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The End of the American Experiment

When was the last time you heard about a wino stealing to buy booze? He don't have to because he can beg for enough, or scavenge for enough to get his fix.

I already corrected you once on this. You need to stop repeating the provable lie.

(1) The substantial percentage of criminals engaged in robbery have alcohol in their system.
(2) Alcohol-dependent poor steal booze all the time. Jesus, it has a nickname - "pack and dash." Do you think those people are stealing alcohol because they want the "rush" of stealing, or because they are poor and cannot afford the booze?
(3) Alcoholics also steal from their bosses, and family, and friends, and churches ALL THE TIME to feed their fix. You apparently don't know any alcoholics.

Fix your meme on this issue. IT'S WRONG.
My mom drank herself to death too. It took my parents 30 and 45 years to kill themselves, respectively. The last thing we need is to legalize drugs that can debilitate and kill people in moments. If you honestly think that's the answer to the problems of the black community, you're delusional.

I could support treatment over criminal penalties for simple possession, to a point. Legalization, hell no.

I don't think people realize the full ramifications of having hard drugs that drag a person into hell and never let go legal. I'm all for not throwing people into jail for years for possession. Get them help. The poison dealers of heroin,crack,meth,pcp..ect. I'd get them a bullet to the head. In no way,shape or form can we operate as a society with that **** readily available.
Our pathetic attempt at “democracy” has failed. We cannot govern ourselves. We can’t even balance a budget. What hope does this failed experiment have of reaching a mature and responsible place of leadership in the world?

Well, that is why we have failed.
We were NOT set up as a democracy.
We were set up as a republic.
And yes, we've been doing it wrong since around 1930.
I have admitted I was wrong thinking Trump would grow up and act like a President, not a Twitter happy teenager.