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The End of the American Experiment

The non-responses are the best. You got nothing, so why not whine a little, right?

As you were. Carry on...

Clearly, I'm indicating support for what oftb said, or does that escape you notice. Als3o, just as clearly, I'm indicating my disdain for your copy/paste-style talking points diatribe on conservative whites.

You think you are an intellectual and critial thinker, but you are not. You are just another stooge parroting what someone else has told you to think.

I grew up in S. AR. in our town, black people lived on one side of the tracks and whites on the other. Literally. I can remember the uproar when black folks moved to "our" side of the tracks. This is the state that put the Clinton's on the road to the white house and voted democrat for YEARS. But, yeah, "conservatives" are the racists.
Welfare has destroyed a lot of the urban communities. Why work, why care, when you get a check. Drug use comes from the lack of parenting, in the majority of instances. Not all.

Need parents that ARE there for their children. Need people that are there for others, not themselves.

Life is about giving, not taking.

Then why do countries without our welfare system also riddled with crime and drug use? Most of Latin America has no such safety net. They are many times worse off than us.

Welfare is an excuse, used by the Right, to absolves themselves of responsibility for leaving the poor and minorities behind. "If we just cut taxes for the rich, poor people will work harder". Which has happened exactly never in the history of America.
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It's because of lazy ***** taking advantage of the system. Sit on their ***** all day, knocking up their ***** to get more in subsidies. Or not taking care of their kids at all. Who then run the street, do drugs, live off welfare, steal, kill, go to jail. Then repeat the same thing their dad/mom did.
Clearly, I'm indicating support for what oftb said, or does that escape you notice. Als3o, just as clearly, I'm indicating my disdain for your copy/paste-style talking points diatribe on conservative whites.

You think you are an intellectual and critial thinker, but you are not. You are just another stooge parroting what someone else has told you to think.

I grew up in S. AR. in our town, black people lived on one side of the tracks and whites on the other. Literally. I can remember the uproar when black folks moved to "our" side of the tracks. This is the state that put the Clinton's on the road to the white house and voted democrat for YEARS. But, yeah, "conservatives" are the racists.

My grandfather is from Little Rock. His parents were sharecroppers. It's a world away from California, no doubt.

Today's racism is "truthism". Hostility towards Blacks is justified because it's "true". Blacks commit the crime, they do the drugs, they are on welfare. Therefore discrimination against them does not qualify as racism because they "have it coming". So you don't see that hostility as racism at all. Just the pragmatic "common sense" approach. Of course, actually learning about sociology and how legal and economic structures work against people would be too much work for you. Easier to just "go with your gut" on these kinds of things. You don't want to look at the why of crime, poverty or drugs because then your justifications for your "truthism" would fall apart. And then all you'd have left over is that rage in the pit of your stomach for "those people".
I see welfare first hand. Native Americans on reservations. They don't give a **** about their homes, gov't built and paid for, or their kids. Get a check every month, buy alcohol and make meth.
White people are doing the same ****. So are blacks. If you give people no reason to work, or be a part of a productive society, you get what we have.
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In short, the media and all the Evergreen / Let's let everybody be themselves" movement has completely burned me out.

I have no hope for the future generation. They're ******. Completely ******. And the only humane thing we can do for them is burn this **** down rather than leave this unGodly mess on their hands.

Bruh. You are seriously in need of some emotional content. Go play with your kids. Or grand kids. Bang your wife. Have a steak.

This is America. Life is good. I live in California. The best place on Earth. I know. I've been around. I wake up grateful every day. You should too.

Find something you like. Fishing, woodwork, bowling. Focus on that for awhile. You're letting the bullshit get to you and you shouldn't.
I'm taking a break.

Have a tremendous day everyone. I wish you all well, sincerely.
I think the end of enforcement would. Some people are going to do dope, no matter what. I want to kill the market that drives the violence. I want to kill the market that drives the stealing. When was the last time you heard about a wino stealing to buy booze? He don't have to because he can beg for enough, or scavenge for enough to get his fix. And Christ Almighty what it's done to Mexico is a disgrace. Mass killings like the African genocides. This policy is just death, death and more death.

I thought Obama's solution to welfare was elegant. Create a civil conservation corps to employ poor people to clean up streets and work on infrastructure projects. And the Republicans killed this idea for the stupidest reason in the history of politics: They went of Fox News and told Americans that Obama was building a private army of secret police JUST LIKE THE HITLER. What in the actual **** is wrong with your side?

My father drank himself to death. Not figuratively, literally. Funded by the US Government. Do you know anything about addiction? Anything about enabling? Have you ever lived in a neighborhood where the liquor stores have lines out the door on welfare check day? I have. Have you ever seen a ***** pick up a guy outside a liquor store, take him around back and then come back inside with her money to buy booze? I have. Your theory that legalizing highly addictive substances will take care of all the problems is asinine. Addicts still gotta pay for their **** somehow.

And if my dad would have not been given a nice big fat disability check he might have had to sober up and get a job so he could eat. He worked for 45 years and was a functioning alcoholic until the day he got SS disability and was free to sit in a bar all day every day and drink himself to death.
My father drank himself to death. Not figuratively, literally. Funded by the US Government. Do you know anything about addiction? Anything about enabling? Have you ever lived in a neighborhood where the liquor stores have lines out the door on welfare check day? I have. Have you ever seen a ***** pick up a guy outside a liquor store, take him around back and then come back inside with her money to buy booze? I have. Your theory that legalizing highly addictive substances will take care of all the problems is asinine. Addicts still gotta pay for their **** somehow.

And if my dad would have not been given a nice big fat disability check he might have had to sober up and get a job so he could eat. He worked for 45 years and was a functioning alcoholic until the day he got SS disability and was free to sit in a bar all day every day and drink himself to death.

I feel bad for your dad. And addiction is horrible.

But how much worse would you feel if your dad drank himself AND your mom was killed in a gang war over booze territory? These things happened during the Prohibition era. Don't believe the hype of the movies, MANY innocent people were killed in the mob gang wars of the 1920s. Prohibition does not cure addiction, it just adds an economic vice and violence to the equation.
You know why we can't have a conversation in this country? Because before the conversation ever starts, people from all sides of every issue already "know" they are right. Nobody is going to listen to anyone else's point of view. They just take breaks from trying to bend one another to their worldview.

Just read this board. There isn't a soul that will admit they are wrong or even consider a different point of view.
I feel bad for your dad. And addiction is horrible.

But how much worse would you feel if your dad drank himself AND your mom was killed in a gang war over booze territory? These things happened during the Prohibition era. Don't believe the hype of the movies, MANY innocent people were killed in the mob gang wars of the 1920s. Prohibition does not cure addiction, it just adds an economic vice and violence to the equation.

My mom drank herself to death too. It took my parents 30 and 45 years to kill themselves, respectively. The last thing we need is to legalize drugs that can debilitate and kill people in moments. If you honestly think that's the answer to the problems of the black community, you're delusional.

I could support treatment over criminal penalties for simple possession, to a point. Legalization, hell no.
Welfare has destroyed a lot of the urban communities. Why work, why care, when you get a check. Drug use comes from the lack of parenting, in the majority of instances.
Correct me if I'm wrong south dakota, but isn't there a drug pandemic in white communities across the country? Not to mention the prevalent drug culture of white collar, power broker types, going back decades? Drugs are prevalent in big cities - on the streets - but that's not specific to urban communities by a long shot.

As far as the lack of parenting, a lot of these kids are raised by single moms, aunts, uncles, grandparents. Can't blame the kids for the lack of parenting. It's important to provide them with mentors and father figures as they have none of their own. That's why the local community is so important including teachers, coaches et al.

The issue of welfare is touch and go. Some people need a social safety net if they fall on hard times. But I get your point about rewarding ineptitude. At the end of the day lazy people suck at life, welfare or no welfare. Not sure it's a cause and effect type of thing, that they're so pathetic and miserable simply since they're on government subsidies. If you cut welfare with a machete, you'll also hurt a lot of deserving people and families down on their luck.

I've always believed society should be judged by how we look after our kids, our elderly, our sick and our poor. That's the most liberal part of me, that we should always be humble enough to help those in need. I was raised the son of a Protestant minister, must be Jesus' teachings echoing.
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Correct me if I'm wrong south dakota, but isn't there a drug pandemic in white communities across the country? Not to mention the prevalent drug culture of white collar, power broker types, going back decades? Drugs are prevalent in big cities - on the streets - but that's not specific to urban communities by a long shot.

As far as the lack of parenting, a lot of these kids are raised by single moms, aunts, uncles, grandparents. Can't blame the kids for the lack of parenting. It's important to provide them with mentors and father figures as they have none of their own. That's why the local community is so important including teachers, coaches et al.

The issue of welfare is touch and go. Some people need a social safety net if they fall on hard times. But I get your point about rewarding ineptitude. At the end of the day lazy people suck at life, welfare or no welfare. Not sure it's a cause and effect type of thing, that they're so pathetic and miserable simply since they're on government subsidies. If you cut welfare with a machete, you'll also hurt a lot of deserving people and families down on their luck.

I've always believed society should be judged by how we look after our kids, our elderly, our sick and our poor. That's the most liberal part of me, that we should always be humble enough to help those in need. I was raised the son of a Protestant minister, must be Jesus' teachings echoing.

apparently you failed to read my other post...
You know why we can't have a conversation in this country? Because before the conversation ever starts, people from all sides of every issue already "know" they are right. Nobody is going to listen to anyone else's point of view. They just take breaks from trying to bend one another to their worldview.

Just read this board. There isn't a soul that will admit they are wrong or even consider a different point of view.

Ok. When have you been wrong? Because I can come up with plenty of instances when I've been wrong.

My mom drank herself to death too. It took my parents 30 and 45 years to kill themselves, respectively. The last thing we need is to legalize drugs that can debilitate and kill people in moments. If you honestly think that's the answer to the problems of the black community, you're delusional.

I could support treatment over criminal penalties for simple possession, to a point. Legalization, hell no.

I don't think it is THE solution. I think it's a big part of a larger solution. I'll repost the article about legalization in Portugal


If you keep the black market, you keep the gang wars, cartels and killing in the streets. That is unacceptable to me. Because it's US dying. My best friend was murdered for her cell phone by an illegal alien drug addict. If drugs were legal and cheap, he wouldn't have had to rob anyone to get them. And no, I'm not going to deport hardworking families because of this one *******. I'm not John Walsh or Nancy Grace. I'm not going to give up my humanity because something tragic happened.

You can't stop the killing and keep the drug war. But you can legalize dope and reduce addiction. That much has been proven.
Ok. When have you been wrong? Because I can come up with plenty of instances when I've been wrong.

I am wrong a lot, and I freely admit when I am. Being wrong is a hobby of mine. That said, I don't remember the last time that anyone in this forum, yourself included, openly admit to being wrong. Just a lot of people lecturing others about why THEY are wrong.
Whatever, I'm not going to keep debating the drug war with you. Sure, you'll prevent gang wars by legalizing drugs but you're not going to prevent high school kids from dying of heroin overdoses or keep crack addicted babies from being born in hospitals day after day. That's a good trade off to you I guess. It doesn't matter because whatever your pipe dream is, we're not going to see hard drugs legalized in this country in our lifetime. And of course it's an excellent way for you to absolve communities from any responsibility for their own situation, which for some reason is something that liberals love to do despite how incredibly destructive it is.
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If you are looking for an example, I just admitted to being wrong about Trump in the "Winning" thread.
I am wrong a lot, and I freely admit when I am. Being wrong is a hobby of mine. That said, I don't remember the last time that anyone in this forum, yourself included, openly admit to being wrong. Just a lot of people lecturing others about why THEY are wrong.
According to my wife I'm wrong about everything. I refrain from lecturing her that it's the contrary. ;)