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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

Dems got bigger problems


Former Bernie Sanders Staffers Are Preparing to 'Draft Bernie' for 2020

BURLINGTON, VERMONT — Get ready to feel the Bern again. A movement to draft Bernie Sanders to run for president in 2020 is launching today, with the aim of building an organizational structure so the Vermont Senator can start campaigning at a moment’s notice.

“We have two goals,” Rich Pelletier, one of the four main organizers of Organizing For Bernie, tells Rolling Stone. “One, we want to show the support is there. The second is to begin to do the organizing that is going to need to happen for him to hit the ground running, by the time he announces"

The news comes on the heels of a three-day retreat for progressive leaders called “The Gathering” at the Sanders Institute in Burlington, Vermont. Hosted by Jane Sanders and attended by the likes of Dr. Cornel West, Nina Turner and Bernie Sanders himself, “The Gathering” felt a lot like a kitchen-cabinet strategy session, both for the progressive movement generally, and for a potential Sanders run. The weekend included the unveiling of a new plan by University of Massachusetts economist Robert Pollin to cost out a Medicare-for-All proposal.

The great Democratic hope would be 78 years old if sworn in. He might have beaten Hillary IF the DNC didn't play dirty tricks saying he was Jewish any chance they got in an attempt to fuel their racist Anti-Semitism base to advance Hillary Clinton as if she was waiting for a coronation day. Shame on them, and their former chair woman.<strike></strike>
The Rock is the only one that scares me on that list. Very likable guy.
I hope so. Trump would slap a hilarious and fitting nickname on him so fast he'd be done before he started.

I'm not 100% sure of that. In the northeast suburbs and with women, Biden is very well liked.

Again, can Biden turn out the race democrat vote? Can Trump continue to hold onto white suburban male voters? Will blue collar American turnout and vote like they did in 2016?

I think it would be foolish to call Trump's victory anything but a thin margin. Can it be repeated? Of course it can. A good economy and campaign could again create the turnout needed in PA, OH, MI, WI and FL. But those are also states I think Biden could do well in.

It's still all about the electoral college.
I'm not 100% sure of that. In the northeast suburbs and with women, Biden is very well liked.

Again, can Biden turn out the race democrat vote? Can Trump continue to hold onto white suburban male voters? Will blue collar American turnout and vote like they did in 2016?

I think it would be foolish to call Trump's victory anything but a thin margin. Can it be repeated? Of course it can. A good economy and campaign could again create the turnout needed in PA, OH, MI, WI and FL. But those are also states I think Biden could do well in.

It's still all about the electoral college.

I wonder. It sure seems like a lot of non Whites have woken up since the last election, to the fact that Trump is not the devil and doesn't actually want to bring back slavery like they are told by the liberal media ********. I think they have given these folks far too little credit for their reasoning abilities and assumed they will all blindly follow. Less and less are buying the race baiting rhetoric the left makes part of their platform. It may hurt the party significantly in the future.
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Again, can Biden turn out the race democrat vote?

No. The Dems are no longer the party of old white men. To get any enthusiasm from the base, the Dem nominee will have to be a woman, black, Hispanic, or if he's white he's gotta be gay.
I wonder. It sure seems like a lot of non Whites have woken up since the last election, to the fact that Trump is not the devil and doesn't actually want to bring back slavery like they are told by the liberal media ********. I think they have given these folks far too little credit for their reasoning abilities and assumed they will all blindly follow. Less and less are buying the race baiting rhetoric the left makes part of their platform. It may hurt the party significantly in the future.

See, I don't see attacking Trump with race rhetoric and the immigration issue as the path to victory for the Democrats. I know many in the Democratic party WANT to do that, but I think that is a two-sided coin because those types of attacks also bring out Trump's base in droves. And there is a much greater percentage of minorities in the this country (that the media loves to ignore) that actually LIKE the Trump economy and like his immigration platform.

I think the key to a Democratic victory is going to be through his demeanor and twitter account. I think the attacks and insane scrutiny (uncalled for in my opinion and unprecedented in the history of our country) by our media is having an effect. And that effect is on the demographics that actually LISTEN to news, media, hollywood and radio: suburban U.S.

I don't think minorities even watch the goddamn news. Yes, there will be a slightly higher percentage vote (but that was very minor in a very publicized mid-term election). The changes in the mid-terms were in suburbia. In 2016 Trump got 52% of white women voters. I don't know how he did that. I think many women secretly despised Hillary Clinton and hated feeling "forced" to vote for her because she's a woman. Who knows. But women LIKE Biden. And if that demographic flips 5% points (which I think it will), the minority demographic won't matter - a Democrat will win PA, MI, and WI and that's game over.

In my opinion, Trump HAS to stop with Twitter. It's killing his credibility with white women. As men, we might think it's okay, just another attack tactic against the media (remember white men hate the media a lot more than white women), but I'm not sure it's getting him any ADDITIONAL voters by doing it. Most that like him on twitter and watching the media go crazy over every tweet, already voted for him and will vote for him again.

My concern is that Trump isn't GAINING enough votes in white men, and minorities that see the truth about the democrats (due to the immense propaganda of our media) vs. what is being lost by his Twitter account and white women.

We shall see how it plays out. Believe me, I'd much rather have Kamala Harris or that Spartacus idiot in Jersey or even Elizabeth Warren (who is just kookoo when you listen to her) vs. Biden or Bernie. And I'll take Biden because I am god awful afraid of Bernie and his blatant communism. I hate Bernie because I consider him a legit threat and I am so philosophically against what he represents. Biden could just be another Bill Clinton just a little more left because of the times.
Minorities don't watch the news? This ought to be good..
No. The Dems are no longer the party of old white men. To get any enthusiasm from the base, the Dem nominee will have to be a woman, black, Hispanic, or if he's white he's gotta be gay.

This is partly true, which is why Warren falsely claims native American blood and O'Rourke goes by " Berto " instead of his real name Robert Francis.

I disagree though. Sanders and Biden are the best they have.
Bozo O' Rourke has charisma and talent. This combined with a short record to examine makes him dangerous. I think he's the best " upside " person the Dem's have.

The Dem girls panties are dripping, they found their next JFK heart throb

Beto O'Rourke narrowly tops wide-open MoveOn 2020 presidential straw poll; Biden is runner-up

An early straw poll of members of the progressive group MoveOn.org shows a wide-open competition for liberal voters in the 2020 Democratic presidential contest, with Rep. Beto O'Rourke narrowly beating out former Vice President Joe Biden


Awesome. A libtard with a rap sheet including burglary and drunk driving, who couldn’t even win a senate seat in his home state, vs. Emperor Trump.
Biden will be almost 80 in 2020!

another old white guy won't make the progressives wimmin happy! LOL
Awesome. A libtard with a rap sheet including burglary and drunk driving, who couldn’t even win a senate seat in his home state, vs. Emperor Trump.

Or the old, white, heterosexual guy (who may just be an actual rapist in this #MeToo era) who progressives typically say is really the enemy of the people.

"White men, you're out. Old white men, you've had your run. So **** you, you ugly white devils!" *gets a whisper in their ear from campaign manager* "He's really our best shot." *long silence and confused look* "Okay, Biden for President baby! He'll cure our country's ills, there was never any doubt!"

These people are not only ignorant and totally delusional, but a serious danger to our Republic. Sarge and many others have been saying it for years, but meh, whatever.
Biden will be almost 80 in 2020!

another old white guy won't make the progressives wimmin happy! LOL

So will Sanders! Who would you favor in a 40 yard dash? I think Bernie would take it.
My money is on Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Commiefornia. Hits all the right identity politics buttons with the Dem base. Black, female, screaming Socialist, kinda African sounding name (worked the last two times the Dems won), reasonably attractive.

Downsides, launched her political career by being CA house speaker Willie Brown's mistress, he was married and 30 years her senior, as CA AG she prosecuted Project Veritas people for making hidden camera videos of Planned Parenthood staff talking about illegally selling baby parts but not Planned Parenthood staff for illegally selling baby parts.

She could EASILY win the primary. Then lose bigly in the general.
My money is on Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Commiefornia. Hits all the right identity politics buttons with the Dem base. Black, female, screaming Socialist, kinda African sounding name (worked the last two times the Dems won), reasonably attractive.

Downsides, launched her political career by being CA house speaker Willie Brown's mistress, he was married and 30 years her senior, as CA AG she prosecuted Project Veritas people for making hidden camera videos of Planned Parenthood staff talking about illegally selling baby parts but not Planned Parenthood staff for illegally selling baby parts.

She could EASILY win the primary. Then lose bigly in the general.

That would be great but I’m not sure she can overcome the ***** aspect and also how evil and hateful she was during the Kavanaugh hearing.
My money is on Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Commiefornia. Hits all the right identity politics buttons with the Dem base. Black, female, screaming Socialist, kinda African sounding name (worked the last two times the Dems won), reasonably attractive.

Downsides, launched her political career by being CA house speaker Willie Brown's mistress, he was married and 30 years her senior, as CA AG she prosecuted Project Veritas people for making hidden camera videos of Planned Parenthood staff talking about illegally selling baby parts but not Planned Parenthood staff for illegally selling baby parts.

She could EASILY win the primary. Then lose bigly in the general.
Another downside should be that she is a moron, but that seems to be an attractive quality to modern dems. I think they like the way that these idiots really believe what they say. Makes them feel good about supporting stupid policies.
Another downside should be that she is a moron, but that seems to be an attractive quality to modern dems. I think they like the way that these idiots really believe what they say. Makes them feel good about supporting stupid policies.

I hope they nominate the dumb wench socialist with crazy eyes who doesn’t know what the **** she’s saying and doing.