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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

I'd have Biden come out and say he is running for only 1 term and have Mark Warner as his running mate. I actually think
Mark Warner would make the best President, successful businessman, Governor, Senator, likable, smart. His candidate flaw
is that he isn't charismatic. But he has solid ideas on improving economy.
I'd have Biden come out and say he is running for only 1 term and have Mark Warner as his running mate. I actually think
Mark Warner would make the best President, successful businessman, Governor, Senator, likable, smart. His candidate flaw
is that he isn't charismatic. But he has solid ideas on improving economy.

probably as solid of ideas you have for your next New York Times Bestseller, right? Well, after you get past page 1 of the current one you've been painstakingly working on for the better part of what...10 years now?

if Bernie think he's the best choice, then DT should get his winning campaign speech prepared. I don't see how he comes close to unseating Trump. Maybe I'm naive.
Bernie running as an Independent again is PERFECT!

He is NOT a Democrat and will run against Biden et al in the primaries again and split the vote







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People of color under 40 years old aren't likely to vote at all if it's two old white guys.
Without Bernie, Trump would never have been President.

That's true, without Bernie or Bust loonies like Tibs sending him piles of cash he would not have fought so hard to the bitter end against Hillary and gotten so many to hate her and "vote their conscience"

We have Tibs to thank for Trump!

I'd have Biden come out and say he is running for only 1 term and have Mark Warner as his running mate. I actually think
Mark Warner would make the best President, successful businessman, Governor, Senator, likable, smart. His candidate flaw
is that he isn't charismatic. But he has solid ideas on improving economy.

Warner is kind of the John Kasich of the Democratic party. They are both arguably "moderates" in their respective parties. They are both from swing states and like to tout their bipartisan accomplishments. But you are right, Warner (and Kasich) just come across a little too "dry" and don't really make anyone feel like taking a bullet for them.
Bernie could take a black running mate. Maybe Stacy Abrams. Maybe Kamala Harris. Someone like that to send south and into the cities and try to rile up the race democrat base.
All I know is **** SHOW 2.0 will be coming with all the campaign ads, attacks and mud slinging before we know it. It's going to be worse than the past election. That was the prequel to what we will see and hear.

It's going to be a Dem clown car show of epic proportions!

2020 list Democrats eye presidential nomination, 55 top tier

In what would be the largest ever crowd running for president, there are potentially 55 prominent Democrats eyeing the 2020 primary — plus 402 other Democrats who have already filed to run.

Joe Biden, former vice president of the United States

Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City

Cory Booker, U.S. senator from New Jersey

Jerry Brown, governor of California

Sherrod Brown, U.S. senator from Ohio

Steve Bullock, governor of Montana

Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Ind.

Julian Castro, former U.S. secretary of housing and urban development and mayor of San Antonio

Lincoln Chafee, former governor of and U.S. senator from Rhode Island

Hillary Rodham Clinton, former U.S. secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee

Roy Cooper, governor of North Carolina

Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York

Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York, New York

John Delaney, U.S. representative from Maryland

Eric Garcetti, mayor of Los Angeles, California

Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. senator from New York

Tulsi Gabbard, U.S. representative from Hawaii[4]

Luis Gutierrez, U.S. representative from Illinois

Kamala Harris, U.S. senator from California

Maggie Hassan, U.S. senator from New Hampshire

John Hickenlooper, governor of Colorado

Eric Holder, former attorney general of the United States

Jay Inslee, governor of Washington

Tim Kaine, U.S. senator from Virginia and 2016 Democratic vice presidential nominee

Jason Kander, former secretary of state of Missouri

Joe Kennedy III, U.S. representative from Massachusetts

John Kerry, former secretary of state of the United States and U.S. senator from Massachusetts

Amy Klobuchar, U.S. senator from Minnesota

Mitch Landrieu, former mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana

Terry McAuliffe, former governor of Virginia

Jeff Merkley, U.S. senator from Oregon

Seth Moulton, U.S. representative from Massachusetts

Martin O'Malley, former governor of Maryland

Beto O'Rourke, U.S. representative from Texas

Chris Murphy, U.S. senator from Connecticut

Deval Patrick, former governor of Massachusetts

Gina Raimondo, governor of Rhode Island

Tim Ryan, U.S. representative from Ohio

Brian Schatz, U.S. senator from Hawaii

Bernie Sanders (I), U.S. senator from Vermont

Adam Schiff, U.S. representative from California

Eric Swalwell, U.S. representative from California

Elizabeth Warren, U.S. senator from Massachusetts

Sally Yates, former acting attorney general

Michael Avenatti, attorney for adult film actress Stormy Daniels

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Bob Iger, CEO of Disney

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, actor and professional wrestler

Michelle Obama, former first lady of the United States

Howard Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks

Tom Steyer, founder of Farallon Capital Management

Oprah Winfrey, mass media owner and philanthropist

Andrew Yang, Venture for America founder

Bernie could take a black running mate. Maybe Stacy Abrams. Maybe Kamala Harris. Someone like that to send south and into the cities and try to rile up the race democrat base.

Considering that Bernie would be 78 if elected when sworn in, his VP pick will need to be conservative veteran type. The thought of Sanders winning wobbles my mind, but the thought of him dying in office, with Stacy Abrams as the next President of the United States....YIKES.
Considering that Bernie would be 78 if elected when sworn in, his VP pick will need to be conservative veteran type. The thought of Sanders winning wobbles my mind, but the thought of him dying in office, with Stacy Abrams as the next President of the United States....YIKES.

I used to worry about the age of Presidents but I think they get such specilized healthcare and 24 hour doctors and who knows what else (blood transfusions? steroids?) all the time the chance of dying "surprisingly" in office are very slim.
I used to worry about the age of Presidents but I think they get such specilized healthcare and 24 hour doctors and who knows what else (blood transfusions? steroids?) all the time the chance of dying "surprisingly" in office are very slim.

I heard that the libtards accused Trump’s Dad of colluding with Russia to give FDR polio, or whatever that ******* had.
Dems have identified their next Obama/JFK messiah figure

Beto O'Rourke now says he won't rule out 2020 White House bid

Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) said Monday that he would not rule out a run for president in 2020, backtracking on recent statements that he would not seek the White House.

O’Rourke, who rocketed to national fame with his campaign to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), indicated Monday that he and his wife are discussing the possibility.


Bozo O' Rourke has charisma and talent. This combined with a short record to examine makes him dangerous. I think he's the best " upside " person the Dem's have.
He has no specifics. If they put Cotrez as VPN they would win. All blacks and Hispanics would vote for the white guy posing as Hispanic and the latina who plays like she grew up underprivileged.
Beto is going to do what anyone going against Trump will do, but he's a well-spoken nerd. If Trump says the sky is blue, he will argue it's not. If Trump says anything positive about his record, Beto or (insert candidate) will discredit it. Rinse and repeat. If Beto is their Great White Hope, so be it. He couldn't beat Cruz in his home state, so good luck going against Trump.
Dems got bigger problems


Former Bernie Sanders Staffers Are Preparing to 'Draft Bernie' for 2020

BURLINGTON, VERMONT — Get ready to feel the Bern again. A movement to draft Bernie Sanders to run for president in 2020 is launching today, with the aim of building an organizational structure so the Vermont Senator can start campaigning at a moment’s notice.

“We have two goals,” Rich Pelletier, one of the four main organizers of Organizing For Bernie, tells Rolling Stone. “One, we want to show the support is there. The second is to begin to do the organizing that is going to need to happen for him to hit the ground running, by the time he announces"

The news comes on the heels of a three-day retreat for progressive leaders called “The Gathering” at the Sanders Institute in Burlington, Vermont. Hosted by Jane Sanders and attended by the likes of Dr. Cornel West, Nina Turner and Bernie Sanders himself, “The Gathering” felt a lot like a kitchen-cabinet strategy session, both for the progressive movement generally, and for a potential Sanders run. The weekend included the unveiling of a new plan by University of Massachusetts economist Robert Pollin to cost out a Medicare-for-All proposal.
