He is at least consistent on this - White House: Obama Will Fight Media To Stop Anti-Jihad Articles - http://dailycaller.com/2015/01/13/white-house-obama-will-fight-media-to-stop-anti-jihad-articles/
Any outrage from said media? .
As the 4th arm of our government I'm surprised Obama hasn't simply usurped the media's power as he has the other two.
The CIA should load up on former SEALs and mercenaries with orders to go to the middle east and don't return until you have 8000 kills each. Then they get a two week leave before going back with the same order. Repeat until all those ******* are gone.
Nice.....I LOVED and completely agree with this quote from retired Lt Col Ralph Peters..........http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015...g-ruins-and-crying-widows-fighting-terrorism/
Retired Lt. Col. and Fox News Strategic Analyst Ralph Peters said that the US must avoid nation building and over litigating the war on terror and instead “leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows” on Friday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel.
Peters said the plan for fighting war is “one, you accept that you are in a war. Two, you name the enemy: Islamist terrorists. Three, you get the lawyers off the battlefield and out of the targeting cell. You accept there will be collateral damage, and do you not apologize for it, you do not nation build. You don’t hold — try to hold ground. You go wherever in the world the terrorists are and you kill them. You do your best to exterminate them, and then you leave, and you leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows. If in five or ten years they reconstitute and you have got to go back, you go back and you do the same thing and you never never never send American troops into a war you don’t mean to win.” And “be as merciless as the enemy, if you’re not willing to do that, they will win.”
When asked about how to deal with state sponsors of terrorism, he argued “we have 2,000 years of recorded history of religious insurgencies, the only thing that has worked in 2,000 years is killing them. Now, as far as countries that don’t want to play ball, very simple. Pakistan doesn’t want to crack down on the Haqqani Network, we tell them ‘we are going to go in and take them out, and if you get in our way, we are going to smack your military down’…in a war you fight to win, you don’t worry about political correctness. The jihadis will do anything to win, and we’re worried about our table manners.”