensive anti-Semitic scripture. Norman Beck, a distinguished academic and Lutheran theologian, has catalogued over 450 anti-Semitic verses found in Christian lectionaries and calls for eliminating the anti-Semitic polemic [2].
The Church, since the promulgation of the acts of the Council of Elvira (~300 CE), has portrayed the Jews as "the enemies of the Heavenly Majesty. [3]" Christian teachings falsely demonize the Jews as "Christ-killers," "Children of the Devil," "Brood of vipers," etc., and pronounce all future generations of the Jews guilty of "killing" Christ [4]. The Christian Bible declares, "The Devil is the father of the Jews. [5]" Church fathers have demonized the Jews as cannibals that ate their own children [6]. The Fourth Lateran Council (1215 CE) decreed that the Jew be ghettoized and forced to wear the Jewish dress, conical hat, and the "Jew badge" - usually a yellow circle, symbolic of the Jew as betrayer of Christ for "gold," an image that fused religious and economic anti-Semitism [7]. Intensely persecuted, especially during the infamous Inquisitions, some Jews converted to Christianity. Even that would not remove the "stigma" of having been a Jew. Pope Gregory I warned that "a Jew returns to his faith like a dog to his vomit. [8]"
Lest one should think that the Catholic Church alone is culpable of anti-Semitism, the Protestant Church has been as much anti-Semitic. After all, every denomination derives its religiously justified anti-Semitism from the Christian Bible. Erasmus, who influenced Martin Luther, infamously declared: "If it is part of a good Christian to detest the Jews, then we are all good Christians. [9]"
Martin Luther was initially kind towards the Jews as he attempted to convert them. Once his attempts failed, he wrote the most vicious anti-Semitic tract: On the Jews and their Lies. In that tract, Luther justified the terrible sufferings of the Jews over 1, 400 years in exile and chastised them for not learning their lesson [10]. Luther urged Christians to burn the Jewish synagogues and expel the Jews [11]. He held that the Jewish misfortune is proof of Christian truth and Jewish error from scripture [12]. Luther called the Jews "bloodhounds [13]" and argued that Christians are at fault in "not slaying the Jews. [14]"

Elie Wiesel, winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize, writes of the Holocaust:
"All the killers were Christians. The Nazi system was the consequence of a movement of ideas and followed a strict logic; it did not arise in a void but had its roots deep in a tradition that prophesied it, prepared for it, and brought it to maturity. That tradition was inseparable from the past of Christian, civilized Europe. [15]"
Wiesel's words are not rhetorical. It is evident that the Nazi hatred for the Jews is the culmination of the anti-Semitism intrinsic to the Christian Bible. The Nazis reprinted Luther's hate-filled anti-Semitic text, On the Jews and their lies. The editor of the 1936 Munich edition approvingly claimed that On the Jews and their lies was the "arsenal from which antisemitism had drawn its weapons. [16]" Hitler aptly told the Christian bishops who met him in the aftermath of the 1933 laws that he was merely putting into effect what Christianity preached and practised for 2,000 years [17]. The Nazis' illustrated educational handbook for children carried the hate-filled poem, "The father of the Jews is the Devil," a theme which, as I showed earlier, first occurs in the New Testament [18]. Both the Protestant and Catholic clergy eagerly handed over genealogical records to the Nazis, knowing fully that it would result in the destruction of Jewry, even though the clergy had the opti on to refuse [19].
Civilta cattolica, the official organ of the Vatican, writing in 1937 CE, after the Nuremberg race laws had been fully enforced, discussed undertaking the total expulsion of the Jews. It went one step further and discussed the extreme option of "destruction" of the Jews. Of course, after discussing the option of destruction, the Vatican rejects it as undesirable. But, what kind of religious order would even contemplate the "Final Solution" of the Jews (an idea that Hitler would later embrace)? Why did the Protestant and Catholic clergymen provide the Nazis with genealogical records? They did so not because those clergymen were intrinsically evil but because they had internalized the Christian libel that the Jews are cursed forever and hence worthy of destruction.
Even the gruesome Holocaust did not lead to introspection among Christians. When Hitler committed suicide, Cardinal Adolf Bertram ordered that in all churches of his archdiocese a special requiem, namely,
"A solemn requiem mass be held in commemoration of the Fuhrer, where prayers to the Almighty that His son, Hitler, be admitted to paradise, be offered. [20]"
The German Lutheran Church and its leaders such as Bishop Otto Dibelius, who later became the President of the World Council of Churches (1965), called the Nazi policies towards the Jews "a fulfillment of Luther's program." The theologians of the German Lutheran Church that met in Darmstadt in 1948, three years after the Holocaust, proclaimed that the Holocaust was a divine punishment and called upon the Jews to halt their rejection and ongoing crucifixion of Christ [21].

This was not an isolated phenomenon restricted to Germany. Numerous studies have demonstrated that there is a direct correlation between one's observance of Christian faith and one's anti-Semitism. Studies conducted by the Anti-Defamation League and U C Berkeley reveal that in the USA, a vast majority of Lutherans and Southern Baptists, around 80 percent, believe that the Jews can never be forgiven for their gullibility in deicide [22]. A vast majority of Christians continue to be anti-Semites [23]. A vast majority of those Christians do not care if their anti-Semitism offends a Jew [24].
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The book Hitler's Secret Conversations 1941-1944 published by Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc.first edition, 1953, contains definitive proof of Hitler's real views. The book was published in Britain under the title, Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944, which title was used for the Oxford University Press paperback edition in the United States.

All of these are quotes from Adolf Hitler:

Night of 11th-12th July, 1941:

National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.... Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things. (p 6 & 7)

10th October, 1941, midday:

Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure. (p 43)

14th October, 1941, midday:

The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.... Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why someday its structure will collapse.... ...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.... Christianity the liar.... We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. (p 49-52)

19th October, 1941, night:

The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.

13th December, 1941, midnight:

Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery.... .... When all is said, we have no reason to wish that the Italians and Spaniards should free themselves from the drug of Christianity. Let's be the only people who are immunised against the disease. (p 118 & 119)

14th December, 1941, midday:

Kerrl, with noblest of intentions, wanted to attempt a synthesis between National Socialism and Christianity. I don't believe the thing's possible, and I see the obstacle in Christianity itself.... Pure Christianity-- the Christianity of the catacombs-- is concerned with translating Christian doctrine into facts. It leads quite simply to the annihilation of mankind. It is merely whole-hearted Bolshevism, under a tinsel of metaphysics. (p 119 & 120)

9th April, 1942, dinner:

There is something very unhealthy about Christianity (p 339)

27th February, 1942, midday:

It would always be disagreeable for me to go down to posterity as a man who made concessions in this field. I realize that man, in his imperfection, can commit innumerable errors-- but to devote myself deliberately to errors, that is something I cannot do. I shall never come personally to terms with the Christian lie. Our epoch Uin the next 200 yearse will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity.... My regret will have been that I couldn't... behold ." (p 278)

Hmmm ... doesn't seem Hitler was a Christian, or held anything other than very antithetical views about Christians and Christianity now does it?

But elfiePolo, it seems that you and Hitler share views on Christianity, doesn't it?

Strange ... strange.
As for oneforthebus and her post on the Nuremberg trials:

It's not a secret that the trials were basically show trials to show the world what happens to war criminals.

General Donavan was charged with two tasks by the Roosevelt administration.

1. Show to any remaining Nazi sympathizers that the Nazis were not Christian and that "true" Christians in post war Germany should drop any sense of loyalty to the party.

2. Disassociate and obscure Nazi Germany's connection to Christianity so that the West could hold the"moral high ground" in the obvious ideological standoff coming against the Soviet Union.

Rutgers looked at Nuremberg from a legal standpoint.

What they didn't consider was this wasn't a criminal case with the police providing evidence.It was an opportunity to spread propaganda by a war victors intelligence agency.
Overy,Why the Allies Won,(W.W. Norton, 1996) 284.

Italy was the home of Roman Catholicism; Germany's population was one-third Catholic. Religion in both states lived in uneasy proximity with regimes that were strongly anti-clerical in outlook peddling new secular religions of their own. The same month that the Papacy condemned communism, a second encyclical was published, "Mit Brennender Sorge" ("With Burning Anxiety"), which condemned the Nazi persecution of the churches, Nazi racism and Mussolini's deification of the state. Though Hitler often invoked God or Providence when he spoke, he was a thoroughly lapsed Catholic. Hitler considered Christianity incompatible with with the new National-Socialist age--it was "merely whole-hearted Bolshevism, under a tinsel of metaphysics". He deplored the survival of religious observance among German ministers and generals, "little children who have learnt nothing else". He regarded Christianity and communism as two sides of the same coin, sharing in St. Paul a common Jewish ancestor. Hitler took the German nation as his religion. This did not make him a pagan as was widely believed, although paganism was practised under the Third Reich. The German Faith Movement, under the banner of the golden sun-wheel, with the "Song of the Goths" as their anthem, indulged in pagan festivals and invoked the gods of pre-Christian Germany. Heinrich Himmler's SS generated a pagan theology, a pagan litury, even a pagan credo.

The SS were particularly anti-Christian, and officers and men were encouraged to leave the Church, although those that refused to renounce their Christian faith were not visibly punished, perhaps because their otherwise faithful adherence to SS codes of behavior gave the lie to any claim of true Christian affiliation. The SS also brought in its own neo-pagan rituals for marriage ceremonies and baptisms.
The religious views of Adolf Hitler are a matter of debate. According to Alan Bullock, Hitler was a rationalist and materialist "who believed neither in God nor in conscience".[1] Nonetheless, Hitler opportunistically employed the language of "divine providence" in defence of his own myth.[2] When young, Hitler was baptised and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church and raised by an anti-clerical father and practising Catholic mother. In adulthood, he became disdainful of Christianity, but retained some respect for the organisational power of the Church.

Although he was prepared to allay conflicts for political reasons, according to Kershaw, Bullock, Evans, Fest, Phayer, Shirer and others, he eventually hoped to eradicate Christianity in Germany.[3] Prosecutors at the Nuremberg Trials submitted that Hitler engaged in a slow and cautious policy to eliminate Christianity.[4] Historians such as Fischel and Dill have written that if the regime could not eradicate Christianity, it hoped instead to subjugate or distort it to a Nazi world view. Steigmann-Gall interprets Hitler's language to mean that Hitler held Jesus in high esteem as an "Aryan fighter" who struggled against Jewry, but notes that, over time, his Nazi movement became "increasingly hostile to the churches".[5]


Read the wikipedia summary, elfiePolo. It completely eviscerates your claim that Hitler was a Christian, or that Nazism was Christian-based.
The book Hitler's Secret Conversations 1941-1944 published by Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc.first edition, 1953, contains definitive proof of Hitler's real views. The book was published in Britain under the title, Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944, which title was used for the Oxford University Press paperback edition in the United States.

All of these are quotes from Adolf Hitler:

Night of 11th-12th July, 1941:

National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.... Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things. (p 6 & 7)

10th October, 1941, midday:

Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure. (p 43)

14th October, 1941, midday:

The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.... Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why someday its structure will collapse.... ...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.... Christianity the liar.... We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. (p 49-52)

19th October, 1941, night:

The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.

13th December, 1941, midnight:

Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery.... .... When all is said, we have no reason to wish that the Italians and Spaniards should free themselves from the drug of Christianity. Let's be the only people who are immunised against the disease. (p 118 & 119)

14th December, 1941, midday:

Kerrl, with noblest of intentions, wanted to attempt a synthesis between National Socialism and Christianity. I don't believe the thing's possible, and I see the obstacle in Christianity itself.... Pure Christianity-- the Christianity of the catacombs-- is concerned with translating Christian doctrine into facts. It leads quite simply to the annihilation of mankind. It is merely whole-hearted Bolshevism, under a tinsel of metaphysics. (p 119 & 120)

9th April, 1942, dinner:

There is something very unhealthy about Christianity (p 339)

27th February, 1942, midday:

It would always be disagreeable for me to go down to posterity as a man who made concessions in this field. I realize that man, in his imperfection, can commit innumerable errors-- but to devote myself deliberately to errors, that is something I cannot do. I shall never come personally to terms with the Christian lie. Our epoch Uin the next 200 yearse will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity.... My regret will have been that I couldn't... behold ." (p 278)

Hmmm ... doesn't seem Hitler was a Christian, or held anything other than very antithetical views about Christians and Christianity now does it?

But elfiePolo, it seems that you and Hitler share views on Christianity, doesn't it?

Strange ... strange.

How many times can you make a fool of yourself?


Hitler's table talk and other extraneous sources

by Jim Walker
Originated: 18 Aug. 2000
Additions made: 3 July. 2009
Red quotes= Hitler quotes
Green quotes= General quotes

Throughout the web pages on Hitler's Christianity, I have relied mainly on first-hand quotes from the infamous man himself: Hitler's book 'Mein Kampf,' his speeches recorded by camera, radio, proclamations, and letters personally written and signed by Hitler. I did not rely on hearsay accounts because those who admired or hated him had reason to embellish their own beliefs onto him. The best way to evaluate a person involves examining the words and actions of the person directly rather than indirectly from editors and hearsay accounts.
However, whenever addressing the history of Hitler, it would not deem fair to exclude mention of alleged sayings of Hitler, from apocryphal sources such as the "Secret Conversations with Hitler," "Hitler - Memoirs of a Confidant," Albert Speer's memoirs or "Hitler's Table Talk" (also referred to as "Private Conversations"). Mostly from the latter do opponents against Hitler's Christianity usually refer. For Hitler's Table Talk is the only source where one can find Hitler, allegedly, denouncing religion to such a degree.
Hitler's Table Talk

Those who deny Hitler as a Christian will invariably find the recorded table talk conversations of Hitler from 1941 to 1944 as incontrovertible evidence that he could not have been a Christian. The source usually comes from the English translation (from a French translation) edition by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens, with an introduction by H.R. Trevor-Roper.

The table-talk has Hitler saying such things such as: "I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie. . .", "Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity".
The problem with these anti-Christian quotes is that the German text of the table-talk does not include them, they were made up by François Genoud, the translator of the French version, the very version that English translations rely on! (More on this below).

Even if you believed the table-talk included the anti-Christian quotes, nowhere in the talk does Hitler speak against Jesus or his own brand of Christianity. On the contrary, the table-talk has Hitler speaking admirably about Jesus. Hitler did, of course criticize organized religion in a political sense (as do many Christians today), but never in a religious sense. But the problems with using Hitler's table talk conversations as evidence for Hitler's apostasy are manyfold:

1) The reliability of the source (hearsay and editing by the anti-Catholic, Bormann)
2) The reliability of multiple translations, from German to French to English.
3) The bias of the translators (especially Genoud).

4) The table-talk reflects thoughts that do not occur in Hitler's other private or public conversations.

5) Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus or his own brand of Christianity.

6) The "anti-Christian" portions of Table-Talk does not concur with Hitler's actions for "positive" Christianity.
The reliability of the source
Not one of Hitler's table talk conversations were recorded or captured by audio, film, or broadcast on radio. According to H.R. Trevor-Roper, Hitler refused to admit any mechanical recorder into his room. Hitler reluctantly allowed Martin Bormann to pick stenographers (Heim, Piker) to record the conversations. It was Bormann's idea to record Hitler's thoughts in the first place. In a facsimile written after the last of Hitler's recorded table talk, Bormann wrote a directive that stated:
"Please keep these notes most carefully, as they will be of very great value in the future. I have now got Heim to make comprehensive notes as a basis for these minutes. Any transcript which is not quite apposite will be re-checked by me." [Trevor-Roper, inset] (bold characters, mine)

"Apposite" means, fitting; suitable; appropriate. Exactly what Bormann means by "re-checked" can only be speculated upon. However, it bears importance here that neither Heim nor Bormann could hardly be in a position to determine what deems apposite, considering Bormann's biased views against Catholicism. Should we take it as simply coincidence that the church denouncements by Hitler in the Table-Talk parallel the anti-church sentiments of Martin Bormann, but nowhere else?
Martin Bormann served as the instigator, fuel, and reason for the perception of many Christians that Nazism was against Christianity. Many times, quotes attributed to Hitler are actually Bormann's. It is well known that Bormann secretly worked against the Catholic religion behind Hitler's back and without his permission. It has been pointed out that "the fight against the church organizations" were Bormann's pet project. In spite of Bormann's repeated attempts to persuade Hitler to act against the Churches, Hitler insisted that "There has been no official Party announcement, nor will there be one." [VonLang, p.191]
How can any honest seeker of truth rely on Hitler's table talk when the entire transcript was edited and kept by the anti-Catholic Bormann?
Two scribes recorded Hitler's conversations at the appointment of Martin Bormann. One was recorded by a civil servant in the Reich Ministry of Justice, Heinrich Heim from 5th July 1941 to 20th March 1942. Later, from 21st March 1942 until 31st July 1942, it was taken by Dr. Henry Piker. The record, whether taken by Heim or Picker, was passed to Bormann. Bormann made two copies of his record. One of these was kept in the Fuhererbau in Munich and was burnt at the end of the war; the other was sent to the Berghof at Berchtesgaden and came ultimately into the hands of Genoud. It is this second copy of which the volume of Hitler's table talk was translated. [Trevor-Roper, p.viii]
Moreover, Dr. Picker regarded his own recording as authentic and insisted that "no confidence can be placed in Bormann's editing of it." Indeed, he writes, rather testily, of "Bormann's alterations, not authorised by me." [Trevor-Roper, p.viii]. Unfortunately, we do not have the unaltered version of Dr. Picker's or Heim's recordings.
In other words, there are no originals and the copies were filtered and edited by Bormann. The table talk cannot be considered a first-hand recording of Hitler's words. On this fact alone, I cannot with integrity or certainty use them as a source for Hitler's voice, especially in regards to religion which could very well reflect the anti-Catholic biased Bormann.
Although nowhere does Trevor-Roper argue against Hitler's Christianity, he does provide us with a rather dubious reason for accepting Hitler's table talk:
"We must go direct to Hitler's personal utterances: not indeed to his letters and speeches-- these, though valuable, are too public, too formalised for such purposes-- but to his private conversations, his Table-Talk. Table-Talk, like notebooks, reveal the mind of a man far more completely, more intimately, than any formal utterance." [Trevor-Roper, p.xiv]

Unfortunately, Trevor-Roper fails to give us a reason why the Table-Talk supposedly gives a more intimate look at a person. On the contrary, I would find it far more revealing to hear a reasoned and thought out response as this would more likely provide an accurate account of one's actual thinking. (I would shudder to think how one would misinterpret my personal feelings from my utterances during lighthearted dialog.)
But more damaging to Trevor-Roper's reasoning is that the Table-Talks were not private! Hitler knew all along that the scribes were there to give an account of him for future posterity. These were as public as any of Hitler's letters and pre-written speeches. So in what sense could these 'loose' conversations reveal more than letters and speeches? Trevor-Roper nor anyone else gives us a good answer.
The table talk reflects thoughts that do not occur in Hitler's other private or public conversations
If Hitler actually desired to eliminate personal Christianity, then why do we not find it in his other private dialogs and conversations? Why do we not find it in any of his public speeches or interviews?
In the Secret Conversations with Hitler, two recently discovered confidential interviews were given by Richard Breiting in 1931. Breiting was a member of the German People's Party. In these conversations, (which were actually more private than the Table-Talk), Hitler reveals his aims and plans. Like the Table-Talk, the notes were taken in short-hand. Unlike the Table-Talk, which Hitler knew would later be revealed, Hitler was assured that his statements would be kept secret. [Calic, p.11] Moreover, the Secret Conversations were authenticated as written solely by Breiting (unlike the editing by Bormann). Yet nowhere in these conversations does Hitler denounce religion. On the contrary, Hitler mentions a conciliation with Roman and German Catholicism where "people like von Papen and many others are establishing good relations with the Vatican."
In Hitler-- Memoirs of a Confidant, Hitler reveals himself through conversation to colleagues from a conference on economic policy. In it Hitler is reported to have spoken, glowingly, about raising the "treasures of the living Christ," "the persecution of the true Christians and sanctimonious churches that have placed themselves between God and man and to turn away from the anti-Christian , smug individualism of the past," and "to educate the youth in particular in the spirit of those of Christ's words that we must interpret anew: love one another; be considerate of your fellow man; remember that each of you is not alone a creature of God, but that you are all brothers!" [Turner, Ch. 23]
Nowhere in the Memoirs do we find a Bormann-like anti-Christian statements as found in the Table-Talk.
Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus or his Christianity
A damaging blow to any apologist argument against Hitler's Christianity comes from the fact that nowhere in any known source does Hitler denounce his Christianity or Jesus.
If one is to use the Table-Talk as evidence against Hitler's Christianity, then where does it appear? Nowhere in Trevor-Roper's introduction does he argue that Hitler was not a Christian.
Nowhere in the conversations of Table-Talk, does Hitler denounce his Christianity or Jesus.
On the contrary, Hitler's (or Bormann's editing) aims to show that the Church form of religion produces lies, and that the original Christian religion was an incarnation of Bolshevism, from a falsification from St. Paul. But whenever he mentions Christ, Hitler has nothing but admiration:
Originally, Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism the destroyer. Nevertheless, the Galilean, who later was called Christ, intended something quite different. He must be regarded as a popular leader who too up His position against Jewry. Galilee was a colony where the Romans had probably installed Gallic legionaries, and it's certain that Jesus was not a Jew. The Jews, by the way, regarded Him as the son of a *****-- of a ***** and a Roman soldier.

The decisive falsification of Jesus's doctrine was the work of St. Paul. He gave himself to this work with subtlety and for purposes of personal exploitation. For the Galiean's object was to liberate His country from Jewish oppression. He set Himself against Jewish capitalism, and that's why the Jews liquidated Him.
-Hitler [Table-Talk, p. 76]
Christ was an Aryan, and St. Paul used his doctrine to mobilise the criminal underworld and thus organise a proto-Bolsevism.
-Hitler [Table-Talk, p. 143]
As tortured as Hitler's logic is, He never condemns Jesus. On the contrary, he sees Jesus as an Aryan, a liberator against Jewish oppression! If Hitler did not see himself as a Christian, then why doesn't he condemn Jesus? Why doesn't he accuse Christ as being a Jew? Why does he see Christ as a liberator?
Biographer John Toland explains Hitler's reason for exterminating the Jews:
Still a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite detestation of its hierarchy, 'I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,' he carried within him its teaching that the Jew was the killer of God. The extermination, therefore, could be done without a twinge of conscience since he was merely acting as the avenging hand of God-- so long as it was done impersonally, without cruelty.[Toland, p. 703]

Moreover, there are no known documents, speeches, or proclamations by Hitler where he even comes close to denouncing his belief in Christianity, or Jesus.

The Protestant and Catholic Churches in Hitler's time never accused Hitler of apostasy. Hitler's Christianity in Germany was never questioned until years after WWII and then only by Western Christians who are embarrassed to have him as a member of their faith-system.
The reasoning by the apologists in regards to the Table-Talk seems to be that because Hitler spoke against organized religion, then he must therefore be anti-Christian. But even if we take this simplistic approach and assume the Table-Talk as the actual thoughts and beliefs of Hitler, it fails for the simple reason that dismissing a religion of one's own faith does not exclude or excuse one from a personal belief as a Christian. A Christian is simply a person who believes in God and Jesus in some form or manner. Christianity, the body of believing people, simply does not require organized religion at all.

There are many examples of prominent Christians who denounced religions who opposed their own personal beliefs. Indeed, the Protestant reformer, Martin Luther who was once a Catholic monk, denounced the Catholic hierarchy as the work of the anti-Christ and establised by the Devil [Against the Papacy established by the Devil (1545)]. Yet I have yet to see a Lutheran accuse Luther as being a non-Christian. The history of Christianity is filled with examples of people of differing Christian faiths denouncing each other. I have personally conversed with many Christians who have denounced all forms of religious organizations, yet they have a strong belief in God and Jesus Christ.

Indeed, even the Table-Talk has Hitler saying:

Luther had the merit of rising against the Pope and the organisation of the Church. It was the first of the great revolutions. And thanks to his translation of the Bible, Luther replaced our dialects by the great German language! -Table-Talk [p. 9]
If simply speaking against a Christian religion were enough to oust one from Christianity, then some of the most influential Christians would have to reside with Hitler.
The papacy is truly the real power and tyranny of the Antichrist.... As beautiful as it was to keep a state of virginity, in the early days of Christianity, so abominable has it now become, when it is used as a means of eliciting Christ's help and grace. -Martin Luther (Luther's Confession, March 1528)

We maintain that the government of the Church was converted into a species of foul and insufferable tyranny. -John Calvin (The Necessity of Reforming the Church, 1544)

If we used the same logic of the apologists against Hitler, then we should remove Luther, Calvin, and many other prominent so-called-Christians from membership of Christianity.

The Table-Talk does not concur with Hitler's actions for his views for Christianity
Further injuries to the argument against Hitler's Christianity reveals itself in Hitler's own personal actions toward Christianity.

If Hitler had really wished to eliminate Christianity, then why did he act to unite the Protestant and Catholic Churches in Germany?

If Hitler wanted to denounce Christianity, then why did he remain a Catholic in good standing until he died?

Why did Hitler not break the Concordat between the Vatican and Germany? A case might be made that Hitler signed the Concordat in the first place, to help himself into power, but by no means does it explain why he kept it after winning power. His absolute power of the German state, Hitler could have, at any time, broke the Concordat if he was so against the Catholic religion. Why did he not do so, nor even consider it?

In Albert Speer's memoirs, Speer recalls Hitler as saying: "The church is certainly necessary for the people. It is a strong and conservative element." [Speer, p. 95] Although Hitler approved of destroying Judaism and other cults, never did he give orders against the Protestant or Catholic Church. Why not?

Even in the Table-Talk, although he wished the 'Bolshevism' form of Christianity to die a natural death, he expressed his views on the future:

I envisage the future, therefore, as follows: First of all, to each man his private creed. Superstition shall not lose its rights. The Party is sheltered from the danger of competing with the religions. -Table-Talk [p. 62]
Nor can the Table-Talk be used to argue for an atheist Hitler:
We don't want to educate anyone in atheism. Table-Talk [p. 6]
An uneducated man, on the other hand, runs the risk of going over to atheism (which is a return to the state of the animal)... Table-Talk [p. 59]
Nor can the Table-Talk be used to argue for a pagan Hitler:

It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. -Table-Talk [p. 61]
If Hitler was opposed to personal Christianity then why did he order his chief associates, including Goering and Goebbles, to remain members of the church? Hitler too, remained in the church until he died. [Speer, p. 95-96; Helmreich, p.220]
The Nazi programme called for "positive Christianity." Why did Hitler include Christianity within his own constitution? Even more revealing is that Hitler never eliminated the Christian statement. If Hitler was so set against Christianity, why did he keep it in?
Speer, it must be remembered, was Hitler's architect who had planned the future buildings of Berlin. Hitler's plan for the future included the building of new churches. Speer had consulted with the Protestant and Catholic authorities on the location of churches in the new section of Berlin. According to Speer, "Bormann curtly informed me that churches were not to receive building sites." [Speer, p. 177]. Again, this shows the bias against Christianity by Bormann, the editor of the Table-Talk.
Even more revealing from Speer comes this revelation:
Even after 1942 Hitler went on maintaining that he regarded the church as indispensable in political life. He would be happy, he said in one of those teatime talks at Obersalzberg, if someday a prominent churchman turned up who was suited to lead one of the churches- or if possible both the Catholic and Protestant churches reunited. He still regretted that Reich Bishop Muller was not the right man to carry out his far-reaching plans. But he sharply condemned the campaign against the church, calling it a crime against the future of the nation. For it was impossible, he said, to replace the church by any party ideology. [Speer, p. 95] (bold characters, mine)
Hitler had no problem with the elimination of the Jewish religion but note that the Christian Churches in Germany remained strong until Hitler died. So much for Hitler's alleged views to eliminate the Christian churches.
Unused quotes
In an attempt to rewrite history, those who desire to eliminate Hitler from membership of Christianity, always find an excuse to dismiss Hitler's actual words. Instead they rely on indirect quotes from a questionable source such as Bormann's edited version of the table talk. But if we were to use this form of dubious scholarship, shouldn't we also quote Hitler from other indirect sources? If so, then, again, their plan fails and reveals the slanting of their bias. For if we took these apocryphal sources as evidence, then Hitler's Christianity become even more evident.
Those who knew Hitler remarked about his Christian views.
Here we have a Christian minister to his fellow Christians:
If anyone can lay claim to God's help, then it is Hitler, for without God's benevolent fatherly hand, without his blessing, the nation would not be where it stands today. It is an unbelievable miracle that God has bestowed on our people.

-Minister Rust, in a speech to a mass meeting of German Chrisitans on June 29, 1933 [Helmreich, p. 138]

The established Methodist church paper, the Friedensglocke, vouched for the authenticity of a story about Hitler where he invited a group of deaconesses from the Bethel Institutions into his home at Obersalzberg:
The deaconesses entered the chamber and were astonished to see the pictures of Frederick the Great, Luther, and Bismarck on the wall. Then Hitler said:

Those are the three greatest men that God has given the German people. From Fredrick the Great I have learned bravery, and from Bismarck statecraft. The greatest of the three is Dr. Martin Luther, for he made it possible to bring unity among the German tribes by giving them a common language through his translation of the Bible into German....

[Note that Hitler's own words about his admiration for Martin Luther are expressed in Mein Kampf.]
One sister could not refrain from saying: Herr Reichkanzler, from where do you get the courage to undertake the great changes in the whole Reich?

Thereupon Hitler took out of his pocket the New Testament of Dr. Martin Luther, which one could see had been used very much, and said earnestly: "From God's word." [Helmreich, p. 139]
Even the Cardinal Faulhaber of Munich who visited Hitler at his mountain retreat in Obersalzburg confessed:
Without a doubt the chancellor lives in faith in God. He recognizes Christianity as the foundation of Western culture...[Helmreich, p.279]
And this comes from reputable Christian sources of the day including a Cardinal! How odd that there are Christians today who think they can divine the mind of an anti-Christian Hitler they never met, removed by a generation, and dismiss all his direct quotes about Jesus, while denying their own brethren of the Church who actually talked with Hitler. If prominent Christians in the 1930s could be so easily deceived, could not be the same be applied to today's Christians? And if deception describes the temper of the faithful, then what does that say for Christianity as a whole and the thinking process that it entails?
And on Hitler's allegiance to his "true" Christian spirit:
I do not remember even a single occasion when Hitler gave any instructions that ran counter to the true Christian spirit and to humaness.

-Wagener, in Hitler-- Memoirs of a Confinant, p.147
To Wagener, Hitler confessed his attitude toward his view of true Christianity as a form of socialism as opposed to those he thought did not understand Christianity. Note Hitler's view here of socialism was not like that of communism (Hitler detested communism) but rather one of a National nature (very similar to Right Wing Christians in America who want to nationalize Christianity) and which later would become the foundation of the National Socialist German Workers Party or NSDAP (where the term "Nazi" derived):
Socialism is a question of attitude toward life, of the ethical outlook on life of all who live together in a common ethnic or national space. Socialism is a Weltanschauung!

But in actual fact there is nothing new about this Weltanschauung. Whenever I read the New Testament Gospels and the revelations of various of the prophets and imagine myself back in the era of the Roman and late Hellenistic, as well as the Oriental world, I am astonished at all that has been made of the teachings of these divinely inspired men, especially Jesus Christ, which are so clear and unique, heightened to religiosity. They were the ones who created this new worldview which we now call socialism, they established it, they taught it and they lived it! But the communities that called themselves Christian churches did not understand it! Or if they did, they denied Christ and betrayed him! For they transformed the holy idea of Christian socialism into its opposite! They killed it, just as, at the time, the Jews nailed Jesus to the cross; they buried it, just as the body of Christ was buried. But they allowed Christ to be resurrected, instigating the belief that his teachings too, were reborn!

It is in this that the monstrous crime of these enemies of Christian socialism lies! What the basest hypocrisy they carry before them the cross-- the instrument of that murder which, in their thoughts, they commit over and over-- as a new divine sign of Christian awareness, and allow mankind to kneel to it. They even pretend to be preaching the teachings of Christ. But their lives and deeds are a constant blow against these teachings and their Creator and a defamation of God!

We are the first to exhume these teachings! Through us alone, and not until now, do these teachings celebrate their resurrection! Mary and Magdalene stood at the empty tomb. For they were seeking the dead man! But we intend to raise the treasures of the living Christ!

Herein lies the essential element of our mission: we must bring back to the German Volk the recognition of those teachings! For what did the falsification of the original concept of Christian love, of the community of fate before God and of socialism lead to? By their fruits ye shall know them! The suppression of freedom of opinion, the persecution of the true Christians, the vile mass murders of the Inquisition and the burning of witches, the armed campaigns against the people of free and true Christian faith, the destruction of towns and villages, the hauling away of their cattle and their goods, the destruction of their flourishing economies, and the condemnation of their leaders before tribunals, which, in their unrelenting hypocrisy, can only be described as balaphemous. That is the true face of those sanctimonious churches that have placed themselves between God and man, motivated by selfishness, personal greed for recognition and gain, and the ambition to maintain their high-handed willfulness against Christ's deep understanding of the necessity of a socialist community of men and nations. We must turn all the sentiments of the Volk, all its thinking, acting, even its beliefs, away from the anti-Christian, smug individualism of the past, from the egotism and stupid Phariseeism of personal arrogance, and we must educate the youth in particular in the spirit of those of Christ's words that we must interpret anew: love one another; be considerate of your fellow man; remember that each one of you is not alone a creature of God, but that you are all brothers! This youth will, wit loathing and contempt, abandon those hypocrites who have Christ on their lips but the devil in their hearts, who give alms in order to remain undisturbed as they themselves throw their money around, who invoke the Fatherland as they fill their own purses by the toil of others, who preach peace and incite to war.... and on it goes.
- Hitler in Memoirs of a Confinant, p.139-140
In the second interview from Hitler's secret conversations, Hitler reveals:
We do not judge merely by artistic or military standards or even by purely scientific ones. We judge by the spiritual energy which a people is capable of putting forth, which will enable it in ten years to recapture what is has lost in a thousand years of warfare. I intend to set up a thousand-year Reich and anyone who supports me in this battle is a fellow-fighter for a unique spiritual-- I would say divine-- creation.... Rudolf Hess, my assistant of many years standing, would tell you: If we have such a leader, God is with us.

-Hitler, in Secret Conversations With Hitler, p. 68
On the Concordat between Germany and the Vatican, Hitler remarked:
We do not forget the influence of the churches. There will definitely be no Vatican crusade against us. We know Monsignor Pacelli since he was the Vatican's diplomatic representative in Germany for twelve years; as Secretary of State and adviser to Pope XI it is greatly in his interest that the German Catholics should at last have a statute [Concordat].

-Hitler, in Secret Conversations With Hitler, p. 79
Rarely do you see apologists against Hitler's Christianity quoting from these memoirs and secret conversations, yet they want us to buy only out-of-context quotes from the Table-Talk. There are many more religious quotes from these other sources, too numerous to cite here. I only give these examples to show that Hitler's Christian thoughts are expressed even more vividly in these extraneous sources. If I had relied only on these sources, the clarion cry of foul would rise from the ire of Christian apologists, yet their only rebuttal comes from the even more dubious copy of the Table Talk edited by Bormann.
Genoud fabricated the anti-Christian quotes

At the time of the first publication of the table-talk translations, Trevor-Roper, Cameron and R. H. Stevens, probably did not know about Genoud's fake quotes. However, later publications do not excuse the errors, and that makes them dishonest at the very least.
As stated before, there are two versions the original German table-talk. One edited by Martin Bormann called the Bormann Vermerke ("Bormann Notes") which, until 1980, existed only in the collection of Francois Genoud. The other version came from Picker who got is copy from Heim and then added his own entries. According to Richard C. Carrier, "the Bormann Vermerke also contains entries made by Bormann, and presumably Heim, during the period covered by Picker's text, which are inexplicably not found in his copy. There is also supposed to be a third copy, which Bormann forwarded to an office in Münich, but it was lost (most likely destroyed by Allied bombs)."
Picker's edition has the strongest claim to authenticity because it contains the actual German, has the support of eyewitness testimony and has scholarly backing. Next in authority is the scholarly work of Werner Jochmann who published the German of the Bormann Vermerke in 1980 (which Trevor-Roper, et al, used from Genoud's French translation). The German versions of the talk do not include the anti-Christian quotes.
The English version endorsed by Trevor-Roper (and everyone else) contains the fabrications. These lies come, verbatim, from the translation of Genoud's French!
In a related fakery, the alleged document of Hitler's Last Testament (supposedly a part of the table-talk), Genoud gave David Irving, a World War II historian, a copy of the complete typescript manuscript. Every page was "heavily amended and expanded in somebody's hand-writing." Genoud admitted it was his own, and later admitted to Irving that the entire typescript was his own confection saying, "But it is just what Hitler would have said, isn't it?" In other words, Hitler's Last Testament was a fake.
Hitler, the Christian

Throughout his's life, Hitler showed a remarkable tendency toward conservative faith in God, and saw himself as a reformer and a savior of the German people, and he acted according to his beliefs. He called himself a Christian and spoke in admirable terms about Jesus. At no time did Hitler denounce his own Christianity, and in fact, appealed to Christ as a fighter, just as he saw himself as a fighter. He was baptized, he took the sacraments and received Communion. Was he a devout church goer? No. Did he appeal to prayerful priests? No. But appeals to physical places or the Church hierarchy are not what constitutes Christianity. Christianity does not exist "out there'. It only exists in the minds of certain people who profess a belief in God and Christ. That's why we can only appeal to the direct words from an individual to determine their belief, and Hitler expressed his belief with brutal honesty.
Those who vie against Hitler's Christianity conveniently dismiss his own direct words where he made appeals to God, Christ, and 'positive' Christianity. They fail to distinguish Hitler's Christianity as a belief-system versus "corrupt'' organized Christianity. It was the latter that Hitler questioned, not his own personal beliefs. Even more revealing: why do Christians rely on indirect accounts, and only on those which seem to put Hitler in an anti-Christian mode?
For examples of Hitler's own views on religion and God, see: Hitler's speeches & Hitler's religious beliefs and fanaticism.
His arguments toward the Christian religion regarded his strong reformation views of the Church as he saw it, regardless of how some Christians today dislike it. Indeed, he saw himself as a reformer similar to that of the alleged Jesus and Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer who also had strong words to say against the Catholic orthodoxy. Reformations always upsets the temper of the traditional believer.
Anti-religious views by themselves simply cannot be used as an argument against one's personal beliefs as a Christian, and gives one of the many reasons why Hitler's Table-Talk, even if valid, cannot serve as evidence against Hitler's Christianity but, ironically, actually supports his personal beliefs as a Christian.
For a comparison of Hitler to God, Jesus, and other Christians, click here.
Calic, Edouard, Ed., "Secret Conversations With Hitler," The John Day Company
Carrier, Richard C. "On the Trail of Bogus Quotes"
Helmreich, Ernst Christian, "The German Churches Under Hitler," Wayne State University Press, 1979
Speer, Albert, "Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs by Albert Speer," Galahad Books, 1970
Toland, John, "Adolf Hitler," Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1976
Trevor-Roper, H.R. [Introduction], "Hitler's Table Talk 1941-44: His Private Conversations, Redwood Press, Ltd., 1953
Turner, Jr., Henry Ashby, "Hitler-- Memoirs of a Confidant," Yale University Press, 1978
VonLang, Jochen, "The Secretary Martin Bormann: The Man Who Manipulated Hitler," Random House, 1979
As for oneforthebus and her post on the Nuremberg trials:

What they didn't consider was this wasn't a criminal case with the police providing evidence.It was an opportunity to spread propaganda by a war victors intelligence agency.

I posted quotations from Hitler himself about how he viewed Christianity. Hitler's views - per his own ******* words - about Christianity are the following:

“…the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 61

It’s Christianity that’s the liar. It’s in perpetual conflict with itself.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 61

“In the long run, National Socialism and religion will no longer be able to exist together.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 6

“Kerrl, with the noblest of intentions, wanted to attempt a synthesis between National Socialism and Christianity. I don’t believe the thing’s possible, and I see the obstacle in Christianity itself.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 145

As far as we are concerned, we’ve succeeded in chasing the Jews from our midst and excluding Christianity from our political life.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 394

There is something very unhealthy about Christianity.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 418

“The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity. Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilisation by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society. Thus one understands that the healthy elements of the Roman world were proof against this doctrine.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 75-76

“When all is said, we have no reason to wish that the Italians and Spaniards should free themselves from the drug of Christianity. Let’s be the only people who are immunised against the disease.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 145

Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity. It will last another hundred years, two hundred years perhaps. My regret will have been that I couldn’t, like whoever the prophet was, behold the promised land from afar. We are entering into a conception of the world that will be a sunny era, an era of tolerance.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 343-344

“Pure Christianity—the Christianity of the catacombs—is concerned with translating the Christian doctrine into facts. It leads quite simply to the annihilation of mankind.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 146

Christianity is the worst of the regressions that mankind can ever have undergone, and it’s the Jew who, thanks to this diabolic invention, has thrown him back fifteen centuries.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 322

The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 7

Wow, sounds like you share a lot of Hitler's views on Christianity, elfiePolo.
Overy,Why the Allies Won,(W.W. Norton, 1996) 284.

Italy was the home of Roman Catholicism; Germany's population was one-third Catholic. Religion in both states lived in uneasy proximity with regimes that were strongly anti-clerical in outlook peddling new secular religions of their own. The same month that the Papacy condemned communism, a second encyclical was published, "Mit Brennender Sorge" ("With Burning Anxiety"), which condemned the Nazi persecution of the churches, Nazi racism and Mussolini's deification of the state. Though Hitler often invoked God or Providence when he spoke, he was a thoroughly lapsed Catholic. Hitler considered Christianity incompatible with with the new National-Socialist age--it was "merely whole-hearted Bolshevism, under a tinsel of metaphysics". He deplored the survival of religious observance among German ministers and generals, "little children who have learnt nothing else". He regarded Christianity and communism as two sides of the same coin, sharing in St. Paul a common Jewish ancestor. Hitler took the German nation as his religion. This did not make him a pagan as was widely believed, although paganism was practised under the Third Reich. The German Faith Movement, under the banner of the golden sun-wheel, with the "Song of the Goths" as their anthem, indulged in pagan festivals and invoked the gods of pre-Christian Germany. Heinrich Himmler's SS generated a pagan theology, a pagan litury, even a pagan credo.

The SS were particularly anti-Christian, and officers and men were encouraged to leave the Church, although those that refused to renounce their Christian faith were not visibly punished, perhaps because their otherwise faithful adherence to SS codes of behavior gave the lie to any claim of true Christian affiliation. The SS also brought in its own neo-pagan rituals for marriage ceremonies and baptisms.

Himmler was a Pagan. So he had input into the rituals and whatever other nonsense they engaged in. He and Hitler were involved in a religious butting of heads, that's why the Hitler Youth(under the ss) oath is anti christian and the SS oath was this:

“Wie lautet Dein Eid ?” – “Ich schwöre Dir, Adolf Hitler, als Führer und Kanzler des Deutschen Reiches Treue und Tapferkeit. Wir geloben Dir und den von Dir bestimmten Vorgesetzten Gehorsam bis in den Tod. So wahr mir Gott helfe !”
“Also glaubst Du an einen Gott ?” – “Ja, ich glaube an einen Herrgott.”
“Was hältst Du von einem Menschen, der nicht an einen Gott glaubt?” – “Ich halte ihn für überheblich, größenwahnsinnig und dumm; er ist nicht für uns geeignet.


“What is your oath ?” – “I vow to you, Adolf Hitler, as Führer and chancellor of the German Reich loyalty and bravery. I vow to you and to the leaders that you set for me, absolute allegiance until death. So help me God !”
“So you believe in a God ?” – “Yes, I believe in a Lord God.”
“What do you think about a man who does not believe in a God ?” – “I think he is overbearing, megalomaniac and foolish; he is not one of us.”-- Heinrich Himmler: The Protection Squadron (SS) an anti-Bolshevist Fighting Organization--1937

And that would be because SS murderers were OVERWHELMINGLY CHRISTIAN.
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