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So many people offended by Trump's mean talk

You just explained it yourself. How do you think the economy's going to work if we impose huge tariffs on stuff from China? Sure, it's great for people like Donald Trump who don't have to worry about how much stuff costs. How's it going to be for US companies who manufacture things with parts and material made in China? US small businesses who sell things made in China? How's it going to be for your average poor family who's kids clothes and shoes are made in China? Do you really think we're going to up and start opening a bunch of factories to replace that stuff, at living wages? No, what's going to happen is the rest of the world will get the economic benefits of cheap stuff from China while we don't.

Do you think rounding up 11 million low wage workers will have no effect on our economy? You prepared to go pick mushrooms out of **** at a wage that keeps produce at the prices you're willing to pay? Not to mention the costs of rounding them up and deporting them. They are needed here. We could get rid of them all tomorrow by simply enforcing laws against hiring them.The dirty little secret is that illegal immigrants are here because big business, including Trump, want them here. I can PROMISE you he will not be rounding up and deporting all of these people, nor will he be building any wall. A common sense immigration policy gets them legal so they can be licensed and start paying taxes and be subject to labor laws already in place here. That will drive up wages without crippling the industries that depend on them. Yes, DEPEND ON THEM because nobody else wants to do what they do, at least not for anything close to what they are paid.

If you want to read more about how his plans would wreck our economy and how his proposed solutions are those of a simpleton who just doesn't understand the economy there is plenty of info out there. But I suspect you will only ignore it or dismiss it as "establishment" propaganda.

Like I said in my post you haven't done any research. You just post the same mainstream talking points as the news agencies. How to fix things with China.

Reforming The U.S.-China Trade Relationship To Make America Great Again

How We Got Here: Washington Politicians Let China Off The Hook

In January 2000, President Bill Clinton boldly promised China’s inclusion in the World Trade Organization (WTO) “is a good deal for America. Our products will gain better access to China’s market, and every sector from agriculture, to telecommunications, to automobiles. But China gains no new market access to the United States.” None of what President Clinton promised came true. Since China joined the WTO, Americans have witnessed the closure of more than 50,000 factories and the loss of tens of millions of jobs. It was not a good deal for America then and it’s a bad deal now. It is a typical example of how politicians in Washington have failed our country.

The most important component of our China policy is leadership and strength at the negotiating table. We have been too afraid to protect and advance American interests and to challenge China to live up to its obligations. We need smart negotiators who will serve the interests of American workers – not Wall Street insiders that want to move U.S. manufacturing and investment offshore.

The Goal Of The Trump Plan: Fighting For American Businesses And Workers

America has always been a trading nation. Under the Trump administration trade will flourish. However, for free trade to bring prosperity to America, it must also be fair trade. Our goal is not protectionism but accountability. America fully opened its markets to China but China has not reciprocated. Its Great Wall of Protectionism uses unlawful tariff and non-tariff barriers to keep American companies out of China and to tilt the playing field in their favor.

If you give American workers a level playing field, they will win. At its heart, this plan is a negotiating strategy to bring fairness to our trade with China. The results will be huge for American businesses and workers. Jobs and factories will stop moving offshore and instead stay here at home. The economy will boom. The steps outlined in this plan will make that a reality.

When Donald J. Trump is president, China will be on notice that America is back in the global leadership business and that their days of currency manipulation and cheating are over. We will cut a better deal with China that helps American businesses and workers compete.

The Trump Plan Will Achieve The Following Goals:

Bring China to the bargaining table by immediately declaring it a currency manipulator.
Protect American ingenuity and investment by forcing China to uphold intellectual property laws and stop their unfair and unlawful practice of forcing U.S. companies to share proprietary technology with Chinese competitors as a condition of entry to China’s market.
Reclaim millions of American jobs and reviving American manufacturing by putting an end to China’s illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards. No more sweatshops or pollution havens stealing jobs from American workers.
Strengthen our negotiating position by lowering our corporate tax rate to keep American companies and jobs here at home, attacking our debt and deficit so China cannot use financial blackmail against us, and bolstering the U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas to discourage Chinese adventurism.

Details of Donald J. Trump’s US China Trade Plan:

Declare China A Currency Manipulator

We need a president who will not succumb to the financial blackmail of a Communist dictatorship. President Obama’s Treasury Department has repeatedly refused to brand China a currency manipulator – a move that would force China to stop these unfair practices or face tough countervailing duties that level the playing field.

Economists estimate the Chinese yuan is undervalued by anywhere from 15% to 40%. This grossly undervalued yuan gives Chinese exporters a huge advantage while imposing the equivalent of a heavy tariff on U.S. exports to China. Such currency manipulation, in concert with China’s other unfair practices, has resulted in chronic U.S. trade deficits, a severe weakening of the U.S. manufacturing base and the loss of tens of millions of American jobs.

In a system of truly free trade and floating exchange rates like a Trump administration would support, America's massive trade deficit with China would not persist. On day one of the Trump administration the U.S. Treasury Department will designate China as a currency manipulator. This will begin a process that imposes appropriate countervailing duties on artificially cheap Chinese products, defends U.S. manufacturers and workers, and revitalizes job growth in America. We must stand up to China’s blackmail and reject corporate America’s manipulation of our politicians. The U.S. Treasury’s designation of China as a currency manipulator will force China to the negotiating table and open the door to a fair – and far better – trading relationship.

End China’s Intellectual Property Violations

China’s ongoing theft of intellectual property may be the greatest transfer of wealth in history. This theft costs the U.S. over $300 billion and millions of jobs each year. China’s government ignores this rampant cybercrime and, in other cases, actively encourages or even sponsors it –without any real consequences. China’s cyber lawlessness threatens our prosperity, privacy and national security. We will enforce stronger protections against Chinese hackers and counterfeit goods and our responses to Chinese theft will be swift, robust, and unequivocal.

The Chinese government also forces American companies like Boeing, GE, and Intel to transfer proprietary technologies to Chinese competitors as a condition of entry into the Chinese market. Such de facto intellectual property theft represents a brazen violation of WTO and international rules. China’s forced technology transfer policy is absolutely ridiculous. Going forward, we will adopt a zero tolerance policy on intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer. If China wants to trade with America, they must agree to stop stealing and to play by the rules.

Eliminate China’s Illegal Export Subsidies And Other Unfair Advantages

Chinese manufacturers and other exporters receive numerous illegal export subsidies from the Chinese government. These include - in direct contradiction to WTO rules - free or nearly free rent, utilities, raw materials, and many other services. China’s state-run banks routinely extend loans these enterprises at below market rates or without the expectation they will be repaid. China even offers them illegal tax breaks or rebates as well as cash bonuses to stimulate exports.

China’s illegal export subsidies intentionally distorts international trade and damages other countries’ exports by giving Chinese companies an unfair advantage. From textile and steel mills in the Carolinas to the Gulf Coast’s shrimp and fish industries to the Midwest manufacturing belt and California’s agribusiness, China’s disregard for WTO rules hurt every corner of America.

The U.S. Trade Representative recently filed yet another complaint with the WTO accusing China of cheating on our trade agreements by subsidizing its exports. The Trump administration will not wait for an international body to tell us what we already know. To gain negotiating leverage, we will pursue the WTO case and aggressively highlight and expose these subsidies.

China’s woeful lack of reasonable environmental and labor standards represent yet another form of unacceptable export subsidy. How can American manufacturers, who must meet very high standards, possibly compete with Chinese companies that care nothing about their workers or the environment? We will challenge China to join the 21 st Century when it comes to such standards.

The Trump Plan Will Strengthen Our Negotiating Position

As the world’s most important economy and consumer of goods, America must always negotiate trade agreements from strength. Branding China as a currency manipulator and exposing their unfair trade practices is not enough. In order to further strengthen our negotiating leverage, the Trump plan will:

Lower the corporate tax rate to 15% to unleash American ingenuity here at home and make us more globally competitive. This tax cut puts our rate 10 percentage points below China and 20 points below our current burdensome rate that pushes companies and jobs offshore.
Attack our debt and deficit by vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the Federal government, ending redundant government programs, and growing the economy to increase tax revenues. Closing the deficit and reducing our debt will mean China cannot blackmail us with our own Treasury bonds.
Strengthen the U.S. military and deploying it appropriately in the East and South China Seas. These actions will discourage Chinese adventurism that imperils American interests in Asia and shows our strength as we begin renegotiating our trading relationship with China. A strong military presence will be a clear signal to China and other nations in Asia and around the world that America is back in the global leadership business.
Bring China to the bargaining table by immediately declaring it a currency manipulator.

Protect American ingenuity and investment by forcing China to uphold intellectual property laws and stop their unfair and unlawful practice of forcing U.S. companies to share proprietary technology with Chinese competitors as a condition of entry to China’s market.

Reclaim millions of American jobs and reviving American manufacturing by putting an end to China’s illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards. No more sweatshops or pollution havens stealing jobs from American workers.

Strengthen our negotiating position by lowering our corporate tax rate to keep American companies and jobs here at home, attacking our debt and deficit so China cannot use financial blackmail against us, and bolstering the U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas to discourage Chinese adventurism.

Nobody, and I mean nobody lives in a dream world quite like Trump and his supporters. Just sprinkle some Trump-pixie dust on China and everything will be fixed overnight, like magic. Thanks for a good laugh, much appreciated.
Nobody, and I mean nobody lives in a dream world quite like Trump and his supporters. Just sprinkle some Trump-pixie dust on China and everything will be fixed overnight, like magic. Thanks for a good laugh, much appreciated.

Sayeth you who vacuumed up the Obama-Pixie like an addict at a poppy farm.

You did and still do support Barry O like no other, so you can see why most of us discount your point of view.
Actually his position on china is one of the things i back him on... Somebody has to threaten to devalue the dollar to make them play ball though... Always thought hyperinflation was the establishments plan to get richer, crush china and bankrupt us common folk, but if they think you are nuts enough to do it they might sell back their holdings at a fraction of their worth rather than bankrupt themselves...

I never understood why both parties pit up with the outright human rights violations from china... All bought off i guess...




Nobody, and I mean nobody lives in a dream world quite like Trump and his supporters. Just sprinkle some Trump-pixie dust on China and everything will be fixed overnight, like magic. Thanks for a good laugh, much appreciated.

Hope and Change=Taking it up the *** from the world. I guess you are over the soreness and broke in now. That explains why your a Bernie supporter.

We use to be the world leaders in all areas related to business.
You just explained it yourself. How do you think the economy's going to work if we impose huge tariffs on stuff from China? Sure, it's great for people like Donald Trump who don't have to worry about how much stuff costs. How's it going to be for US companies who manufacture things with parts and material made in China? US small businesses who sell things made in China? How's it going to be for your average poor family who's kids clothes and shoes are made in China? Do you really think we're going to up and start opening a bunch of factories to replace that stuff, at living wages?

Trump's argument is that China does not engage in free and fair trade, and instead dumps steel into our nation at below-market cost to ruin our steel industry, and engages in currency manipulation to lower the prices of its goods in America.

Economic theory shows that while the consumer may get a short-term benefit from such tactics, over the long term the company (or in this case the nation) that adopts such predatory policies does so to destroy the competition, to be able to drive prices beyond free market price once the competition has been killed off.

A genuine, competitive, free market approach benefits all concerned, including manufacturing in our nation since we have some of the best and most productive workers on the planet.




Nobody, and I mean nobody lives in a dream world quite like Trump and his supporters. Just sprinkle some Trump-pixie dust on China and everything will be fixed overnight, like magic. Thanks for a good laugh, much appreciated.

I'd rather someone try to do these things than do nothing. Or continue to pass MORE trade laws that help Asia more than North America.

But that's right, you're voting for Clinton now, which is as much about do-nothing as you can get.
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Like I said in my post you haven't done any research. You just post the same mainstream talking points as the news agencies. How to fix things with China.

Reforming The U.S.-China Trade Relationship To Make America Great Again

How We Got Here: Washington Politicians Let China Off The Hook

In January 2000, President Bill Clinton boldly promised China’s inclusion in the World Trade Organization (WTO) “is a good deal for America. Our products will gain better access to China’s market, and every sector from agriculture, to telecommunications, to automobiles. But China gains no new market access to the United States.” None of what President Clinton promised came true. Since China joined the WTO, Americans have witnessed the closure of more than 50,000 factories and the loss of tens of millions of jobs. It was not a good deal for America then and it’s a bad deal now. It is a typical example of how politicians in Washington have failed our country.

The most important component of our China policy is leadership and strength at the negotiating table. We have been too afraid to protect and advance American interests and to challenge China to live up to its obligations. We need smart negotiators who will serve the interests of American workers – not Wall Street insiders that want to move U.S. manufacturing and investment offshore.

The Goal Of The Trump Plan: Fighting For American Businesses And Workers

America has always been a trading nation. Under the Trump administration trade will flourish. However, for free trade to bring prosperity to America, it must also be fair trade. Our goal is not protectionism but accountability. America fully opened its markets to China but China has not reciprocated. Its Great Wall of Protectionism uses unlawful tariff and non-tariff barriers to keep American companies out of China and to tilt the playing field in their favor.

If you give American workers a level playing field, they will win. At its heart, this plan is a negotiating strategy to bring fairness to our trade with China. The results will be huge for American businesses and workers. Jobs and factories will stop moving offshore and instead stay here at home. The economy will boom. The steps outlined in this plan will make that a reality.

When Donald J. Trump is president, China will be on notice that America is back in the global leadership business and that their days of currency manipulation and cheating are over. We will cut a better deal with China that helps American businesses and workers compete.

The Trump Plan Will Achieve The Following Goals:

Bring China to the bargaining table by immediately declaring it a currency manipulator.
Protect American ingenuity and investment by forcing China to uphold intellectual property laws and stop their unfair and unlawful practice of forcing U.S. companies to share proprietary technology with Chinese competitors as a condition of entry to China’s market.
Reclaim millions of American jobs and reviving American manufacturing by putting an end to China’s illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards. No more sweatshops or pollution havens stealing jobs from American workers.
Strengthen our negotiating position by lowering our corporate tax rate to keep American companies and jobs here at home, attacking our debt and deficit so China cannot use financial blackmail against us, and bolstering the U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas to discourage Chinese adventurism.

Details of Donald J. Trump’s US China Trade Plan:

Declare China A Currency Manipulator

We need a president who will not succumb to the financial blackmail of a Communist dictatorship. President Obama’s Treasury Department has repeatedly refused to brand China a currency manipulator – a move that would force China to stop these unfair practices or face tough countervailing duties that level the playing field.

Economists estimate the Chinese yuan is undervalued by anywhere from 15% to 40%. This grossly undervalued yuan gives Chinese exporters a huge advantage while imposing the equivalent of a heavy tariff on U.S. exports to China. Such currency manipulation, in concert with China’s other unfair practices, has resulted in chronic U.S. trade deficits, a severe weakening of the U.S. manufacturing base and the loss of tens of millions of American jobs.

In a system of truly free trade and floating exchange rates like a Trump administration would support, America's massive trade deficit with China would not persist. On day one of the Trump administration the U.S. Treasury Department will designate China as a currency manipulator. This will begin a process that imposes appropriate countervailing duties on artificially cheap Chinese products, defends U.S. manufacturers and workers, and revitalizes job growth in America. We must stand up to China’s blackmail and reject corporate America’s manipulation of our politicians. The U.S. Treasury’s designation of China as a currency manipulator will force China to the negotiating table and open the door to a fair – and far better – trading relationship.

End China’s Intellectual Property Violations

China’s ongoing theft of intellectual property may be the greatest transfer of wealth in history. This theft costs the U.S. over $300 billion and millions of jobs each year. China’s government ignores this rampant cybercrime and, in other cases, actively encourages or even sponsors it –without any real consequences. China’s cyber lawlessness threatens our prosperity, privacy and national security. We will enforce stronger protections against Chinese hackers and counterfeit goods and our responses to Chinese theft will be swift, robust, and unequivocal.

The Chinese government also forces American companies like Boeing, GE, and Intel to transfer proprietary technologies to Chinese competitors as a condition of entry into the Chinese market. Such de facto intellectual property theft represents a brazen violation of WTO and international rules. China’s forced technology transfer policy is absolutely ridiculous. Going forward, we will adopt a zero tolerance policy on intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer. If China wants to trade with America, they must agree to stop stealing and to play by the rules.

Eliminate China’s Illegal Export Subsidies And Other Unfair Advantages

Chinese manufacturers and other exporters receive numerous illegal export subsidies from the Chinese government. These include - in direct contradiction to WTO rules - free or nearly free rent, utilities, raw materials, and many other services. China’s state-run banks routinely extend loans these enterprises at below market rates or without the expectation they will be repaid. China even offers them illegal tax breaks or rebates as well as cash bonuses to stimulate exports.

China’s illegal export subsidies intentionally distorts international trade and damages other countries’ exports by giving Chinese companies an unfair advantage. From textile and steel mills in the Carolinas to the Gulf Coast’s shrimp and fish industries to the Midwest manufacturing belt and California’s agribusiness, China’s disregard for WTO rules hurt every corner of America.

The U.S. Trade Representative recently filed yet another complaint with the WTO accusing China of cheating on our trade agreements by subsidizing its exports. The Trump administration will not wait for an international body to tell us what we already know. To gain negotiating leverage, we will pursue the WTO case and aggressively highlight and expose these subsidies.

China’s woeful lack of reasonable environmental and labor standards represent yet another form of unacceptable export subsidy. How can American manufacturers, who must meet very high standards, possibly compete with Chinese companies that care nothing about their workers or the environment? We will challenge China to join the 21 st Century when it comes to such standards.

The Trump Plan Will Strengthen Our Negotiating Position

As the world’s most important economy and consumer of goods, America must always negotiate trade agreements from strength. Branding China as a currency manipulator and exposing their unfair trade practices is not enough. In order to further strengthen our negotiating leverage, the Trump plan will:

Lower the corporate tax rate to 15% to unleash American ingenuity here at home and make us more globally competitive. This tax cut puts our rate 10 percentage points below China and 20 points below our current burdensome rate that pushes companies and jobs offshore.
Attack our debt and deficit by vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the Federal government, ending redundant government programs, and growing the economy to increase tax revenues. Closing the deficit and reducing our debt will mean China cannot blackmail us with our own Treasury bonds.
Strengthen the U.S. military and deploying it appropriately in the East and South China Seas. These actions will discourage Chinese adventurism that imperils American interests in Asia and shows our strength as we begin renegotiating our trading relationship with China. A strong military presence will be a clear signal to China and other nations in Asia and around the world that America is back in the global leadership business.

Cutting and pasting Trump's website is "research"? Ok...it's a lot of reading so I won't waste the bandwidth posting it all. Try reading something else besides Trump propaganda once in awhile.If you want more google is your friend. Free trade is essential to our economy and essential to free markets. We're not going to bring back manufacturing in this country by starting a trade war. It just ain't gonna happen, it's fantasy that panders to the ignorant.

Even the obama administration had to try to curtail china, who was dumping solar panels to drive us firms out of that business...of course with their personal investment there.... Maybe there were some ulterior motives on that one
Cutting and pasting Trump's website is "research"? Ok...it's a lot of reading so I won't waste the bandwidth posting it all. Try reading something else besides Trump propaganda once in awhile.If you want more google is your friend. Free trade is essential to our economy and essential to free markets. We're not going to bring back manufacturing in this country by starting a trade war. It just ain't gonna happen, it's fantasy that panders to the ignorant.


And you know this from your years of international trade law? You said he didn't have ideas and he does. And if you don't think he will have the best international law and trade agreement people around him you are delusional. What is Bernie's plan? What is Hilliary's ?What is Cruz's?
I will trust the business man on this one you trust the politicians. There the one's who got us in this mess in the first place.
Cutting and pasting Trump's website is "research"? Ok...it's a lot of reading so I won't waste the bandwidth posting it all. Try reading something else besides Trump propaganda once in awhile.If you want more google is your friend. Free trade is essential to our economy and essential to free markets. We're not going to bring back manufacturing in this country by starting a trade war. It just ain't gonna happen, it's fantasy that panders to the ignorant.


It's obvious that our trade policies have sucked. You can paste all the links you want that try to argue that that is not the case, but it doesn't make it so. As long as we are referencing articles, I like this one on Cramer's view - http://www.opposingviews.com/i/world/jim-cramer-mad-money-trump-right-trade

“Look, we lose on every trade deal… I always find it amusing to think people don’t seem to mind that we lose in these deals because we’re able to export a lot of premium products that are not made necessarily by people in our workforce,” Cramer said.
I would love free trade.

Unfortunately, the "free trade" deals we have signed allow other countries to NOT enact free trade to the degree or commitment we have enacted.

That is why Trump refers to this as a "negotiation". He has never said he favors tariffs over free trade. Only that our country has been ******* at the negotiating table and fails to THREATEN restricted trade or back up what little times we do threaten them with actual action.

China does not have free trade. Japan does not have free trade.

And while, short-term, exacting tariffs on imports is a bad proposition (and economists that love playing in the foreign stock markets would hate it), if it causes those other countries that are abusing free trade vs. protectionism economic principles to come back to the negotiating table, maybe Trump can actually negotiate real free trade around the world, rather than the one-sided affair that seems to have taken place.
Id be fine with tarrifs levied against countries who use sweatshop labor in order to even the playing field on costs... Likewise countries without enviromrntal regulations shouldnt get a free pass on the cost responsible nations accrue
Id be fine with tarrifs levied against countries who use sweatshop labor in order to even the playing field on costs... Likewise countries without enviromrntal regulations shouldnt get a free pass on the cost responsible nations accrue

Agreed. The best thing about Trump is he at least brings it up for discussion, it wont be business as usual with the politicians cronies.
Id be fine with tarrifs levied against countries who use sweatshop labor in order to even the playing field on costs... Likewise countries without enviromrntal regulations shouldnt get a free pass on the cost responsible nations accrue

I've been saying that for years.
To the protester who hit a police horse. This is how you do it. (I'm only kidding, I would never condone violence toward an animal, except for wasps, f those winged ********, or violence against a police officer)
