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Terror attack in Brussels

I wonder what would happen if a mosque got targeted on the first day of Ramadan.
the left would hyperventilate between apologizing profusely.
I wonder what would happen if a mosque got targeted on the first day of Ramadan.

President Trump's wheelhouse.
[h=1]Muslim Shopkeeper Murdered After Wishing Christians Happy Easter[/h]http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/03/26/muslim-murders-muslim-moments-after-wishing-beloved-christian-nation-happy-easter/
Fix your link

"stabbed to death by another Muslim"

in a "religiously prejudiced" attack hours after posting an Easter message on Facebook to "my beloved Christian nation"

More from the Religion of peace
President Trump's wheelhouse.

Europe is dead - we should cut all ties with that cesspool

EU Prepares For Massive Migration Flows From Libya - 800,000 immigrants on the way

French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said yesterday (24 March) that some 800,000 migrants are in Libya hoping to cross to Europe.

Le Drian told Europe 1 radio that “hundreds of thousands” of migrants were in Libya, having fled conflict and poverty in the Middle East and elsewhere, adding that the figure of 800,000 was “about right”.



Keystone coppers still at it

Brussels attacks: Belgium releases 'terror murder suspect'

A man known as Faycal C, the only person arrested and charged with involvement in the Brussels attacks, has been released for lack of evidence.

Police have released CCTV footage in their efforts to identify a third suspect in last Tuesday's bomb attacks on a Brussels airport. (video)

Nothing about Christians being the obvious target, or that this was an attack on a Easter celebration gathering, or even that it happened on Easter.

There was in my link

Ahsanullah Ahsan, a spokesman for the breakaway Taliban faction Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, which has sworn allegiance to ISIS, told The Associated Press late Sunday that the suicide bomber deliberately targeted Christians celebrating Easter in the park

Now watch some lazy douchbag attention ***** like Coach start a new thread about this
Suspect has been arrested and charged with "terrorist murders".

Charged with 'terrorist murders'

Belgium releases terror murder suspect

So much for the coppers 'rounding up the usual suspects'

I bet you $100 the guy in the white coat is hiding in plain sight a block away in that Muslim neighborhood
Darkness falling over Turkey. Israel tells its citizens to leave Turkey immediately as ISIS threat to Jews & Christians grows.

Intelligence agencies are warning that Jews and Christians could be targeted with more terror attacks soon. Now the Israeli government is warning its citizens to leave Turkey immediately.

Soon, I plan to write more about the darkness falling over Turkey, a country I love dearly and one where I’ve taken my wife and children repeatedly over the years.

For now, here’s more on the warning issued to Israeli citizens:

“The Counter-Terrorism Bureau at the Prime Minister’s Office on Monday issued a travel warning calling on the public to avoid visiting Turkey and urging Israelis currently there to leave as soon as they can,” reports the Times of Israel.

The warning, which raised the terror risk in Turkey from level 3 (basic concrete threat) to level 2 (high concrete threat), came in the wake of a terror attack in central Istanbul on March 19, in which three Israelis were killed and several others wounded,” the Times noted. “That attack, the PMO said in a statement, underscored the threat emanating from Islamic State cells that seek to attack tourism sites and proved that IS has ‘high capabilities of carrying out further attacks.'”

“Terrorist infrastructures in Turkey continue to advance additional attacks against tourist targets – including Israeli tourists – throughout the country,” the statement added. Israelis in Turkey should “leave as soon as possible.””
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Soon, I plan to write more about the darkness falling over Turkey, a country I love dearly and one where I’ve taken my wife and children repeatedly over the years.

What is this darkness you speak of?

The only thing that gave Turkiye a chance was secularism, and they were dragged kicking and screaming by Kemal Attaturk. Now, under Erdogan, that Islamist weasel, it is resorting back to it's Ottoman roots. The only hope is that the secularists outweigh the religious zombies, I fear not.
maybe Obama is right, killing all the Christians and Jews will lead to a safer world

Obama Touts Bringing Syrian Refugees to U.S.

Just days after the ISIS terror attack in Brussels that left 35 dead, including four Americans, and hundreds more severely wounded, President Obama is again touting plans to bring a least 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States.


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The order applies to the cities of Ismir, Mugla and Adana, where Incirlik Air Base (pictured on Feb. 26) is located. | AP Photo

Pentagon orders military families out of parts of Turkey

The Pentagon is ordering families of U.S. troops to leave certain areas of Turkey because of “security concerns in the region,” according to a statement today from the U.S. European Command.

The order applies to the cities of Ismir, Mugla and Adana, where Incirlik Air Base is located.

The order comes after the State Department issued a travel warning, urging U.S. citizens to avoid southeastern Turkey because of "increased threats from terrorist groups." The State Department also ordered family members of U.S. government civilians posted in Turkey to leave certain areas of the country.

In its statement, European Command said the step “does not signify a permanent decision to end accompanied tours at these facilities. It is intended to mitigate the risk to Do elements and personnel, including family members, while ensuring the combat effectiveness of U.S. forces and our mission support to operations in Turkey.”
Trump is right again. Time to re-think NATO.

The order applies to the cities of Ismir, Mugla and Adana, where Incirlik Air Base (pictured on Feb. 26) is located. | AP Photo

Pentagon orders military families out of parts of Turkey

The Pentagon is ordering families of U.S. troops to leave certain areas of Turkey because of “security concerns in the region,” according to a statement today from the U.S. European Command.

The order applies to the cities of Ismir, Mugla and Adana, where Incirlik Air Base is located.

The order comes after the State Department issued a travel warning, urging U.S. citizens to avoid southeastern Turkey because of "increased threats from terrorist groups." The State Department also ordered family members of U.S. government civilians posted in Turkey to leave certain areas of the country.

In its statement, European Command said the step “does not signify a permanent decision to end accompanied tours at these facilities. It is intended to mitigate the risk to Do elements and personnel, including family members, while ensuring the combat effectiveness of U.S. forces and our mission support to operations in Turkey.”
This must be a lie. How could we be run out of one of the oldest NATO member nations?

Wife of Air Force officer among the dead in Brussels terror attack

Identified among those killed by Muslim terrorists in Brussels was the wife of U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Kato Martinez.

Defense Department officials identified Gail Minglana Martinez, 41, of Corpus Christi TX as among the four Americans murdered in a suicide bomb attack at the international airport outside the Belgian capital.

Lt. Col. Martinez had been stationed in Brunssum in the Netherlands. The couple had been married 21 years.

The Air Force officer, and the couple's four children, were among the hundreds of wounded.

So far, 35 persons have reportedly died as a result of the attacks on March 22 at the airport and Brussels' metro system.

Sounds like two legal mexican immigrants too, which I (and Trump) are all for 100%.

I am sorry for that family's loss. Having 4 children and losing a mother is terrible.

Damn islamic terrorists. **** them.
The lack of new gun control legislation in the US is indefensible and shameful!! If we had more gun control this **** wouldn't happen.
Welcome to the caliphate

At least FIFTY ISIS supporters are working as baggage handlers at Brussels airport

Police at Brussels airport have claimed at least 50 Islamic State supporters are working there as baggage handlers, cleaners and catering staff.

In an astonishing open letter, the officers said they have warned about the terrorist sympathisers whose security badges give them access to planes, but they remain employed.

The airport police, who are threatening to go on strike because of security deficiencies, also said they have raised the issue of terrorists scouting the airport to plan possible attacks.

The extraordinary claims come after the Mail reported how the family of two of the bombers involved in the attacks last week said they had worked as cleaners at the airport.

‘Some people suspected of having fought in Syria came to the airport as “false tourists”. We reported their presence but we do not know if anything was done with that information,’ the airport police wrote in their letter.

Welcome to the caliphate

At least FIFTY ISIS supporters are working as baggage handlers at Brussels airport

Police at Brussels airport have claimed at least 50 Islamic State supporters are working there as baggage handlers, cleaners and catering staff.

In an astonishing open letter, the officers said they have warned about the terrorist sympathisers whose security badges give them access to planes, but they remain employed.

The airport police, who are threatening to go on strike because of security deficiencies, also said they have raised the issue of terrorists scouting the airport to plan possible attacks.

The extraordinary claims come after the Mail reported how the family of two of the bombers involved in the attacks last week said they had worked as cleaners at the airport.

‘Some people suspected of having fought in Syria came to the airport as “false tourists”. We reported their presence but we do not know if anything was done with that information,’ the airport police wrote in their letter.


Sounds familiar. Like when an Aviation school warned the Famous But Incompetent about Arab students that wanted to know how to fly and navigate but not take off and land.
U.S. Special Ops Kill 40 ISIS Operatives Responsible for Attacks From Paris to Egypt

Delta Force and Navy SEALs have crippled the group’s ability to recruit foreign fighters and put pressure on the network responsible for striking Europe and Africa.

As the self-proclaimed Islamic State trumpets its global terrorist campaign, U.S. special operations forces have quietly killed more than three dozen key ISIS operatives blamed for plotting deadly attacks in Europe and beyond.

Defense officials tell The Daily Beast that U.S. special operators have killed 40 “external operations leaders, planners, and facilitators” blamed for instigating, plotting, or funding ISIS’s attacks from Brussels and Paris to Egypt and Africa.

That’s less than half the overall number of ISIS targets that special operators have taken off the battlefield, one official explained, including top leaders like purported ISIS second-in-command Haji Imam, killed in March.

The previously unpublished number provides a rare glimpse into the U.S. counterterrorist mission that is woven into overall coalition efforts to defeat ISIS, and which is credited with crippling ISIS efforts to recruit foreign fighters and carry out more plots like the deadly assault on Paris that killed 130 last fall.

As proof of the campaign’s overall success, Pentagon officials this week said the overall size of ISIS from a high estimate of 33,000 a year ago to between 19,000 to 25,000 fighters, and that the influx of foreign fighters into Iraq and Syria had dropped from up to 2,000 a month last year to just 200. The Secretary of Defense Ash Carter was more cautious about that figure in testimony Thursday morning, saying it is “hard to be accurate” estimating foreign fighter flow, but that the numbers generally are falling. That’s set against the warning by Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper this week that ISIS cells are likely already in place across Europe.

That’s set against the warning by Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper this week that ISIS cells are likely already in place across Europe.

The U.S. strikes have picked up pace since Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced the deployment of special operations forces to northern Iraq last December, under the unwieldy moniker of “Expeditionary Targeting Force,” the officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to describe the special operations mission publicly.

The officials expect that tempo to rise as the newly expanded special operations advising team inside Syria also grows from 50 to up to 300, as President Obama announced in Germany on Monday.

Officials say the Syria-based U.S. special operators help stitch together the disparate members of the Syrian Defense Force and vet others who want to join the mission, while also gathering intelligence on the ground that leads to strikes.

The CIA, NSA, and other elements of the U.S. intelligence community are also driving the effort, finding and feeding the intelligence to the coalition strike force.

At the top of the special operations target list is the network of ISIS operatives blamed for “external operations”: 60 attacks in 21 countries that have killed 1,000 people since January 2015, the officials said. Most of the ISIS targets were killed in Syria, by special operations combat aircraft, but also by troops who attempted to capture a handful of high value ISIS targets in raids. All of those targets resisted arrest and were killed, the officials said.

That grim tally includes the previously announced December killing of Syrian-based ISIS member Charaffe al-Mouadan, who officials have concluded had direct ties to Abdel Hamid Abaoud, the leader of the ISIS cell that attacked Paris last November. Mouadan was among an estimated 10 militants taken out in a spec-ops air strike.

Another was Abdul Kader Hakim, killed in Mosul in December. The Pentagon called Hakim an “external operations facilitator” and a forgery specialist with links to the Paris attack network.

It’s not clear how many civilians may have been caught in the special operations-related strikes. The U.S. has admitted to accidentally killing 41 civilians in the 20 months since coalition strikes began.

Sometimes the kills or attempted captures are not announced, in order to see how ISIS responds, one of the senior officials explained. “What are they doing, what are they saying, who are they communicating to? How do they backfill the missing operator?” he said. Those reactions can reveal weakness the U.S. task force can exploit.

“The point of such operations is to keep ISIS guessing,” he said.

Defense officials acknowledge the downside of the secrecy of the operations is that humanitarian and human rights organizations that try to serve as neutral arbiters in war zones don’t always know who to call when civilians report allegations of casualties or damage in the aftermath of a military strike—or when someone goes missing, possibly taken in a raid. Two senior defense officials said they were actively working to establish and maintain relationships with such agencies in areas where their troops operate, including sharing with the International Committee of the Red Cross details of any detainees taken within a short time of their capture, as per Pentagon policy on detainees.

“Defense regulations… stipulate that information concerning detainees in U.S. military custody should be provided to the ICRC normally within 14 days,” ICRC spokesman Anna Nelson said. “In practice, as soon as we are made aware of a new detainee in U.S. custody, we will get in contact with the U.S. authorities to organize a visit.”

The special operations counterterrorist mission is spearheaded by troops from the Joint Special Operations Command, the U.S. military’s premier counterterrorist unit.

But unlike previous conflicts, where JSOC raiders worked in secret, usually apart from other types of special operators, the Iraq and Syria teams blend specialists from multiple disciplines. “Door kickers” from units like the U.S. Army’s Delta Force and the Navy SEALs’ Naval Special Warfare Development Group who train for hostage rescue missions or kill-capture raids are paired with operators like Green Berets who specialize in learning foreign languages and cultures, and training local forces.

“The teams are integrated in just about everything we do,” one defense official said.

The mixing of troops may have something to with the background of those in charge of the ISIS fight. Current JSOC commander Lt. Gen. Austin S. Miller and his predecessor Gen. Tony Thomas both ran the overall special operations task force in Afghanistan, which blended the different skills of very different, sometimes competing spec-ops tribes.

Thomas now runs the U.S. Special Operations Command. Miller most recently commanded Fort Benning, Georgia, where he oversaw the U.S. Army Ranger School that produced the first successful women candidates ahead of the Pentagon’s decision to open all combat roles to women.

And Gen. Joseph Votel, who previously led both USSOCOM and JSOC, now runs the ISIS campaign as head of Central Command. While rooted in the counterterrorism realm earlier in his career, he has a broader perspective on what the different special operations tribes bring to the fight.
good. **** ISIS.
Now if we could get our government to stop supplying and funding Them.

If the Govt would quit funding all this ****, there would be no need for the over sized military industrial complex we now have. HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people would lose their jobs,
Now if we could get our government to stop supplying and funding Them.

They have to follow the pattern set by those brilliant EU members 'D', ya know, those open borders, all inclusive left of center socialist leaders that have done so well for their Countries.

Recently there was an amateur art contest in the Netherlands, and people were invited to create a work of art depicting the current era of multiculturalism in Europe — a depiction of their experience in the modern ‘melting pot’. This was the winner: ​

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