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State of the Union

While I am not a fan of either party, some of the points below noticeably omit information:

This puts things into perspective:

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:

- An improving economy (worst ever from a deep recession)
- A soaring stock market (zero interest rate policy combined with money printing unseen in modernity; no fix of the banking causation of problems)
- Americans getting health insurance (debatable at best)
- Mention of "solar power" (excellent when done with little or no subsidy)
- Tax cuts for working families (A tax cut Republicans don't like?)" (why not for all???? why choose certain definitions?)
- Affordable childcare (would be significantly better with traditional family structure; one parent staying home with kids rather than state sponsored "education" starting at birth)
- Tax cuts for families with children (Another one?)
- Equal pay for women (hasn't this been on an upward path for generations?)
- "America has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and all advanced economies combined." (see interest rate policy above; see reduction in numbers of those actually seeking work; understand that employment has dropped significantly while those receiving government aid has increased dramatically-- very structurally unsound development) - A "free and open internet"
- Rewarding companies that "invest in America" (C'mon, really?)
- "Working Americans" (?)
- A resolution for the use of the force against ISIL (not necessary except for vacuum created by bone-headed Iraq policy decisions 4 years earlier)
- "Trying something new" with Cuba
- Acknowledging that climate change exists (nature has always existed, always will and will continue to be accentuated by change: hence the mountains, rivers, oceans, lakes, hills, soil, rocks, etc....)
- Prohibiting Torture (wordplay)
- Not persecuting "people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender."
- Closing Gitmo (uh, 6 years later this has not been done)
- Making "voting easier for every single American" (what is American in this context?)
He has put the country TRILLIONS of dollars in debt and will probably top $20 TRILLION by the time he leaves office.

Well, c'mon. It's not like he was the one who started that fire, and it's not like Republicans are proposing any REAL solutions to it either. That problem is on ALL of them.

Raising taxes on EVERYONE who pays them, while cutting REAL spending is political suicide and they ALL know it.
Actually I went to bed before it started because I had to be up at 4:30 to work daylight shift at the airport since I have to work another job because Obamunism is bad for my little company, which has been for sale for 2 1/2 years with no offers because the economy sucks. Curiously no Democrats have lined up to buy it because they think Bomma is awesome and it's a great time to go into business for themselves. From watching the highlights on the news this morning it would appear that my preview was correct.
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I can honestly say that I am worse off today than 6 years ago. I am sure that the Obama Renaissance has benefited some. I just don't know any.
I can honestly say that I am worse off today than 6 years ago. I am sure that the Obama Renaissance has benefited some. I just don't know any.
I am MUCH worse off. The 1%-ers have NEVER done so well as they have under Bomma.
Well, c'mon. It's not like he was the one who started that fire, and it's not like Republicans are proposing any REAL solutions to it either. That problem is on ALL of them.

Raising taxes on EVERYONE who pays them, while cutting REAL spending is political suicide and they ALL know it.

Nobody said he started it. Rand Paul is proposing real solutions if you'd actually listen. You don't need to raise taxes to do this. This is always the false narrative put up by liberals. You need to reform the tax system, reform SSI, do away with the ACA and cut federal spending (by doing away with entire depts.).
I can honestly say that I am worse off today than 6 years ago. I am sure that the Obama Renaissance has benefited some. I just don't know any.

If you look at it in a vacuum, I would appear to be better off now than 6 years ago. However, in totality, my dollars don't go as far as they used to go. I expect the QEII crap to hit us hard, eventually.

I was also better off at the end of Bush's admin and Clinton's admin. Under all three admin's, not one of those ******* actually did anything to help me be in a better position. Maybe Bush with the tax cuts. In any event, it has been my hard work that has gotten me ahead, not anything a POTUS has done.
Great job, yet again, by President Obama. Rounding out his second term on a high note. All the crazies will just have to swallow the fact that the Kenyan, socialist, Muslim, terrorist-loving anti-Christ is wrapping up a pretty decent eight-year run as president. Then he'll get a library, like the rest of them. On the scale of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter - and at the bottom end, George W. Bush - it should be obvious to most everyone that Barack Obama has done a more than serviceable job at the helm. The tea-party hysterics have been, thankfully, nothing but background noise. Hope the meds hold up with each passing year, feel free to pass around the tin-foil hats...

Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber..........you totally redeem yourself.

This puts things into perspective:

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:

- An improving economy
- A soaring stock market
- Americans getting health insurance
- Mention of "solar power"
- Tax cuts for working families (A tax cut Republicans don't like?)"
- Affordable childcare
- Tax cuts for families with children (Another one?)
- Equal pay for women
- "America has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and all advanced economies combined."
- A "free and open internet"
- Rewarding companies that "invest in America" (C'mon, really?)
- "Working Americans"
- A resolution for the use of the force against ISIL
- "Trying something new" with Cuba
- Acknowledging that climate change exists
- Prohibiting Torture
- Not persecuting "people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender."
- Closing Gitmo
- Making "voting easier for every single American"

No. Those are things that no real thinking person could bring themselves to believe.

While I am not a fan of either party, some of the points below noticeably omit information:

And thanks for saving me that trouble Con.
Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:

- An improving economy
- A soaring stock market

The economy has not improved anywhere near to the level it should have. The unemployment rate would be over 10% but for the people who left the labor force. Compare the Reagan recovery - where he had to deal with 13% inflation, 16% interest rates, and increasing energy costs at the beginning of his recovery, unlike Obama:



Further, the Obama economy is founded on part-time jobs, since Obama fostered a plan that forces employers with more than 5 employees to provide health insurance to employees who work more than 30 hours per week. The result? Stay below 5 employees and/or keep workers under 30 hours per week. Brilliant I tell 'ya.

And the stock market gains are predicated on the Fed "monetizing the debt." Since the Fed is keeping interest rates low and buying up its own debt, the bond market suffers, and the stock market gets an artificial increase.

Hey, what could go wrong, it worked 1925-1929, right?

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- Americans getting health insurance

Obamacare has been discussed ad nauseum here. But the following is undeniably a result of your beloved Bammycare:


Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- Mention of "solar power"

Great. Just don't make me pay for other people's solar power (taxes and support to such companies). Let them compete and provide competitively-priced energy ... except Obama simply cannot and will not do that.

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- Tax cuts for working families (A tax cut Republicans don't like?)
- Tax cuts for families with children (Another one?)

This is code for "money paid to those who don't actually ... you know, pay taxes" ... due to the Bammy economy.

**** that. Enough with the Santa Claus recovery (lots of false promises, and a shitload of debt as the outcome).

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- Affordable childcare

What the hell does the President of the United States claim to be able to do about paying for child care? Jesus Christ, how about you leave me the **** alone and I pay my own bills with my own money??? Does he honestly believe that the Federal Government should starting paying for child care? If so, get ready for child care to quintuple in price - that is the effect of 3rd party financing of any activity.

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- "America has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and all advanced economies combined."

And those workers spend a lot of time saying, "Would you like fries with that" ... but no more than 29 hours per week, of course. (The graph above makes the point, Tibs.)

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- A "free and open internet"

That's priceless, given that Bammy is the only one who has raised the idea of taxing and regulating the internet. This, from that right-wing rag, the Washington Post:


Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- Rewarding companies that "invest in America" (C'mon, really?)
- "Working Americans"

And motherhood, and applie pie, and Neil Armstrong, and G.I. Joe and on and on. Garbage. Pure garbage from a President that would tax breathing if he could.

Wait, CO2 taxes do just that. Never mind. And funny how the guy who claims to be so worried about "working Americans" legalizes work for 15 million illegal aliens, thereby boosting the labor force and driving down wages for the lowest-skilled. Funny as in "hmm, that seems odd" and definitely not funny hah-hah.

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- A resolution for the use of the force against ISIL
- Closing Gitmo

So releasing terrorists is a good idea, but in the meantime we have to start using force against the very guys he released? Okaaaaay.

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- "Trying something new" with Cuba

Yes, of course, "trying something new" with governments that have thousands of political prisoners and who will be propped up by our tourist dollars is genius.

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- Acknowledging that climate change exists

Good heavens, the climate changes - we all freaking know that. The question is whether or not man-made CO2 is a primary cause of adverse weather changes? And the answer, more and more with every passing year, is, "We have no genuine data to support that view." The climate models are simply wrong, Tibs.


And fascinating that the same guy who is supposedly sooooo worried about "working Americans" and the poor practically cums at the thought of CO2 taxes and penalties that would lead to increasing gas and heating prices, which adversely affects the working poor more than any others.

Care to explain, Tibs?

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- Prohibiting Torture

Torture has always been prohibited, Tibs. The dispute is and always was, "What constitutes torture?" Bammy has a different view than Bush. I agree with that. But many of these supposed "arguments" are strawman.

"I support mom and apple pie. I thereby plan on taxing the **** out of petroleum, and if you oppose me, you hate mothers and apple pie." That kind of bullshit.

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- Not persecuting "people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender."

The way it works in America is that the states take care of health and safety. The President of the United States has no business delving into this topic. Seriously, he does not have the authority.

And I know that you think "your guy" will always be in charge. Trust me, he won't. So you think it appropriate for future Presidents to decide how gay, whatever citizens are treated? And overrule states on those issues? I don't. It's none of the President's business if my state does or does not recognize gay marriage, gay rights, etc. It just is not within his delegated authorities, and offends the Constitution.

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight:
- Making "voting easier for every single American"

So another strawman.

Where is it "difficult" to vote, Tibs? Where? Somewhere you have to show an ID? Seriously, a goddam ID? If you don't have the wherewithal to have an ID, then why the **** are you voting?

Finally, thank you for acting as the unofficial "Republican applause monitor," but have no fears; Bammy has his minions watching every twitch and shrug by every Republican, being the thin-skinned ******* that he is.
The economy has not improved anywhere near to the level it should have. The unemployment rate would be over 10% but for the people who left the labor force. Compare the Reagan recovery - where he had to deal with 13% inflation, 16% interest rates, and increasing energy costs at the beginning of his recovery, unlike Obama:



Further, the Obama economy is founded on part-time jobs, since Obama fostered a plan that forces employers with more than 5 employees to provide health insurance to employees who work more than 30 hours per week. The result? Stay below 5 employees and/or keep workers under 30 hours per week. Brilliant I tell 'ya.

And the stock market gains are predicated on the Fed "monetizing the debt." Since the Fed is keeping interest rates low and buying up its own debt, the bond market suffers, and the stock market gets an artificial increase.

Hey, what could go wrong, it worked 1925-1929, right?

Obamacare has been discussed ad nauseum here. But the following is undeniably a result of your beloved Bammycare:


Great. Just don't make me pay for other people's solar power (taxes and support to such companies). Let them compete and provide competitively-priced energy ... except Obama simply cannot and will not do that.

This is code for "money paid to those who don't actually ... you know, pay taxes" ... due to the Bammy economy.

**** that. Enough with the Santa Claus recovery (lots of false promises, and a shitload of debt as the outcome).

What the hell does the President of the United States claim to be able to do about paying for child care? Jesus Christ, how about you leave me the **** alone and I pay my own bills with my own money??? Does he honestly believe that the Federal Government should starting paying for child care? If so, get ready for child care to quintuple in price - that is the effect of 3rd party financing of any activity.

And those workers spend a lot of time saying, "Would you like fries with that" ... but no more than 29 hours per week, of course. (The graph above makes the point, Tibs.)

That's priceless, given that Bammy is the only one who has raised the idea of taxing and regulating the internet. This, from that right-wing rag, the Washington Post:


And motherhood, and applie pie, and Neil Armstrong, and G.I. Joe and on and on. Garbage. Pure garbage from a President that would tax breathing if he could.

Wait, CO2 taxes do just that. Never mind. And funny how the guy who claims to be so worried about "working Americans" legalizes work for 15 million illegal aliens, thereby boosting the labor force and driving down wages for the lowest-skilled. Funny as in "hmm, that seems odd" and definitely not funny hah-hah.

So releasing terrorists is a good idea, but in the meantime we have to start using force against the very guys he released? Okaaaaay.

Yes, of course, "trying something new" with governments that have thousands of political prisoners and who will be propped up by our tourist dollars is genius.

Good heavens, the climate changes - we all freaking know that. The question is whether or not man-made CO2 is a primary cause of adverse weather changes? And the answer, more and more with every passing year, is, "We have no genuine data to support that view." The climate models are simply wrong, Tibs.


And fascinating that the same guy who is supposedly sooooo worried about "working Americans" and the poor practically cums at the thought of CO2 taxes and penalties that would lead to increasing gas and heating prices, which adversely affects the working poor more than any others.

Care to explain, Tibs?

Torture has always been prohibited, Tibs. The dispute is and always was, "What constitutes torture?" Bammy has a different view than Bush. I agree with that. But many of these supposed "arguments" are strawman.

"I support mom and apple pie. I thereby plan on taxing the **** out of petroleum, and if you oppose me, you hate mothers and apple pie." That kind of bullshit.

The way it works in America is that the states take care of health and safety. The President of the United States has no business delving into this topic. Seriously, he does not have the authority.

And I know that you think "your guy" will always be in charge. Trust me, he won't. So you think it appropriate for future Presidents to decide how gay, whatever citizens are treated? And overrule states on those issues? I don't. It's none of the President's business if my state does or does not recognize gay marriage, gay rights, etc. It just is not within his delegated authorities, and offends the Constitution.

So another strawman.

Where is it "difficult" to vote, Tibs? Where? Somewhere you have to show an ID? Seriously, a goddam ID? If you don't have the wherewithal to have an ID, then why the **** are you voting?

Finally, thank you for acting as the unofficial "Republican applause monitor," but have no fears; Bammy has his minions watching every twitch and shrug by every Republican, being the thin-skinned ******* that he is.

Thanks, wanted to say a lot of the same things, you saved me the time.

Can I also say that it's ridiculous we can tout "More Americans have healthcare" as some kind of smashing success for Obamacare. Of course more Americans have healthcare, for God's sake we could have spent 100th the amount of money and been able to say "More Americans have healthcare". The reality is there are still many more uninsured than projected, premiums have gone up rather than down, the cost has way outstripped what was projected and will continue to, you cannot keep your current plan or your doctor as promised, the out of pocket costs of the "healthcare" that many are getting is still out of their reach so we actually have MORE people going to ERs for their healthcare than before, this is all aside from the colossally expensive and ridiculously incompetent rollout that had to be completely scrapped and redone...and aside from your observations on what it's doing to full-time job creation, and the employer mandate hasn't even been fully implemented yet...

That anyone can say the ACA is a success with a straight face is unbelievable.
I was being sarcastic...BUT, gas prices are down...

True, except that Bomma and the True Believers don't want gas prices to be down. Remember His Energy Secretary said that he would like our gas prices to be like Europe's at around $8 a gallon. It's findable on YouTube.
True, except that Bomma and the True Believers don't want gas prices to be down. Remember His Energy Secretary said that he would like our gas prices to be like Europe's at around $8 a gallon. It's findable on YouTube.

Not too mention when the prices are this low your state and local govs see an opportunity to tax it higher for their own shortcomings in hopes you wont notice. Then when gas is back over $4 which will be prior to bummer leaving office, you will really notice.

I had a child born in the bummer term and I am doing worse now than I was prior. If my wife stayed at home and we took in all the free **** he gives we would pay much less taxes. We actually don't qualify for the free ****, I would put us in the middle class. Eh I am tired of typing, Obama sux, he is a liar, The wife and I made the same money this year as last and we paid much more in taxes. We use to get a deduct for child care, now we get a deduct for 10% of what we paid. We get less for dependent this year over last. AT any rate someone earlier said he set us back decades financially, that is correct!
Here is an interesting stat: Carter/Clinton 12 years 33 million jobs Reagan/Bush/Bush 20 years 19 million jobs
Here's another interesting stat. GDP grew by 22% and real median income grew 6% during Reagan's first 6 years. GDP grew by 8% and real median income shrank by 4% during Obama's.


Funny that Bomma's speech, or what I saw in the highlights, was about the middle class, but the middle class is losing ground and meantime the 1% has never done so well. But Romney is for "the rich".
Obama is nothing but a bullshit artist. He's a snake oil salesman. He says one thing and completely does another. He is moving us right along toward...

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”

Alexis de Tocqueville
I want to throw "this" back out there...

Is there ANYONE here that truly believes that ANY PRESIDENT solely makes the decisions that has brought our country to its current situation?

I've said it since "renouncing" my affinity for the President - that, I will, going forward, vote for the lesser of two evils. The trouble is that hindsight is usually 20/20...
Is there ANYONE here that truly believes that ANY PRESIDENT solely makes the decisions that has brought our country to its current situation?

I DO believe that Presidents currently have more power than they have ever had due to the growth and power of he bureaucracy via the appointments and regulations they make that have the force of law without having to go through Congress. Congress for their part doesn't mind having their power usurped because it also removes accountability.
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Gas got as low as 1.65 a gallon last week here. It's now back up to 1.81. Still cheap....but I don't see the prices staying so low for much longer.