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Steeltime Special: The California Exodus

Which in California would REALLY **** over everyone because we are a web of interconnected freeways. A large percentage of people commute to where they work 50+ miles due to the cost of housing. This would be disastrous.

That is code for "full steam ahead, next up in legislative priorities"
That is code for "full steam ahead, next up in legislative priorities"

Trust me they keep thinking of ways to take more of our money. I don't understand the lunacy of these libtards voting for ******** who want to take more and provide less.
Seattle city council wanted to pass $500/year/employee tax on "big business "

Amazon stopped construction on center that would employ a bunch of people. Seattle officials callin amazon ceo a bully.
Seattle city council wanted to pass $500/year/employee tax on "big business "

Amazon stopped construction on center that would employ a bunch of people. Seattle officials callin amazon ceo a bully.

Libs only want to tax other peoples' money, not their own.
95 Apartments Promised Affordable Rent in San Francisco. Then 6,580 People Applied

For $1,200 a month, Patricia Torres and her family were renting a bedroom, a share of time in the bathroom, one vegetable drawer and one shelf in the fridge, and two cupboards over the stove. They rented not so much a home as a fraction of one.

San Francisco’s housing crisis had meant living without essential elements of home. A large affordable housing development rising downtown promised what they did not have: 95 complete homes, one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments with privacy, a sense of peace, a place to cook.

The development, Natalie Gubb Commons, was reserved for households with incomes up to 50 percent of the local median. The applications were open for three weeks last fall, and 6,580 households applied for a chance to rent there, or nearly 70 for each unit.

With affordable housing scarce and likely to grow more so, San Francisco planned to draw winners for Natalie Gubb Commons at random.

Subsidized housing is often rationed this way, by lottery. Many apply, few win, most are disappointed.

95 Apartments Promised Affordable Rent in San Francisco. Then 6,580 People Applied

For $1,200 a month, Patricia Torres and her family were renting a bedroom, a share of time in the bathroom, one vegetable drawer and one shelf in the fridge, and two cupboards over the stove. They rented not so much a home as a fraction of one.

San Francisco’s housing crisis had meant living without essential elements of home. A large affordable housing development rising downtown promised what they did not have: 95 complete homes, one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments with privacy, a sense of peace, a place to cook.

The development, Natalie Gubb Commons, was reserved for households with incomes up to 50 percent of the local median. The applications were open for three weeks last fall, and 6,580 households applied for a chance to rent there, or nearly 70 for each unit.

With affordable housing scarce and likely to grow more so, San Francisco planned to draw winners for Natalie Gubb Commons at random.

Subsidized housing is often rationed this way, by lottery. Many apply, few win, most are disappointed.


Gee, look at that. San Francisco has stifled home and apartment development to the point that nobody can live there. And the flaccid efforts by government simply underscore how incompetent they are. Soylent Green in action.

Greatest state in the Union as of January 1, 1968. Reagan as our governor, a (R) legislature, and incredible schools, highways, roads, police, fire protection, and a booming economy. 50 years later with (D)umbass rule ... and a shithole. Tens of thousands of stinking, rank homeless walking around without pants (I see this every time I go downtown, people), enormous taxes driving out the middle class, impossible property prices due in substantial part to idiot government regulations (each rule drives up the price).

Soon - very soon, I fear - California will be France circa 1787. The billionaire elites enjoying their gated communities, and 85% of the population living in abject poverty and hand-to-mouth.
Gee, look at that. San Francisco has stifled home and apartment development to the point that nobody can live there. And the flaccid efforts by government simply underscore how incompetent they are. Soylent Green in action.

Greatest state in the Union as of January 1, 1968. Reagan as our governor, a (R) legislature, and incredible schools, highways, roads, police, fire protection, and a booming economy. 50 years later with (D)umbass rule ... and a shithole. Tens of thousands of stinking, rank homeless walking around without pants (I see this every time I go downtown, people), enormous taxes driving out the middle class, impossible property prices due in substantial part to idiot government regulations (each rule drives up the price).

Soon - very soon, I fear - California will be France circa 1787. The billionaire elites enjoying their gated communities, and 85% of the population living in abject poverty and hand-to-mouth.

You're describing the plot of Elysium.

Gee, look at that. San Francisco has stifled home and apartment development to the point that nobody can live there. And the flaccid efforts by government simply underscore how incompetent they are. Soylent Green in action.

Greatest state in the Union as of January 1, 1968. Reagan as our governor, a (R) legislature, and incredible schools, highways, roads, police, fire protection, and a booming economy. 50 years later with (D)umbass rule ... and a shithole. Tens of thousands of stinking, rank homeless walking around without pants (I see this every time I go downtown, people), enormous taxes driving out the middle class, impossible property prices due in substantial part to idiot government regulations (each rule drives up the price).

Soon - very soon, I fear - California will be France circa 1787. The billionaire elites enjoying their gated communities, and 85% of the population living in abject poverty and hand-to-mouth.

hopefully the poop map will get updated so you don't step in some democratic policies when you're downtown.

Gee, look at that. San Francisco has stifled home and apartment development to the point that nobody can live there. And the flaccid efforts by government simply underscore how incompetent they are. Soylent Green in action.

Greatest state in the Union as of January 1, 1968. Reagan as our governor, a (R) legislature, and incredible schools, highways, roads, police, fire protection, and a booming economy. 50 years later with (D)umbass rule ... and a shithole. Tens of thousands of stinking, rank homeless walking around without pants (I see this every time I go downtown, people), enormous taxes driving out the middle class, impossible property prices due in substantial part to idiot government regulations (each rule drives up the price).

Soon - very soon, I fear - California will be France circa 1787. The billionaire elites enjoying their gated communities, and 85% of the population living in abject poverty and hand-to-mouth.
Another example of liberal policies creating the very situations they claim to be fighting against.
Ahhh, California continues its descent into the sewer. Los Angeles will be spending an estimated $2.5 billion - that's BILLION, with a "b" - over the next five years to "help" the homeless with "affordable housing." Meanwhile, the people who actually work for a living and pay the bills get higher taxes to cover the giveaways. Residents are fed up with the homeless, many of whom are felons released due to prison overcrowding and California's brilliant Proposition 47, and are close to the breaking point.

"A homeless population camping in one San Pedro neighborhood a few years ago made life miserable for residents, including Mary Zeitler, who at the time told a reporter she often was kept awake, sometimes for most of the night, by loud fist fights, shouted obscenities and public sex taking place not far outside her apartment window. Zeitler said she sympathized with many of the homeless, adding that she knows families who are a paycheck or two away from losing their homes.

“I totally get it,” she said. “It falls into the category of ‘sh– happens.’ It’s one thing if they just lived there and cleaned up, but there are shopping carts that stack up and bags of stuff. … I walk my dog in the (nearby) canyon and find human feces and toilet paper all over the place. It’s bad.”

Oreb, the LAPD Harbor Division captain, said there is a criminal element among those living on the streets. “It’s always a mixture,” he said. “The people who actually want to get off the street we’ve been very successful in helping. … The ones we’re frequently dealing with (with criminal backgrounds and/or involved in narcotics) refuse to get help and want to be able to continue living in that lifestyle.”

Residents argue that criminals increasingly are hiding behind the cloak of homelessness as a way to prey on their communities. Some make a distinction between homeless people who need and want help and others who take advantage. But patience, generally speaking, is wearing thin.

Homeowners, at public meeting after public meeting, say they feel like they’re under attack. They talk about the motion-sensitive lights and security cameras and the 8-foot-high walls they’ve installed to discourage vagrants from trespassing on their property. They talk about the parks they used to love but now avoid, saying they no longer can walk or jog along once-favorite paths. Some say they won’t stop at convenience stores or other retail establishments where they might be confronted by homeless people.

“We used to worry about gangs,” a woman testified during the recent Anaheim town hall. “(But) no one’s scared of gangs, I’ll tell you that. They’re scared of the homeless. … Enough with the compassion! Somebody needs to do something to stop the homeless. It’s out of control.”

It’s not just the rising tide of homelessness. Residents fear what they describe as an increasingly violent homeless population. While some clearly need medical and psychological help, others appear to be able-bodied, wheeling around town on bicycles and living sometimes in trees or other more creative locations.

Ramon Carrizosa, a long-time area resident who runs his family’s print and machine shops in downtown Pomona, said he’s regularly called 911, asking police to stop the fights on the sidewalk. And there have been shootings.


What I see as I go to LA Superior Court:



These homeless are camped out on a street called Beaudry, which funnels traffic north-and-south to and from downtown. It started with a tent near Beaudry and 3rd St., moved south to Wilshire, and now north towards 2nd street. Wilshire is between 6th and 7th, so the area has basically 4 city blocks of homeless.

Also, the homeless have taken over parks in the People's Republic of Santa Monica:


I used to take my kids to Santa Monica pier, and we would rent bicycles to bike along "the Strand." Now? The stench of the homeless and their feces and their urine and their body odor makes the area nauseating.

So what to do? California says, "spend billions of dollars on them." Yeah, so I guess the homeless in Texas and Florida and New York and Arizona are not going to say, "hey, that sounds good" and join their brethren in California? Huh? That is exactly what will happen, and a significant reason why the homeless population has been exploding in Southern California. The city gives away free food and shelter, the homeless accept the gifts, other homeless learn of the giveaways and take their body odor to SoCal.

But all good, I guess. I am the **** out of here soon - very, very, very soon. So I hope the homeless overwhelm and bankrupt this formerly great state - so long as they keep their taxes and homeless to themselves.
for 2.5b, they could build 125k of those tiny homes.
Oh, and make no mistake - I am not the only middle-class resident leaving because this place has become a shithole, run by moronic (D)umbfucks, who continually make the problem worse. For example:


Dana Point resident Linda Stiles stands by an abandoned building in July near her apartment. where she says homeless people campout and cause problems. She says her home has been broken into two times in the last three months and has had enough. She is moving to another city. (File photo by Mindy Schauer, Orange County Register/SCNG)


So keep it rolling, (D)umbasses. Drive out every middle-class and upper middle-class taxpayer, and fill the state with bums and a few dozen billionaires. See how that works out.
for 2.5b, they could build 125k of those tiny homes.

And those free homes would be populated with the chronically unemployed and drug addicts, who would turn the very nice structures into shitholes with a year or so. Meanwhile, here come another 200,000 homeless, looking for that free ****!!
And those free homes would be populated with the chronically unemployed and drug addicts, who would turn the very nice structures into shitholes with a year or so. Meanwhile, here come another 200,000 homeless, looking for that free ****!!

I see a war brewing between the homeless and illegal immigrants. Something for Californians to look forward to.

Now CA is telling public companies that they need to have one female* on their board by the end of 2019, and depending on how big the board is, two or three females* on their board by the end of 2021.

“Female” means an individual who self-identifies her gender as a woman, without regard to the individual’s designated sex at birth.


I can see it now. Christmas 2019 is coming up and they couldn't find a qualified woman to join the board, "Gentlemen, someone is going to have to step up. Who volunteers to self-identify as a woman?"

Between the taxes and the goofy regulations, why do companies stay in California?

More outcome based bullshit. The Bill sponsor is so proud - http://sd19.senate.ca.gov/news/2018...t-state-require-women-corporate-boards-passes
I have to work in Phoenix, but my escape on the weekends is at 7,000 feet just south of Flagstaff.

On my 120 mile ride back to the valley of smog this afternoon, I counted almost as many California plates on I-17 as AZ plates.

The migration is happening in a big way.

I remember growing up when that meant an increase in the bead wearing, hippy, freak show types. Arizonian "Where are you from?" New transplant "California." Arizonian "Never would've guessed. /sarc" it was almost stereotypical in its numbers.
I registered to vote in Arizona today. Went to the CA Secretary of State website, and learned that I cannot "unregister" in California.

Huhh. This November, I might be able to vote in Arizona and simultaneously cancel out an illegal alien's vote in California ... tempting. Very tempting.
Huhh. This November, I might be able to vote in Arizona and simultaneously cancel out an illegal alien's vote in California ... tempting. Very tempting.

Well, since they allow other people to do ii, I guess it is okay. Have at it.
I registered to vote in Arizona today. Went to the CA Secretary of State website, and learned that I cannot "unregister" in California.

Huhh. This November, I might be able to vote in Arizona and simultaneously cancel out an illegal alien's vote in California ... tempting. Very tempting.

I didn't even know that "unregistering" is a thing. I'll have to see if I am still on the rolls in AK, TX, GA, NJ, and AL.