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So many people offended by Trump's mean talk

It's pretty damn sad that I prefer her over him.

ALL Dems will be sucking her **** and shoving the noses up her crack shortly - can't wait till they have to defend her ****

Bomma just hollered at wittle Bernie to get the **** out - so that must mean he will fight her indictment
No worries; the Great Obama is making sure the rest of the world forgives us, and shows his own toughness in the process:


Beat me to it.
it ended that potential war with the Swiss, didnt it?!?!?!?!
always gotta find something wrong with our Pansy President, dontcha?.

You know me....CarObama, the President's biggest cheerleader.
Who, aside from mindless ideologues (no, I don't apologize for offending the left), agrees with everything a candidate says?

2 points...

1. Its all campaign rhetoric, regardless of where on the campaign timeline they are. They play to their audiences. Period.
2. In my lifetime, with the only exception of Dutch, it is always a vote for the lesser of the evils. One side is resolutely evil and the other side dabbles.

I would vote for Trump on the basis that the choice between him or any of the barking lunatics the party of satan might run isn't really a choice. I am not a Trumpster as are some on this board (flying pigsters), but I haven't heard a word from him I disagree with, except when he's leveling shots at Cruz. I can honestly say that I hope he implements his stated goals because we'd all be better off if he did.

I submit that given Trump's history, he'd surround himself with capable people without being beholden to the nefarious parties that elect presidents. He has absolutely trashed PC. Who knows, a Trump administration might be the dawn of open dialog, and dare I even imagine such a thing, civility. And certainly the FLOTUS would command the rapt attention of at least half of the electorate, maybe more as lesbos warm to her. She'd be a unifier, I tell you. Send her out to tell the troops bedtime stories.

...and the more the barking moonbats wail and gnash their teeth and rend their garments over him, the more appeal he has for me. If he can drive the left to a Jonesian mass koolaid party it will be worth my vote.

You guys are literally living in a dream world.

'President Trump' as big a threat as jihadi terror to global economy - EIU

Republican frontrunner could damage trade and increase Middle East instability if he wins US presidency, say analysts

The prospect of Donald Trump winning the race to the White House has joined China’s slowing economy, the Greek debt crisis and Britain’s EU referendum as a major threat to the global economy, according to a respected risk analysis firm.

The Economist Intelligence Unit said the Republican frontrunner could prove a dangerous world leader, damaging global trade, stirring up trouble with Beijing and adding to instability in the Middle East.

The EIU placed the possibility of Trump being sworn in as US president next January sixth on their latest list of global threats, as serious as a resurgence of jihadi terrorism, and only marginally less risky than the collapse of the eurozone.

How in bloody hell does anyone "add to instability in the Middle East"?
The things he says don't offend me, I just find them stupid and juvenile. For someone who's run a billion dollar empire he seems remarkably clueless about a lot of things. So we want someone who "tells it like it is" even if they are just talking out of their ***?

He's like Drunk Uncle.
As has been said before, the guy is using the reality talk show scheme to grab and hold attention... I dont believe he is like that in real life any more than i think he is serious about building a wall or deporting muslims...its all an act based on people who interact with him on a daily basis... Lets face it, the guys and gals with the best plans and intentions who try to keep to the issues lose... Its the celebrity politicians and charasmatic candidates who get all the press and support... Acting like a lunatic right wing nut job gets the lunatic right wing votes.. Economic policy gets the blue collars....this is all planned.... Look at his outrageous blowhard statements.... The illegal immagration and nafta both tie to foruegn job loss and that gets a huge swath of the country... His islamic comments alienate a small faction of peoole who may vote for him, but puts him on the forefront of the security and terrorism front.... Those two are the biggest driving forces in both parties this go round.... He is crazy like a fox but i dont trust him
The things he says don't offend me, I just find them stupid and juvenile. For someone who's run a billion dollar empire he seems remarkably clueless about a lot of things. So we want someone who "tells it like it is" even if they are just talking out of their ***?

He's like Drunk Uncle.

What do you really want him to say? Lie like all the other politicians and act all PC? Not his style and part of the attraction. He's a success over and over. His children are all seemingly well balanced and solid. Think that happens if you're an idiot?

What we know is this, what has been going on is not working. Something has to change and change a great deal. None of the others will even try. None have a chance at doing so.

Obama has pushed the country to the edge of a cliff. Add Hillary and we'll likely go over it. Trump is our only hope.
You guys are literally living in a dream world.

'President Trump' as big a threat as jihadi terror to global economy - EIU

Republican frontrunner could damage trade and increase Middle East instability if he wins US presidency, say analysts

The prospect of Donald Trump winning the race to the White House has joined China’s slowing economy, the Greek debt crisis and Britain’s EU referendum as a major threat to the global economy, according to a respected risk analysis firm.

The Economist Intelligence Unit said the Republican frontrunner could prove a dangerous world leader, damaging global trade, stirring up trouble with Beijing and adding to instability in the Middle East.

The EIU placed the possibility of Trump being sworn in as US president next January sixth on their latest list of global threats, as serious as a resurgence of jihadi terrorism, and only marginally less risky than the collapse of the eurozone.

If you would have said this about Barack Obama eight years ago, you would have been 100% accurate.
He's a success over and over. His children are all seemingly well balanced and solid. Think that happens if you're an idiot?

I didn't say he's an idiot. I said he's clueless. Totally different. He lives in liberal lala land. that's what people don't seem to understand. Sure, he knows how to tap into anger but I don't think he has a clue what he's talking about in terms of getting things done in Washington or internationally.

What we know is this, what has been going on is not working. Something has to change and change a great deal.

If that doesn't sound exactly like the Obamaites of 7 years ago. We need change! Just change! Who cares what the change is, we just need change! Sorry, that's not enough for me. As someone who reads and studies this stuff I want to know what somebody believes in, what they will do, and how they will do it. I want to know their views on the Constitution and limited government and who they will appoint to the Supreme Court. I want to know exactly what they'd do differently in terms of healthcare and economic policy, "It's gonna be great" doesn't fly with me.
Republican frontrunner could damage trade and increase Middle East instability if he wins US presidency, say analysts
Like it could get worse?
Yeah im not buying the middle east bullshit... This is an obvious establishment tactic.... They are hitting him on all fronts trying to keep him from the nomination at all costs... Its kind of funny and sad at the same time
Are you kidding me? Middle East instability couldn't get worse? Hey, WWIII hasn't broken out yet.

**** 'em, they can kill each other all they want.
That's the thing about honesty. People want you to be honest with them. Then when you're honest with them, you become an *******.
That's the thing about honesty. People want you to be honest with them. Then when you're honest with them, you become an *******.

LOL, cracks me up that Trump is viewed as a truth-teller. You do know that he's reversed positions 180 degrees on pretty much everything, including the fact that up until a year or so ago he had nothing but praise and support for Hillary. You know that he bashes China's unfair trade practices while taking full advantage of them. That he rails against illegal immigrants and the jobs they take, while employing plenty of them.

Just because someone says something loudly and obnoxiously doesn't mean they are being honest. Trump is the most disingenuous hypocrite in this campaign and it amuses me that people say he "tells it like it is" or that he's just being honest. Then when his hypocrisy and flip-flopping is pointed out to people they make excuses for him.
LOL, cracks me up that Trump is viewed as a truth-teller. You do know that he's reversed positions 180 degrees on pretty much everything, including the fact that up until a year or so ago he had nothing but praise and support for Hillary. You know that he bashes China's unfair trade practices while taking full advantage of them. That he rails against illegal immigrants and the jobs they take, while employing plenty of them.

Just because someone says something loudly and obnoxiously doesn't mean they are being honest. Trump is the most disingenuous hypocrite in this campaign and it amuses me that people say he "tells it like it is" or that he's just being honest. Then when his hypocrisy and flip-flopping is pointed out to people they make excuses for him.

I think it is called playing by the rules, until you are in a position to change them.
I think it is called playing by the rules, until you are in a position to change them.

There's no rule he has to manufacture his clothing in China or hire illegal immigrants, No one forced him to support Hillary, either verbally or financially. Usually what someone does is more telling that what they say. Talk is cheap.

And you better hope he doesn't mean what he says because if he actually does it, it would devastate our economy.
Just because someone says something loudly and obnoxiously doesn't mean they are being honest.

I think it's indignation. You see this a lot with claims of racism. If the person or group making the accusation or statement are angry and indignant, people are reluctant to dismiss or disagree with them even if what they are claiming is questionable or even ridiculous.

I think a lot of people were swayed during the OJ trial because Johnnie Cochran was so good at playing the indignant black man representing a supposed victim of racism. Forget the evidence, I'm pissed off and I'm right!
There's no rule he has to manufacture his clothing in China or hire illegal immigrants, No one forced him to support Hillary, either verbally or financially. Usually what someone does is more telling that what they say. Talk is cheap.

And you better hope he doesn't mean what he says because if he actually does it, it would devastate our economy.

If you want to make money you manufacture your clothes where its cheaper. Period. Damned if he does or damned if he doesn't on hiring illegals. When he is elected and starts enforcing our laws that are in the books that problem fixes itself. And tell me in detail what is going to devastate our economy.
If you want to make money you manufacture your clothes where its cheaper. Period. Damned if he does or damned if he doesn't on hiring illegals. When he is elected and starts enforcing our laws that are in the books that problem fixes itself. And tell me in detail what is going to devastate our economy.

You just explained it yourself. How do you think the economy's going to work if we impose huge tariffs on stuff from China? Sure, it's great for people like Donald Trump who don't have to worry about how much stuff costs. How's it going to be for US companies who manufacture things with parts and material made in China? US small businesses who sell things made in China? How's it going to be for your average poor family who's kids clothes and shoes are made in China? Do you really think we're going to up and start opening a bunch of factories to replace that stuff, at living wages? No, what's going to happen is the rest of the world will get the economic benefits of cheap stuff from China while we don't.

Do you think rounding up 11 million low wage workers will have no effect on our economy? You prepared to go pick mushrooms out of **** at a wage that keeps produce at the prices you're willing to pay? Not to mention the costs of rounding them up and deporting them. They are needed here. We could get rid of them all tomorrow by simply enforcing laws against hiring them.The dirty little secret is that illegal immigrants are here because big business, including Trump, want them here. I can PROMISE you he will not be rounding up and deporting all of these people, nor will he be building any wall. A common sense immigration policy gets them legal so they can be licensed and start paying taxes and be subject to labor laws already in place here. That will drive up wages without crippling the industries that depend on them. Yes, DEPEND ON THEM because nobody else wants to do what they do, at least not for anything close to what they are paid.

If you want to read more about how his plans would wreck our economy and how his proposed solutions are those of a simpleton who just doesn't understand the economy there is plenty of info out there. But I suspect you will only ignore it or dismiss it as "establishment" propaganda.