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So this stupid cartoon is worth 12 lives?

He is at least consistent on this - White House: Obama Will Fight Media To Stop Anti-Jihad Articles - http://dailycaller.com/2015/01/13/white-house-obama-will-fight-media-to-stop-anti-jihad-articles/

Any outrage from said media? .

As the 4th arm of our government I'm surprised Obama hasn't simply usurped the media's power as he has the other two.

The CIA should load up on former SEALs and mercenaries with orders to go to the middle east and don't return until you have 8000 kills each. Then they get a two week leave before going back with the same order. Repeat until all those ******* are gone.

Nice.....I LOVED and completely agree with this quote from retired Lt Col Ralph Peters..........http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015...g-ruins-and-crying-widows-fighting-terrorism/

Retired Lt. Col. and Fox News Strategic Analyst Ralph Peters said that the US must avoid nation building and over litigating the war on terror and instead “leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows” on Friday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel.

Peters said the plan for fighting war is “one, you accept that you are in a war. Two, you name the enemy: Islamist terrorists. Three, you get the lawyers off the battlefield and out of the targeting cell. You accept there will be collateral damage, and do you not apologize for it, you do not nation build. You don’t hold — try to hold ground. You go wherever in the world the terrorists are and you kill them. You do your best to exterminate them, and then you leave, and you leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows. If in five or ten years they reconstitute and you have got to go back, you go back and you do the same thing and you never never never send American troops into a war you don’t mean to win.” And “be as merciless as the enemy, if you’re not willing to do that, they will win.”

When asked about how to deal with state sponsors of terrorism, he argued “we have 2,000 years of recorded history of religious insurgencies, the only thing that has worked in 2,000 years is killing them. Now, as far as countries that don’t want to play ball, very simple. Pakistan doesn’t want to crack down on the Haqqani Network, we tell them ‘we are going to go in and take them out, and if you get in our way, we are going to smack your military down’…in a war you fight to win, you don’t worry about political correctness. The jihadis will do anything to win, and we’re worried about our table manners.”
The French government announced Wednesday that 54 people had been detained in a crackdown on hate speech, anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism. Among those arrested was Dieudonne, a controversial but popular comic who defended terrorism in comments posted on Facebook earlier this week.

Arresting people for speech is hardly liberty. Those dumb ***** have zones under sharia law. ******* morons. What did they think these people would do when they basically have their own country&laws inside of France. They still haven't learned a damn thing yet.
The CIA should load up on former SEALs and mercenaries with orders to go to the middle east and don't return until you have 8000 kills each. Then they get a two week leave before going back with the same order. Repeat until all those ******* are gone.

This would be optimal. No rules. No media. I'd give them a mega dose of what they dish out. They understand ruthlessness very well.
They pissed in my coffee. Send the troops!!

PARIS >> France ordered prosecutors around the country to crack down on hate speech, anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism and announced Wednesday it was sending an aircraft carrier to the Mideast to work more closely with the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State militants.

Authorities announced Wednesday that 54 people had been arrested for those offenses in the last week. The order came as Charlie Hebdo's defiant new issue sold out before dawn around Paris, with scuffles at kiosks over dwindling copies of the satirical weekly that fronted the Prophet Muhammad anew on its cover.

After terror attacks killed 20 people in Paris last week, including three gunmen, President Francois Hollande said the situation "justifies the presence of our aircraft carrier." One of the gunmen had claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

France is already carrying out airstrikes against the extremist group in Iraq. Hollande spoke aboard the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to members of France's military.

Since the attacks, France has deployed 10,000 troops and 120,000 security forces in an area the size of Texas to protect sensitive sites, including Jewish schools and synagogues, mosques and travel hubs.
The French are mad as hell and not going to take it any more. Good. Riot in THEIR neighborhoods. Make it an uncomfortable place for the Muzzies to be.
They're yelling in Paris too.

Everything is hunky dory now.

James Taylor to Paris: ‘You’ve got a friend’


It's a Holy World War III

French flags torched as Charlie Hebdo protests erupt from Algiers to Zinder


Pakistani demonstrators burn a French flag on January 16, 2014 during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the prophet by French magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Fresh unrest erupted Saturday in Niger, with French citizens told to stay indoors amid anger in several Muslim nations over a Prophet Mohammed cartoon published by Charlie Hebdo this week. Four people were killed on Friday at protests in Zinder.

Police fired tear gas at a fresh demonstration in Niger on Saturday against French weekly Charlie Hebdo's publication of a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed, according to AFP. At least 1,000 youths assembled at the grand mosque in the capital Niamey, some of them throwing rocks at police while others burned tyres and chanted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is Greatest").

Too ******* bad. Keep printing cartoons and kick pigs into their graves. They're primitive and force is all they understand.
They have been fighting the same holy war for over 1400 years. And it won't stop until Islam reforms itself.

Islamic leaders stand by while the fanatics stole their religion. More moderate Islamists in Turkey or Egypt or Syria have lost the public relations war, and the zealots now run the discussion.

The simple fact is this: Based on polling data I previously provided, at least 50% of Muslims believe that killing civilians is "always or sometimes" appropriate when the "prophet has been slandered."


How did we come to this? Would the world have stood by while Muslims were being beheaded in the Vatican? Would the world basically ignore the fact that 50% of Catholics thought it appropriate to murder Muslim citizens - not soldiers, mind you, but goddamned civilians - who "defame" Jesus???

We in the Western world allowed this to happen through 2 generations of flaccid appeasement. Muslim fanatics try to bring down the World Trade Center in 1994? Murder members of our Navy in the attack on the Cole? Murder our citizens by bombing our embassy? (All of this is before 2001, by the way, so don't ******* blame George Bush and the war in Iraq.)

So what do we do?

Nothing. Then we are shocked when the murdering psychopaths continue to murder. Really, this is no different than becoming aware of a serial killer, and saying, "Ehhh, we'll let him go. He'll get tired of killing innocent people pretty soon," and then being shocked when he kills more people, more quickly than before,
Islamic leaders stand by while the fanatics stole their religion. More moderate Islamists in Turkey or Egypt or Syria have lost the public relations war, and the zealots now run the discussion.

The simple fact is this: Based on polling data I previously provided, at least 50% of Muslims believe that killing civilians is "always or sometimes" appropriate when the "prophet has been slandered."


How did we come to this? Would the world have stood by while Muslims were being beheaded in the Vatican? Would the world basically ignore the fact that 50% of Catholics thought it appropriate to murder Muslim citizens - not soldiers, mind you, but goddamned civilians - who "defame" Jesus???

We in the Western world allowed this to happen through 2 generations of flaccid appeasement. Muslim fanatics try to bring down the World Trade Center in 1994? Murder members of our Navy in the attack on the Cole? Murder our citizens by bombing our embassy? (All of this is before 2001, by the way, so don't ******* blame George Bush and the war in Iraq.)

So what do we do?

Nothing. Then we are shocked when the murdering psychopaths continue to murder. Really, this is no different than becoming aware of a serial killer, and saying, "Ehhh, we'll let him go. He'll get tired of killing innocent people pretty soon," and then being shocked when he kills more people, more quickly than before,

Yreah, but Christians are just as bad.
Yreah, but Christians are just as bad.
Just the other day an Amish suicide farmer drove a bomb-laden buggy into the electric company and I shot two people who made fun of Martin Luther. That stuff happens all the time.
Just the other day an Amish suicide farmer drove a bomb-laden buggy into the electric company and I shot two people who made fun of Martin Luther. That stuff happens all the time.

See its not all Christians just the crazy Lutherans.
You guys just don't understand the deep burning love islam brings to all....so 500 million+ think it's cool to kill those who insult their pedophile false prophet...got it. The world is a f'up place.
I used to be Lutheran...does that mean I'm just half crazy now?
No, it means you're an apostate and we have to stone you to death. All Christian religions do that.
Methodist checking in here, this morning our Minister instructed us to join a rogue army and start killing Jews and French people. Doesn't matter how, no real rules. Just get er done. Then we talked about why we are oppressed.
Methodist checking in here, this morning our Minister instructed us to join a rogue army and start killing Jews and French people. Doesn't matter how, no real rules. Just get er done. Then we talked about why we are oppressed.

Yeah, but only after someone drew a picture of Jesus.
Yeah, but only after someone drew a picture of Jesus.

Those South Park guys should be first on the list they have been making fun of Jesus for years. Or according to the other poster, shouldn't they be dead already. That's what Christians do.
You guys just don't understand the deep burning love islam brings to all....so 500 million+ think it's cool to kill those who insult their pedophile false prophet...got it. The world is a f'up place.

I don't remember the love part. Is there? Seriously , is there any example of the good for which this most ****** up religion has ever been responsible?

Allah Fubar