Or look totally incompetent on offense in order to lull them into a false sense of security...Maybe the game plan is to freak out the Chiefs by playing the entire first half without blinking.

Or look totally incompetent on offense in order to lull them into a false sense of security...Maybe the game plan is to freak out the Chiefs by playing the entire first half without blinking.
Offense keeps on like it is, they'll gas out. Offense needs to get its **** together.Defense so far has come to play
pretty good since it happens on the road in loud stadiums way too much.... we simply cant play well with crowd noise... they dont hear the play changes right or somethingWhat are the odds that EVERY receiver is running the wrong rout?
And the offense is going to waste it.Defense so far has come to play
We're still 0-0.Think the Chiefs board is pissed they haven’t scored either?
The team? Don't know but 2014 is about right. I don't want this to be true though. I really want this win.I'm just wondering when the team gives up realizing Mike Tomlin will never win another playoff game.
Do I have to answer this???We're still in it. Who would have thought?
Doubt it. They know their team will score eventually. As Steelers fans, we can never be sure.Think the Chiefs board is pissed they haven’t scored either?
No losing seasons, screw playoff wins.do they really care?
Given that he dislocated his elbow last week, it's possible.Does Harris really need a breather after 6 plays?