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Steelers JV Squad Vs the Tampa Bay Bradys Gameday thread

Oh no Mitch threw another one, oh no Mitch threw TD pass. Mitch will be fired. No is the time for the defense to really stand tall.
a WR TD holy hell
my sentiments exactly. I guess I need to call Trubisky and the offense a high school outfit more often. No way I would ever think they could put together that kind of drive the way they looked throughout the whole game except for the opening drive.
alright defense stop Brady yet again!
I think Mitch has as many yards as Kenny now..
Somebody who thinks Mason should be playing over Mitch told me I’m blind if I can’t tell that Pickett is clearly better than Mitch.
4th qtr, Steelers with the lead. Can the defense hold it.....for once.
I am… what happened with Tua isnt even close to what just happened there… if he really was showing signs of a concussion then yeah, hold him out… but nobody in the NFL who has left for an evaluation has come back into the game since the second Tua injury so far… definitely an overreaction.. every head hit isn’t a serious concussion
When Tua first got hit - (not the curled fingers hit - the game prior) it was EXACTLY like Kenny's hit. Remember? He got up wobbly and then they brought him back in the game...
Good for Mitch. At this point in time I don’t see a huge amount of difference between the two except Kenny has more upside.
The Mitch haters have come alive, please where do you see that much difference. Kenny had a good one drive. Same play calls same players same reaction
Not a hater. I have seen what Mitch can do. Not all his fault. We are not making the playoffs this year. Agree or disagree,I don’t care. But if somehow Kenny can’t play,it would not bother me if Mason started. Just to see him play. I’d love to see Mitch and Mason have a good game. Mostly because,you never know,someone might offer us a draft choice. Kenny is definitely the future.
I have no issues w/ starting pickett, but Mitch was not the main problem. Canada / Tomlin handcuffs the QBs / offense