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The Crooked Hillary Thread

By hiring Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton essentially has bought her silence.

Hillary Clinton, who might be the best modern example of Lady MacBeth in the flesh knows how to keep people silent. She has made a career of doing it.

As they say in Democratic politics, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If all else fails, promise them a high-level position and let the mainstream media cover for you by not talking about it, or purposely omitting the vetting process.

This DNC disaster won't go away anytime soon. They were Anti-Semitic, used gay slurs, used words to demean women, and did not allow a fair race between their candidates. Trump should use it on commercials.

Voters should be very upset, and be mindful that the senior people in the DNC really do not like Jews, gays, or in some cases women. They only desire your vote on election day and use human interest stories when it's politically expedient for them.

Clinton is really a Republican these days. She's part of the 1%, pro-war, and extremely backed by the big banks. Sounds like a Republican on paper to me, at least the way the left prefers to define it.

More concerning is Hillary's campaign donation money trial. 30+ million from nations like Iran, Saudi Ariba, and the like. Do ya think even more was quietly money laundered to her under the cover of corporations or private individuals? I do. You know these nations dislike us. Where is the Quid Pro Quo here? Taking money like this to me is borderline treason, and can be treason depending on the " deals " made.
Now the dems get experience getting ****** in plain sight by a Clinton. Still they will vote for her. Amazing.
So the Clintons will shut down the Clinton Foundation if she gets elected. Why?
Throw all the logs on the fire.....Lyin' Crooked Hillary needs a pantleg to piss in!

Hillary’s Left Pantleg Just Cost Her The Election - She Uses A Catheter

Hillary’s health concerns have been taken to the next level — and we know why she wears pantsuits constantly.

She has a hidden catheter and it’s going to cause havoc within this election.

Have a rare weekend off so me and Mrs. Burgundy are outta tahn. Stayed at the home of her coworker in another state last night. Coworker's husband is an FBI agent and judging from the number of award plaques on the wall, he's a serious FBI agent. He said he's a registered Independent but allows that all the stories about Hildebeast screaming and throwing things at White House staff are true and that if she wins, the rule of law, justice, and immigration will be FUBAR'd forever.
So the Clintons will shut down the Clinton Foundation if she gets elected. Why?

Good question Chuck.

After years of claiming that the Clinton Foundation poses no ethical conflicts for Bill and Hillary or the U.S. government, Bill Clinton now admits the truth—sort of. If his wife becomes President, he says the Super PAC masquerading as a charity won’t accept foreign or corporate contributions. Bill will also resign from the foundation board, and Chelsea will stop raising money for it.

Now they tell us.

If such fund-raising poses a problem when she’s President, why didn’t it when she was Secretary of State or while she is running for President? The answer is that it did and does, and they know it, but the foundation was too important to their political futures to give it up until the dynastic couple were headed back to the Oval Office. Now that Hillary is running ahead of Donald Trump, Bill can graciously accept new restrictions on their pay-to-play politics.

Bill must be having a good laugh over this one. The foundation served for years as a conduit for corporate and foreign cash to burnish the Clinton image, pay for their travel expenses for speeches and foreign trips, and employ their coterie in between campaigns or government gigs. Donors could give as much as they wanted because the foundation is a “charity.”

President Obama may have banished Sidney Blumenthal from the State Department, but Bill could stash his conspiratorial pal at the foundation, keeping him on the family payroll while Sid flooded Hillary with foreign-policy advice. Her private email server was supposed to hide their email traffic—until that gambit was exposed last year. But FBI Director James Comey let Hillary off the hook on the emails, and he declined to investigate the foundation, so it looks like they’re home free.

By now the corporate and foreign cash has already been delivered, in anticipation that Hillary Clinton could become the next President. So now it’s the better part of political prudence to claim the ethical high ground.

If you choose to believe or have a short memory. Readers may recall that the foundation promised the White House when Mrs. Clinton became Secretary of State that the foundation would restrict foreign donations and get approval from the State Department.

It turned out the foundation violated that pledge, specifically when accepting $500,000 from Algeria. The foundation also agreed to disclose donor names but failed to do so for more than 1,000 foreign donors until the failure was exposed by press reports.

You also have to suspend disbelief that the foundation won’t live on as a Clinton political vehicle. Even if Bill and Chelsea take eight years off, the Clinton entourage appears to be taking no such vow. That would let friends and retainers continue to solicit donors and keep the joint running until the First Couple can return in 2025.

As an ethical matter, is a donation solicited by long-time Clinton body woman Cheryl Mills different than one solicited by Bill? Even in a smaller, more restricted form under these new donation limits, the foundation will continue to operate as a campaign-in-waiting for a future Senator Chelsea Clinton.

If the Clintons were serious about their new ethical virtue, they wouldn’t merely limit donations. They’d shut the foundation down. The inherent conflict of interest in keeping it running has even some Democrats, such as former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, calling for exactly that. Mr. Rendell is old enough to recall the 1990s and that if there’s an ethical temptation anywhere, the Clintons will find it and compromise Hillary’s Presidency.

Far from offering some new clean ethical slate, this latest foundation gambit ought to be a warning about a third Clinton term. Protected by Democrats and a press corps desperate to beat Donald Trump, the Clintons really do think they can get away with anything.

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Supposedly the next set of email dumps will include threats made to sanders to get him to drop out and back Hillary.....
I just think it's funny that the election is swinging the direction many of us felt it ultimately would because of the issues with HRC we all pointed out earlier... As people become more aware of them they either become apathetic or find another voting option...
uh-oh - those damn emails again!

House panel looking into Reddit post about Clinton´s email server

The House Oversight Committee is reviewing a Reddit post that alleges an IT specialist who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private server sought advice on how to alter the contents of “VERY VIP” emails, according to Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.).

Reddit users appear to have uncovered a two-year-old post from an account believed to belong to Combetta, an engineer with Platte River Networks. The Denver, Colo.-based firm managed Clinton’s private server.

The post, which has been deleted but can be read in images archived by Reddit users, coincides with the discovery of Clinton’s use of the server.

“I may be facing a very interesting situation where I need to strip out a VIP’s (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email… Basically, they don’t want the VIP’s email address exposed to anyone, and want to be able to either strip out or replace the email address in the to/from fields in all of the emails we want to send out,” reads the post, by a user called "stonetear."

“Does anyone have experience with something like this, and/or suggestions on how this might be accomplished

More concerning is Hillary's campaign donation money trial. 30+ million from nations like Iran, Saudi Ariba, and the like. Do ya think even more was quietly money laundered to her under the cover of corporations or private individuals? I do. You know these nations dislike us. Where is the Quid Pro Quo here? Taking money like this to me is borderline treason, and can be treason depending on the " deals " made.

Had not seen this previously in the thread and it certainly belongs here:

“We get up to a hundred calls a day from Hillary’s low-income supporters complaining about multiple unauthorized charges,” a source, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of job security, from the Wells Fargo fraud department told the Observer. The source claims that the Clinton campaign has been pulling this stunt since Spring of this year. The Hillary for America campaign will overcharge small donors by repeatedly charging small amounts such as $20 to the bankcards of donors who made a one-time donation. However, the Clinton campaign strategically doesn’t overcharge these donors $100 or more because the bank would then be obligated to investigate the fraud.

“We don’t investigate fraudulent charges unless they are over $100,” the fraud specialist explained. “The Clinton campaign knows this, that’s why we don’t see any charges over the $100 amount, they’ll stop the charges just below $100. We’ll see her campaign overcharge donors by $20, $40 or $60 but never more than $100.” The source, who has worked for Wells Fargo for over 10 years, said that the total amount they refund customers on a daily basis who have been overcharged by Clinton’s campaign “varies” but the bank usually issues refunds that total between $700 and $1,200 per day.

The source said that pornography companies often deploy a similar arrangement pull. “We see this same scheme with a lot of seedy porn companies,” the source said. The source also notes that the dozens of phone calls his department receives daily are from people who notice the fraudulent charges on their statements. “The people who call us are just the ones who catch the fraudulent charges. I can’t imagine how many more people are getting overcharged by Hillary’s campaign and they have no idea.”

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hit rival Donald ... It's Talk Like a Pirate Day—But Where Does 'Pirate Talk' Really Come From? .

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State Department has 2,800 emails Clinton never turned over

The State Department said Friday it likely has more than 2,800 new emails former Secretary Hillary Clinton never turned over but that were recovered by the FBI, and will begin releasing then in batches beginning next month.

But only a small percentage will be processed before the election, the department said in court, arguing its resources are stretched too thin to get them done.




The dumpy ***** wants a step stool for the debate. They said no, put she will have a custom podium that doesn't make look so small. It doesn't matter because, that voice...that hideous godawful voice. I think they should have a ticker on the screen to time her coughing fits. If it goes two minutes or longer I would love to see Trump call 911 on his cell phone.
Or give her CPR when she collapses.
Don't forget

Corrupt HSBC Global Bank Exec Arrested, Links to Hillary, James Comey and Loretta Lynch


As everyone with any intelligence at all knew, the leaks would start to come from the FBI after the worst and most corrupt President in our history and his corrupt DOJ ordered the FBI to let Hillary off. The career FBI investigators felt she should have been indicted and should lose her security clearance. Can't say I am surprised at this and you know the MSM will not give this the coverage it deserves.
